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February's Question

From my recent poll at the Saddlin' Station, I asked all of you which character most resembled yourself (personality wise). I was amazed at the number of people that responded...thank you! :) But now, I, and my comrades here would love to know what it is about that character that you find most like you. So please, share with us!

As much as I'd like to say I'm like Buck, gentle and serene, I'd be lying through my teeth! All right, the character I find most like myself is none other than James Butler Hickok, even though I am a girl! I guess the most notable similarity between the two of us is our quickness of temper. Jimmy, especially in the first season, tended to say and do things in anger before he thought of the repercussions. I'm sad to say I have the same fault, although I am desperately working on it, much as Jimmy did. Another, and I think important, quality we both share is our loyalty. Despite his temper, Jimmy always came through for his friends in the end, even if he didn't always agree with them. I'm definitely like him in that respect. I value my friendships with others very highly!!;-)



I guess I'm most like Kid because I would rather take a man to jail than shoot him, would want to carry out my responsibilities and do what's right.



Welp, it's like this. I have to admit that Kid and I are quite parallel (difference being I am a girl ;-). When I watch his character, I see a lot of myself, even down to the way I grew up, and the way the character Kid grew up. I was forced out into the world at a pretty young age, therefore I had to learn about life real quick. I also wish that I saved a dollar for every time that someone has said to me "stop thinking and start doing something about it!" I'm so bad at analyzing everything. At the same time, I've always been concerned about doing what's right, and as a rule it takes quite a bit before you'll see me really angry...but when I am, watch out! I'm liable to take on a fist fight, white being as dang stubborn as the day is long. ;-) For the most part though, I'll talk to someone till we're both blue in the face to work out a problem. Last of all, I tend to be very much of a leader, and I can drive everyone nuts while using my disgusting, over-diplomatic personality. Ahh!

Lady K


Okay, most of you already know Buck was always my fave character, and why? Well, simply all I know about the character Buck Cross is like a mirror reflection of myself! I'm a very hard person to know, I guess, as I never let anyone close, and I would never say straight out how I feel about somehting. No one can deny Buck Cross was just like that!

The Cross Fan aka Gizmo


well lets see there is no doubt about it that i am a lot like lou but some what like kid. the way that i am like lou is that i am very stuborned and i desire to be treated like everyone else. i like the attention at times exspiecaly when it's (always) from my boyfriend. and i like to feel important. i try to be out going in what i do. now here is how i'm a little like kid: i like to do what is right and some times i need to act on my feelings and not how i think it should be. and being a girl i love my boyfriend more than anyone and would do anything to protect him just as he would do the same for me.i also think that family should stick togeather no matter what and that they are real important! well thats how i can be compared with both of these riders. and altogether this is what my personality with these two characters are.



I am definately most like Emma Shannon. Besides having brown eyes, fair skin and reddish hair, my personality is a mix of fierce protectiveness (just ask the kids in my youth group!), and being a materal, nurturing person (just ask my fiancee!). I have what might be politely described as a "stubborn streak", and also really want my "kids" to make the right choices in life. To a lot of my male friends in college I was a safe mother/sister figure who they could talk to and trust. I see a lot of myself in the character of Emma



When reading the pole I didn't even have to think about it (which I'm not sure thats good or bad ) I new instantly I'm alot like Jimmy. The reason why.. I'm loyal to my friends almost to a fault, theres nothing I wouldn't do to help them. And like Jimmy if someone hurts one of them, that person is in for MAJOR TROUBLE!! But the major reason why I associate myself with that one line from 'Noble Chase' I just want people to know 'I did the right thing'.



I think I'm like the Kid. Why? Well, both of us are too stubborn for our own good. We both just KNOW we're right (even when we KNOW we're not...) and we both love very dearly and very strongly. My morality is also as great as his, and I also have to do the right thing at all costs. Well, that's just us...



Well, I think I'm a little like each of them in some way. But if I had to pick one, it would be Cody. We both like to goof around and amuse our friends. We take ourselves seriously, but not too seriously. Plus, we're both dreamers. Sometimes like Cody I have crazy ideas or make odd comments. We both like adventure, reading, and writing. Just like Cody, I'm loyal to my friends. AND- I can probably rival his eating habits! I love food but I'm not a slob! Well at least not when it comes to eating but my room's another story:)
