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January's Question
We saw a short appearance by Lou's brother and sister in the first season. Then for some reason, they just completely vanished! What do you think happened to them in the future......or after the series ended?

I think it's a little odd Lou never visited them again during the season. Surely they could have tied that into another episode. Or maybe the childrem come visit the station for a week? Anyway- I don't think Lou would pick her brother and sister up right away until she and Kid had a secure home. They would definitely get them out of the orphanage before the war seriously got on its bloody way. Lou's younger siblings would adjust well to Kid. I'm sure of it. They would stay with the married couple until they were old enough to leave the nest, and come back for holidays!

I think that Lou would have kept her promise and continued to visit them when possible. After she and Kid were married they would have come to live with them. Her brother developed a passion for adventure and spent the next few years counting the days until he was old enough to join the army (a source of irritation to both Lou and Kid) only to find that the war finished before he got a chance to fight in it. Teresa was more bookish than Lou and painfully shy around strangers but she joined her sister in helping injured soldiers to recover from their injuries in the peaceful setting of a western town. When she grew up, she worked as a nurse and married a local doctor and delivered the youngest of Lou and Kid's children.

I think that Lou did visit them during the shows. We just didn't see any of that. Once Lou and Kid got settled down (whether that was before, during or after the war) Jeremiah and Terresa came to live with them. Jeremiah might have gone off and had some adventures himself. I kinda see him liking a little excitement in life like Lou. Terresa was probably a big help to Lou. I see her being more of a homemaker.

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