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NiFtY LittLE fAcTs...

~Ethan Embry: Amazing Actor~ Picture
(Please be patient why these pics load. They're worth the wait. Promise.)

He plays both guitar and bass with his right hand, although he is left handed. His brother, Aaron, and he have a band called "Southern Comfort Colonic" in which he plays "speed metal." Aaron was just signed on to Scott Weiland's summer tour.

See that girl on the far right? She's Dianna Miranda. Her character's name in "Empire Records" was Lilly, but she got cut completely in the final editing process. She is shown in the end credits and you can see her dancing with Ethan's character, Mark, in the last scene...a random (yet interesting) fact that has very little to do with Ethan...

Ethan now hates the song "That Thing You Do!" and says he never wants to hear it again. He prefers Tracy Bonham, Third Eye Blind, Rusted Root, Violent Femmes and pretty much anything from punk to classical.

He CLAIMS he can't dance...

...but I'm pretty sure he can.

He's happy that he successfully made it out of the ranks of "child actor." He says," I'm lucky I was able to cross over. I understand more of what's going on around me--I'm becoming more aware of my work."

BaCk HoMe
