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Northern Kentucky Softball History

Teams from the two small towns of Covington and Newport in Northern Kentucky dominated the first 11 years of the ASA Slowpitch World Tournament. These teams won the Open Division title in 1953, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1959, and 1963. In 1956, the title game was played in Cleveland between a team from Covington and a team from Newport. In both 1964 and 1965, a Northern Kentucky team claimed runner-up.

ASA Slowpitch World Champion Teams from Northern Kentucky

The Top Slowpitch Players

The Tournaments

The Days Of Fastpitch

Up until abount 1950, most of the softball played in the Northern Kentucky area was of the fastpitch variety. In 1939, Nick Carr's Kentucky Boosters of Covington went to Soldier field in Chicago and won the ASA Fastpitch title. Two members of this team, Bernie Kampschmidt and Jim Ramage, were recruited to play for the Ft. Wayne Zollner Pistons and won three more championships in 1945, 1946, and 1947. Another Northern Kentucky player, Bill West, was also recruited to Ft. Wayne and pitched them to victory in the 1946 and 1947 championships. All three of these men are members of the ASA Hall of Fame. Also heavily recruited by Ft. Wayne was hurler Norb "The Cyclone" Warken. However, he elected to stay and play locally. Though he never made it to the ASA Hall of Fame, he was one of the most dominating pitchers of the era. Check his page below to see how he dominated tournaments, including the 1939 World.

The Top Fastpitch Players

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