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Marion Co. Kansas 1920 Census

Extraction - Copyright 2002
Janet Laubhan Flickinger; 314 E. Irene St.; Salina, KS 67401-7833
Microfilm T625-539 including Marion Co., KS E.D. 65-85
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Researched by Janet Flickinger, completed Jan. 2002. Individuals included had to have been 
born a German from Russia or one of their parents had to be a German from Russia. Occupations 
were not listed as most were farmers. Most enumerations were taken during Jan.; a few as late 
as March 1920. Towns or townships included are: Aulne, Blaine, Catlin, Center, Clark, Clear Creek, 
Colfax, Doyle, Durham, East Branch, Fairplay, Florence, Gale, Goessel, Grant, Hillsboro, Lehigh, 
Liberty, Logan, Lost Springs, Marion, Menno, Moore, Peabody, Ramona, Risley, Tampa, West
Branch, and Wilson. The whole roll was dark and so a lot of the names are guesses considering
the "up & down strokes" of the letters! This extraction covers all of Marion Co. (Vol. 36 E.D #65-85)
The county was very heavily populated by Germans from Russia. Some enumeration districts 
were ALL Ger-Rus except 2 or 3 families. Burn City, Antelope, Lincolnville & Grant & Milton Twp., 
had NO Ger-Rus listed, a couple other townships had only one or two families. In Risley, most all 
that are listed with "Poland" as birthplace were recorded as "Russia Poland". Others with same 
surname in others districts of Marion Co. were listed as Ger-Rus (Bartel, Funk, Unruh & Wiebe ). 
Some were extracted, some not, because of claiming Polish birth. Others omitted were listed as 
German-Germans or Russian-Russians which possibly was incorrect. You will find Bethesda Hosp.
included in Goessel; Salem Hosp. with Hillsboro; Industrial School & Hygiene House with Liberty.
Explanation of numbering system: 
Each individual head of household is given an alpha-numerical identification. This identification
consists of the First Name of the individual listed as "head" followed by the First Letter initial of the 
surname followed by numerical digits. All other individuals that reside in this household are
idenified using this alpha-numberical identification. List was sorted by the "head", household follows.
Explanation of immigration statis: al=alien; pa=petition applied; na=naturalized
Key to abbreviations: Head=head of household; Dau=daughter; M-I-L=mother-in-law; F-I-L=father-in-law; 
B-I-L=-brother-in-law; S-I-L=sister or son-in-law; st.=step; Gd=grand

Last Updated on 01/16/2002
By Janet Flickinger