*~* jEsSiCa *~*
Ummmmm........there isn't really much about me that I'm sure you won't
find out sooner or later.
I'll just tell you some random facts....I am about 5'10" and have often been mistaken for Cindy Crawford.
Okay, maybe not......
I am the type of person who is pretty laid-back.... I try to be pleased with whatever
I end up with......and so far I've pretty much succeeded at that.
EmOtIoN §pEcTrUm:
The seasons affect my emotions more than most.
pEr§oNaL iNtEgRiTy:
My honor is well known among my friends.
I take life slow and easy, but enjoy every minute of it.
My best friends take me as I am.
tRaVeL aNd LeIsUrE:
The intrigue of foreign travel lures me.
cArEer & mOnEy:
Finances are high on my list......but money still isn't everything.
If there are two things that are crucial to your knowledge of
who I really am
they would have to be my love for music and
* oLd vInTaGe VoLkSwAgEnS *......