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YouR TurN

This page is for you guys. It can contain anything you choose to put on it. This includes things to do with Ethan and not. Just email me at the address below for further instructions or with a submission. As long as its not too profane I will put it up within days. I promise. So take advantage of the opportunity to get your thoughts out there and email me...

Click here to check out the latest YouR TurN submissions.


poetry/songs that you have written or you think should be put up in this venue

letters to Ethan

letters to fellow Ethan fans


reviews of Ethan's movies and other movies

thoughts you have in general

write or participate in surveys

anything else you can think off...the possibilities are endless...

Please do email me at the address below with submissions. All sorts of things are welcome!

BacK HoMe

SigN ThE BooK

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