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Page of Contacts from around the World.

This page include's all my spitz links around the world. Homepages, sites of spitz interest, doggy info of all kinds to name but a few.I also hope to include link up with visitors to my site which are relevant to dogs in some way so please sign my guestbook and give me some idea of what you think I should include or your homepage URL and I will try to include you.

My Favorite Links

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Hundreds of dog-related links, homepages, general information sites plus loads of links for every animal on this planet. Go now!!
Visit our UK German spitz site
Visit a Japanese Spitz site.
Spitz Breeds Club of New South Wales Inc
South Australian Spitz Club - Very impressive site.
Visit this cool site. Hot Diggity gift items - gift items related to dogs for the pet lover
Visit Redeks Breed listings
Visit Kaynine online for up-to-date OZZie show results and lots of dog links
Whelping Guide online.
Danish Spitz Club Site.
Finnish klein and Mittel site - some gorgeous pics on this site.
Visit Kerovskennel - Pomeranian site.
Visit The Rosewood and Silk Pomeranian site.
Visit this German Site - some gorgeous dog pics.
Visit this newly set up OZ site. Samoyeds and German Spitz Mittels galore!
A UK German Spitz TV Star called Teddy!
Visit SKKY Klein Spitz
Visit Chilite German Spitz Klein (UK)
Visit Stonelight German Spitz Klein (UK)
Visit Wychlea German Spitz Klein (UK)
Visit Claran German Spitz Mittel (UK)
Visit this Finnish German Spitz Kennel
A page full of Spitz Breed links you must not miss!
Sananray German Spitz Kennel in UK

AAA Matilda Europe

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