Dear Friends "Khabarovsk -Online" is coming to you as the non-profit project from Khabarovsk, the hub city of Far Eastern Russia, in an intent to provide Web Business Community with information about Khabarovsk Krai, and to help the Russian Far East to expand international business, cultural and other relations. You will find with us:
/ Attorney / Business Consulting / Translators & Interpreters Services / Friends of Russian Children - charity help to the homeless kids in the Foster Home / International Family - special dating services. Also you can find here more information about us. Hello Russia - FREE Weekly E-Zine - Far Eastern regional political, economics, culture, crime and other events. Click here to subscribe: and please mention you name and address. |
Tanya & Alexander Samoiloff
680000 Khabarovsk, Russia.
Volochayevskaya St. 161/23
Phone: (7-4212) 32-53-81
Copywright © 1999 by Alexander Samoiloff