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Ya know, Weird Al Yankovic is one of my favorite people. I always wanted to be funny like him, so I wrote song parodies all the time. Even listening to all his songs didn't help me, ha ha, and I'm posting some of my parodies here anyway! While I don't remember many of the songs I wrote in grade school, (lucky for you) I happened to write one down which is still a favorite of mine. Based on ''The Rainbow Connection'' as done by Kermit the Frog, here's the song I wrote in 6th grade. (A little background info: I went to a small town school, putting dead possums on the railroad track was entertainment for the other kids. I simply made fun of them, they never caught on, wonder why not...)

"The Possum Connection"
Why are there so many thoughts about possums, and what's in the possum's inside? Possums are visions, but they're not illusions, and possums have cool things inside. Some have been bold and some chose not to see it, I know they're all real crazy. Someday, we'll find it, the Possum Connection, the raccoons, the squirrels, and me. Who said that every train must run over possums, when dead ones are put on the track? Somebody thought of that and wanted to see it, now possum guts rot in a stack. What is so awesome about splatting possums? What do they think they might see? Someday we'll find it, the Possum Connection, the raccoons, the squirrels, and me. All of us that smell that smell, we know that it's pretty darn tragic. Have you been on a street and have you heard possums? I've heard them under the train. Is this the creepy sound that scares the young possums, the noise could just drive them insane. I've heard it too many times to ignore it, it's something I'd like to see. Someday we'll find it, the Possum Connection, the raccoons, the squirrels and me.

Beautiful, wasn't it? I wrote a lot of these suckers, there'll be more to come!

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