Grovelyn Bron-yr-eur
This is Bronia. Born on the 12/09/95.She is a daughter of CH. Zanarra Shimmering Gold x Grovelyn Dusky Maiden. Her First litter was born on 24/07/98. The sire is Flactem Twice Purple and resulted in 3 dogs and 2 bitches. Out of these 5 pups there are three being shown. Klineline Chocofrolic (Fudge), Klineline Diamond White (Levi) and Klineline Lucy-lastic at Flactem. The first two being dogs and latter a bitch. They have all qualified to go to CRUFTS 2000. Bronia will NOT be going as she is expecting another litter in the first week of December 1999
Klineline Chocofrolic
Meet Fudge. He's 16 months old and has never been placed below a 3rd since he began his show career. He's had numerous Best puppy in breed and also several utility puppy group placings. Quite an achievement for a small relatively unknown breed. I'm hoping he will qualify for Crufts 2000 like his mum.
*STOP PRESS* Klineline Chocofrolic qualified for crufts 2000 at his very first championship show along with his litter brother Klineline Diamond White.His sister Klineline Lucy-lastic at Flactem qualified at Birmingham Championship show in August 1999
Flactem Twice Purple
This is the pups Father. He's a Faldor Red Fox at darleair x Charlie's Fancy at Trueguard son. He's also a Ch Zanarra Shimmering Gold at Grovelyn Grandson. He's qualified for Crufts too.
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