The Longest Day


This episode transcript was transcribed by Daizy Lee for I Hate Jen! Its contents are copyright © Columbia TriStar. Check out Daizy's fan fiction at Daizy's web site.


(Transcriber's note: A transcript really doesn't do this episode justice,

but I've tried the best I can to instill the feelings of each scene,

especially if it's done multiple times. It's a little hard to keep the

times straight, but I'll do my best with that, too.)

Joey: (voice over) Ever have one of those days you wish you could live all

over again?

[Morning out on the Dock where Doug, Buzz, Andie, Jack and Jen all stand by

the True Love.]

Andie: Oh hey look, there's Dawson and his dad.

(Dawson and Mitch get out of their car and head towards the others)

Mitch: Got the champagne?

Dawson: Right here. (He almost drops it)

Mitch: Whoa!

Dawson: That was almost a disaster. Hey, guys, Buzz.

Andie: Hey.

Buzz: Hey, Dawson.

Andie: So where's Joey? I thought she was coming with you.

Dawson: She wanted to stop by the library first and plow through that

Watergate history assignment.

Andie: Yeah.

(In the boathouse and out of sight, Pacey and Joey are gradually making

their way towards the door, though they're also unable to keep their hands

off each other.)

Joey: Come on, let's go, Pacey. (She kisses him again) It's your boat

we're planning on christening. (He lifts her up and sets her down on the

table in front of him.)

Pacey: I own a boat? (They kiss again)

Joey: (not very convincingly) No, we have to stop doing this. It's wrong.

Pacey: Yes. Dead wrong. (He begins to kiss her neck.)

Joey: Pacey. Look, we've been in denial all week. I mean, when we're

around other people we pretend like nothing's changed and then the minute

we're alone it turns into this. (They kiss again)

Pacey: This what?

Joey: Well, this embarrassing grope-fest.

Pacey: Yeah, I guess this is kind of embarrassing, huh? Especially for you,

given how much you've protested. (He kisses her again.)

Joey: I did not protest.

Pacey: You did too. (The kissing starts again) Joey... wait, wait, wait.

Joey: What?

Pacey: We gotta tell him, Jo. We do. (he begins to pace) We gotta tell him

as soon as possible because the longer we wait, Jo, the worse it gets.

Joey: I know, Pacey. I tried. I've tried plenty of times.

Pacey: Every time I see the guy now, I just feel like-

Joey: You don't have to bother filling in the expletive, okay? I mean this

isn't exactly the easiest thing I've ever had to do, Pacey. Telling Dawson

that while he wasn't looking I developed this bizarre gravitational pull

towards his best friend, and I can't stop thinking about him or wanting to

be near him or wanting to kiss him all the time. (They go into another deep


Pacey: I'll do it.

Joey: What?

Pacey: I'll tell him.

Joey: No, I can't let you do that. This is my responsibility.

Pacey: Jo, it's not your responsibility. I'm the one that started this,

remember? I'm the one that got you into this situation, and frankly, the

only way that I wanna save my friendship with Dawson is to be completely

honest, so I gotta do this. All I need is one day. Just one day.

Joey: (she nods) One day.

Pacey: Yes, one day. (He kisses her forehead.)

[Out on the docks by Pacey's boat. Pacey and Buzz are talking. Everyone

else has already gone.]

Pacey: No, she's not late, she's an hour late. When people are late,

they're like fifteen minutes late.

Doug: (coming towards them) Alright, here's the deal. There's an

apologetic, yet somewhat incoherent message on the machine for you from

someone named Nora. Seems she got confused, thought you had him for the day

and now she's stuck at work and can't get free until this evening.

Pacey: Speaking of work, you're not on duty today, are you Doug?

Doug: Ah, no, no, no, little brother. (picks Buzz up) This juvenile is your

responsibility. (He hands Buzz to Pacey.)

Pacey: Wait Doug, I got this one thing I gotta do man, and it ranks kinda

high up there on the importance list so, (he hands Buzz back to Doug) I'll

just do this one thing, I'll go, I'll do it, I'll be right back, I swear.

Doug: Have you ever noticed how your one little things tend to multiply?

Pacey: Doug, it's just one thing. I'll be right back, I swear. It

shouldn't take any time.

Doug: Pacey!

Pacey: Dougie!

[Outside Jen's house. Jen and Grams walk out to the car. Jen carries a

suitcase and puts it in the trunk.]

Grams: I know he's a very reasonable young man and we certainly have no

reason to suspect him of ill intentions but with no one here to chaperone-

Jen: You never know what sort of hijinks might ensue.

Grams: This is no laughing matter, Jennifer. I establish these rules not

because I don't trust you but because the sexual impulses of the teenage


Jen: Okay, Grams, I think that you're going out on a limb here for nothing.

I assure that whatever sexual impulses Henry Parker may throw at me, I am

perfectly capable of handling.

(Grams gets in the car and Jen shuts the door behind her, waving goodbye.

She looks over and sees Pacey staring at Dawson's house. She walks over to


Jen: Hey, Pace.

Pacey: Hey.

Jen: Anybody home?

Pacey: I don't know, actually.

Jen: Could knock and find out.

Pacey: Could just walk right in, you know. They never lock it. I been

coming here since I was five years old, just walking right through the front

door, making myself at home.

Jen: She wants to be with you, Pace. She does.

Pacey: And you know this how?

Jen: Told me so this morning.

Pacey: (chuckles then sighs) Why am I not happier to hear that right now?

Jen: Well, Because right now you've gotta walk through that front door and

tell your best friend that the only girl in the universe he can't live


Pacey: Is the same one that I can't live without. Yeah, I've had this

conversation with him in my head with him a thousand times.

Jen: Yeah? How's it go.

Pacey: Well, you know, Dawson saying something along the lines of Via con

dios, Pace. I had my shot at making her happy, now why don't you give it a


Jen: It could happen. Just minus the Spanish part.

(Mitch comes out the front door)

Mitch: Hey guys, if you're looking for Dawson you just missed him.

Pacey: Did he say where he was going?

Mitch: He said something about the library.

[In the library, Andie runs into Pacey. Will is coming up behind her.]

Andie: Pacey.

Pacey: Hi.

Andie: Hey.

Pacey: You're looking happy. This just your usual library glow?

Andie: Yeah, well, you know. Free books make me giddy.

Pacey: (noticing Will) Krudski.

Will: : Studying on a Saturday, Witter. That's most unlike you. (to Andie,

sweetly) So, I'll see you tonight, Andie?

Andie: Yeah. (She's a little awkward as she watches Will leave)

Pacey: Tonight, huh?

Andie: Yeah, uh, well we're thinking about getting dinner or something.

Pacey: Oh no, hey, look, a girl's gotta eat, huh?

Andie: So, what are you doing here? I mean, you're not studying are you?

Pacey: No, not studying. Looking for Dawson. You haven't seen him, have


Andie: Nope. I haven't seen him.

Pacey: Well, I'll let you get back to your work. See you later.

Andie: Yeah.

[Doug's house. Buzz is jumping on the bed. Doug enters with the answering

machine covered in bubble gum]

Doug: No, no, no, Buzz! Listen to me, this is not a toy, alright? This is

an answering machine. This was my answering machine, do you understand?

(Pacey enters in the background) Buzz, where is the tape? Buzz, stop


Pacey: Dougie, I'm home!

(Buzz jumps off the bed and runs over to Pacey)

Buzz: Yeah! And I thought you were boring!

Pacey: See that? Game Boy. Pokemon Blue, man. Go to it.

Buzz: Cool.

Doug: Yeah, that's really great. Where the hell have you been? Look at

this, it's ruined.

Pacey: Doug, I'm sorry. Look, me and Joey came to a really important


Doug: Whoa, wait, since when are you and Joey deciding anything.

Pacey: You're gonna like this one because it turns out you were right.

She's into me, man. That's why she got so freaked out when I kissed her.

Doug: Really?

Pacey: (he goes to the refrigerator and pulls out a jug of milk) Yeah.

Doug: So then you told Dawson.

Pacey: No, not exactly. That's what I was trying to do all morning, Doug.

Remember the little errand that I had to run? But it just turned into this

wild goose chase (takes a swig of the milk straight from the carton) and I

really didn't think it was gonna take that long. I'm sorry.

Doug: Look, telling Dawson that you kissed Joey in a moment of weakness is a

hell of a lot different than sneaking around with her behind his back, don't

you think? Look, Pacey at the end of the day, Joey and Dawson, they're

going to stay friends or whatever it is that they are, and you're going to

end up alone. Alright? No girlfriend, no friend, just completely and

utterly alone. Think about it. I was right before, wasn't I?

[Night. Pacey walks determinedly up to Dawson's house. He's finally going

to do this. He opens the screen door and is about to open the main door

when Joey runs up behind him frantically, all out of breath and very upset.]

Pacey: Hey, hey Jo, what's wrong? (He hugs her)

Joey: Look, Pacey. We can't do this, okay?

Pacey: Can't do what?

Joey: (frantic) I have to be the one to tell him, okay? I mean, things are

really complicated between me and Dawson and it has nothing to do with you,

it's just-(they go back outside) Look, it has to come from me or else it's

going to ruin everything.

Pacey: Okay, okay. That's okay. Just calm down, Jo. It's alright. We'll

do whatever you wanna do, okay? I mean, if you wanna know the God's honest

truth, I've been in the process of chickening out the whole way over here.

Joey: Maybe it's a sign, Pacey.

Pacey: A sign of what?

Joey: It's just that for so long, he's been everything to me, Pacey. I

mean, this guy has been my family when I haven't had one and he's the one

person in my life that I can always depend on. And this? This is gonna

kill him!

Pacey: (surveying her more carefully) You never had any intention of telling

him, did you? You didn't come over here tonight to tell him, you came here

to stop me from telling him.

Joey: No. I tried to tell him. I went up there and I tried.

Pacey: (a little coldly) Of course you did. But let me guess, you failed,


Dawson: I thought I heard something down here.

Joey: Dawson, uh, we were just--

Dawson: Having an argument. Obviously. What about? (They're tongue tied)

Pacey: Us, Dawson. (Joey looks at him fearfully and he looks right back at

her.) We were arguing about us. Me and Joey, there's an us here now.

(Dawson looks coldly at them while Joey avoids his eyes.)

Joey: (voice over) Ever have one of those days you wish you could live all

over again?

[At the Docks for the christening. Again. Everything is the same as it was


Andie: Oh hey look, there's Dawson and his dad.

(Dawson and Mitch get out of their car and head towards the others)

Mitch: Got the champagne?

Dawson: Right here. (He almost drops it)

Mitch: Whoa!

Dawson: That was almost a disaster. Hey, guys, Buzz.

Andie: Hey.

Buzz: Hey, Dawson.

Andie: So where's Joey? I thought she was coming with you.

Dawson: She wanted to stop by the library first and plow through that

Watergate history assignment.

Jen: Oh, uh, speaking of which, I finally got through All The President's

Men, so if you'd like your tape back, I can return it now.

Dawson: Okay. I'll come by and pick it up. What'd you think?

Jen: Incredible movie. But, Henry didn't feel as though there were enough

cute teenage girls.

Jack: Hey, don't look now, but I think that's the captain of this vessel.

Andie: Oh! (Pacey waves as he walks over) I guess we can get started.

Dawson: Not without this we can't. (He goes to Pacey with the champagne.)

As promised.

Pacey: Whoa, champagne. Thank you. (Joey comes inconspicuously around the

other side of the boat house and the camera follows her as she joins the

group as Pacey's voice fades) Thanks, you know, but sparkling apple cider

probably would've worked just as well.

Jen: (to Joey) Hey.

Joey: Hey.

[Later, Jen is at a phone booth. Joey stands next to her.]

Jen: No, Henry, if you come by around 2 o'clock, my Grams will be gone,

alright? No, no, alright? I'm gonna take Joey to the library, I'm gonna

give Grams her car back and I will see you later. Okay, bye.

Joey: Thanks again for the ride, Jen.

Jen: Oh, god, don't worry about it.

Joey: I was supposed to go by this morning, and I got kinda busy.

Jen: You know, you don't have to explain. Unless of course there's

something that you want to explain.

Joey: Recently, you and I spoke about unrequited feelings that a certain


Jen: --Namely Pacey-

Joey: Namely Pacey, may have had for me. And how those unrequited feelings

expressed themselves in the form of a kiss. They're not. Unrequited, that

is. They are actually very much requited.

Jen: Okay, so you've kissed back a certain someone, namely Pacey, and you'd

like for that to continue?

Joey: I think so, I mean...yes. But the things is my feelings have been

clouded by my fear of Dawson will do or say once he knows.

Jen: Joey, if you're asking me whether or not you should tell Dawson, the

answer's a big fat yes.

Joey: I know. We're going to tell him. I mean, Pacey's going to do it

today. And he wanted to, I tried, I did, I tried plenty of times, it's-

It's just that when we tell him, Dawson gets hurt. And if I tell Pacey not

to tell him-

Jen: Pacey's gonna get hurt.

Joey: Yeah. So whatever I do, I'm the villain. I mean, the girl's always

the villain, right? In stories like these she's always some wicked,

conniving whore who manipulates her way between two brothers or two best


Jen: Okay, Joey, keep in mind that most of those stories have been written

by men.

Joey: I really wish I was more like you.

Jen: (sarcastically) Oh, yeah.

Joey: You feel things and you act on them. Pacey does the same thing.


Jen: Alright, I'll let you in on a little secret about the so-called

fearless. We're not as tough as you think we are. And Pacey's heart can

break just as easily as the next guy. Maybe even more so considering it was

already broken when you got there.

[Library. Joey watches Pacey and Andie's earlier conversation from above.

She looks a little worried, but closes her eyes and shakes her head


[Later. She looks through files on the computer. Andie taps her on the


Andie: Hey, lady. Twenty minute time limit on these things, right?

Joey: I'm sorry Andie, I was just finishing up the Watergate assignment.

How about you?

Andie: Ugh. Nowhere near done. But I'm taking off anyway. I have a date


Joey: Will?

Andie: Yeah. I like him. I do, and he's smart, way smart, and he has no

idea how cute he is, which is key cuz god save us from the ones who do, but-

Joey: So what's the problem?

Andie: He's not Pacey. (Joey's face falls, but Andie can't see it since

she's standing behind her) Ugh. Pathetic, I know! I know! And I thought I

was over him, I really, really did, then I bumped into him a little while

ago and-I mean, technically we're friends, right? And that's how I played

it. But then it's like when I saw him, every irritating-slash-adorable

thing he ever did flashed before my eyes and-- I mean, that's the true

test, right? When you just bump into somebody and if you're not over them,

then boom. Floodgates.

[Later. Outside the library. Joey's walking quickly away and almost walks

right into Dawson.]

Dawson: Hey!

Joey: Dawson, uh--

Dawson: Hurried much?

Joey: Yeah, yeah, I just- I must've lost track of time. I was supposed to

meet Bessie at home by now

Dawson: Okay, well I wondered- I was going to call you. Do you wanna do

movie night some night? I've gotta help my mom with something, but I can

pick up a movie on my way home.

Joey: You know, I really don't think I'll be able to. Maybe some other

time, okay?

Dawson: Okay. Are you alright?

Joey: Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just-I have to, I have to, um, uh-

Dawson: Go?

Joey: Yes. I gotta go. Bye.

Dawson: Alright. I'll see ya.

Joey: Bye.

(She walks away at top speed and he watches her go.)

[The phone booth. Joey leaves a message for Pacey on the ill-fated

answering machine.]

Joey: Pacey? Doug? Okay, you're not there. Look, Pacey, don't do what you

said you were going to do today, okay? Dawson's not even home, I just kind

of ran into him, and I think you should wait. I think you should wait until

you talk to me because I really think that I should be the one to tell him,


[Night. Joey runs up the dock to Dawson's house. She climbs up the ladder

and into his window. Inside, Dawson is watching The Last Picture Show.]

Joey: Hey

Dawson: You changed your mind

Joey: Kind of. I wanted to talk to you, Dawson. Pacey hasn't been here,

has he?

Dawson: No, is he supposed to be?

Joey: No, actually, no. What are you watching?

Dawson: The Last Picture Show.

Joey: Isn't that the movie we saw when-

Dawson: Our first date. Yup. Yes it is. It wasn't exactly a successful

evening, was it? At least, not movie-wise

Joey: What do you mean?

Dawson: Well we never got to see the end.

Joey: (she sits down) So how does it end, Dawson?

Dawson: Well, it's three friends, they grew up with each other. Jeff

Bridges is in love with Cybill Shepherd. And she dumps him and breaks his

heart and he's devastated. And she's not. (The camera focuses on Joey's

hurt face) She just kind of moves on to the other guy and it destroys their

friendship and that's pretty much how it ends. Everyone alone, everyone

hating each other. (He brightens a little) It's really depressing, actually.

I don't know why I'm watching it. (He turns it off) So what did you wanna

talk about?

Joey: (She gets to her feet. She's lost her courage. She can't do it.) You

know, I just, I actually just remembered that I promised Bessie that I would

help watch Alexander tonight and she's probably waiting for me, so-- (She

goes out the window) Bye.

[She goes around the side of the house and sees Pacey going in as in the

earlier scene. She runs after him and stops him before he gets to the


Pacey: Hey, hey Jo, what's wrong? He hugs her

Joey: Look, Pacey. We can't do this, okay?

Pacey: Can't do what?

Joey: I have to be the one to tell him, okay? I mean, things are really

complicated between me and Dawson and it has nothing to do with you, it's

just-(They go back outside) Look, it has to come from me or else it's going

to ruin everything.

(Up in Dawson's room, he hears their voices through the open window and

looks up. He goes to the window and looks out at them for a moment.)

Joey: No, that's not true, Pacey. I tried to tell him. I went up there and

I tried.

Pacey: Of course you did. But let me guess, you failed, right?

Dawson: I thought I heard something down here. (They both look up to see

him standing behind the screen door.)

Joey: Dawson, uh, we were just

Dawson: (He comes outside.) Having an argument. Obviously. What about?

(Joey's flustered and searches for an answer.)

Pacey: Us. (Joey looks at him fearfully and he looks right back at her.) We

were arguing about us. There's an us here now. (Dawson looks coldly at them

while Joey avoids his eyes.) I'm sorry, man. We didn't want to tell you

this way.

Dawson: You didn't tell me.

Joey: (Joey's eyes dart up.) You know, don't you?

Dawson: I know.

Joey: (voice over) Ever have one of those days you wish you could live all

over again?

[The Christening. One more time.]

Andie: Oh hey look, there's Dawson and his dad.

(Dawson and Mitch get out of their car and head towards the others)

Mitch: Got the champagne?

Dawson: Right here. (He almost drops it)

Mitch: Whoa!

Dawson: That was almost a disaster. Hey, guys.

Andie: Hey.

Dawson: Buzz.

Buzz: Hey, Dawson.

Andie: So where's Joey? I thought she was coming with you.

Dawson: She wanted to stop by the library first and plow through that

Watergate history assignment.

(Back in the boathouse)

Pacey: Agreed? (he kisses her)

Joey: (she doesn't say anything at first, just kisses him again.) Agreed.

(They kiss heavily.) Pacey-

Pacey: What?

Joey: You go first. I'll catch up with you later. (More heavy kissing, then

he leaves.)

(Back on the dock)

Jack: Hey, don't look now, but I think that's the captain of this vessel.

Andie: Oh! (Pacey waves as he walks over) I guess we can get started.

Dawson: Not without this we can't. (He goes to Pacey with the champagne)

As promised.

Pacey: Whoa, champagne. (Joey comes inconspicuously around the other side

of the boat house) You know, sparkling apple cider probably would've worked

just as well, Dawson.

Dawson: Not for this occasion, man. This is a monumental accomplishment!

You took something that was destined for the scrap heap and managed to turn

it, not only into a thing of beauty, but also a viable mode of


(Pacey laughs bashfully)

Jack: Witter, come on, man. Let's get the show on the road.

Pacey: I'll be right there, man. Dawson, you gonna be home after all this?

Dawson: Yeah. For a little bit. I've gotta work later.

Pacey: Cool. (he goes over to the others by the boat) Alright, well look, I

know you guys are all on tight schedules so I'm gonna keep this thing short.

(as he walks by her, Joey looks down) It's a beautiful day and all. (Dawson

comes and stands next to Joey.)

Joey: (to Dawson) Hey.

Pacey: First and foremost I should probably thank Hurricane Chris for

enabling a poor shlub like me to actually afford a boat like this, but

secondly and more importantly, I'd like to thank everybody who pitched in.

Everybody who scraped and sanded and polished and painted and otherwise

helped out to get this boat back in the water. Some of course did that more

willingly than others. (He gives Buzz a pointed glance. Buzz smiles.) So

without further ado, I christen for you True Love. (He breaks the bottle on

the side of the boat. Everyone cheers and applauds.)

[Later. In the library. Dawson sees Will through the shelves, looking


Dawson: Will?

Will: Hey. Dawson, hey. Um, look, I was wondering if you could help me

out. I'm looking for some secret room Andie says is like ideal for


Dawson: She probably means the genealogy room. It's usually dead in there.

Will: Cool. I guess I'll try that.

Dawson: Good luck.

Will: (he starts to walk away, then comes back) Hey, Dawson. What did you

and Joey do on your first date?

Dawson: Excuse me?

Will: You know, if you don't want to tell me.

Dawson: No, it's fine, I'm just kind of surprised. It's a left-field


Will: Yeah, but not if you just asked someone out.

Dawson: Andie?

Will: Yeah. So what should I do?

Dawson: Well, Joey and I went to the movies which is a really terrible idea

because you can't talk to the person, you can't even really look at them.

Will: So what would you suggest?

Dawson: There's always the creek. The night sky overhead, moonlight

reflected on the water. It's one of those thing that's achieved cliché

status because it actually is romantic.

Will: Oh. Where would I get a boat?

Dawson: My house.

Will: You sure?

Dawson: You know where it is. Just come by and get it.

Will: Great. So, what are you up to tonight?

Dawson: I think I might try and hook up with an old friend.

[Jen's front porch. Henry's leaning on the door, while Jen sits on the


Henry: So I'm really not allowed in the house?

Jen: Sorry. According to Grams, you're public enemy #1.

Henry: Well, what if I have to use the bathroom? Or the phone? What if you

start to choke and I need to call 911? (He comes and sits beside her)

Jen: Well, then we'll just have to consult an etiquette book from 1955. (He

begins to forcefully kiss her neck. She laughs) What are you doing?

Henry: I don't know. Stuff.

(Her smile fades as she sees Dawson coming towards the house. She remembers

what Pacey and Joey have told her. They were going to tell Dawson. She

realizes that he's probably coming seeking comfort.)

Jen: You know what, Henry? Why don't you go inside?

Henry: You just told me I couldn't.

Jen: Well, I changed my mind.

Henry: But-

Jen: I know, it's okay. (She pushes Henry inside and closes the door. She

meets Dawson with a look of concern.) Hey.

Dawson: I'm sorry I can come back if it's a bad time.

Jen: Oh god no, no. I was expecting you to come by anyway.

Dawson: Okay.

Jen: How you doing? You alright?

Dawson: Yeah. Good.

Jen: You know, if you wanna just come inside and hang out with Henry and I,

we could use a chaperone.

Dawson: Well, as tempting as that sounds, I think I'm just gonna go watch a

movie, relive better days.

Jen: I know this must seem like the hardest thing in the world right now,

but you know what, in the long run it's better that Pacey told you.

Dawson: (confused) Told me what? (Jen realizes her mistake) Jen, told me


Jen: Nothing.

Dawson: If it's nothing, then why we you so concerned about me?

Jen: No, I wasn't concerned, I was thinking that--

Dawson: Yes you were, you were concerned because you assumed Pacey told me

something. Told me what, Jen? (She looks away. He gets a little worried)

Okay, you know, the fact that you're unwilling to answer my question speaks

volumes. (He thinks and it all begins to come together.) It has to do with

Joey, doesn't it? (Her face says it all) It does, doesn't it?

Jen: God, I'm so sorry.

Dawson: You've known about this?

Jen: Dawson, it wasn't my place to say anything, alright? I didn't want to

interfere I wanted to protect you. (He goes out the door) Dawson, Dawson

wait, stop. Say something, please.

Dawson: I'm fine, alright? I'm fine.

Jen: No.

Dawson: I'm fine.

Jen: No, you are not fine. Dawson, what can I say? What can I do?

Dawson: You can do me the same favor that you did then, you can keep this to

yourself. (over his shoulder as he walks away) Thanks for protecting me.

(Jen sighs and closes her eyes)

[Later. In the safety of his room, Dawson falls back on his bed and stares

at the ceiling in disbelief, trying to make sense of what he's just


[Later. He's watching the movie, just like before. Except we realize that

he's watching it for a very different reason than we initially thought. The

two men on screen are arguing about the girl they both love. Dawson watches

with a set face. He looks over when Joey comes inside. It's the same scene

we've seen earlier, except all of Dawson's words and expressions seem to

take on a whole new meaning now that we realize he knows.]

Dawson: You changed your mind

Joey: Kind of. I wanted to talk to you, Dawson. Pacey's not here, is he?

Dawson: No, is he supposed to be?

Joey: No. What are you watching anyway?

Dawson: The Last Picture Show.

Joey: Isn't that the movie that we saw when-

Dawson: Our first date. Yup. Yes it is. (He's able to manage a smile and

chuckles a little bit.) It wasn't exactly a successful evening, was it? At

least, not movie-wise.

Joey: What do you mean?

Dawson: Well we never got to see the end.

Joey: (she sits down) So how does it end, Dawson?

Dawson: (this time, we see Dawson's face as he tries his best to maintain

his composure, telling the story he's all too familiar with) Well, it's

three friends, they grew up with each other. Jeff Bridges is in love with

Cybill Shepherd. And she dumps him and breaks his heart and he's completely

devastated. And turns out she's not. She just kind of moves on to the

other guy and that destroys their friendship. It's never the same after

that. And that's how the movie ends. Everyone alone, everyone hating each

other. (He gives her a pointed look, but she's not looking at him. His

words are rueful) It's pretty depressing, actually. I don't know why I'm

watching it. (He turns it off and looks at her) So what was it you wanted to

talk about? (He knows what's coming, wants to see if she can actually go

through with saying it)

Joey: (She gets to her feet) You know, I just, I actually just remembered

that I promised Bessie that I would help watch Alexander tonight and she's

probably waiting for me, so-- (She goes out the window) Bye.

(He watches her go out the window, his gaze lingering after she's gone.

Then, slowly, that control he's had fades. He chokes a little and begins to

breathe quickly, on the verge of tears. He still can't believe it, but

every word she said verifies what he could only hope wasn't true)

[Later, out on the front porch, he opens the door, seeing the fight between

Pacey and Joey we've seen twice before.]

Joey: No, that's not true, Pacey. I tried to tell him. I went up there and

I tried.

Pacey: Of course you did. But let me guess, you failed, right?

(Dawson watches them, hand in hand, for a long time, then takes a deep

breath, gathering his courage. We skip forward to later in their


Pacey: I'm sorry, man. We didn't want to tell you this way.

Dawson: You didn't tell me.

Joey: (Joey's eyes dart up.) You know, don't you?

Dawson: Yeah, I know. So were you planning on telling me or was this just

going to be a secret fling?

Joey: It's not like that.

Dawson: Then how was it, joey, because jen was a little short on details

Joey: She told you?

Dawson: Well she thought I knew. I mean, I had to be pretty frickin stupid

not to know, right? That the two people I trusted most in the world were

lying to me? So are you- are you bored? Are you confused? Or just


Pacey: Hey, look, I started this thing, okay? If you're going to get angry

at somebody, you get angry at me. It's not her-

Dawson: I don't think you're in any position to talk about what's fair. You

were my best friend.

Pacey: I still am.

Dawson: I'm finding that a little hard to process right now.

Pacey: It's the truth, Dawson.

Dawson: So I guess it's safe to assume that friendship doesn't come above

sex in your list of personal priorities.

Pacey: This has nothing to do with sex.

Dawson: Oh what, are you in love? Is that what this is? Don't look at her,

alright? You know what, Pacey? I feel sorry for you. Because when all this

is over you are really gonna need your friends and you are not gonna have

any. You are not gonna have a single one. (He goes back towards the

house. Will and Andie come up from behind Pacey and Joey, just back from

their moonlight row.)

Andie: Hey, guys, what's going on?

Dawson: (All three turn around, a little stunned) Why don't you ask Pacey?

Ask him how long he and Joey have been sneaking around behind my back. Or

better yet, you can ask Joey, ask her how long she has been lying to me and

to you. Go ahead, ask them, because I can't stand to look at them. (He

storms inside.)

[Back on Jen's porch, as Dawson is walking away, just like we saw it


Wait, Dawson wait, stop. Say something, please.

Dawson: I'm fine, alright? I'm fine.

Jen: No.

Dawson: I'm fine.

Jen: No, you are not fine. Dawson, what can I say? What can I do?

Dawson: You can do me the same favor that you did then, you can keep this to

yourself, alright? (over his shoulder as he walks away) Thanks for

protecting me.

(She watches him go, upset at herself, closes her eyes. Henry comes out of

the house.)

Henry: So, where were we?

Jen: I just did the most awful thing.

Henry: It couldn't have been that awful.

Jen: No, believe me, it was. I totally screwed up, I accidentally told

Dawson something he wasn't supposed to know and really hurt his feelings in

the process.

Henry: But you didn't mean to do it.

Jen: Yeah, but it's still my fault. I mean, I'm the one who messed up, it's

like- (Henry starts to kiss her. She pulls away) No. I'm not sure what

you're doing right now but it's not helping matters any.

Henry: That's because you're not giving it a chance. (He tries to kiss her


Jen: I mean it.

Henry: I was just trying to make you feel better.

Jen: No, you're not. You're trying to make yourself feel better.

Henry: What did I do that was so terrible?

Jen: Don't you even want to know what just happened?

Henry: Maybe I don't. Maybe for once, I want to put us before whatever

little mini-drama you and your friends have whipped up this week.

Jen: Okay. You know, why don't you leave? (She opens the door) I'm not

kidding. Leave.

Henry: Now you're being irrational.

Jen: No, no, just irritated. Irrational is when I get violent which is

going to happen in two seconds if you don't get your horny freshman ass out

of here. (He leaves)

[Night. Will and Andie are having their moonlight row on the creek]

Will: A little much, maybe? For a first date?

Andie: No, no, I mean, it's beautiful.

Will: Come on, admit it. I did kind of go-

Andie: Overboard?

Will: Yeah. Plan B. Pretend we're not on a date.

Andie: Okay, um, you're rowing us across a body of water, what do you want

me to pretend? Like this is something from Greek mythology?

Will: Orpheus and Eurydice. Do you know that one? They were a couple of

kids, totally in love, but then she died. Snakebite. He couldn't deal so

being the ancient world's most kick-ass musician, he goes to the underworld,

located the proper authorities and played for them. All about Eurydice and

how he had to have her back.

Andie: And? What happens?

Will: It worked. But there was one condition. He wasn't allowed to look at

her until they were back in their own world so they sat out, as they were

just about to make it, he looked back.

Andie: So she died all over again?

Will: He went to grab for her, all he got was air.

[Later. Just as Will and Andie are walking in on Dawson's fight with Pacey

and Joey.]

Andie: Hey, guys, what's going on?

Dawson: (All three turn around, a little stunned) Why don't you ask Pacey?

Ask him how long he and Joey have been sneaking around behind my back. Or

better yet, ask Joey, ask her how long she has been lying to you and to me.

Go ahead, ask them, because I can't even stand to look at them anymore. (He

storms inside. Joey goes after him.)

Andie: So is this true, Pacey? You and Joey?

Pacey: Yes.

Andie: (half laughing) I don't know what to say.

Pacey: (distracted) Me neither.

Andie: (on the verge of tears) You must really you know, to give up your

friendship with Dawson, to give up everything- God, how could you be so

stupid, Pacey? You know you're gonna get hurt. She is never gonna love you

like she loves him, okay? He is her first love, Pacey, her first love.

(She sighs in frustration and walks away. Will shrugs to Pacey and goes

after her.)

[Back inside the house. Dawson goes into his room with Joey on his heels,

both yelling at each other.]

Joey: I didn't intend for this to happen, Dawson.

Dawson: What you intended does not provide me any solace. What? Do- do you

love him? Are you- Do you just want to sleep with him?

Joey: No, how could you say that. I-

Dawson: It's what he's going to expect.

Joey: We're not together, Dawson. And we haven't been for a long time,

almost a whole year has gone-

Dawson: Is this a punishment?

Joey: No, I'm not punishing you!

Dawson: Are you punishing me because I didn't want to get back together with


Joey: Why would you think that I would-

Dawson: Then why, Joey, why? You keep on saying that you wanna go find

yourself, is this what you've been looking for the whole time? Is Pacey

what you've been looking for?

Joey: No!

Dawson: Then explain it to me, Joey, explain to me how two people who can

barely stand to be in the same room with each other end up outside my window

arguing about the future of their relationship.

Joey: I can't, okay? I can't explain it. It happened. Everything between

you and me is so complicated.

Dawson: Joey, if things between us are complicated it's because you made

them that way, okay? Do you think that whatever was wrong when you were

with me is just going to magically get better when you're with him?

Joey: Half laughing, half crying I don't know, Dawson. I don't know, okay?

I just know that I- I need him.

Dawson: Do you need him like you need me? She doesn't answer Joey, it's a

simple question, do you need him like you need me?

Joey: You can't do that, Dawson. You can't. Those two things have nothing

to do with each other and you know that. The way that I feel about him is

completely separate from the way that I feel about you and our friendship.

Dawson: Friendship, Joey, right now, we don't have a friendship. We don't

have a friendship right now.

Joey: What?

Dawson: As of this moment, we do not have a friendship

Joey: That is not fair!

Dawson: You can't have both of us! You can't have him as your boyfriend and

me as your consolation prize. You're going to have to make a choice. And

I'm telling you right now, if you choose him, I'm not gonna be around to

pick up the pieces when it falls apart. This ruins everything. There is no

going back.

Joey: Okay. What do you want me to say? Tell me what you want me to say?

What do you want to hear?

Dawson: I don't want you to say anything. I want you to leave. (He goes

out of the room)

(She stands there for a while sadly, then goes out the window)

[Later, in his bedroom, Dawson sits on the windowsill. Jen enters, knocking

softly on the door frame]

Jen: Hell of a day, huh?

Dawson: I have no desire to rewind and live it again, if that's what you


Jen: You shouldn't be alone right now.

Dawson: Well I am alone, I might as well get used to it.

Jen: You're not alone, Dawson, don't ever think that.

Dawson: Jen, why didn't you tell me?

Jen: Dawson, if two people are on a crash course for each other and you

throw yourself in between, it's only going to bring them that much closer.

Dawson: So what am I supposed to do now, am I supposed to just accept this?

Supposed to just wake up tomorrow like nothing's changed?

Jen: You just have to let things run their course and you have to let her

decide what it is that she really wants.

Dawson: I can't let her go.

Jen: What else can you do?

Dawson: You can fight. You can fight for what you want.

(Jen places her hand on his knee)

[Later. Back on the dock by Pacey's boat. He's sitting on the railing

forlornly when Joey finds him. They look at each other gravely. They both

know what has to happen, but are scared to actually verbalize it. When they

do speak, it's almost a whisper.]

Joey: Ever have one of those days you wish you could live all over again?

Pacey: Yeah. You?

Joey: Yeah.

Pacey: So what would you have done differently?

Joey: I don't know. Everything. Nothing at all. We'd still end up right

back here. And I don't think I know where here is.

Pacey: Here is right where we started.

Joey: (She nods They both look out at the True Love) Well she looks

beautiful in the water.

Pacey: This morning was really just a formality. I still don't know if

she's seaworthy.

Joey: She looks pretty solid.

Pacey: I don't know. I think I see some stormy weather ahead.

Joey: (she bites her lip) Pacey-

Pacey: It's over, isn't it?

Joey: (she nods, tearfully) It has to be.

Pacey: (sniffs) Maybe you should be the first one to go this time.

(She nods, trying to hold back the tears and finally gets up and leaves.

Pacey looks away as a tear falls down his cheek. She walks slowly a little

ways, then stops, and looks back towards him...but he's not there, all that's

left is air...)