CyberCity Classifieds

This section of the website has been set aside to include all of the adverts which will be placed by the players of CyberCity C.S.M. as well as adverts placed by in game businesses and NPCs. Adverts will be dated from their original posting.

12 - 1 - 2029
Tired of watching YOUR city, YOUR neighbourhood going downhill?
Sick and tired of watching the criminal element run roughshod over your home?
Want to make a difference?



We will be recruiting at our Park Place offices from the 12th of January. Join up, make a difference.

7 - 1 - 2029 ->
OH! Deck-head get a professional!

Can't find that information you needed for yesterday! Not getting the service from you local information exchange! Thinking of going to that deck head on some dodge corner?
You need a fast effective professional service to enable you to have information at your finger tips with out you ever needing to go near a terminal interface.

Runners'R'Us. Drop us a line:- ST96001077@UWIC.AC.UK
(Runners'R'Us is a part of BioChem Ind.)

5 - 1 - 2029 ->Announcing the opening of our new facility in the Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex........

Providing State-of-the-art medical attention for all of our customers. Prices ranging from e200 per month (e2000 per year discount scheme), no matter what happens to you, where it happens, or who does it to you, We'll be there to help you.

because at Med-Evac...........
We care.

1 - 1 - 2029 ->You're the first cultist on the scene, There are 12 innocents about to participate in an occult ceremony other than ours, what do you do? If the answer is "Pass the grenades." Then contact the name below. If not, contact the name below and leave a convenient daytime address where a disturbance will not be noticed.

Brother Quidzakhaderac, Cult of the WORM. Cardiff-Swansea Metroplex.

1 - 1 - 2029 ->Into the cesspool of the Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex will come a bright, cleansing light......
The Order of Purity

Bringing back the light of religion to to a people in the shadow of despair. Our new church will open it's doors on the 28/1/29, to all in need of deliverance.

13 - 12 - 2028 ->Party to a new beat..........
A hot new club, opening in PONTOON, 18/12/28.

10 - 12 - 2028 -> The City has a new pulse. The City has a new heart. Most importantly, the City has a new beat. Join the action at the city's most exciting new venue........

3 - 12 - 2028 ->
Odds against you?

No-one can help help you?

Someone can.

Equalize the odds!

Contact Deckard. (Box#2028001)

News from the Metroplex
