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Just A Wee Bit Of The

Irish pg.2

gloine(GLIN-e), glass

doirteal(DUHRT-uhl), sink

forc(fohrk), fork

fo'chupa'n(FOH-k*u-PAW*N), saucer

citeal(KIT-uhl), kettle

naip c'in(nap-KEEN), napkin

pota(POHT-uh), pot

sconna(SKOHN-uh), faucet

'eadachboird, an t-eadach boird (AY*-duhk*BWIRD, un TAY*-duhk*BWIRD),tablecloth, the tablecloth

oigheann, ant-oigheann (EYE-uhn, un TEYE-uhn), oven, the oven

scian, anscian (SHKEE-uhn), knife

si'le ail,an t'sile'ail (SHEEL-aw*-il, un TEEL-aw*-il), ceiling

cathaoir, anchathaoir (KAH-heer, un K*AH-heer), chair

agam(uh-GUHM), at me

agat(uh-GUHT), at you

aige(eg-GE), at him

aici (a-KI),at her

againn(uh-GIN), at us

agaibh(uh-GIV), at you (plural)

acu(ah-KUH), at them

cuirt'in(koor-TEEN), curtain

sa'1span(SAW*S-puhn), saucepan

lampa(LAHM-puh), lamp

buic'ead(bwi-KAY*D), bucket

cru'asci'n(kroosh-KEEN), jug, pitcher

c'ofra(KOH-fruh), cupboard

buide'al(bwi-DAY*L), bottle

cise'an(ki-SHAW*N), basket; cisea'n pa'ip'eir (paw*-PAY*-ir),wastebasket

fuinneog, anfhuinneog (fwin-YOHG, un in-YOHG) window

scuab, anscuab (SKOO-uhb), broom, brush

faigh, agf'ail (feye, uh FAW*-il), get

cuir, ag cur(kir, uh-KUHR), put

glan, agglanadh (gluhn, uh GLUHN-uh), clean

t'og, agt'oga'il (tohg, uh TOHG-aw*-il), take, lift

stad, agstad (stahd), stop

adharc(EYE-uhrk), horn

radharc(REYE-uhrk), sight

Tadhg(teyeg), Tadhg, a man's name

gadhar(GEYE-uhr), hound

fadhb(feyeb), problem

aghaidh(EYE-ee), face

r laghad(LEYE-uhd), least

slaghda'n(SLEYE-daw*n), a cold, hay fever

'ORaghallaigh (oh REYE-lee), O'Reilly

'ol, ag o'l(ohl, eg OHL), drink

ag 'olbainne (BAHN-ye), drinking milk

ag 'ol tae(tay*), drinking tea

ag o'l uisce(ISH-ke), drinking water

ag o'l caife(KAHF-e), drinking coffee

ag o'l mochaife (muh K*AHF-e), drinking my coffee

ag o'lbeorach (BYOH-ruhk*), drinking beer

'a o'l (aw*ohl), drinking it

a' o'l sin,drinking that

a' o'l seo,drinking this

fe'ach, agfe'achaint ar (FAY*-ahk, uh FAY*-uhk*-int er) looking at

Ta'slaghda'n ort (OH-ruht), you have a cold

leanbh((LAN-uhv), child

airgead, ant-airgead (AR-i-guhd, un TAR-i-guhd), money

baile(BAHL-e), town, home

ceacht(kyahk*t), lesson

cara(KAH-ruh), friend

spota(SPOH-tuh), spot

si'le'ail,an ts'ile'ail (SHEE-aw*-il, un TEE-aw*-il), ceiling, the ceiling

cn'amh, unchn'amh (kuh-NAW*V, un k*uh-NAW*V), bone, the bone

Smig, ansmig (smig), chin

geal (gal),bright

bre'a(bir-RAW*), fine

deas (das),nice, pretty

caith, agcaitheamh (kah, uh KAH-huhv), throw, wear, spend

buail, agbualadh (BOO-il, uh BOO-luh), strike

tuig, agtuiscint (tig, uh TISH-kint), understand

fan, agfanacht (fahn, uh FAHN-uhk*t), wait

creid, agcreidiu'int (kred, uh kred-YOO-int), believe

scuab, agscuabadh (SKOO-uhb, uh SKOO-buh), sweep

ceannaigh,ag ceannach (KAN-ee, uh KAN-uhk*), buy

di'ol, agdi'ol (DEE-uhl, uh DEE-uhl), sell

o'l, ag o'l(ohl, eg OHL), drink

ith, ag ithe(i, eg I-he), eat

fa'g, agfa'ga'il (faw*g, uh FAW*G-aw*-il) leave. Also in: fa'g fu'msa 'e(faw*g FOOM-suh ay*), Leave it to me.

deisigh, agdeisiu' (DESH-ee, uh DESH-yoo) repair, "fix"

t'og, agto'ga'il (tohg, uh TOHG-aw*-il), take, raise

crith, agcrith (kri), shake

mag, agmagadh (mahg, uh MAHG-uh) mock, "slag" As in: ag magadhfu'm (foom), making fun of me.

s'il, ags'ileadh (sheel, uh SHEEL-uh), think

troid, agtroid (trid, uh trid) fight

l'eim, agl'eim (lay*m, uh lay*m) jump

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