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Entertainment Tonight Interview

The Interview

Entertainment Tonight: Are either of you anything like your characters?

Peter Facinelli: I'm probably the furthest thing from Mike Dexter as possible. It's interesting because when I went to high school I was more like Ethan [Embry]'s character in the movie--you know a floater because I pretty much hung out with a lot of different types of people. I drew on my character from about five guys who with the football team. I went to a big high school and was exposed to all of those cliques so it was great to have them to draw from.

Ethan Embry: I could see a lot of Ethan in my character. There's definitely things that make us different like personal likes and dislikes, and morally. And he's an artist and I'm an artist. He's light and go-lucky and I'm light and go-lucky. Yeah- there's a lot of things that were really similar.

ET: (To Peter) You say you saw a lot of yourself in his character. Did you have a crush on someone or...?

Peter: I went through exactly the same story as Ethan's character. I had a girl when I was 16 in our freshman year who I was infatuated with and for two years I chased her and she was dating somebody else. Then she transferred out of the school and a year later she called me out of the blue because I was so nice to her and was always following her around and she thought that was cute. And I went out with her for a year so it was neat.

ET: What was it like working with Jennifer Love Hewitt?

Ethan: He's worked with her lots before.

Peter: I worked with her once before and she's just great. She's just she's so sweet and so nice and she doesn't have any star attitude and she's just natural to work with and fun to be with.

Ethan: Same answer (laughs).

ET: In the movie what was your favorite scene?

Peter: I like the stuff in the latter part- when he's kind of in his vulnerable state because there's a lot of movies that show jock types, but in this movie, you get to see different levels of that. You get to see different levels of this jock person, who he really is--you get a glimpse of him. And when you see that, that who he is for a split second- that's what I like to see.

Ethan: I liked a lot of it. I liked the whole movie. It's so good. I liked Charlie [Korsmo]'s character a lot. For me I liked the scene with me and Lauren [Ambrose] where we're outside saying goodbye to each other. That was really cool. And the Jenna Elfman scene too where we're at the café.

Peter: That's a great scene.

ET: Were there any that didn't make it that were your favorites? That you kind of wish did?

Ethan: There was a character called 'the crying drunk girl' and she was so drunk at the party that they had her sub-titled. She would like groan and she would say 'You've got to get me home I'm too drunk.'

Peter: Yeah- that was pretty funny, but there was nothing that stands out that I really missed. It had a lot of great stuff that probably didn't make it into the movie- maybe for time purposes or rating purposes, but nothing that really affected the story.
