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undefined Ancestry Magazine - Sept/Oct 2002:
"World War I Draft Registration Cards:   On 6 April 1917, the United States declared war on Germany and
officially entered the Great War. Six weeks later, on 18 May 1917, the Selective Service Act was passed,
which authorized the president to increase the military establishment of the United States during the war. As
a result, every male living within the United States between the ages of eighteen and forty-five was required
to register for the draft.
There were three registrations dates: 5 June 1917 was designated for all men between the ages of twenty-
one and thirty-one. A year later, on 5 June 1918, those men who had reached age twenty-one since the first
registration could register. (Also included in this registration was a supplemental registration of 24 August
1918 for those men reaching age twenty-one after 5 June 1918.) Then, on 12 September 1918, men ages
eighteen through forty-five were required to register. This means that we have genealogical data on virtually
every man (around 98%) born between 13 September 1872 and 12 September 1900, if he was living in the
United States during World War I.   Of course, not all the men who registered actually served in the armed
forces, and there were some who served in the war but did not register for the draft.
If a registrant was not at home, he could register elsewhere and the card would be sent to his home draft
board. In some rural counties, it may have been easier to travel to the bordering county to register and
request the registration be sent on to the actual county. Because it’s possible that some of these registrations
were never transferred, when searching for cards in rural counties, it may be worthwhile to check
neighboring counties, even if they are located in another state.  Non-citizens were subject to the draft and
they had to register
In all, approximately 24 million men registered for the World War 1 draft. These 24 million men are
estimated to be almost 25 percent of the population of the country in 1917—18.  
As a genealogical source, World War I Draft Registration records are relatively new; they were not
available to the public even fifteen years ago. In fact, until 1989 it was not possible to do your own research
in this treasure trove unless you travelled to or contacted the National Archives regional branch near
Atlanta, Georgia.  In 1987 and 1988, the National Archives contracted with the Genealogical Society of
Utah (Family History Library) to microfilm all of the original registration cards, enabling anyone with
access to a Family History Center to research the cards. Now the complete collection of microfilm is also
available at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., and branch archives have collections based on their
The information included on each registration card differs somewhat, but the general information usually
includes full name, home address, date and place of birth, age, race, country of citizenship, occupation,
employer, personal description (hair and eye color, height, disabilities), and signature. Additional
information may include address of nearest relative, dependent relative, marital status, father’s birthplace,
or previous exemption from service. "
It seems timely to post this extraction just days before Memorial Day, 2004 in honor of those who served our
country.  I have chosen to extract only age, full name, date of birth, place of birth, current residency, marital status,
and nearest relative or dependents (whichever was listed).  I have puts lots of effort into reading the mostly
handwritten cards as accurately as possible.  If I was unable to verify that the town that they listed as their
place of birth actually existed (either from a current atlas or a 1915 atlas to which I had access), you will find
a question mark (?) accompanying the town.  It is possible that it was misspelled, misread,  or  just so small
that it was not listed in the atlases.  Sometimes the “nearest relative” was a woman & it wasn’t clear if she
was a mother or wife.  .................................................................. Extracted by Janet Laubhan Flickinger;
2544 Angus Lane; Salina, KS 67401

Surname Given Name Age Birthdate Birthplace Residence M/S Next of Kin

Allala Andres 23 1895 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Allen Arnold W. 28 8/7/1887 Castana, IA Fargo, OK s none listed
Allen Arthur B. 36 12/1/1882
Fargo, OK m Bonnie Allen
Allen Ervin Jasper 18 1/9/1900
Fargo, OK s mother-Mary Allen
Allen Guy 24 4/30/1893 Enterprise, OR Fargo, OK s none listed
Allen Harvey Raymond 38 6/11/1880
Fargo, OK m Luella May Allen
Appel John 38 8/17/1880 Russia Shattuck, OK m Kate Appel
Apple Ludwig 36 9/8/1882 Russia Shattuck, OK ? Lizzie Apple
Appel Ludwig 45 6/6/1873 Russia Shattuck, OK ? Kate Appel
Appel Ludwig, Jr. 20 2/25/1898 Russia Shattuck, OK ? Kate Appel
Apple Robert Edwin 38 11/21/1878
Grand, OK m Clara Apple
Armstrong Corbett M. 24 8/3/1892 Monroe, TN (?) Bishop, OK m wife & child
Arnbrecht Henry 30 10/11/1886 Marion Co., KS Fargo, OK s none listed
Armstrong William F. 27 8/30/1889 Batesville, AR Arnett, OK s none listed
Arnbrecht John C. 23 3/29/1894 Lehigh, KS Gage, OK m wife & child
Arnbrecht Samuel H. 21 12/7/1895 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Arnold Carl 21 6/6/1897 Bluffs, IL Fargo, OK m Martha Arnold
Arnold Demont 18 12/18/1899
Fargo, OK s father-Cordell Arnold
Arnold Tomas (sic) Levi 21 12/21/1897 No.Salem, MO Chaney, OK s none listed
Arohar Alax (sic) 38 2/15/1880
Fargo, OK m Maggie Arohar
Ashpaugh Earnest Secil (sic) 20 7/7/1898
Gage, OK ? Ananervia Ashpaugh
Ashpaugh Fred Eli 20 6/22/1899
Gage, OK ? Delia Bell Ashpaugh
Atkinson Ernest Lyle 28 2/2/1889 Havana, KS Fargo, OK m wife & 5 children
Augden Roy 24 6/24/1892 Corydon, IA Gage, OK s none listed
Auld Stewart Elmer 32 1/9/1886
Gage, OK m Laura Pearl Auld
Austin Yassa Relford 27 8/28/1890 Limestone, TN Arnett, OK m wife / child
Ayers Robert Herman 18 5/14/1900
Catesby, OK s Wm. Henry Ayers
Ayers Wm. Henry 42 4/23/1876
Catesby, OK m Louise Sophia Ayers
Aylott Marshall Dewey 20 3/29/1898
Spearman, TX m Martha Aylott
Azbill Frank Joseph 21 9/18/1896 Cherokee, OK Gage, OK s Granville D. Azbill
Alexander Joseph Wm. 19 12/1/1898
Supply, OK s John Wm. Alexander
Alexander Martin C. 24 6/3/1893
Supply, OK s none listed
Alfono Repegino ? 23 7/4/1893 Sialo, Mexico Fargo, OK s none listed
Abbott Hal Kansas 32 5/2/1886
Gage, OK m Beulah Mabel Abbott
Abramson Dick 21 1/17/1897 Gt. Bend, KS Catesby, OK s Charles Calvin Abramson
Adams Charles Alton 30 5/6/1887 Dilling(?), NE Gage, OK m wife / 3 children
Adams Henry Abel 39 1/1/1879
Chaney, OK m Yula Myrtle Adams
Adams John Wm. 43 5/24/1875
Gage, OK m Anna Malie (sic) Adams
Adams Oliver 33 7/2/1885
Shattuck, OK s Wm. Adams
Adams Wm. Casper 34 12/31/1883
Shattuck, OK m Bertha Adams
Addington Leonard Coles 40 6/27/1878
Arnett, OK m Lulla Addington
Akine Arthur Albert 19 2/11/1899
Fargo, OK ? Nancy Akine
Alcorn James Thomas 25 8/31/1892 Grand, OK Peek, OK m none listed
Alcorn Jeff 22 7/24/1895 Grand, OK Grand, OK m wife / 3 children
Alderson Earl Sidney 18 6/22/1900
Catesby, OK ? Jennie Fout
Alvardo Dario 19 1899 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Alexander Alvin Robert 39 3/14/1879
Supply, OK m Cela Alexander
Alexander Edwin Whitt 19 2/22/1899
Gage, OK s Clara Ann Alexander
Alexander Fred L. 23 11/30/1893 La Follette, TN Gage, OK m wife / child
Alexander George Arthur 39 1/4/1879
Catesby, OK s Mariah Alexander
Allen Marion 44 1/2/1874
Shattuck, OK m Rosa Ann Allen
Allgire Rolla Wanen 19 7/14/1899
Arnett, OK ? Ella Allgire
Allgire Wm. Elvin 28 6/5/1889 Gruenemo(?), KS Harmon, OK m wife / 2 children
Allinger Ervin George 32 8/30/1894 Bushton, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Allinger Edwin John 33 10/4/1885
Gage, OK ? Maud May Allinger
Allinger Walton Fred 27 12/6/1889 Bushton, KS Gage, OK m wife
Alvardo Salome 30 1888 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Alvardo Manuel 30 1887 Mexico Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Anderson Benjamin Franklin 20 1/9/1898
Shattuck, OK ? Mary Jane Anderson
Anderson James W. 24 8/4/1892 Marion Co.,KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Anderson Joseph A. 21 9/26/1895 Boone Co., MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Anderson Joseph B. 24 1/29/1893 Werland(?), MO Gage, OK m none listed
Anderson Rosco James 36 2/4/1882
Harmon, OK m Iva Anderson
Andrews Rufus Willis 19 11/10/1899
Spearman, TX s Cornelia Andrews
Andrews Wm. Irvin 24 12/22/1893
Shattuck, OK m Sadia Andrews
Andrews Edward Eugene 24 10/22/1890 Lincoln, NE Catesby, OK m none listed
Appel Arthur 21 7/9/1896 Russia Shattuck, OK s Ludwig Appel
Alexander Joseph Asa 45 3/27/1873
Supply, OK m Sarah Alexander
Abbott Charles Alton 43 11/8/1874
Gage, OK m Celia Louise Abbott
Bacon Elbert Lee 24 8/21/1892 Bourbon, MO Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Bailey Ira Tarlton 30 9/12/1886 Missouri Harmon, OK m wife / 3 children
Bailey Loys Bryan 18 5/13/1900
Fargo, OK s V.E. Bailey-father
Bailey Snowden Sumpter 30 10/25/1886 Rock, KS Fargo, OK m wife / 2 children
Bailey Victor Emanuel 42 3/1/1876
Fargo, OK m Effie May Bailey
Baker Charles Gidion 30 4/28/1887 Newport, TN Gage, OK s none listed
Baker Edward Jake 30 2/9/1887 Russia May, OK m wife / child
Baker Frank Ralph 38 2/17/1880
Catesby, OK m Fannie Baker
Baker George Harvey 39 1/14/1879
Catesby, OK m Alice Baker
Baker John 43 12/3/1875
Gage, OK m Augusta Baker
Baker Robert Marchellon 25 2/14/1892 Nashville, NC Gage, OK s none listed
Baker Wm. E. 45 11/16/1872
Gage, OK m Ora Baker
Baker Wm. Oliver 39 8/2/1879
Shattuck, OK m Josie Baker
Baldwin Charles Ira 39 8/4/1879
Harmon, OK m Millie May Baldwin
Baldwin Clyde B. 21 1/29/1896 Iowa Arnett, OK s none listed
Baldwin George H. 41 2/1/1877
Arnett, OK m Nellie Olme Baldwin
Baldwin Wm. Hiram 37 6/14/1881
Arnett, OK m Margaret Baldwin
Baeya Faustino 25 1892 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Bales Howard Walton 24 9/4/1892 Stewartsville, MO Chaney, OK s none listed
Bales Louis Franklin 24 11/16/1892 Smarsville, NE Reason, OK m wife / child
Bales Thomas Alexander 26 8/6/1890 Johnson, NE Reason, OK m wife / 2 children
Bales Thomas Winton 29 8/28/1889 Stewartsville, MO Chaney, OK s none listed
Ballard Auty Orval 45 1/10/1873
Gage, OK m Alma Ann Ballard
Ballard Clive T. 21 8/8/1897 Indiana Gage, OK s Alvina Ballard
Ballard Grover Cleveland 33 4/19/1895
Reason, OK m Lula Ballard
Barcafer John Phillip 20 1/13/1898
Shattuck, OK ? Neva Dela Barcafer
Bardon Fred 23 6/2/1893 Beaumont, TX Shattuck, OK s none listed
Barker Clarence Arthur 20 7/10/1898
Strong City, OK s Eli Barker
Barker Hiram Everett 32 11/28/1885
Arnett, OK ? Eli Barker
Barker Walter Noah 29 2/12/1888 Arkansas Peek, OK m wife / child
Barker Wm. Rufus 34 9/14/1883
Arnett, OK s Eli Barker
Barnes Charles Cleveland 39 3/22/1885
Gage, OK ? Gertrude May Barnes
Bland James Edward 18 9/29/1900
Shattuck, OK ? Maggie Bland
Barnes Jeptha Allen 37 5/29/1881
Gage, OK m Letha May Barnes
Barnes Wanda Buck 23 11/25/1893 Endee(?), NM Gage, OK m wife / child
Barnes Wm. Edward 35 1/23/1883
Gage, OK ? Bessie Barnes
Barnett Orville Warren 37 11/17/1881
Shattuck, OK m Emma Barnett
Barnett Oscar 39 8/18/1879
Shattuck, OK m Fannie P. Barnett
Barnett Otis Eugene 26 1/21/1891 Kossuth(?), IN Grand, OK m none listed
Barnett Ortha A. 30 9/7/1886 Rock Castle, WV Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Barney Arthur M. 28 11/26/1888 Elk Falls, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Barr George Hamilton 37 2/2/1881
Gage, OK m Kda Elizabeth Barr
Barron John W. 29 12/29/1887 Towanda, PA Shattuck, OK m none listed
Barry James Roy 34 1/4/1884
Gage, OK m Vera Bunch Barton
Barton Archie Thomas 25 3/26/1892 Jacksonville, VA Bishop, OK m none listed
Barton Buel 21 10/11/1895 Jacksonville, VA Bishop, OK s none listed
Bastian John 44 9/10/1874
Shattuck, OK m Mary Bastian
Bateman Thomas R. 22 10/5/1894 Havensville, KS Gage, OK m wife / child
Bates John Homer 45 10/25/1873
Catesby, OK m Lenora Bates
Batman Frank 23 9/13/1894 Elebonen (?), KS Gage, OK s none listed
Bantista Anigeta 23 1895 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Baxter Edward Calvin 45 12/6/1872
Gage, OK m Nellie Euphema Baxter
Baxter James Oliver 38 1/20/1880
Chaney, OK m Mabel Baxter
Bay Alexander 39 8/8/1879
Shattuck, OK m Mary Bay
Bayer Samuel Ray 38 8/16/1888 Boonville, MO Parkman, OK m wife / child
Baysinger Henry 42 2/7/1876
Chaney, OK m Rebecca Baysinger
Baysinger Melvin Millard 44 6/14/1874
Chaney, OK m Gertrude Lenora Baysinger
Beaty Will 21 4/10/1891 Danbury, IA Arnett, OK s none listed
Beagles James Wm. 44 8/28/1874
Gage, OK m none listed
Beagles R. Allen 29 9/16/1887 Lebanon, KS Arnett, OK s none listed
Beall Otho Don 45 8/17/1873
Harmon, OK m Willie May Beall
Beam Joshway Phillip 18 6/19/1900
Arnett, OK ? Mad. M. Beam
Bean Henry 43 9/17/1874
Grand, OK m Eva Bean
Beatty Ralph W. 24 9/29/1893
Arnett, OK s none listed
Becker Arthur H. 22 5/12/1895 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m none listed
Becker Ferdinand P. 22 4/29/1895 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Becker Herbert Henry 20 12/30/1897
Shattuck, OK ? Margaret Becker
Becker Jacob 27 12/22/1890 Saratof, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Becker Karl 19 3/15/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Katie Becker
Bedey Thomas Jefferson 18 5/10/1900
Arnett, OK s Jim Bedey
Beers Mark Wm. 23 4/11/1894 Castana, IA Gage, OK m none listed
Beiderwell Ira Tarlton 38 5/18/1880
Gage, OK m Ora Ann Beiderwell
Beightol Claude Otto 39 7/22/1879
Bishop, OK m Pearl May Beightol
Belew Byron G. 30 2/20/1887 Chelsea, OK Parkman, OK m wife / child
Belew Garland Marcus 20 5/19/1898
Harmon, OK m Sidney Belew
Belew Wm. Morgan 43 9/12/1875
Vici, OK ? Sam Belew
Bell Charley Eugene 36 7/23/1882
Shattuck, OK m Myrtle Bell
Bell Joseph Roy 28 10/27/1888 Concordia, KS Grand, OK m wife / 2 children
Bellomy Robert Chester 19 6/10/1899
Grand, OK s Charles L. Bellomy
Beltz Harry Ray 34 5/27/1884
Arnett, OK m Lula Louise Beltz
Beltz Henry Alfred 37 5/3/1881
Arnett, OK m Minervia Beltz
Beltz Walter Frederick 29 2/1/1888 Arkoe, MO Parkman, OK m wife / child
Bemount Oscar 35 3/5/1883
Supply, OK m Myrtle Bemount
Benbrook Asa Monroe 34 1/6/1884
Fargo, OK m Mrs. A.M. Benbrook
Benge Sidney Fountain 35 3/5/1883
Fargo, OK m Helen Benge
Benger Lloyd M. 22 4/30/1895 Chant, OK Fargo, OK m wife
Benger Wm. Ogelvie 38 8/4/1880
Fargo, OK m Helen May Benger
Bennett Archie L. 21 4/2/1896 Lacey(?), OK Gage, OK s none listed
Bennett Harry Otto 23 3/29/1894 Goodland, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Bennett Jacob Eugene 41 2/25/1877
Gage, OK m Clara Bennett
Bennett Jess Elmer 23 2/8/1894 Alton, KS Fargo, OK s none listed
Bentley Charley Wm. 38 1/31/1880
Lavern, OK m Stella Bentley
Berera Francisco 29 2/17/1888 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Beum Rosco P. 23 3/2/1894 Nebraska Arnett, OK s none listed
Bernard George Wm. 43 12/9/1874
Fargo, OK m Eva Bernard
Berry Albert O. 33 3/5/1885
Harmon, OK s A.R. Berry
Berry Homer Clair 43 7/7/1875
Arnett, OK m Ollia Berry
Berry Robert O. 27 2/6/1890 Powersville(?), MO Harmon, OK s none listed
Bethel Floyd Wesley 18 8/6/1900
Peek, OK s Sam Bethel
Beumer August Wm. 41 3/15/1877
Gage, OK m Ida H. Beumer
Biggs John Fred 40 1/12/1878
Harmon, OK m Janie Ellen Biggs
Biglow Rudolph Augustus 45 8/1/1873
Arnett, OK m Ada May Biglow
Bilyou Mile Clottfelter 32 1/20/1886
Gage, OK m Dora B. Bilyou
Birkle Daniel 22 9/19/1894 Russia Shattuck, OK s none listed
Bissett John Wesley 42 7/9/1876
May, OK ? dau. Thelma Bissett
Black Allen Bryan 21 6/23/1897 Camargo, OK Camargo, OK s mother-Anna Black
Black Alva Scott 42 6/16/1876
Chaney, OK m Mollie Black
Black Edward 29 1/22/1888 Wyandotte, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Black Forest Dale 21 9/26/1896 Lemonville, MO Chaney, OK m Edith Stella Black
Black Lynn R. 27 3/30/1890 Beaver, OK Camargo, OK m wife / 3 children
Black Melvin Milroy 19 1/18/1899
Chaney, OK s Mollie Black
Black Orral A. 30 9/7/1887 Mayfield, KS Camargo, OK m wife / child
Black Thomas Oscar 33 1/24/1885
Bishop, OK m Genieve Black
Blakely Elza Elmer Elsworth 33 11/10/1884
Supply, OK s James M. Blakely, Sr.
Blakely James Madison 38 10/3/1879
Gage, OK m Samantha Bell Blakely
Blakely Wm. Henry 29 11/2/1888 Confidence, IA Catesby, OK s none listed
Blakely Wm. Howard 43 3/15/1875
Supply, OK m Iva Estell Blakely
Blurton Oliver Calaway 43 1/2/1875
Grand, OK m Cornelia Jane Blurton
Booth Peter 29 11/18/1887 Cedar Bluff, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / 4 children
Booth K. Alfred 24 6/26/1893 Maryville, MO Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Booth Oscar 19 12/14/1898
Shattuck, OK ? Mary Jane Booth
Borth Alexander 24 Unknown Russia Shattuck, OK s none listed
Borth Gustav 23 4/15/1894 Eigenfeld, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Borth Jacob 27 12/19/1887 Angenfelt, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Borth Jacob D. 39 12/27/1878
Shattuck, OK m Sophia Borth
Borth Reinhold 27 11/27/1878 Eigenfeld, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife
Botts Charles Delbert 18 12/24/1899
Supply, OK s Charles Henry Botts
Botts Charles Henry 45 1/7/1873
Supply, OK m Hattie E. Botts
Botts James Calvin 20 9/17/1897
Supply, OK s Charles Henry Botts
Bouse Carric J. 33 5/6/1886
Shattuck, OK m Bessie Bouse
Bowen Arthur 44 1/27/1874
Gage, OK m Vina Viola Bowen
Bowen Ray Herbert 27 12/4/1889 Sterling, KS Gage, OK m wife / child
Bowen William  45 1/27/1873
Gage, OK m Grace Bowen
Bowles Charley N. 18 12/6/1900
Arnett, OK ? Selma L. Bowles
Bowles Claude Westerfield 37 6/15/1881
Shattuck, OK m Ora L. Bowles
Bowles Gilbert 29 11/23/1887 Carrollton, MO Shattuck, OK m wife
Bowles John Walter 24 1/29/1893 Stuart, IA Grand, OK s none listed
Bowles Nathan Harry 29 2/22/1888 Washington, KS Grand, OK M wife / 2 children
Bowles Roy Y. 21 10/4/1895 Orlando, OK Shattuck, OK s none listed
Bowles Wm. A. 24 2/13/1893 Orlando, OK Shattuck, OK s none listed
Bowles Wm. Hiram 32 10/21/1885
Arnett, OK s Wm. B. Bowles
Bowman Claud 23 8/9/1894 Jolly Station, KY Gage, OK m none listed
Bowman Isaac Lee 37 11/20/1880
Harmon, OK m Mary Francis Bowman
Bowman James Arthur 24 2/28/1893 Mulhall, OK Parkman, OK m wife
Bowman Samuel Elsworth 24 6/6/1892 Peabody, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Bowman Tom 24 4/18/1893 Mulhall, OK Parkman, OK m wife / child
Boyd Atley Howard 20 10/7/1898
Arnett, OK m Lela Marie Boyd
Boyd Jesse Lee 20 12/3/1897
Shattuck, OK ? Lillie M. Boyd
Box Samuel Martin 34 4/24/1884
Grand, OK m Rachel Box
Boyd Luther R. 23 10/8/1893 Kazey(?), IL Arnett, OK s none listed
Boyd Robert Lyle 23 7/8/1893 Canadian, TX Shattuck, OK s none listed
Boyles George 24 9/27/1892 Canton, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Boyles Teddy Lee 21 3/10/1896 Bethel, MO Gage, OK s none listed
Bradshaw Anona Clarence 24 11/5/1893 Hartville, MO Arnett, OK m wife / 2 children
Bradshaw Arthur Lawrence 30 6/5/1887 Mountaingrove, MO Arnett, OK n wife / 4 children
Bradshaw Clyde Pearl 28 12/23/1888 Clay City, IN Chaney, OK s none listed
Bradshaw Howe Avie 27 12/12/1896 Missouri Arnett, OK ? P.F. Bradshaw
Bradshaw Ralph Dewey 18 11/17/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Kate Bradshaw
Bradshaw Robert E. 27 4/9/1890 Mountaingrove, MO Shattuck, OK m wife / 4 children
Brandenburg Clarkson Otis 28 2/7/1897 Merna, NE Gage, OK s Charles M. Brandenburg
Branstetter Louis Jackson 18 6/2/1900
Arnett, OK s A.H. Branstetter
Brant Clarence McKinley 21 11/10/1896 Wheeling, MO Dunlap, OK m Ruby Jane Brant
Brant Clyde Henry 32 3/8/1886
Dunlap, OK s Joseph Alfred Brant
Brant Ray Thomas 23 12/30/1893 Wheeling, MO Dunlap, OK m wife / child
Branyan John T. 22 9/10/1894 Jonesboro, AR Shattuck, OK m wife
Brauch Arlo Carlton 29 6/16/1888 Annapolis(?), IL Fargo, OK m wife / child
Brauch Otto Cleveland 34 6/4/1884
Fargo, OK m Almina Brauch
Breen James Thomas 45 9/2/1873
Shattuck, OK m Pearl Breen
Brennecke August Fred 41 4/29/1877
Gage, OK m Ida C. Brennecke
Brewer Clarence Edward 18 12/3/1900
Fargo, OK m Susy Brewer
Briant Peter James 33 9/23/1885
Gage, OK m Dora E. Briant
Briant Theadore 36 8/1/1882
May, OK m Gussie Nathan Briant
Bridges Steven Wesley 40 1/21/1878
Gage, OK s none listed
Briggs Monroe R. 44 5/18/1874
Har s Mary Briggs - mother
Briley Edd Roe 35 6/25/1882
Gage, OK m Amby Florence Briley
Briley Bert Earl 33 7/6/1885
Shattuck, OK m Josephine Briley
Briley Charlie O. 38 1/15/1880
Shattuck, OK m Lettie L. Briley
Briley Clarence J. 23 7/2/1893 Kellerton, IA Shattuck, OK s none listed
Brillhart Walter Elwood 39 5/17/1879
Lavern, OK m Disa Brillhart
Brink William L. 37 10/11/1881
Gage, OK m Isabel Brink
Brisben Ben F. 38 7/15/1880
Shattuck, OK s John Brisben
Brooks Benjamin A. 30 8/11/1886 Rush Springs, OK Shattuck, OK s ? 3 children
Brown Charlie Paden 42 2/29/1876
Peek, OK m Cora Elisabeth Brown
Brown Charles Wilber 36 2/2/1882
Gage, OK m Florence Lorene Brown
Brown Chester Byron 18 9/6/1900
Shattuck, OK ? Mary E. Brown
Brown George Leonard 21 12/14/1896 Perry, OK Higgins, TX m Edna Estella Brown
Brosh Joseph Wm. 45 12/16/1872
Shattuck, OK m Clara Brosh
Brown Anthony Luther 24 7/28/1893 Serena, WV Peek, OK m wife / child
Brown Benjamin Harrison 29 11/6/1888 Serena, WV Peek, OK m wife / child
Brown Charles Edward 30 3/12/1885 Monticello, MO Higgins, TX m wife / 3 children
Brown Clarence Lee 22 9/21/1890 Crescent, OK Chaney, OK s none listed
Brown Frank 21 7/19/1899 Kingman, KS Fargo, OK m wife
Brown Fred Eugene 19 7/28/1899
Higgins, TX m Ella Brown
Brown George W. 32 1/19/1886
Fargo, OK m Mable M. Brown
Brown Howard Spencer 18 1/28/1900
Peek, OK ? Elizabeth Brown
Braun John 30 2/9/1887 Russia Shattuck, OK s none listed
Brown John Robert 34 9/15/1883
Gage, OK m Martha Jane Brown
Brown John Wesley 19 8/28/1899
Gage, OK s Tena Catherine Brown
Brown Marshall James 28 3/29/1889 Sedan, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Brown Ralf Oren 29 11/2/1887 Rodney, IA Arnett, OK m wife / 2 children
Brown Ray Julius 27 2/2/1890 Sedan, KS Chaney, OK s none listed
Brown Walter E. 25 1/25/1892 K.C., MO Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Brownlee Harry Cooke 35 1/26/1883
Arnett, OK s W.R. Brownlee
Bruce Edgar Thomas 21 9/6/1899
Arnett, OK s Mariah Elizabeth Bruce
Bruce James Wm. 45 7/14/1873
Arnett, OK m Mariah Elizabeth Bruce
Brummet Glen R. 22 4/26/1895 Kirksville, MO Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Brummet Sam Francis 19 1/10/1899
Shattuck, OK s Selestia Brummet
Brurke Robert Emerson 18 8/23/1900
Grand, OK s Edwin Ernest Brurke
Brush George C. 23 9/14/1893 Wyoming, IA Shattuck, OK m wife
Bubp Job Burlington 42 9/30/1875
Chaney, OK m Lula May Bubp
Buchaman John Harvey 37 7/15/1881
Gage, OK m Clara Alice Buchaman
Buckley Ira Lee 43 7/1/1875
Shattuck, OK m Leatha Buckley
Bullon Francisco 24 10/4/1893 Mexico Shattuck, OK m wife
Burgess Dallas Clifton 18 4/17/1900
Supply, OK s Wm. V. Burgess
Burgess Graham 21 12/2/1896 Geary, OK Peek, OK s James Burgess
Burget Loyd Clara 19 10/14/1898
Chaney, OK s James Burget
Burke Amos Cordle 26 4/21/1891 Norwood, MO Chaney, OK m wife / child
Burke Leonard Leroy 22 2/3/1896 Norwood, MO Catesby, OK s none listed
Burke Milton 21 6/20/1897 Missouri Catesby, OK m Isa Burke
Burmer Floyd Vinton 26 1/10/1891 Eldorado, KS Gage, OK m wife
Burrow Edwin Blackburn 20 5/8/1898
Gage, OK ? Trinnie Burrow
Burrow John Wilburn 43 6/3/1875
Gage, OK m Trinnie Burrow
Bush Irwin 24 11/14/1892 Shattuck, OK Shattuck, OK s none listed
Bush Richard Oliver 44 11/26/1873
Higgins, TX m Margaret Bush
Butler Labon Lillie 33 2/16/1885
Arnett, OK m Mary Butler
Butler Thomas Andrew 43 2/11/1875
Shattuck, OK m Samantha Butler
Buxton Edward Everett 45 12/4/1873
Fletcher, Mo m Louise Buxton
Byers Jas. W. 27 11/17/1889 Mead Center, KS Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Byers Jesse Fred 30 1/26/1887 Mead Center, KS Gage, OK m wife
Byers John Wilson 38 10/18/1879
May, OK m Mary Gertrude Byers
Cabrillo Baltazer 23 11/29/1894 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Caeie Ode 28 7/1/1888 Atlanta, GA Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Calderon Parqual 34 1884 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? Ceophyina Calderon
Calhoon Cecil Wayne 20 7/28/1898
Fargo, OK s J.W. Calhoon
Calhoon Henry Marcellas 36 10/9/1881
Supply, OK ? Effie M. Calhoon
Calhoon John Arvil 33 1/2/1885
Supply, OK ? Vera Calhoon
Calhoon Willie Edd 23 10/12/1894 Suleven, NE Fargo, OK m wife / child
Callaway Roscoe 25 9/3/1891 Salem, IN Shattuck, OK s none listed
Calison Wilbur Gadd 30 12/20/1886 Cumming, IA Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Callon Cecil Gaylord 20 11/30/1898
Gage, OK s none listed
Cameran Stanley E. 21 6/20/1896 Ashley(?), IL Vici, OK s none listed
Campbell Charles 43 11/25/1875
Peek, OK m Lizzie Campbell
Campbell George Elbert 43 5/18/1875
Shattuck, OK s mother-Sarah Adaline Campbell
Campbell John Munroe 41 11/5/1876
Arnett, OK m Olive M. Campbell
Campbell Wm Francis 41 1/4/1877
Shattuck, OK ? Mary Jane Campbell
Cannon James Alexander 40 8/9/1878
Grand, OK ? Lucy Ethel Cannon
Cannon Ray P. 41 6/23/1877
Gage, OK ? Jennie Bane Cannon
Cappa Jacob Ward 40 2/14/1878
Shattuck, OK m Sarah Matilda Cappa
Care John T. 22 6/9/1895 Craig Co., OK Harmon, OK s none listed
Caress Orba McKinley 22 5/11/1895 Hutchinson, KS Fargo, OK m wife / child
Carey Charles Redman 42 6/12/1876
Gage, OK ? none listed
Carlin Agapita 22 9/20/1895 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Carnagey James Lawrence 43 3/17/1875
Chaney, OK m Cornelia Carnagey
Carnagey Silas Artie 19 8/10/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Eva Ellen Carnagey
Carpenter Calvin Otto 32 4/7/1886
Gage, OK m Pearl Carpenter
Carpenter Charles Fleetwood 32 3/20/1886
Grand, OK m Julie Carpenter
Carpenter Lewis Ancel 34 9/4/1884
Fargo, OK m Dellie Effie Carpenter
Carpenter Wm. Amara 34 7/16/1884
Gage, OK m Bessie Janet Carpenter
Carper Alden 45 1/15/1872 Page Co., IA Arnett, OK s none listed
Carper Elden 45 1/15/1872 Page Co., IA Arnett, OK s none listed
Carr Walter Vernon 41 6/29/1877
Bishop, OK m Blanche Bell Carr
Carroll Roy Harvey 40 9/4/1878
Chaney, OK s sister-Minnie Carroll
Carter James Franklin 41 2/5/1877
Gage, OK ? Ludie Carter
Cartwright Jonas Richard 42 8/12/1876
Shattuck, OK m Laura Fleenor Cartwright
Carver Eldridge Columbus 23 6/21/1893 Muenster, TX Shattuck, OK m wife
Casey John Wm. 41 10/12/1876
Gage, OK m Agnes Casey
Caster Earl McKinley 21 9/24/1896 Council Grove, KS Gage, OK s Henry Caster
Castiller Charles Elbert 42 6/12/1876
Gage, OK m Ollie Castiller
Castro Fernando 36 1882
Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Caywood Eugene Alexander 42 3/4/1876
Fargo, OK m Clara Cecila Caywood
Cecil Toney Wm. 18 6/16/1900
Higgins, TX s Cinilla Cecil
Cellan Charles Wesley 37 2/14/1881
Gage, OK m Martha J. Cellan
Cellan George Harmon 21 3/19/1896
Gage, OK s none listed
Cellan Lloyd Edward 23 9/17/1894
Gage, OK s none listed
Chalmers Frank 44 10/18/1873
Fargo, OK m Lula B. Chalmers
Chamberlain Floyd Carl 23 11/11/1889
Reason, OK m wife / 2 children
Chambers Lee 30 8/5/1886
Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Chance Charles Odeo 34 6/18/1884
Camargo, OK m Sallie Chance
Chance Oscar O. 25 11/2/1892
Camargo, OK m wife / child
Chance Walter L. 35 9/12/1883
Catesby, OK m Grace Iona Chance
Chaney Earl Gaston 21 4/30/1896 Houston, MO Grand, OK s none listed
Chaney Samuel Liston 23 8/6/1892 Clay Co., IL Grand, OK s none listed
Chapman Charles Wayne 25 11/2/1891 Fredonia, KS May, OK s none listed
Chappell Charles Ellis 45 11/25/1872
Chaney, OK m Rose Chappell
Charlton Leslie E. 28 1/15/1889 Springfield, CO Arnett, OK m wife / child
Chase Alson J. 28 10/28/1888 Luray/Leroy, KS Supply, OK m wife / 2 children
Chase Arthur Guy 34 10/28/1883
Supply, OK s Mrs. J.O. Chase
Chavez Jesus 24 1894 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Chavez Deciderio 28 2/11/1889 Zacatecas, Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Chavez Nesaris 30 1887 Mexico Shattuck, OK s 1 child
Chavez Sousans 25 5/25/1892 Zacatecas, Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Childers Calvin Bentley 44 10/23/1873
Chaney, OK m Celia M. Childers
Childers Jesse G. 21 8/21/1897 Missouri Chaney, OK s mother-Celia Childers
Childers Virgil Milton 18 9/15/1899
Chaney, OK s Calvin Bentley Childers
Chilson Samuel Allan 23 8/22/1893 Loup City, NE Gage, OK s none listed
Chrisman Lora Delman 27 12/15/1891 Laredo, MO May, OK m wife / child
Christie Wm. McIntosh 39 9/30/1878
Arnett, OK m Faye V. Christie
Clanton Earl B. 21 8/12/1896 Mart, TX Grand, OK ? Irene M. Clanton
Clark Alfred Otis 19 4/29/1899
Arnett, OK s H.E. Clark
Clark Bayard Weaver 36 7/21/1882
Arnett, OK m Minnie May Clark
Clark Birt Albert 42 2/18/1876
Arnett, OK m Estella P. Clark
Clark Fredrick P. 18 6/25/1900
Harmon, OK s mother-Bertie A. Clark
Clark Harold Dexter 20 8/11/1898
Shattuck, OK s Elsie N. Clark
Clark Heber Hage 21 6/25/1897 Waynesburg, PA Shattuck, OK s mother-Anna M. Clark
Clark Henry Edward 38 9/1/1880
Arnett, OK m Ressie A. Clark
Clark Ray Cromwell 23 7/27/1893 Hot Springs, SD Shattuck, OK m none listed
Clark Robert Franklin 45 8/29/1873
Harmon, OK m Bertie Clark
Clark V.A. 22 2/8/1895 Kirksville, MO Arnett, OK s none listed
Clark Wesley 42 2/14/1876
Har m Lettie Belle Clark
Clark Wm. I. 27 3/5/1890 Longmont, CO Gage, OK s none listed
Clarke Harry Nathan 30 7/8/1886 Wapello, IA Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Clayton Dan 41 12/8/1877
Arnett, OK s mother-Mattie Harvill
Clayton Edward Louis 40 2/1/1878
May, OK m Maude Ellen  Clayton
Cleaver Richard 45 1/25/1873
Shattuck, OK m Hallie E. Cleaver
Cleveland Perry Franklin 25 10/13/1893 Perry, OK Shattuck, OK s none listed
Cleveland Jacob Warren 30 3/3/1887 Plattsburg, MO Chaney, OK m wife / 3 children
Clifton Roland Leroy 34 5/13/1884
Shattuck, OK m Luellen Clifton
Cline George W. 27 1/2/1890 Harrisonville, MO Gage, OK m wife / 3 children
Cline Winfield Jacob 34 11/26/1883
Gage, OK s Mrs. Emma G. Cline
Clingenpell Howard L. 24 6/7/1892 Stratton, NE Higgins, TX s none listed
Claud Henry Abner 45 5/10/1873
Gage, OK m Nancy J. Williams
Cloyd Ernest 37 5/23/1881
Arnett, OK m Ellen Cloyd
Cobb Irvin L. 44 2/10/1874
Arnett, OK m Ada B. Cobb
Cobera Tomas 31 12/21/1888 Mexico Fargo, OK m Mrs. Tomas Cobera
Cochran Charles Jesse 29 6/30/1887 Phillips Co., KS Catesby, OK s none listed
Coffield Chester Earl 38 4/21/1880
Chaney, OK m Maude Coffield
Cofield John Garland 29 1/9/1890 Bethel(?), IN Catesby, OK m wife / child
Coffman Jesse Oliver 21 7/27/1895 Beloit, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Coffman Floyd Ephram 19 1/15/1899
Gage, OK s W.T. Coffman
Coffman Wm. Ezra 23 3/13/1894 Beloit, KS Gage, OK m wife
Cohlmia Saleem 42 6/15/1880 Syria Gage, OK m Saida Cohlmia
Colby Harmon Elias 39 9/13/1878
Peek, OK m Abby Elnora Colby
Cole Charles Wesley 21 10/21/1896 Siloan Springs, AR Gage, OK s Wm. Sherman Cole
Cole Forrest C. 30 3/2/1885 Frederick, KS Parkman, OK s none listed
Coleman Austin Pearl 36 5/18/1882
Gage, OK m Earnestine Coleman
Coleman Jesse 33 9/7/1885
Gage, OK m Tessie Fay Coleman
Coleman Jewel James 18 8/24/1900
Shattuck, OK ? Florence May Coleman
Coleman Lee J. 30 4/12/1887 Wichita, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Coleman Willie H. 22 9/22/1894 Kingman, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Collar Frank J. 28 9/10/1889 Delphos, KS Arnett, OK m wife / 2 children
Collins Curtney Earl 39 7/20/1879
Shattuck, OK m Ira Collins
Collins Harry L. 41 12/12/1887
Arnett, OK m Bertha Collins
Collins Ira Joseph 43 1/19/1875
Shattuck, OK s Susan Collins
Collins Jasper 35 11/22/1882
Shattuck, OK s mother-Susan Collins
Collins John Ross 32 3/10/1886
Shattuck, OK s mother-Susan Collins
Congas Leonardo 33 1885 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Conner Charles A. 45 11/22/1872
Arnett, OK m Lara A. Conner
Conner James Kirk 35 3/16/1883
Chaney, OK m Elva Adaline Conner
Conner Orval Cecil 21 9/9/1896 Lamont, OK Arnett, OK s Charles Augusta Conner
Contreras Lucia 42 9/14/1875 Mexico Fargo, OK m Mrs. Lucia Contreras
Contreras Raymundo 18 3/15/1900 Mexico Fargo, OK s father-Lucia Contreras
Cook Wm. Louis 37 10/20/1980
Supply, OK m Dora E. Cook
Cooley Bert  30 7/24/1886 Raub(?), IN Arnett, OK m wife / 4 children
Cooley Charles Edward 39 6/17/1879
Arnett, OK m Anna B. Cooley
Cooley Charley Comodore 20 5/8/1898
Shattuck, OK ? Cora Cooley
Cooley Grover Cleveland 34 3/2/1884
Arnett, OK m Ida M. Cooley
Cooley James Thomas 25 7/19/1891 Skiatook, OK Gage, OK s none listed
Cooley John Allen 22 6/5/1895 Enid, OK Gage, OK s none listed
Cooley Leonard Moore 43 8/19/1875
Gage, OK m Mary Amey Cooley
Cooley Ralph  20 1/10/1898
Gage, OK ? Margurette Caroline Cooley
Cooley Wm. James 45 10/14/1872
Grand, OK m Mabel Claire Cooley
Coombs Irven J. 22 7/17/1894
Bishop, OK s none listed
Coombs Orba R. 30 6/2/1887 Carrollton, KY Arnett, OK m wife / child
Coonce Jacob Allen 43 6/11/1875
Woodward, OK m Anna May Coonce
Coonfield George De 44 9/29/1873
Gage, OK m Annie E. Coonfield
Cooper David Alexander 42 4/25/1876
Higgins, TX m Verna Belle Cooper
Cooper James Francis 33 1/13/1885
Gage, OK m Agnes Olive Cooper
Cooper Lorenzo Andrew 45 4/11/1873
Higgins, TX m Cora May Cooper
Corilles Luis 20 10/21/1899 Mexico Fargo, OK m Mrs. Luis Corilles
Cornforth Mastel Linton 44 9/24/1873
Harmon, OK m May Cornforth
Cory Ira Eugene 36 8/7/1882
Gage, OK m Clara Cory
Cox Charles O. 41 4/2/1877
Reason, OK m Inez Cox
Cox Otha Donald 35 9/12/1883
Catesby, OK m Carlista Ione Cox
Cox Solomon Orlando 40 7/7/1878
Shattuck, OK m Phenina Cox
Crabtree John Thomas 42 5/27/1876
Gage, OK s none listed
Crail Earl Foster 27 1/31/1890 New Boston, MO Arnett, OK m wife / 2 children
Cramer Reuben 41 12/27/1877
Fargo, OK m Ivy Cramer
Crandell Harry Clay 36 3/28/1882
Catesby, OK m Della Crandell
Crandell Roy  22 1/29/1896 Rush Hilll, MO Lavern, OK s none listed
Cranson Thomas P. 27 1/31/1890 Lexington, OK Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Cresswell James Dea 18 8/31/1900
Arnett, OK s A.L. Cresswell
Crider John Abiah 21 5/2/1896 Kechi, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Crider Clarence Henry 45 11/30/1872
Gage, OK m Anna Crider
Crider Joseph I. 34 7/29/1884
Gage, OK m Anna Crider
Crider Samuel Elcaney 43 4/21/1875
Gage, OK m Ida May Crider
Crissup Robert Craig 22 10/1/1894 Ponca City, OK Arnett, OK m wife
Cromwell Matthew Riley 28 7/25/1889 Columbus, KY Reason, OK m wife / 4 children
Crooks Cecil Charles 19 7/25/1899
May, OK s mother-Ida B. Crooks
Crooks Harry Harold 22 11/25/1894 Bell Valley(?), OH May, OK s none listed
Crooks James Myriam 20 1/3/1898
May, OK s mother-Ida B. Crooks
Crooks Pearl 21 8/9/1896 Cumberland(?), OH May, OK s James Meade Crooks
Cross Dalpha Elmont 20 8/7/1898
Arnett, OK ? Nellie M. Cross
Cross Frank Brasher 42 9/14/1875
Peek, OK ? Bessie Alma Cross
Cross Marvin Cycers 21 12/14/1896 Jerico, MO Arnett, OK s Nathan Henry Cross
Cross Wm. Henry 45 1/4/1873
Arnett, OK m Nellie M. Cross
Cross Wm. C. 45 11/8/1872
Arnett, OK m Carry (sic) B. Cross
Crouse Amos P. 21 6/24/1897 Iowa Chaney, OK s father-Joseph H. Crouse
Crouse Charlie Curtis 43 10/2/1875
Fargo, OK m Juda Crouse
Crouse David Duard 27 8/3/1889 Delta, IA Chaney, OK m wife
Crouse Franklin Pierce 26 3/10/1891 Delta, IA Gage, OK m wife / child
Crouse Henry Walter 29 1/28/1888 Elkin, NC Supply, OK m wife / 3 children
Crouse Wm. Henry 39 9/5/1879
Gage, OK m Minnie Lavenia Crouse
Crowder James Reuben 44 3/10/1874
Gage, OK m Addie Earley Crowder
Cruz Leonardo 22 1895 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Cully Clarence L. 30 11/3/1887 Dilly(?), NE Gage, OK m wife / child
Cully Earl Robert 23 6/5/1894 Dilly(?), NE Gage, OK m wife / child
Cully Earnest Beauford 26 5/24/1891 Dilly(?), NE Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Cully Orra Wm. 19 10/16/1898
Gage, OK ? Loretta Cully
Culp George Kline 28 7/8/1888 Ocheltree(?), TX Grand, OK m wife
Curry John C. 21 5/4/1896 Hennessey, OK Shattuck, OK s none listed
Curtis Isaac Newton 23 9/30/1893 Loving Co., TX Gage, OK m wife / child
Curtis Ross Ralph 26 11/2/1890 Oklahoma Peek, OK s none listed
Curtis Wm. Theodore 40 11/12/1877
Peek, OK m May Curtis
Dagenhart John Wesley 41 9/13/1876
Gage, OK m Laura Minnie Dagenhart
Daily Henry L. 45 12/10/1892
Higgins, TX m Nellie Daily
Dale E. W. 28 12/30/1889 Trenton, NE Shattuck, OK s none listed
Dale Floyd Clemon 39 11/7/1878
May, OK m Fannie Beatrice Dale
Dale Floyd P. 21 9/6/1895 Geneseo, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Dale Stephen Matthew 34 10/5/1883
Gage, OK m Zola Etta Dale
Dalrumple Albert Marcellus 45 1/12/1873
Grand, OK s Charley N. Dalrumple
Dalrumple James Edward 37 4/6/1881
Chaney, OK m Chloe Dalrumple
Daniels Charles Esli 37 8/3/1881
Gage, OK m Lottie Forrest Daniels
Daniels Harold Wesley 22 10/21/1895 Oberlin, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Daniels Leo 36 4/5/1882
Shattuck, OK m Emily Daniels
Daniles Ernest Ray 36 12/15/1882
Supply, OK m Pearle Edna Daniles
Danley Sterling White 27 1/4/1890 Belton, TX Fargo, OK m wife
Danner Clarence Iden 29 9/20/1887 Newton Station(?), IN Gage, OK m wife
Danner Ivan Erastus 37 11/30/1880
Gage, OK m Ruth Danner
Darr John Felix 38 1/15/1880
Harmon, OK m Etta Darr
Dart Wm. Edward 18 6/27/1900
Shattuck, OK s W.H. Dart
Darwin Wm. George 39 7/12/1879
Gage, OK m Mary Elizabeth Darwin
Davenport Ray H. 33 9/8/1885
Supply, OK m Bertha Davenport
Davidison Benjamin Harrison 28 3/23/1889
Supply, OK m wife
Davidison Earnest 33 8/13/1885
Supply, OK ? J.E. Davidson
Davis Charles Harry 44 2/20/1874
Fargo, OK m Gertrude Alice Davis
Davis Alfred Henry 41 11/5/1877
Catesby, OK m Bessie Blanch Davis
Davis Herbert Ray 19 3/18/1899
Shattuck, OK s W.R. Davis
Davis Jonathan Emanuel 34 8/1/1884
May, OK s mother-Lou Davis
Davis Leroy Ross 41 8/23/1877
Fargo, OK m Amy A. Davis
Davis Porter 39 8/2/1879
Bishop, OK m Ora Lillian Davis
Davis Robert Elonzo 40 2/4/1878
Shattuck, OK m Lucille Davis
Davis Walter Earl 37 1/10/1881
Shattuck, OK m Elizabeth Davis
Davison George Elbert 40 9/11/1878
Reason, OK m Sibyl I. Davison
Davison Paul Wm. 18 11/3/1899
Reason, OK s Syble Inez Davison
Day Bert Clifford 37 9/15/1880
Grand, OK m Flora Day
Deal David 29 11/4/1887 Driespitz, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Deal George 43 10/6/1875
Shattuck, OK m Julia Deal
Deal Jonathan 45 2/1/1873
Gage, OK m Iona Deal
Deal Reinhard 39 9/9/1879
Shattuck, OK s Gottfried Deal
Dean Celo 34 8/19/1884
Camargo, OK m Della Dean
Dean John Wm. 36 8/23/1882
Camargo, OK ? George A. Dean
Dearing El Boodnot 40 2/12/1878
Bishop, OK m Myrtle Fay Dearing
Dearing Elgie Holt 18 5/26/1900
Bishop, OK s Joseph B. Dearing
Dearing Elvie 27 3/12/1890 Harrison, AR Bishop, OK m wife / 3 children
Dearing Joseph Benjamin 44 9/22/1873
Bishop, OK m Daisy Montry Dearing
Dearing James Otis 36 2/15/1882
Harmon, OK m Laura Maggie Dearing
DeGrange Jerry H. 21 11/4/1895
Shattuck, OK s none listed
DeGrange John Wm. 33 9/9/1885
Gage, OK ? John M. DeGrange
DeGrange Walter McKinley 18 3/8/1900
Gage, OK ? Ruth L. DeGrange
Delay Frank 45 3/3/1873
Gage, OK m Hattie Delay
Dellenbaugh John 27 5/4/1890 Inman, KS Fargo, OK m wife
Demsey Blaud 24 3/11/1893 Salem, IN Shattuck, OK s none listed
Denney Robert L. 22 11/25/1894 Salem, IN Shattuck, OK s none listed
Denton Osborne C. 36 11/6/1882
Arnett, OK m Hanna M. Denton
Depue Albert Fred 38 5/4/1880
Gage, OK m Grace Lillian Depue
Derrick Calvin Addkerson 41 6/17/1877
Arnett, OK m Laura E. Derrick
Derrick Charles Lee 34 4/8/1884
Harmon, OK m Asa Harvey Derrick
Derrick Earnest 26 12/5/1891
Vici, OK m wife / 2 children
Derrick Joseph Elbert 32 2/22/1886
Harmon, OK m Flora Bell Derrick
Denemey Rolie Edward 39 1/28/1899
Shattuck, OK m Irene Denemey
Devore Kenneth 19 9/20/1898
Supply, OK ? Fannie Devore
Devore William Verne 25 6/14/1891 Van Wert, IA Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Dexter John Hale 36 6/10/1882
Catesby, OK m Cecil Dexter
Dexter Robert Isaac 21 8/16/91or93
Lavern, OK s none listed
Diacon Floyd W. 21 5/13/1896 Moorhead, IA Gage, OK s none listed
Diacon Guy Glenn 26 2/5/1891 Moorhead, IA Gage, OK s none listed
Diacon Leo Mikal 24 1/5/1893 Moorhead, IA Gage, OK s none listed
Dick Alex 21 1/27/1896 Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Dickenson Charles Henry 42 12/4/1875
Supply, OK m Emma L. Dickenson
Dicks Harry Charles 40 1/4/1878
Arnett, OK ? none listed
Dickson Edgar M. 24 11/19/1892 Pilot Grove, MO Gage, OK m wife / child
Dickson Estes Lee 29 9/20/1887 Lyons, KS Parkman, OK m wife / child
Dishen Glen Irving 21 10/4/1896 Osage, KS Chaney, OK s none listed
Dixon Oliver Thomas 34 11/23/1884
Harmon, OK m Nellie May Dixon
Doane George Lawrence 30 9/4/1886 Ware, IA Loland, OK m wife
Doane Philip Vincent 23 12/23/1893 Lawrence, NE Loland, OK m wife
Dobbs Dewey Virgil 18 11/5/1899
Peek, OK ? Sallie Dobbs
Dobbs Edd McKinley 19 8/2/1899
Peek, OK ? Mona P. Dobbs
Dobrinski Ernest 40 4/6/1878
Shattuck, OK m Mary Dobrinski
Dodson J.C. 23 10/8/1893 Lemonville, MO Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Donnell Joseph Williamson 24 2/4/1893 Mulhall, OK Grand, OK s none listed
Donovan Carl Wm. 23 5/24/1894 Longton, KS Gage, OK m wife / child
Dooley Paul Pardee 27 6/8/1889 Whitewater, KS Peek, OK s none listed
Dotz James Maston 45 4/25/1873
May, OK m Claudia Dotz
Dowden Wm. Henry 43 2/23/1875
Chaney, OK m Mary Anna Dowden
Dowler Earnest Clinton 34 8/31/1884
Arnett, OK m Dela May Dowler
Dowler John Franklin 40 9/1/1878
Arnett, OK m Carrie B. Dowler
Drake Charles Rodney 26 10/13/1890 Kinsley, KS Gage, OK m wife
Drake Earl Fay 20 2/28/1898
Fargo, OK ? Jessie Drake
Drake Edwin Lee 21 1/22/1896 Attica, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Drake Ralph Seymour 22 8/12/1894 Kinsley, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Drake Wilber Ray 21 1/28/1896 Ell Cermilen Co. Fargo, OK s none listed
Drew Lewis Nelson 40 5/19/1878
May, OK m May Drew
Driskell Wiley Joseph 40 7/13/1878
Gage, OK m Amaryllis Ethel Driskell
Drolte Charley Wm. 34 5/13/1884
Catesby, OK m Ruth Della Drolte
Drolte Earl Fredric 28 2/18/1889 Glasco, KS Catesby, OK s none listed
Dudley James D. 42 12/18/1876
May, OK m Clara M. Dudley
Duggan Jesse Lee 42 6/15/1876
Bishop, OK m Mary Lou Duggan
Duke Marshall 24 4/2/1893 Brady, TX Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Dumbauld Charles Emery 36 9/14/1882
Harmon, OK s mother-Carrie E. Dumbauld
Dumbauld Lewis 40 5/2/1878
Harmon, OK s mother-Carrie E. Dumbauld
Duncan Donald D. 20 5/23/1898
Harmon, OK s Donald Preston Duncan
Duncan Donald Preston 44 5/17/1874
Harmon, OK m Winifred L. Duncan
Duncan James Riley 18 3/1/1900
Harmon, OK s Donald Preston Duncan
Duncan Robert King 29 6/27/1887 Plano, TX Catesby, OK m wife / ? children
Duncan Walter John 41 11/14/1876
Fargo, OK m Bengeline Duncan
Dunkin Benjamin Bruce 39 8/19/1879
Chaney, OK m Cora Ethel Dunkin
Dunlavy William H. 22 2/3/1895 Wesine(?), TX Gage, OK m wife / child
Dunn Dick 45 9/23/1873
Gage, OK m Mary Etta Dunn
Dunn Earl 22 3/18/1895 Harper, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Dunnihoo Roy Nelson 35 4/29/1883
Shattuck, OK m Mary Ann Dunnihoo
Dunnihoo Wayne Park 18 5/10/1900
Shattuck, OK m Julia A. Dunnihoo
Dyke Simeon Briggs 27 3/24/1890 Parsons, KS Harmon, OK m wife / 2 children
Eagleston Ivan Leroy 19 4/10/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Gertrude Eagleston
Eagleston Marvin O. 25 1/5/1892 Castleton(?), IL Shattuck, OK s none listed
Eagon George Daniel 18 6/28/1900
Gage, OK ? Mrs. Alice Eagon
Eagon Homer Orvill 21 10/3/1895 Oxford, MO Gage, OK s none listed
Earnst Curtis Alexander 22 11/12/1894 Argentine, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Eastham Johnnie 21 8/22/1897 Oklahoma Arnett, OK s father-Jim Eastham
Eastham Wm. Edward 18 1/4/1900
Arnett, OK s J.G. Eastham
Easthaur Thomas David 44 2/2/1874
Arnett, OK ? Geo. H. Suthers
Eddie Francis Class 37 1/25/1881
Harmon, OK m Evelyn Eddie
Eddie George Harry 34 6/25/1884
Reason, OK ? Leota Eddie
Edelblute Henry Camden 44 2/26/1874
Gage, OK m Minnie Edelblute
Edsall Milo Philip 24 5/5/1893 Tampa, KS Gage, OK m wife
Edwards Earl 21 5/2/1896 Moran, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Edwards Leroy Griffin 38 3/10/1880
Shattuck, OK m Bertha Edwards
Edwards Oliver E. 26 3/2/1891 Wichita, KS Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Eggleston Harvey Martin 19 2/21/1899
Bishop, OK s Edmond Eggleston
Ehrlich Alexander D. 30 2/15/1887 Russia Catesby, OK m wife / 4 children
Ehrlich Alexander E. 34 4/22/1884
Chaney, OK m Eliza M. Ehrlich
Ehrlich Carl  29 10/16/1888 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Ehrlich Charley C. 32 9/18/1885
Shattuck, OK m Amelia Ehrlich
Ehrlich Ezra 21 1/7/1897 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK s D.D. Ehrlich
Ehrlich Gottfried 39 8/10/1879
Shattuck, OK m Anna Ehrlich
Ehrlich Georg Alexander 45 12/17/1872
Shattuck, OK m Hannah Ehrlich
Ehrlich Henry K. 26 10/15/1890 Russia Shattuck, OK m wife
Ehrlich Karl D. 30 4/7/1887 Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / 4 children
Ehrlich Jacob 22 1/17/1895 Carney, OK Gage, OK s none listed
Ehrlich Sam D. 23 6/26/1893 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Elder John Monte 24 3/1/1893 Stafford, KS Fargo, OK m wife
Eldringhoff John Joseph 34 2/25/1884
Gage, OK m Olive Eldringhoff
Elledge Dayton Holiday 18 5/24/1900
Gage, OK ? Nellie Margarite Elledge
Elliott Elmer Warren 18 5/16/1900
Fargo, OK ? Myrtle Elliott
Elliott Ernest Howard 19 12/30/1898
Fargo, OK m Irvin Elliott
Elliott Freddie James 20 2/22/1898
Fargo, OK s father-Asa James Elliott
Elliott Laban Moody 39 7/11/1879
Gage, OK m Mrs. Jessie F. Elliott
Elliott Loffie 29 1888 Iowa Harmon, OK s none listed
Ellis Ollie E. 33 4/7/1885
Gage, OK m Nettie Ellis
Elliott Stanley P. 37 12/5/1880
Gage, OK m Bertha Elliott
Elliott Thomas W. 21 8/20/1891 Iowa Fargo, OK ? Eva Elliott
Ellison Wm. Erastus 45 8/23/1873
Catesby, OK ? son-Tomas E. Ellison
Elmore George Harrison 25 12/16/1892 Cherryvale, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Elwell Roy Wretus 19 1/22/1899
May, OK s mother-Malissie Elwell
Elwell Thomas Alford 44 2/3/1874
May, OK m Malissie Francis Elwell
Emmons Charles 45 2/17/1875
Shattuck, OK m Bertha May Emmons
Emmons Harvey Lee 21 9/11/1896 Kansas Shattuck, OK s Charles Emmons
Emmons Jesse 40 6/5/1877
Higgins, TX m Anna Emmons
Emmons Loyd M. 21 12/8/1895 Okeene, OK Shattuck, OK s none listed
Emmons Roger Warren 20 11/10/1897
Gage, OK ? Ida Emmons
Enfield Jesse Emery 23 4/9/1894 Columbus, KS Grand, OK s none listed
Enfield Orville Edgar 36 8/19/1882
Grand, OK ? Maggie Mabel Enfield
Enfield Raymond Edwin 27 3/4/1890 Harper, KS Grand, OK m wife / child
Enfield Roy 27 3/4/1890 Harper City, KS Grand, OK m wife / 2 children
Ensminger Charles 26 11/8/1890 Canada, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Ensminger Henry 29 1/28/1888 Lincoln, NE Shattuck, OK s none listed
Epp Samuel Peter 21 12/9/1896 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Ereman Levi 19 3/13/1899
Harmon, OK s father-Frank Ereman
Easington Walter Wesley 44 3/10/1874
Higgins, TX m Cornelia Love Easington
Erskin Charley Franklin 18 1900
Arnett, OK ? Lizzie Erskin
Esparsa Jacinto 22 1896 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Espinosa Jose Y. 20 1898 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Estes Floyd 18 1/25/1900
Gage, OK s Mrs. Jennie Estes
Estes George Calvin 20 2/6/1898
Gage, OK s Mrs. Jennie Estes
Ewing Craig Dysart 21 2/20/1897 St. Joseph, MO Shattuck, OK s David Craig Ewing
Ewing James Porter 19 7/7/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Gertrude D. Ewing
Ezell James David 21 10/23/1895 Albany, TX Peek, OK m wife / child
Ezell Samuel Houston 36 3/8/1882
Gage, OK s James Balem Ezell
Fagola William Lee 38 6/20/1880
Gage, OK m Bertha Olean Fagola
Failing Clifford Edward 21 5/8/1897 Nebraska Gage, OK s Edward F.
Fancher Harry F. 22 6/11/1894 Seymour, TX Gage, OK s none listed
Fanning William Joseph 40 8/1/1878
Supply, OK ? dau-Hazel Gertrude Fanning
Farington Floyd Heman 29 7/18/1887 Stara(?), IA Harmon, OK m wife / 3 children
Farmer John Alexander 40 2/16/1878
Fargo, OK m Mattie I. Farmer
Farnsworth Burr Wood 41 10/17/1876
Gage, OK m Gertie Adelia Fansworth
Farnsworth Carvey Edward 30 6/7/1886 Woodbine, IA Gage, OK m wife
Farr Albert 39 11/17/1898
Arnett, OK m Arvilla Farr
Farris Charles Oscar 35 11/19/1882
Arnett, OK m Oma Farris
Farris Earl E. 28 6/13/1888 New Columbia(?), IL Arnett, OK s none listed
Farris William Ivis 18 12/6/1900
Arnett, OK s J.A. Farris
Faust Fred  G. 18 1/3/1900 Russia Fargo, OK s father-Geo. Faust
Faust George Jr. 20 10/16/1897 Russia Fargo, OK s father-Geo. Faust
Fechner Dan L. 25 4/27/1892 Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / ? children
Fechner Edward 26 7/20/1890 Tarulius, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / ? children
Fennimore Albert Ellsworth 41 1/19/1877
Fargo, OK m Lillie M. Fennimore
Fennimore Clyde 22 12/22/1894 Winterset, IA Fargo, OK m wife
Ferchan Frank Lewis 25 5/31/1892 Wichita, KS Gage, OK m wife / child
Ferchan Fred William 29 3/29/1888 Wichita, KS Gage, OK m wife
Ferguson David Harris 45 12/29/1872
Harmon, OK m Hattie Bell Ferguson
Fessler William Henry 38 3/10/1880
Fargo, OK m Maggie M. Fessler
Feurbacher Max Emil 40 10/18/1878
Shattuck, OK m Maude Ethel Feurbacher
Fiegel Jacob William 38 5/14/1880
Chaney, OK m Mamie Helen Fiegel
Fiegel Joseph Edward 40 3/21/1878
Gage, OK ? Dave Fletcher Fiegel
Fielder Clarence C. 32 4/14/1886
Gage, OK ? Mrs. Nettie Fielder
Fielder Perry Leonard 21 1/16/1897 Kentucky Arnett, OK ? Sinia Arminda Fielder
Fields Charles Lyman 36 5/2/1882
Gage, OK m Bertha Abbie Fields
Fields Ernie Earl 25 3/25/1892 Crescent, OK Gage, OK m wife / 3 children
Fields John Ezra 40 2/22/1878
Gage, OK m Mrs. Nannie Fields
Flock Harry Alva Allen 38 11/29/1880
Gage, OK m Mary Louise Flock
Flock Ralph Everet 35 11/4/1883
Gage, OK m Lena Flock
Foale Ernest C. 24 10/1/1893 Black Hawk, IN Fargo, OK m wife / child
Foale Eugene 31 7/21/1897 Waterloo, IA Fargo, OK s mother-Jessie Foale
Foale Ray 23 10/17/1893 Waterloo, IA Fargo, OK s none listed
Forbes Ray Athur 21 1/28/1897 Bellmont, NE Chaney, OK s Andrew Barnett Forbes
Fields Joseph Leander 30 9/26/1886 Havensville, KS Gage, OK m wife / 5 children
Fields Perry L. 25 6/19/1891 Havensville, KS Gage, OK m wife / child
Fields Samuel D. 28 9/28/1888 Onaga, KS Gage, OK m wife / 3 children
File Fred 22 7/3/1894 Germany Gage, OK m wife / child
Firestone Everett Wm. 21 4/10/1896 Logan, OK Supply, OK s none listed
Firestone Herbert Lewis 19 9/20/1894
Supply, OK s mother-Ella D. Firestone
Firestone Isaac Bright 18 9/7/1900
Supply, OK s mother-Ella D. Firestone
Fischer Christ Fred 34 5/15/1884
Shattuck, OK s Reinhart Fischer
Fischer Henry B. 30 4/30/1887 Jefferson City, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Fischer Otto 27 9/10/1889 Jefferson City, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Fiskin Lemart Frank 27 7/13/1889 Burden, KS Catesby, OK s none listed
Fiskin Leslie Dee 24 3/6/1893 Burden, KS Catesby, OK m wife
Fisthgrate William H. 38 4/30/1887 Hebron, NE Fargo, OK m wife / 4 children
Fitch James Clarence 25 8/19/1891 Germantown, IL Grand, OK m wife / child
Fitzgerald Charles Ruppert 48 4/21/1875
Higgins, TX m Arminda Fitzgerald
Flaherty Floyd Alva 19 10/7/1899
Gage, OK m Clara Belle Flaherty
Flaherty Francis Frederick 18 8/18/1900
Gage, OK s Herman A. Flaherty
Flaherty Herman Augustus 44 6/28/1874
Gage, OK m Magdelina Flaherty
Fletcher Charles Alonza 43 6/14/1875
Grand, OK m Barbara Fletcher
Fletcher Chris 29 5/26/1888 Belton, TX Arnett, OK m wife / 3 children
Fletcher Joe 21 1/12/1896 Eliasville(?), TX Grand, OK s mother
Fletcher Roy 24 8/20/1892 Breckenridge, TX Grand, OK s mother
Flock Earl 28 4/20/1889 Deuel Co., NE Gage, OK wd 3 children
Forbes Fred 38 2/10/1880
Higgins, TX m Carelane Forbes
Fore John Munsly 37 1/10/1881
Chaney, OK m Jessie Clem. Fore
Forester Ambrose Alexander 36 7/18/1882
Grand, OK m Sarilda O. Forester
Forgey John Wollard 18 3/9/1900
Supply, OK s W.V. Forgey
Forgey Walter Bell 40 3/9/1878
Supply, OK m Chloe Forgey
Fosset Fred Frant 33 6/5/1885
Shattuck, OK m Nettie Fosset
Foster Porter James 42 3/30/1876
May, OK s mother-Salinda Foster
Fount William Harvey 40 4/28/1878
Chaney, OK m Ellen Fount
Fowler Lee Merl 27 3/4/1890 Mercer, MO Supply, OK m wife / 2 children
Fox Charles Robert 38 8/29/1880
Higgins, TX m Jesse May Fox
Fox Henry Holder 45 7/1/1873
Higgins, TX ? James Pleasant Fox
Fox James Pleasant 32 1/16/1886
Higgins, TX m Lucy Fox
Fox Oscar 22 11/6/1894 Glen Elder, KS Chaney, OK m wife / child
Fox Parker 35 7/4/1883
Chaney, OK m Ester Fox
Foyil Ethridge Burt 42 10/19/1876
Shattuck, OK m Dora E. Foyil
Franke Senodo 45 1873 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Frass Fred 25 too intoxicated Higgins, TX Grand, OK s none listed
Freeman Albert A. 25 1/13/1898 Viola, AR Grand, OK s none listed
Freeman Irby A. 20 3/12/1898
Arnett, OK s Margaret Belle Freeman
Freeman L.C. 29 10/13/1888 DeWitt, AR Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Freeman Robert E. 30 1/31/1887 Paola, KS Arnett, OK m wife / child
Fritzler Adam 22 2/28/1895 Marion, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Fritzler Georg R. 36 3/19/1882 Canada  Catesby, OK m Emma Fritzler
Fritzler Henry Georg 26 6/22/1891 Russia Shattuck, OK s none listed
Fritzler Jonas Elmer 19 4/18/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Kate Fritzler
Froage Henry Clifton 40 3/6/1878
Gage, OK m Fannie May Froage
Fulton Edgar Glick 38 8/23/1880
Shattuck, OK m Josephine Fulton
Funk Edward H. 26 7/27/1897 Kansas Gage, OK s mother-Mary Funk
Funk Leonard Amos 21 2/7/1896 Kansas Gage, OK s none listed
Funk William Albert 23 5/26/1894 Hutchinson, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Furse James Wm. 38 8/21/1880
Shattuck, OK m Beulah E. Furse
Gaffaney Elmon Clarence 19 2/13/1889
May, OK s mother-Ella Maude Gaffaney
Gaffaney Gordon Hubbell 21 1/25/1897 Red Oak(?), MO May, OK s Clarence Elmer Gaffaney
Gaisford George Clifton 23 7/26/1893 Gage Co.NE Gage, OK m wife / child
Gallardo Agapito 35 1883 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Galloway Harvey 27 11/8/1889 Shannon City, IA Gage, OK s none listed
Garcia Jose 23 1894 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Garcia Vincente 22 1895 Mexico Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Garcia Ygnocie 34 8/1/1884 Mexico Fargo, OK m wife
Garber Charles Robert 25 9/2/1891 Seneca, MO Chaney, OK s none listed
Gardner Albert 30 4/2/1887 K.C., MO Gage, OK s none listed
Garrett George Funk 38 7/23/1880
Grand, OK m Myrtle Garrett
Garrett Henry Parrish 37 6/27/1881
Shattuck, OK m Edna E. Garrett
Garringer Bruce 37 10/27/1880
Gage, OK m Gertrude May Garringer
Gartrell Oliver D. 40 12/5/1877
Fargo, OK m Bessie May Gartrell
Gartrell Robert Hugh 37 12/2/1880
Fargo, OK m Florence Emma Gartrell
Gassaway Charles Henry 29 3/14/1888 Waco, TX Higgins, TX m wife / 5 children
George Harry 20 5/31/1898
Fargo, OK s Frank George
Geren Homer Floyd 28 8/31/1888 Kansas Reason, OK s none listed
Gesell Adolph Charles 28 2/14/1889 Cresco, IA Gage, OK m wife
Getz Frank Charles 21 9/2/1897
Chaney, OK ? Catherine Getz
Gibb Kenneth Ruskin 21 9/5/1895 Salem, IN Shattuck, OK s none listed
Gibson Loya 21 10/2/1895 Nugent(?), TX Shattuck, OK m wife
Gilbert Arthur Leslie 21 3/28/1896
Fargo, OK s none listed
Gillette Harold Rollin 21 12/11/1896 Wichita, KS Grand, OK s Rollin Dorsey Gillette
Gillilan Horace Warren 40 1/1/1878
Arnett, OK ? none listed
Gillis Charley Claud 38 12/14/1879
Spearman, TX m Annie May Gillis
Girton Walter 38 1/30/1880
Shattuck, OK m Edna Girton
Glasgow Charles McKee 36 1/29/1882
Grand, OK m Nora Alice Glasgow
Glenn Robert Leon 21 7/10/1895 Severy, KS Fargo, OK m wife / child
Glenn Willard Earl 19 8/25/1899
Fargo, OK s Robert Oscar Glenn
Glentzer Ora 21 2/27/1896 Norman, OK Grand, OK s mother
Gobel Elzia Aaron 44 10/8/1874
Gage, OK m Nellie Blanche Gobel
Godard James Bartis 39 9/10/1879
Wichita, KS m Bertha Godard
Godard Thomas Dillard 40 3/4/1878
Supply, OK m Myrtle Godard
Goff Charles F. 21 7/23/1895 Barr(?), OK Gage, OK s none listed
Goff Marion Jethro 20 1/15/1898
Gage, OK ? Sarah J. Goff
Goff Thomas G. 24 6/10/1893 Kingman, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Goin Carl Clyde 22 11/27/1895 Guthrie, OK Harmon, OK s none listed
Gomes Juan 21 1897 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Gonzales Carmen 33 1885 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Gonzales Francisco 32 1886 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Gonzales Jose 19 1899 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Gooden Martin Vanburen 37 3/13/1881
Higgins, TX m Ruth Clara Gooden
Goodwin Clarence Otis 40 5/10/1878
Supply, OK m Allie A. Goodwin
Gordina Miguel 20 1898 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Gott Jospeh E. 38 5/12/1880
Arnett, OK m Mary L. Gott
Grace Harry Curtis 32 1/6/1886
Bishop, OK m Stella Grace
Gracey Laurence L. 44 11/9/1873
Gage, OK m Laura Grace Gracey
Graham Ralph A. 22 11/28/1894 Brighton, CO Arnett, OK s none listed
Grant Frank Biggs 38 10/29/1879
Gage, OK m Minnie Grant
Grant John Morton 32 2/24/1886
Shattuck, OK m Eva Grant
Granthane William Edgar 30 6/23/1887 Erwin(?), IL Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Graves Rosco Freeman 27 11/25/1889 Hiattville, KS Fargo, OK m wife / 2 children
Graves Maurice W. 21 10/26/1896 Lafayette, IN Bishop, OK s George Graves
Gray Frank Holmes 40 2/12/1878
Catesby, OK m Laretta Gray
Greenfield Gus Bennet 35 5/28/1883
Grand, OK m Etta Bennett Greenfield
Greenfield Jocob W. 28 12/18/1888 Danbrook(?), KS Arnett, OK m wife / child
Greenfield Jessie B. 25 6/28/1891 Carbondale, KS Arnett, OK m wife / child
Gregg Harry 25 6/5/1892 Willow Sprgs, MO Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Gregory Bloom Claud 21 6/6/1895 Guthrie, OK Arnett, OK s none listed
Greuther Jacob W. 44 4/21/1874
Shattuck, OK m Lillie B. Greuther
Griffin Coleman Nobel 21 8/6/1898 Trenton, MO May, OK m wife / child
Griffin Guy Franklin 25 2/5/1892 Laredo, MO Supply, OK m wife / child
Griffin Lemuel 21 7/15/1895 Laredo, MO Supply, OK m wife / child
Griffis John 45 9/19/1872
Bishop, OK m Georgia Griffis
Griffith Charls McKinley 21 7/31/1896 Dehli, IA Chaney, OK s Mayo Alanzo Griffith
Griffith Francis Otto 21 3/24/1896 Bushton(?), IL Chaney, OK s none listed
Grim Cecil Earl 19 3/3/1899
Shattuck, OK s Necie A. Grim
Grim David Wilson 43 12/18/1875
Shattuck, OK m Necie A. Grim
Grimes James Munrow 36 11/24/1882
Arnett, OK m Planch Lohell Grimes
Grimstead Wm. Arthur 29 6/1/1888 Russell Sprgs, KS Harmon, OK m wife
Griswald Byron LeRoy 36 5/22/1882
Shattuck, OK m Rosemary Griswald
Graff Ellis Israel 37 1/8/1881
Harmon, OK ? none listed
Gross Mike 44 9/18/1873
Grand, OK m Rosa Gross
Guante Crecenciano 35 1883 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Guearez Cruez 36 1883 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Guinn James Theodore 21 11/8/1896 Tennessee Higgins, TX ? Florence Eliz. Guinn
Guispel Irl R. 22 12/12/1894 Dallas, TX Shattuck, OK m wife
Gum Jesse Bernice 21 1/28/1897 Webber, KS Gage, OK s Jesse B. Gum
Gum Roy Calvin 25 3/26/1892 Nebraska Gage, OK m wife
Guterrez Castildo 25 4/11/1893 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? Simona Guterrez
Guyer Benjamin Wade 40 3/12/1878
Fargo, OK m Opal Iona Guyer
Haffner John 43 2/2/1875
Shattuck, OK m Katie Haffner
Hagen John 29 8/22/1888 Marion, KS Gage, OK m wife / 3 children
Hagen Wyatt 42 7/23/1876
Shattuck, OK m Sarah P. Hagen
Hagg Thomas Jefferson 40 8/27/1878
Peek, OK m Eunice Elbin Hagg
Hahn Earl J. 22 2/16/1895 Cowley Co., KS Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Haight Jay 29 3/21/1888 Kingsley, IA Grand, OK s none listed
Haight Orie 44 7/11/1874
Catesby, OK m Lucy Jane Haight
Hainer Arno Laurence 41 6/21/1877
Gage, OK m Zetie Hainer
Haines Clyde L. 27 2/3/1890 Kingfisher, OK Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Haines Owen 23 8/12/1893 Cesmount(?), MO Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Haines Samuel Smith 40 10/25/1877
Shattuck, OK s bro-Winifred Haines-Enid, OK
Haines Wm. Walter 20 3/29/1898
Gage, OK s A.L. Haines
Haines Winifred Ivanhoe 43 7/19/1875
Shattuck, OK m Katie Haines
Halbert Leroy Taylor 32 11/17/1885
Shattuck, OK m Sarah F. Halbert
Halbert Walter Scott 29 9/29/1887 Ft. Smith, AR Grand, OK s none listed
Hale Albert Orlando 36 1/28/1882
Arnett, OK m Mary Hale
Hale Ivan Otis 19 7/13/1899
Arnett, OK s John E. Hale
Halfenbein Henry 26 5/31/1891 Stephan, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Hall Albert Russell 35 9/27/1882
Shattuck, OK m Coila A. Hall
Hall Chester Ray 35 9/5/1888
Arnett, OK m Elizabeth P. Hall
Hall Glen Wood 33 2/2/1885
Arnett, OK m Ida Alice Hall
Hall Herbert H. 21 6/10/1895 Elmo, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Hall Jacob Roy 28 3/28/1889 Gainsville, MO May, OK m wife / child
Hall J.R. 25 8/17/1891 Fulton, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Hall Orin Jesse 33 1/1/1885
Gage, OK m Florence May Hall
Hallingshead Ben Randall 19 11/21/1899
Gage, OK s John Hallingshead
Halloway Paul 22 7/21/1894 Linden, IA Grand, OK m wife
Halloway William C. 25 1/12/1891 Stuart, IA Grand, OK s none listed
Ham Claudos Allen 21 4/14/1876 Milborne(?), MO Chaney, OK s none listed
Ham Virgil 22 3/2/1898
Chaney, OK s bro-Earnest Ham
Hamaker George Edward 45 1/10/1873
Gage, OK m Margaret Lena Hamaker
Hamil Irving 36 3/14/1882
Gage, OK m Myrtle M. Hamil
Hamilton Christian Owen 44 7/14/1874
Gage, OK ? none listed
Hamilton John E. 26 4/1/1891 Floydada, TX Shattuck, OK m wife
Hamilton John Thomas 42 7/23/1876
Gage, OK m Rose Ethel Hamilton
Hamaker June Edward 19 11/18/1898
Gage, OK s George E. Hamaker
Hamre John J. 39 5/21/1879
Arnett, OK m Alma Lilly Hamre
Hammack Charles Edgar 42 10/14/1875
Chaney, OK m Laura Belle Hammack
Hammack Walter Martin 18 8/6/1900
Shattuck, OK ? Emma Hammack
Hammond Leonard Emory 24 10/18/1892 Novinger, MO Grand, OK s none listed
Hamrick Arthur Miner 36 6/29/1882
Fargo, OK m Susan J. Hamrick
Hand Alfred David 21 2/15/1896 Wayland, MO May, OK m wife
Handley August 30 8/2/1886 Osgood, MO Catesby, OK m wife / 2 children
Handley Joseph Bishop 22 10/11/1894 Osgood, MO Catesby, OK s none listed
Hanley James Arthur 21 8/12/1897 Claremore, OK Fargo, OK s mother-Amanda Hanley
Hanley Sheldon Hodge 25 12/8/1891 Scogey Co.(?), OK Fargo, OK m wife / child
Hanlon James Joseph 24 1/30/1893 Avoca, NE Arnett, OK s none listed
Hanlon Thomas Patrick 36 4/5/1882
Arnett, OK m Gertrude Hanlon
Hanlon Vincent Otto 22 5/3/1895 Avoca, NE Arnett, OK s none listed
Hanna Harry Howard 23 1/27/1894 Dewey, OK Gage, OK s none listed
Hanna Walter F. 21 9/9/1895 Cherokee, OK Gage, OK s none listed
Harbour John Wesley 35 5/26/1883
Bishop, OK m Tena Harbour
Harbison Joseph Edgar 42 4/8/1876
Chaney, OK ? Anna Veltman-Bavaria, KS
Harbour Martin Luther 45 12/18/1872
Grand, OK m Phoebe Ellen Harbour
Harbour Roy Melvin 21 3/4/1897 Cott'nw'd Falls, KS Grand, OK s Martin Luther Harbour
Hardage Laurin Samuel 28 6/9/1888 Ackerman, MS Bishop, OK m wife
Hardin John 41 2/2/1877
Gage, OK m Edna Hardin
Harding Asa C. 30 2/17/1887 Erie, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Hardy William Landon 43 12/19/1874
Chaney, OK m Mary Elis. Hardy
Hargis Earl Franklin 21 4/10/1897 Harrisonville, MO Fargo, OK ? Anna Saloma Hargis
Hargis Walter Albert 44 6/18/1874
Gage, OK m Esther Hargis
Harl Clarence Baldwin 21 10/4/1895 Bronaugh, MO no info s none listed
Harl Frank Baldwin 45 2/26/1873
Gage, OK m Mistress Nancy Harl (sic)
Harling Walter Willie 37 12/12/1881
Gage, OK ? Inza Harling
Harmon Elza Earl 27 10/10/1889 Rockford, OH Gage, OK s none listed
Harmon Delbert 30 10/6/1887 Covert, KS Bishop, OK m wife / 6 children
Harmon Thomas Jesse 40 1/26/1878
May, OK m Lillie Belle Harmon
Harrel Alfred Louis 36 8/19/1882
Shattuck, OK m Anna Harrel
Harrell Creed A. 22 8/25/1895 Butterfield, IL Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Harrel George Ture 38 6/6/1880
Chaney, OK m Mathilda Harrel
Harrel John Albert 42 4/13/1876
Gage, OK m Lou Harrel
Harrel William Edwin 27 3/24/1890 Coxcenda(?), KS Chaney, OK s none listed
Harrel Ray Elbert 23 8/12/1894 Clarksville, OK Loland, OK m wife / child
Harrell Moody Chancellor 18 9/19/1899
Gage, OK ? Ruth Lena Harrell
Harrell Wm. Grear 33 10/25/1884
Gage, OK m Marguerite Nevada Harrell
Harris Irvin Ernest 32 4/21/1886
Shattuck, OK m Pearl Edith Harris
Harris Thomas Jackson 34 12/2/1888
Reason, OK m Myrtle Matilda Harris
Harris Vernon 28 11/1/1888 Sheldon, IA Shattuck, OK s none listed
Harrison Wm. Marshall 21 3/16/1896 Beagle, KS Supply, OK s none listed
Hart Carmel H. 32 2/23/1886
Arnett, OK m Abbie M. Hart
Hart Granville Jay 22 9/14/1894 Tahlaquah, OK Fargo, OK s none listed
Hart James Allen 26 12/11/1890 Tahlaquah, OK Fargo, OK s none listed
Hart Ralph Francis 28 4/7/1889
Chaney, OK s none listed
Hart Roy Elton 28 4/7/1889 Jamestown, KS Gage, OK m wife / child
Hart Thomas Jay 40 4/7/1878
Chaney, OK m Nellie Hart
Hart Wm. Leroy 37 4/25/1881
Chaney, OK m Ella Elisabeth Hart
Hartford John Franklin 35 2/5/1883
Chaney, OK m Elis. Emma Hartford
Hartley Abe 18 8/11/1900
Fargo, OK s father-Ira Hartley
Hartley Ira 40 10/28/1877
Fargo, OK m Amanda Hartley
Hartley Joe F. 22 1/1/1895
Shattuck, OK s none listed
Hartman Walter Theodor 21 10/13/1895 Tarkio, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Harvey Major Robert 33 4/12/1885 Talone(?), IL Shattuck, OK m Bernice Harvey
Harvey Raymond Dennis 19 8/10/1899
Fargo, OK s Albert M. Harvey
Hasbrook Wm Sidney 43 7/25/1876
Chaney, OK m Effie May Hasbrook
Havlik Joseph 44 10/18/1873
Gage, OK ? none listed
Hawkins Oscar Henry 18 5/10/1900
Gage, OK ? Maud Ferguson Hawkins
Hawn Charles Elmer 41 10/15/1876
Gage, OK m Juliette Hawn
Hayworth Raymond Charles 25 9/12/1891
Fargo, OK s none listed
Hays Arthur 38 8/16/1880
Catesby, OK m Julia Hays
Hazard Henry Star 44 6/8/1874
Shattuck, OK m Martha Ellen Hazard
Heacock James Henry 27 12/30/1889 Bidwell, IA Supply, OK s none listed
Heacock Joseph Harrison 24 3/27/1892 Stumway, IA Fargo, OK s none listed
Heacock William McKinley 22 1/29/1895 Bidwell, IA Supply, OK s none listed
Hickelman Charles W. 29 10/5/1888 St. Louis, MO Arnett, OK m wife / 2 children
Hecox Vernon Raymond 19 5/27/1899
Arnett, OK m Millie Pearl Hecox
Heffron Fred Millard 18 12/19/1899
Harmon, OK s father-Charles Heffron
Heffron Harry Lee 20 2/26/1898
Harmon, OK s father-Charles Heffron
Heffron Joseph Leroy 27 11/15/1889 Winfield, KS Parkman, OK m wife / 3 children
Heffron Major Dennis 21 3/26/1897 Cedar Vale, KS Harmon, OK s Ford Rognal Heffron
Hein Charlie B. 38 4/25/1880
Gage, OK m Minnie Hein
Hein Edward 30 10/18/1886 Hillsboro, KS Chaney, OK s none listed
Heinsohn Ivan Leon 20 12/14/1897
Grand, OK s Nickelous Heinsohn
Heinsohn Leo Wilber 27 7/18/1889 Jefferson, IA Grand, OK m wife / 4 children
Heinsohn Ora Gamaliel 24 12/23/1892 Jefferson, IA Grand, OK s none listed
Heinsohn Roscoe Marel 21 7/23/1895 Jefferson, IA Grand, OK m wife
Helmeke Paul Martin 19 5/12/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Katie Helmeke
Helmuth  Atlee 24 6/13/1893 Millersburg, OH Fargo, OK m wife / child
Helmuth Tilden Benjamin 21 6/19/1895 Millersburg, OH Fargo, OK s none listed
Helvy Marrick Frank 42 10/3/1875
Chaney, OK m Florence Della Helvy
Helger Henry Peter 42 4/7/1876
Shattuck, OK m Lena Helger
Henderson Ed Green 45 10/9/1872
Bishop, OK m Mamie Sennettea Henderson
Henderson Frank 42 2/23/1876
Gage, OK m Bertha Henderson
Henderson George Thomas 33 7/1/1885
Grand, OK m Grace Henderson
Henderson Walter Earl 21 9/4/1897
Bishop, OK ? Myrtle Mildred Henderson
Henderson William Francis 42 7/11/1877
Grand, OK m Georgie May Henderson
Henderson Wm. Franklin 18 6/23/1900
Grand, OK s Wm. Francis Henderson
Hendren Carl W. 27 1/1/1896
Fargo, OK s none listed
Hendren Roy Taylor 18 11/2/1899
Fargo, OK s W.A. Hendren
Hendrickson Dayton Eugene 38 5/27/1880
Gage, OK m Alice Marie Hendrickson
Hendrickson Jasper Ray 30 8/12/1886 Ansley, NE Gage, OK m wife / 3 children
Hendrickson Jesse Byrd 39 1/5/1879
Fargo, OK m Ruby Moss Hendrickson
Hendrix Clarence Leat 19 11/6/1899
Gage, OK s mother-Mrs. Willie A. Hendrix
Henry Archie Oliver 35 11/28/1882
Harmon, OK m Ethel Belle Henry
Henke Fred August 29 10/13/1887 Manhattan, KS Catesby, OK s mother
Henke Paul Friedrich 38 7/15/1880
Catesby, OK m Lucy Henke
Henley John Earnest 28 5/18/1889 Brownell, KS Catesby, OK s none listed
Hennen Albinas H. 21 7/14/1897 Youngstown, NY Shattuck, OK s mother-Mary C. Hennen
Henning Willie Lewis 33 12/27/1884
Grand, OK s Lewis H. Henning
Henry Fisk Carlisle 28 5/19/1889 Santa Fe, KS Catesby, OK m wife
Henry John Joseph 39 1/20/1879
Arnett, OK m Myrtle M. Henry
Henry Wm. Irven 38 8/18/1880
Harmon, OK s bro-Archie Oliver Henry
Herber Georg 28 4/16/1889 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / ? children
Herber Jacob 25 2/26/1892 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / 4 children
Hernandez Bernardo 20 1898 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Hernandez Martin 20 1898 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Herndon Wm. Haston 35 4/4/1883
Supply, OK m Emily Herndon
Herrera Panfilo 24 1894 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Hersh Earl F. 24 3/5/1893 Longford, KS Arnett, OK s none listed
Hersh Geoge Walker 19 11/30/1898
Arnett, OK s G.F. Hersh\
Herzog Heronimous 25 7/27/1891 Chicago, IL Chaney, OK s none listed
Herzog Mathew 36 4/16/1883
Chaney, OK s Heronimous Herzog
Hertzler Clayton Charles 20 12/19/1897
Shattuck, OK s J.A. Hertzler
Hibpshman Lowe A. 19 4/2/1888 Oskaloosa, IA Gage, OK m wife / child
Higel Clyde Martin 23 11/7/1893 Winfield, KS Fargo, OK s mother
Hill Ashford Ham 23 12/22/1893 Eureka, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Hill Emerson Dorris 41 6/25/1877
Gage, OK m Zielfphey Hill
Hill Frank Mayfield 27 10/6/1889 Eureka, KS Fargo, OK m wife / 2 children
Hill Harry Keller 26 10/6/1890 Guthrie, OK Fargo, OK m wife
Hill Lloyd 21 4/5/1896 Bloomington, IL Shattuck, OK m wife
Hill Wm. Wallace 27 4/16/1890 Hartwell, GA May, OK m wife / child
Hiner John Hobart 21 4/7/1897 Cameron, OK Catesby, OK ? Bulah Eleanor Hiner
Hinkson Robert Irvin 21 1/25/1897 Kansas Arnett, OK ? Eliza Faust
Hinojasa Firso 36 1882 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Hisey Jesse Barnard 40 4/23/1878
Supply, OK m Della May Hisey
Hixon Herman Thomas 36 2/14/1882
Grand, OK m Mrs. R.A. Hixon
Hixon Walter 44 3/25/1874
Grand, OK m Catherine Hixon
Hixon W.L. 26 12/17/1890 Jackson Port, AR (?) Shattuck, OK m wife / 4 children
Hoag Carl Ray 18 8/26/1900
Fargo, OK s W.W. Hoag
Hoch Wm. Edward 44 9/6/1874
Catesby, OK m Mary Hoch
Hockings John Ray 29 5/11/1888 Friend, NE Catesby, OK m wife / 2 children
Hoppock Ernest Eldred 37 2/1/1881
Grand, OK m Lena Hoppock
Hohweiler Christian  C. 34 1/28/1884
Fargo, OK m Dora Hohweiler
Holcomb Harry Sinclair 18 5/12/1900
Chaney, OK s John M. Holcomb
Holcomb Leslie Milbert 20 10/21/1898
Shattuck, OK s Edna Holcomb
Hollingsworth Asher 33 1885
Supply, OK
confined in hospital
Hollingsworth Everett 18 6/13/1900
Supply, OK s mother-Etta May Hollingsworth
Hollingsworth Roy 29 8/23/1887 Oxford, KS Supply, OK m wife / 2 children
Hollingsworth Thomas Frederick 38 10/13/1880
Gage, OK m Etta Hollingsworth
Holmes Earl McCleallan 25 6/25/1892 North Bend, NE Fargo, OK m wife / child
Holmes Frank 43 4/22/1875
Shattuck, OK m Matilda Holmes
Holt Amos 28 8/25/1889 Kirksville, MO Arnett, OK m wife
Holt Elmer Elsworth 32 11/9/1885
Arnett, OK m Ellen Holt
Holt Frank 34 5/24/1884
Arnett, OK m Minnie Holt
Holt John Alexander 45 3/17/1873
Gage, OK m Mary Elisabeth Holt
Holt Sam  34 12/12/1884
Gage, OK m Dessie May Holt
Holt Virgil 21 8/9/1896 Novinger, MO Arnett, OK m Myrtle Gertrude Holt
Holzburger Johannes Michael 41 12/12/1876 Russia Shattuck, OK ? Lutheran German minister
Homer Ray Jay 18 2/15/1900
May, OK s mother-Chrissie H. Homer
Homoky Alex 25 5/4/1892 Scranton, PA Shattuck, OK s mother & siblings
Homoky Anthony Theodore 23 10/4/1893 Kensington(?), IL Chaney, OK s none listed
Homoky Edd Wilhe 18 8/10/1900
Arnett, OK ? Anna Homoky
Hoopes James McKinley 19 1/2/1898
Shattuck, OK s Daisy E. Hoppes
Hoopes James Monroe 45 4/9/1873
Gage, OK m Daisy E. Hoppes
Hoover Delbert B. 25 7/6/1891 Browning, MO Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Hopkins William 33

confined to western OK hospital
Hopper Roy Nathaniel 45 5/4/1873
Shattuck, OK m Laura J. Hopper
Hopper Vernon Asbury 21 11/28/1896 Kansas Harmon, OK s Lee Hopper
Hopper Walter 42 1/26/1876
Arnett, OK ? Elizabeth Clark
Horner A. Jay 45 7/28/1873
May, OK m Chrissie Horner
Horner William N. 29 6/28/1889 Kansas May, OK m wife / child
Horswell James Wm. 32 3/17/1886
Shattuck, OK m Barbara Ellen Horswell
Horton Arvine 37 5/4/1881
Shattuck, OK m Myrtle Horton
Horton Fred 37 5/4/1881
Shattuck, OK m Gladys Dresullia Horton
Horton John Hilton 35 2/25/1883
Shattuck, OK m Vesta Horton
Hosier Joseph Evin 21 12/31/1896 Wolcott, IN Peek, OK s Jacob Allen Hosier
Hosier William Clyde 27 12/14/1894 Jasper, IN Peek, OK s none listed
House James Raymond 30 4/28/1887 Washington,  KS Chaney, OK m wife / child
House J.L. 28 9/4/1888 New Canton(?), IL Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Houts James 20 10/30/1897
Supply, OK s J.B. Houts
Hautz Sylvester Harold 18 4/29/1900
Supply, OK s mother-Myra Hautz
Havey Romeo Carroll 33 12/23/1884
Arnett, OK ? Nellie Havey
Howard Elmer Augustus 21 8/23/1897
Grand, OK s David Franklin Howard
Howard Everett Raymond 20 7/18/1898
Grand, OK s David Franklin Howard
Howard Harry E. 29 7/22/1888
Shattuck, OK s none listed
Howard Hugh H. 26 9/26/1890 Unionville, MO Chaney, OK s mother & invalid sister
Howard John Ivan 18 4/22/1900
Shattuck, OK ? Lou Howard
Howard Roy Whitfield 22 7/31/1894 Osage City, KS Gage, OK m wife
Howe James Franklin 30 1/28/1887 Mendon, MO Fargo, OK m wife
Howe Ralph Warner 40 9/13/1877
Shattuck, OK m Hattie Ethel Howe
Hoyt Louis 26 8/27/1890 Warren, AR Arnett, OK s none listed
Hubbert Ray Melvin 36 10/7/1881
Fargo, OK m Tessa May Hubbert
Hudson Arley Frank 21 12/10/1896 Harrison, AR Supply, OK ? Lorene Hudson
Hudson Glenn Burn 19 8/11/1899
Supply, OK s Robert Lee Hudson
Hudson Robert Lee 45 4/11/1873
Supply, OK m Ada Belle Hudson
Huff Arthur Buris/Burse 22 2/14/1895 Wills Pt., TX
s none listed
Huff Thomas Bellew 34 8/13/1884
Reason, OK m Jessie Huff
Huffstedtler Wm. Franklin 40 1/25/1878
Shattuck, OK m Elsie Maybelle Huffstedtler
Hughes Ellis Harry 45 4/30/1875
Gage, OK m Mattie M. Hughes
Hughes George Marcelis 18 4/14/1900
Gage, OK s Ellis H. Hughes
Hughes Rice Harris 44 10/16/1874
Dunlap, OK m B.V. Hughes
Hughes Robert Benton 20 6/25/1898
Supply, OK ? Benton V. Hughes
Hughes William R. 26 6/5/1891 Elk Co., KS Fargo, OK m wife
Hull Albert W. 33 12/10/1885
Chaney, OK m Nellie Hull
Hull Charles Lewis 33 9/21/1884
Chaney, OK m Nora Irene Hull
Hull Earl T. 35 6/16/1883
Fargo, OK m Lou E. Hull
Hull George Walter 38 8/13/1880
Chaney, OK m Maude Lucretia Hull
Hulsey Arvil 29 12/20/1887 Sullivan, MO Fargo, OK m wife
Hulsey Champ C. 24 5/22/1893 Berben(?), MO Arnett, OK m wife
Hunt Jay Douglas 30 6/1/1887 St. John, KS Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Hunter Cecil Wayne 19 12/16/1899
Gage, OK ? Cora Hunter
Hunter George Henry 40 11/7/1877
Fargo, OK m Blanch Lorraine Hunter
Hunter George Wayne 45 7/23/1873
Gage, OK m Cora Hunter
Hunter Jol L.F. 24 10/12/1893 Knobnoster, MO Arnett, OK s none listed
Hurd Walter Edward 33 8/14/1885
Peek, OK ? Maude Jane Hurd
Hurst Clarence Lester 24 5/25/1893 Greencastle, IN Shattuck, OK s none listed
Hurst Emery Alden 21 12/14/1895 Greencastle, IN Shattuck, OK s none listed
Hurst George Burton 19 5/2/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Flora B. Hurst
Hurst John Lorain 33 8/11/1886
Supply, OK m Rachel L. Hurst
Hurst Henry Rodolpher 37 12/27/1881
Supply, OK m Lila Hurst
Hurst Virgil Vernice 18 8/4/1900
Shattuck, OK s Sarah E. Fields
Hurtado Zacarias 30 1888
Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Huston Eldon Franklin 19 8/1/1899
Bishop, OK ? A.L. Huston
Hutchens Henry 21 12/11/1895
Chaney, OK s mother & brother
Hutchens Nenus E. 33 12/9/1884
Arnett, OK ? Mary Ada Hutchens
Hutchinson Otto W. 28 4/27/1889 Carlton, NE Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Hyde Jasper Lee 21 8/4/1897 Memphis, MO Gage, OK m Eugenia Josephine Hyde
Ifland Oliver L. 24 12/30/1892 Sharon Sprgs, KS
s none listed
Imake Christian J. 24 1/16/1893 New York, NY Shattuck, OK m wife
Infield Wm. Perry 21 12/6/1896 Cherokee, OK Gage, OK s Benjamin Franklin Infield
Ingle Clyde 39 11/28/1878
Shattuck, OK m Ava E. Ingle
Ingle Cressie Milford 26 6/13/1890 Tyro, KS Fargo, OK m wife / 2 children
Ingle Ernest Lester 39 4/4/1879
Fargo, OK m Ora June Ingle
Ingle Morris 28 11/28/1888 Smith Center, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Ingle Ray Carter 21 5/12/1896 Kensington, KS Fargo, OK s none listed
Inglish Daniel McK. 39 11/2/1878
Shattuck, OK m Rhoda Brooker Inglish
Ingram Chancey Phillip 41 9/19/1876
Shattuck, OK m Rosa May Ingram
Innelman John Herman 20 3/18/1898
Peek, OK s Henry Innelman
Ireland Robert Holden 33 6/3/1885
Shattuck, OK m Esther Eugenia Ireland
Irion Ren 41 8/21/1877
Higgins, TX m Elsie Francis Irion
Isom John D. 25 4/13/1892 Nashville, TN Shattuck, OK s none listed
Irwin Daniel Chancellor 35 11/30/1882
Shattuck, OK m Kate S. Irwin
Iranarman Victoriano 29 1888 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Ishmael Lincoln Dewayne 29 7/6/1887 Larado, MO May, OK m wife / 2 children
Ishmael Loyd Charles 24 10/11/1892 Larado, MO Chaney, OK m wife / child
Jacks Calvin James 45 1/31/1873
Grand, OK m Gladis Jacks
Jackson Glenard 25 2/2/1892 Wilson, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Jacoby Kenneth Franklin 19 9/12/1899
Fargo, OK ? Edna May Jacoby
Jacoby Russell L. 25 9/24/1891 Millersburg, IN Gage, OK m wife / child
Jahay Henry 30 10/19/1886 Turkey Fargo, OK m wife / 2 children
James A.P. 30 8/31/1886 Wichita Falls, TX Shattuck, OK s none listed
James Frank Eckle 43 4/7/1875
Gage, OK m Bertha Julia James
James Hearld Odell 34 7/26/1884
Arnett, OK m Bulah Florence James
Jeffrey Glen B. 24 7/27/1893 Norton, KS Arnett, OK s none listed
Jenkins Charles Wm. 36 1/8/1882
Catesby, OK m Emma Jenkins
Jenkins Donald Mitchell 23 8/18/1893 Ellettsville, IN Gage, OK m wife / child
Jenkins Samuel Valentine 45 10/2/1872
Shattuck, OK m Tennie Neoma
Jennings Thomas George 45 4/27/1873
Reason, OK m May Jennings
Jergenson Fred 45 2/20/1873
Shattuck, OK m Ena Jergenson
Jergenson Fred F. 24 2/5/1893
Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Jewell William W. 27 9/14/1890
Arnett, OK s none listed
John Charles Francis 34 11/11/1883
Fargo, OK m Cora John
John Walter Leslie 21 11/10/1896
Fargo, OK ? Daisy May John
John Ava 22 7/29/1895 Ray, MO Arnett, OK s none listed
John Edgar Charles 19 6/22/1899
Shattuck, OK s Harold John
Johnson Charles Henry 45 6/29/1873
Gage, OK m Anna Ida Johnson
Johnson Charles LaForest 40 9/30/1877
Arnett, OK m Jennie May Johnson
Johnson Claud Wm. 35 12/2/1882
Fargo, OK m Sarah Johnson
Johnson Daivd C. 29 3/27/1888 Elkhart, IA Arnett, OK m wife / 3 children
Johnson Fred Lee 42 11/17/1876
Shattuck, OK m Birdie Johnson
Johnson George Henry 28 11/14/1888 Ark.City, KS Fargo, OK s none listed
Johnson Lester Belle 18 4/3/1900
Harmon, OK s mother-Cora B. Johnson
Johnson Otis Madison 19 10/8/1898
Harmon, OK m Susie Edith Johnson
Johnson Will Owen 30 5/7/1888 Franklin, MA Arnett, OK s none listed
Johnson William R. 26 9/18/1890 Trenton, MO Chaney, OK m wife / child
Johnston Charles Wm. 40 5/2/1878
Fargo, OK m Effie Johnston
Jones Arthur D. 27 2/3/1890 Haskell, TX Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Jones Ezra Arther 23 1/3/1894 Colo, IA May, OK m wife / 2 children
Jones Fred E. 25 12/24/1892 Colo, IA Catesby, OK s none listed
Jones John Marion 25 6/17/1891 Exters(?), IL Fargo, OK s none listed
Jones Oscar C. 25 3/6/1892 Maryville, MO Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Jones Oscar Wm. 39 9/5/1879
Peek, OK m Bertha May Jones
Jones Paul Harrison 21 11/18/1896 Udall, KS Spearman, OK m Minnie Willis
Jones Robert Melvin 40 1/13/1878
Peek, OK m Fannie May Jones
Jones Robert Mitchell 23 9/21/1893 Bluffs, IL Fargo, OK s none listed
Jonte Arley Ernest 20 3/9/1898
Chaney, OK s Charles Jonte
Jonte Charles Elerson 44 5/24/1874
Chaney, OK m Nora Jonte
Jonte Cleatus Miles 18 11/11/1899
Chaney, OK m Charles E. Jonte
Jonte Henry Albert 41 11/7/1877
Gage, OK m Martha Lenora Jonte
Jonte Jess Louis 38 3/4/1880
Gage, OK m Lucy Jane Jonte
Jordan John Franklin 36 9/28/1881
Shattuck, OK m Katherine Jordan
Jordan Willis Glen 27 2/19/1890 Adair, IA Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Jordan Samuel Cleveland 30 2/14/1887
May, OK m wife / 3 children
Juan Marquedo 28 6/24/1888 Siloo, Mexico Fargo, OK m wife / 3 children
Juda Alec Elmer 43 11/10/1874
Fargo, OK m Hattie Juda
Julinsson Charles Albert 36 9/12/1882
Fargo, OK m Mary Z. Julinsson
Julinsson Frank Krenger 18 3/10/1900
Fargo, OK s Mary Z. Julinsson
Julinsson Henry Hyne 18 3/10/1900
Fargo, OK s Mary Z. Julinsson
Kygar Harry 34 2/22/1884
Harmon, OK m Mattie Kygar
Kaminska Otto F. 27 1/30/1890 Dansig, Germany Chaney, OK m wife / child
Kane George Wm. 32 5/7/1886
Gage, OK ? J.R. Kane
Kane Walter Arthur 20 11/24/1897
Gage, OK s James Robert Kane
Karn Ivan Williard 20 1/2/1898
Chaney, OK s Henry Williard Karn
Karn Milroy Milton 24 3/2/1890 Latty(?), OH Catesby, OK m wife / child
Karn Revel U. 21 2/21/1896 Latty(?), OH Chaney, OK s none listed
Karst Adam 23 12/15/1893 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Kearns Arthur Alexander 39 6/6/1879
Shattuck, OK m Grace Kearns
Kearns Clarence C. 29 11/1/1887 Knoxville, TN Shattuck, OK m wife
Kearns J. Leslie 26 1/25/1891 Kahoka, MO Arnett, OK s none listed
Keiper Charles Wallace 30 1/11/1887 Beattie, KS Reason, OK m wife / 6 children
Keller Albert Ellsworth 45 1/27/1873
Gage, OK m Esther Keller
Keller Christ 43 6/29/1875
Shattuck, OK m Mollie Keller
Kellerman Fredrick Henry 33 12/23/1884
Arnett, OK s sister
Kelley Charley Leroy 29 9/19/1887 Covina, CA Fargo, OK m wife / 4 children
Kelln Adam 43 1/28/1875
Shattuck, OK m Mary Kelln
Kelln Christ 32 5/17/1886
Chaney, OK m Louisa Kelln
Kelln David 39 1/19/1879
Shattuck, OK m Eva Kelln
Kelln Georg 28 2/18/1889 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife
Kelln Henry Fred 19 7/8/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Maria Kelln
Kelln Henry 41 3/15/1877
Shattuck, OK m Mary Kelln
Kerbs David 29 3/3/1888 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Kerkman Deobalt 39 11/8/1878
Shattuck, OK m Mollie Kerkman
Kernes Clarence Shelby 18 2/4/1900
Bishop, OK s Rhoda Anna Kernes
Kernes James Riley 45 5/26/1873
Higgins, TX m Rhoda Anna Kernes
Killion Joseph Logan 41 4/26/1877
Arnett, OK m Bertha Killion
Kimzey Arthur C. 23 1/30/1894 Murfreesboro, AR Arnett, OK s none listed
Kincade Arthur Marion 21 8/14/1896 Chillicothe, MO Shattuck, OK s John A.Kincade-Springfield, MO
Kinderdick Louis Martin 36 4/20/1882
Arnett, OK m Nellie B. Kinderdick
King Charles Oscar 43 10/22/1876
Catesby, OK m Cordylie King
King Gail Foster 21 8/12/1896 Tamaroa, IL Gage, OK ? Katie M. Griggs, Gage
King Herman Earl 18 10/9/1899
Higgins, TX s Kilgus King-Higgins
King Jeremiah M. 44 3/22/1874
Chaney, OK m Rose King
King Luther 19 6/2/1899
Bishop, OK ? Ethel Tarbox, Bishop
King Teddie L. 22 10/17/1894 Tamaroa, IL Grand, OK m wife / child
King Wm. Thomas 42 9/10/1876
Chaney, OK m Carrie King
Kinser Bernard Ezra 23 4/2/1894 Mayella, KS Spearman, OK s none listed
Kirby Ira Dolphus 39 2/7/1879
Peek, OK m Perl E. Kirby
Kirby Orville Leory (sic) 30 4/4/1887 Ceto(?), MO Harmon, OK m wife / 3 children
Kirkpatrick John 41 8/2/1877
Shattuck, OK m Cora Kirkpatrick
Klein Alfred 34 1/18/1884
Arnett, OK m Bertha Klein
Klein David 19 3/29/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Kate Klein
Klein Reinhart 28 8/29/1889 Widomareja, Rus. Higgins, TX m wife / child
Klein Reinhart 30 12/20/1886 Strispet, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Kliewer George 37 9/2/1881
Shattuck, OK m Emele Kliewer
Klein Gottfried 29 8/8/1899
Shattuck, OK s mother-Katie Klein
Knaus Clarence Monroe 19 10/26/1898
Arnett, OK s E.C. Knaus
Knox James Edward 27 10/22/1889 Poplar Bluff, MO Reason, OK s 2 daughters (age 5 & 8)
Koch Gustav 26 11/1/1891 Russia Shattuck, OK s none listed
Koch Jacob 20 5/23/1898
Shattuck, OK ? Katie Koch
Koch Paul M. 19 8/28/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Katie Koch
Koch Tobias 22 3/27/1895 Ingenfeld, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Koenig Edward 23 4/22/1894 Rovanno, Russia Shattuck, OK s none listed
Kolander Frank Andrew 22 12/19/1895 Beaumont, TX Shattuck, OK s none listed
Kolander Henry Arthur 18 7/4/1900
Shattuck, OK ? Agnes Kolander
Korn Lewis Earl 20 10/3/1897
Gage, OK s father-Wm. Korn
Kraft Adam R. 37 2/22/1881
Shattuck, OK m Mary Kraft
Kraft Alexander 25 9/13/1891 Marion, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Kraft Emil 28 3/1/1889 Marion, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Kraft Georg 33 11/28/1884 Russia Shattuck, OK m Katie Kraft
Kraft Georg Henry 18 1/14/1900
Shattuck, OK ? Mary Kraft
Kraft Gottfried 20 8/23/1898 Russia Shattuck, OK s G.G. Kraft, Follett
Kratz Cornelius 44 5/9/1874
Harmon, OK m Asa Mary Kratz
Kratz Earl Branham 19 6/21/1899
Harmon, OK s mother-Asa Mary Kratz
Kratzer Perry 24 12/18/1892 Harper, KS Grand, OK m wife / child
Kranz David 24 2/4/1893 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK s none listed
Kretz Charley C. 28 2/15/1889 Lehigh, KS Catesby, OK s none listed
Kretz Fred F. 26 9/11/1891 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Kretz David 24 10/15/1892 Lehigh, KS Catesby, OK s none listed
Kretz Jake 22 6/26/1894 Lehigh, KS Catesby, OK s none listed
Kretz Willie 20 5/9/1898
Shattuck, OK ? Lizzie Kretz
Krieger Huldrich 18 3/18/1900
Shattuck, OK ? Eva Krieger
Krieger Karl 27 4/20/1890 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife (he is theological studen)
Krohne Frank 38 2/26/1880
Chaney, OK ? Henry Krohne, St. Louis, MO
Kuhne Robert L. 25 9/26/1891 K.C., KS Shattuck, OK s mother
Kuntz Leonard 32 5/8/1886
Shattuck, OK m Lottie L. Kuntz
Laubhan Alex 34 2/23/1884 Russia Grand, OK m Mary Laubhan
Laubhan Henry 22 1/9/1895 Russia Grand, OK s none listed
Laubhan Karl 29 2/25/1888 Russia Grand, OK m wife / 4 children
Laubhan Karl N. 34 8/8/1884 Russia Shattuck, OK m Mollie Laubhan
Laubhan Ray 21 9/15/1896 Russia Shattuck, OK s Lydia Bonshoff
Laughlin Glen 21 4/4/1896 Auburn, NE Shattuck, OK m wife
Laughlin Lloyd 25 2/13/1892 Auburn, NE Arnett, OK m wife / child
Laughlin Ralph  23 1/5/1894 Auburn, NE Shattuck, OK s none listed
Laughrey Calvin Adrain 21 12/23/1895 Beloit, KS Fargo, OK s none listed
Lafern Lewis Joseph 42 10/20/1877
Higgins, TX m Estella Nettie Lafern
Laham August John 45 8/8/1873
Fargo, OK m Susan E. Laham
Lain Carl L. 30 6/27/1886 Bethel Sprgs, TN Gage, OK m wife / child
Lalicker Clarence Henry 45 11/26/1872
Gage, OK m Nemata Lalicker
Lalicker Earl Dewey 19 9/26/1898
Gage, OK s C.H. Lalicker
LaLone Edwin J. 29 6/6/1887 Iowa City, IA Gage, OK m wife / 4 children
LaLone James A. 24 1/24/1893 Fontanelle, IA Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Lamb George Emerson 21 11/15/1896 Hennesey, OK Gage, OK s Irma Lamb
Lamb Roy Ezra 18 11/29/1899
Gage, OK s Irma Lamb
LaMont Joe, Jr. 28 10/19/1888 Colby, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / child
LaMunyon Earnest 24 5/15/1892 Pawnee Co., NE Shattuck, OK m wife
Lancaster Samuel French 37 8/7/1881
Shattuck, OK m Bessie May Lancaster
Landaker Elmer Elsworth 43 4/20/1875
Shattuck, OK m Jennie Landaker
Lane J.C. 30 9/26/1886 Ashland, KS Arnett, OK s none listed
Lane Paul Harland 21 9/9/1896
Arnett, OK s John Franklin Lane
Laney George Washington 34 4/2/1884
Peek, OK ? Mary M. Laney
Lane Wesley McNeil 18 10/23/1899
Arnett, OK s J.F. Lane
Lankford George Clarence 24 7/12/1892 Clay City, IN Chaney, OK m wife
Larabee John Anderson 34 11/29/1883
Grand, OK m Sarah Ethel Larabee
Larabee Oliver Elmo 23 6/4/1894 Jesse, OK Grand, OK s none listed
Largent Frank Chester 26 6/29/1890 Concordia, KS Supply, OK m wife / 3 children
Largent Noah Chester 33 8/13/1885
Shattuck, OK m Laura B. Largent
Larimore Tom 32 12/25/1886
Arnett, OK ? Kit Larimore
Larison Oliver Hill 32 3/21/1886
Fargo, OK m Fern Olive Larison
Larkey Alphonse Alexander 40 4/6/1878
Catesby, OK m Linnie Lorane Larkey
Larkey Alvin Allen 37 7/17/1881
Gage, OK m Ella Beatrice Larkey
Larkey Arden Pearl 38 9/29/1888 Attica, KS Catesby, OK m wife / 2 children
Larkey James David 35 4/22/1883
Gage, OK m Bertha Eliz. Larkey
Larkey Roy Allen 18 9/3/1900
Catesby, OK s Alphonzo A. Larkey
Lotta John Ernest 21 5/3/1897 Claremore, OK Fargo, OK s John S. Lotta
Lotta Thomas Eudorious 30 9/6/1886 Grayson(?), TX Fargo, OK m wife / 2 children
Laubhan Fred 25 2/8/1892 Shcherbakovka, Rus Shattuck, OK s none listed
Laubhan Manuel 29 1/12/1888 Cherbakofka, Rus Shattuck, OK s none listed
Lawhead Clyde Louis 36 10/1/1881
Arnett, OK m Bertha C. Lawhead
Leach Hugh Wm. 45 3/18/1873
Gage, OK m Cora Belle Leach
Leatherman Benjamin Rhudolph 23 7/27/1894 Loop City, NE Fargo, OK m wife
Leatherman Claude Earl 34 12/27/1884
Shattuck, OK m Sarah Leatherman
Ledbetter Benjamin Emmet 22 12/12/1896 Checotah, OK Fargo, OK m wife / child
Lee Wm. Edward 34 5/29/1884
Catesby, OK m Dora Lee
Leedy Clarence Bruce 43 9/9/1875
Arnett, OK m Mabel Ann Leedy
Leisher John Frederick 45 12/13/1872
Arnett, OK m Bertha Leisher
Leist William 24 9/20/1892 Ft. Scott, KS May, OK m wife / child
Lennington Guy Otis 18 10/23/1899
Fargo, OK s mother-Iva B. Lennington
Leon Agustin 36 1882 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Leonard Charlie F. 42 12/9/1876
Harmon, OK m Laura Leonard
Lewis Arthur Omiday 34 2/3/1884
Gage, OK m Ida Anita Lewis
Libring Elmer Wm. 43 4/12/1875
Gage, OK m Catherine Libring
Libring Ernest G.F. 21 8/22/1897 Rogers, AR Gage, OK s parents: Elmer and Kate Libring
Liebnemann Otto Tebbo 34 8/1/1884
May, OK s father-Tebbo Mint Liebnemann
Liebnemann Peter Tebbo 42 7/15/1876
Chaney, OK ? dau-Annalee Liebnemann
Lightfoot Guy Wilmer 45 10/16/1872
Catesby, OK m Etha Lennie Lightfoot
Lightfoot Hugh 41 5/1/1877
Catesby, OK m Clara Lightfoot
Lillie Floyd Martin 18 2/9/1900
Harmon, OK s Nellie May Lillie
Lillie Wm. Wallace 45 12/24/1872
Harmon, OK m Nellie May Lillie
Limas Ramon 22 5/19/1895 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Linasome Raymond Edgar 24 8/18/1892 Bloomington, IN May, OK s none listed
Lindsey Wm. Howard 42 3/21/1876
Gage, OK m Effie B. Lindsey
Linnett Carl Valentine 30 6/13/1886 Kirkwood, MO Gage, OK s none listed
Linnett Henry Geo. 26 2/22/1891 Kirkwood, MO Gage, OK s none listed
Linscott John Henry 38 5/3/1880
Shattuck, OK m Emma Linscott
Locken Levi N. 22 12/17/1894 Cimarron, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Loewen Abraham J. 36 7/1/1882
Higgins, TX m Ella G. Loewen
Loellner Geo. Clause 28 12/14/1889 Nebraska City, NE Gage, OK m wife / child
Loffer Charles R. 25 11/18/1892 Maryville, MO Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Logan James Arthur 45 1/9/1873
Arnett, OK m Sarah R. Logan
Lohman Fred 29 11/23/1889 Farber, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Lohman Martin 24 8/11/1892 Farber, MO Shattuck, OK m wife
London Mark Ewing 27 2/7/1890 Cassville, MO Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Long Carl 20 9/8/1898
Supply, OK s mother-Edna Long
Long Ernest Verning 22 5/30/1895 Aline, OK Fargo, OK s none listed
Long Fred Bigaloo 43 12/8/1875
Supply, OK m Edna Long
Long Jacob 36 7/11/1882
Shattuck, OK m Lealie Long
Long James Barnet 41 6/8/1877
Arnett, OK m Mamie Washington Long
Long Willard Scott 35 10/2/1882
Fargo, OK m Etta May Long
Longhofer Andrew John 26 2/23/1891 Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / ? children
Longhofer Fred 21 5/31/1896 Lincolnville, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Longhofer Gottfred 43 12/9/1875
Shattuck, OK m Kate Longhofer
Longhofer Gottfred D. 30 12/13/1887 Dreispitz, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife
Longhofer Harry 18 6/1/1900
Shattuck, OK ? Katie Longhofer
Lopez Celestino 35 1883 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Lopez Eulogio 35 1883 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Lopez Luis 23 1894 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Lothman William H. 28 6/25/1888 Norborne, MO Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Loucks John Aldon 21 4/4/1896 Middle River, IA Shattuck, OK s none listed
Ladd Berniece W. 26 10/9/1890 Ames, IA Shattuck, OK m wife / step-daughter
Ladd Chester Arthur 21 7/24/1897 Ames, IA Gage, OK s mother-Carrie Jennings
Love Leon Birch 35 5/30/1883
Grand, OK m Ruthie Alice Love
Lovett Abraham L. 45 10/11/1872
Arnett, OK m Ada May Lovett
Lozano Pablo 34 1886 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Luck Chancie 27 6/3/1890 Callaway, NE Harmon, OK m wife / child
Luck George 39 10/10/1879
Shattuck, OK m Lydia Luck
Lundstrom Harold Frederick 18 7/11/1900
Shattuck, OK ? Nora Lundstrom
Luthi Charles Robert 24 7/8/1893 Elma, IA Gage, OK s none listed
Luthi John 22 2/11/1895 Elma, IA Gage, OK s none listed
Lutz Elmer C. 26 6/27/1890 Kirksville, MO Arnett, OK s none listed
Lutz Samuel Abraham 42 12/18/1875
Grand, OK ? Julus Lutz
Lutz Steven Arthur 33 9/30/1884
Arnett, OK m Callie Myrtle Lutz
Lyden Benjamin Franklin 37 1/9/1881
Fargo, OK m Pearl Zela Lyden
Lyons James Michael 42 8/26/1876
Harmon, OK s sister-Nellie Farrell-Sapulpa, OK
Lytle John Birdie 38 9/8/1880
Gage, OK m Ida May Lytle
McCall Gracie Leroy 24 6/19/1892 Sligo, MO Grand, OK s none listed
McCarter Frank 41 6/1/1877
Shattuck, OK m Myrtle Ellen McCarter
McCarter Harry 33 2/17/1885
Shattuck, OK m Mary Leah McCarter
McCarter Jasper Morris 32 12/8/1885
Gage, OK m Anna McCarter
McCarter Jerry 29 2/4/1887 Preston, NE Shattuck, OK s none listed
McClung Frank F. 42 9/28/1876
Arnett, OK m Pearl W. McCling
McClintock Roy Lee 18 5/25/1900
Shattuck, OK ? Dora Ellen Foyil
McClung Henry Mathew 38 8/21/1880
May, OK m Phoeba Farris McClung
McCormick John Wm. 44 7/20/1874
Gage, OK m Sophie McCormick
McCormick Lester Belle 37 10/7/1880
Shattuck, OK m Malissia McCormick
McCormick Mort 44 10/11/1874
Shattuck, OK m Rose McCormick
McCormick Otis 18 10/11/1899
Gage, OK s father-Frank McCormick
McCoy Loyd Charles 42 11/1/1875
Fargo, OK m Cora McCoy
McCrate Wm. Arthur 40 11/14/1897
Shattuck, OK m Phebe A. McCrate
McCullough James Milton 29 12/26/1887 Humbolt, NE Harmon, OK m wife / child
McCullough John Merryan 37 10/10/1880
Arnett, OK m Ora McCullough
McCullough Merle 19 4/18/1899
Gage, OK s I.O. McCullough
McCullough Wan D. 21 2/18/1897 Cheyenne, OK Gage, OK s Irvin O. McCullough
McCumber Bert 34 2/16/1881
Peek, OK m Lillian E. McCumber
McDowell George Eastman 13 2/7/1875
Gage, OK m Ella McDowell
McDowell Oren 43 8/25/1876
Gage, OK m Nellie McDowell
McDowell Ora J. 42 8/25/1876
Shattuck, OK m Clara McDowell
McFarling Parmer S. 30 10/10/1887 Ottumwa, IA Supply, OK m wife / child
McFarland Wm. Joseph 40 11/20/1898
Gage, OK ? none listed
McFarland John Oscar 42 4/6/1876
Gage, OK m Maud McFarland
McFeaters Ralph Clyde 37 2/25/1881
Supply, OK m Mary Jane McFeaters
McGee George Guy 18 5/1/1900
Shattuck, OK ? Lela Mary McGee
McGee Henry Ray 22 7/10/1895 Moberly, MO Fargo, OK s none listed
McGinty Derucious G. 37 1/20/1881
Peek, OK m Mary McGinty
McIntosh Harold Frederick 23 6/5/1894 Osawatomie, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
McIntosh James Elmer 22 7/5/1894 Butler, MO Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
McKee Leslie Lawrence 22 11/22/1894 Tower Hill, IL Fargo, OK m wife
McKee Otto Dewey 20 6/5/1898
Catesby, OK ? Laura Belle McKee
McKee Sterlie Otis 21 1/29/1896 Danbury, NE Catesby, OK s none listed
McKennon William 28 7/26/1889 Colombia, IA Shattuck, OK s none listed
McKenna Andrew M. 23 9/18/1893 New Cambria, MO Fargo, OK s none listed
McKenna John H. 21 5/7/1896 New Cambria, MO Fargo, OK s none listed
McKinley Alva Jefferson 21 9/28/1896 Garfield Co., OK Fargo, OK m wife
McKnight Robert 19 1/3/1900
Shattuck, OK ? Lula McKnight
McLain Chesley F. 32 1/14/1886
Shattuck, OK ? Enid McLain
McLaughlin Arthur Leroy 39 5/7/1879
Shattuck, OK m Mary A. McLaughlin
McLaughlin Edward Walker 30 1/18/1887 Clyde, KS Gage, OK m wife / 3 children
McLennon Kenneth  30 7/17/1887 Scotland Shattuck, OK s none listed
McLoran John Hart 33 12/3/1885
Arnett, OK m Ruth McLoran
McMains Bryan Vernon 21 10/5/1896 Oskaloosa, IA Chaney, OK m Mary Abagail McMains
McMannis Edward C. 21 5/7/1897 Texas Gage, OK ? Josephine McMannis
McMannis Samuel W. 24 7/2/1892 Floydada, TX Gage, OK m wife
McMannis William A. 24 7/2/1892 Floydada, TX Gage, OK s none listed
McMillin Claud B. 30 8/19/1886 Farber, MO Chaney, OK m wife
McMillin David Franklin 34 4/23/1884
Fargo, OK m Edith Alma McMillin
McMillin George 22 10/25/1894 Horton, KS Gage, OK s none listed
McNeal Harry B. 29 1/3/1888 Rock Island, IL Gage, OK m wife / 3 children
McNeeley Leo 22 7/11/1894 Ashland, KS Arnett, OK m wife
McNeeley Earl 24 7/11/1894 Ashland, KS Arnett, OK m wife
McNeeley Joseph Charles 45 10/29/1872
Shattuck, OK m Ila E. McNeeley
McNutt Albert  22 8/24/1895
Arnett, OK m wife
McNutt Riley 25 5/5/1892 Missouri Grand, OK s none listed
Maddox Francis Edward 21 6/23/1896 Oklahoma Shattuck, OK ? J.W. Maddox
Maddox Frank Moss 33 4/9/1885
Shattuck, OK m Mary Maddox
Madison Riley Hosea 37 2/8/1881
Chaney, OK m Mary Madison
Magness Richard Absolom 36 10/27/1881
Harmon, OK m Margarett E. Magness
Mai Fred 29 1/3/1888 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK s none listed
Mangum Charley Alfred 27 9/24/1889 Walnut Grove, TN Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Mann Bertsie Dale 21 9/6/1896 Moline, KS Arnett, OK s none listed
Mann Frank Dollinger 19 10/29/1899
Arnett, OK m Emma Mann
Manor Charles D. 23 4/7/1894 McCook, NE Shattuck, OK s none listed
Manor Thomas 20 7/4/1898
Shattuck, OK s Nathan Thomas Manor
Manor Wm. Hampton 33 10/29/1885
Shattuck, OK s Nathan Thomas Manor
Manse Clyde Clark 38 3/31/1880
Fargo, OK m Esther Manse
Manske Samuel 18 8/3/1900
Higgins, TX s Ferdinand Manske
Manske Tobias 20 4/4/1898
Higgins, TX s Ferdinand Manske
Manuel Van Austin 41 4/5/1877
Catesby, OK m Myrtle May Manuel
Mares Simon 23 1895 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Mariner Paul 21 9/25/1896 Indianapolis, IN Shattuck, OK ? Jennie Donovan Mariner
Marshall Elijah 23 8/13/1893 Westplaines, MO Gage, OK s mother
Marshall Elmer Theodore 19 10/1/1898
Gage, OK ? L.O. Marshall
Marshall Leo Eli 25 12/6/1891 Winston-Salem, NC Gage, OK s none listed
Marshall Walter 38 6/26/1880
Bishop, OK m Alta Della Marshall
Marston Estel Wm. 20 6/30/1898
Harmon, OK ? Lucius Doolittle Marston
Marston Marion Lucius 21 10/24/1897 Mansfield, OK Harmon, OK ? Goldie A. Marston
Martin Arley L. 37 2/20/1881
Waukomis, OK m Desaia Martin
Martin Charles Columbus 44 6/28/1874
Shattuck, OK m Jessie Martin
Martin Minnis Ayes 21 1/2/1896 Medicine Lodge, KS Gage, OK m wife
Martinez Andres 36 1883 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Marquez Migel 22 1896 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Mask Feliz Johnson 42 4/4/1876
Peek, OK m Rosy Maude Mask
Mason George Wm. 42 5/16/1876
Shattuck, OK m Jennie Mason
Mason John Samuel 45 4/30/1873
Catesby, OK m Ella Elizabeth Mason
Mathis Henry Clay 42 5/30/1876
Chaney, OK m Ora May Mathis
Matthews Clement James 24 10/26/1892 Iveryville, IA Arnett, OK s none listed
Matthews Harry Holl 22 11/29/1894 Garden Grove, IA Bishop, OK s none listed
Matthews Ira D. 24 5/2/1893 Leroy, IA Arnett, OK m wife / 2 children
Matthews Wm. Burnett 19 9/8/1899
Gage, OK m Blanch Marie Matthews
Maxey Arthur Brockway 28 2/16/1889 Forsythe, MO Gage, OK m wife / child
Maxey Charles Wilbur 42 11/22/1872
Gage, OK m Ida M. Maxey
Maxey Charles Leroy 18 11/13/1899
Gage, OK s Ida M. Maxey
Maxwell Wm. Frederick 41 7/24/1877
Gage, OK m Berniece Maxwell
Maybee Pearl E. 30 3/22/1887 Centre Ridge(?), KS Gage, OK m wife / 3 children
Mayberry Chester Alverton 44 10/14/1873
Gage, OK m Ella May Mayberry
Mayfield John Ira 38 12/4/1879
Bishop, OK m Lula Estella Mayfield
Meckle Gottfred 44 4/20/1874
Shattuck, OK m Elizabeth Meckle
Medina Felix 24 1894 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Meeks Alva Jefferson 18 4/22/1900
Arnett, OK s Benda E. Meeks
Meeks Claud Alfred 20 12/2/1897
Arnett, OK s Benda E. Meeks
Meeks Orla 23 2/24/1894 Ethel, MO Arnett, OK s one sister
Meier Alex 29 2/29/1888 Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Meier Alexander F. 29 8/21/1887 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / ? children
Meier Alexander W. 25 3/29/1892 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Meier Charly 39 10/29/1878
Shattuck, OK ? Geo. Meier
Meier Dave 21 10/28/1896 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK s Gottfried Meier
Meier Edward George 18 3/16/1900
Gage, OK s none listed
Meier Fred G. 33 12/26/1885
Shattuck, OK m Mollie Meier
Meier Gottfried D. 28 2/8/1889 Dreispitz, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / 4 children
Meier Gottfried L. 40 7/8/1878
Shattuck, OK m Amelia Meier
Meier Herman Harry 20 12/13/1898
Shattuck, OK ? Eva Meier
Meier Jacob 21 11/18/1895 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Meier Karl G. 24 5/2/1893 Tscherbakowka, Rus Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Meier Reinhart G. 33 10/5/1885
Shattuck, OK m Amelia Meier
Melzer Christ Jno. 23 12/17/1894 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife
Melzer Jacob 25 6/14/1891 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK s none listed
Mercer Clarence Earl 33 6/26/1885
Grand, OK m Alice Mercer
Mercer James Wilson 24 3/12/1893 Graham, TX Grand, OK s mother
Mercer John Hice 21 5/10/1897 Grand, OK Grand, OK ? Kate Mercer
Mercer Robert Edison 38 5/24/1880
Grand, OK ? Kate Mercer
Merritt Floyd Haskall 19 11/23/1898
Gage, OK s father-S.S. Merritt
Merritt Royal Wade 21 1/26/1899 Luella(?), TX Gage, OK s Samuel Shere Merritt
Merritt Samuel Sharer 40 12/10/1877
Gage, OK m Sarah Ida Merritt
Mesa Jesus 20 1898 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Mesa Bennett Orville 36 4/28/1882
Peek, OK m Johanna Tulay Mesa
Metts Carl Marvin 33 4/22/1885
Peek, OK m Blanch Metts
Meyer Fred F. 27 8/30/1889 Tscherbakowka, Rus Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Meyers Urias Aaron 43 5/22/1875
Fargo, OK m Ida B. Meyers
Meyer Otto Henry 42 12/2/1875
Gage, OK ? Wm. Edward Meyer-Vandyne, OH
Miles Jesse J. 26 6/12/1890 Cincinnati, OH Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Miles Willie 21 4/5/1896 Monroe, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Millard Alman 23 8/2/1893 McCook, NE Gage, OK s none listed
Millard Edward 20 3/26/1898
Gage, OK s mother-Elsa Millard
Miller Adam Jay 40 6/9/1878
Grand, OK m Anna Percilla Miller
Miller Albert Christofer 41 12/22/1876
Vici, OK s mother-Mary Miller
Miller Charles Alva 33 11/26/1884
Gage, OK m Clara Edith Miller
Miller Charles Henry 45 12/18/1872
Shattuck, OK m Ella Elizabeth Miller
Miller Claud Philipp 28 5/24/1889 Wilmot, KS Gage, OK s father-J.W. Miller
Miller Dean Shannon 28 8/14/1888 Van Buren, AR Gage, OK m wife / child
Miller Elby Newton 20 10/10/1897
Shattuck, OK ? Lula Miller
Miller Frank Benjamin 38 8/25/1880
Arnett, OK m Alma Ora Miller
Miller Herbert 30 12/18/1887 Wilmot, KS Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Miller Ira Dunken 40 12/22/1878
Arnett, OK m Helen Goldie Miller
Miller James A. 25 11/26/1891 Kingfisher, OK Shattuck, OK s none listed
Miller Oscar Monroe 19 3/28/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Ella Elizabeth Miller
Miller Reinhard 33 9/15/1884
Shattuck, OK m Mary Miller
Miller Richard Elbert 27 12/30/1889 Van Buren, AR Grand, OK m wife / 4 children
Miller Thaddeus Llewellyn 18 2/24/1900
Grand, OK s Carson N. Miller
Miller Xenephor Arthur 28 5/19/1889 Centerville, OH Arnett, OK m wife / 2 children
Mills Joseph Henry 33 1/21/1884
Gage, OK m Pearl Mills
Milton James Thomas 19 4/17/1899
Fargo, OK s Thomas Grant Milton
Minery Ed 40 7/17/1878
Gage, OK m Effie Minery
Mingus George Lester 40 2/12/1898
Gage, OK m Luella Mingus
Minton Theophilus V.R. 22 5/8/1895 Miles Point, MO Gage, OK s none listed
Misner Walter Warren 39 6/9/1879
Gage, OK m Virginia Myrtle Misner
Mitch August  45 8/29/1873
Fargo, OK ? Mattie Mitch
Mitch John L. 24 11/11/1893 Wien, MO Fargo, OK s mother
Mitch Joseph Peat (sic) 30 6/6/1886 Wien, MO Fargo, OK m wife / child
Mitch Thomas Edward 19 7/12/1899
Fargo, OK
Ellen Mitch
Mitchell Alva Thomas 21 9/26/1896 Howard, KS Peek, OK ? Ida Belle Mitchell
Mitchell Clyde Alva 30 1/31/1887 Dotham(?), IN Chaney, OK m wife / ? children
Mitchell Grover 25 10/3/1891 Holt, MO Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Mitchell Guy Elva 33 7/28/1885
May, OK m Alta Mitchell
Mitchell Joseph H. 28 5/28/1889 E. Alton, MO Arnett, OK m wife
Mitchell Josiah 28 4/4/1889 Fairfield, MO Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Mitchell Lewis J. 21 9/3/1896 Elizabeth, AR (?) Shattuck, OK ? Ola Annie Mitchell
Mitchell Witten M. 24 1/4/1893 Holt, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Mitchell Marvin Clark 19 5/19/1899
Peek, OK ? Rolna Mitchell
Mitchell Marion Eldridge 20 12/7/1897
Gage, OK ? Lillie M. Mitchell
Mitchell Theodore 44 8/9/1874
Gage, OK m Mary Elizabeth Mitchell
Mitchell Wm. Nelson 44 9/10/1874
Arnett, OK m Nellie Pearl Mitchell
Moddrell Chester Leroy 21 10/28/1896 Canton, KS Fargo, OK ? Ledia Mae Moddrell
Mohr Abraham B. 23 11/11/1893 Shaffer, KS Gage, OK m wife / child
Moler Carl Albert 26 5/26/1891 Elkin, KS Arnett, OK s none listed
Moler Delbert Vernard 27 1/3/1890 Grant City, MO Arnett, OK m wife / 2 children
Moler Fred Parks 21 4/21/1896 Alandale, MO Arnett, OK m wife / child
Moler John Isaac 29 12/31/1888 Independence, KS Loland, OK s none listed
Molloy Clarence Chester 19 9/13/1898
Harmon, OK s Nova Molloy
Molloy Fred Powhatten 44 6/17/1874
Harmon, OK m Emma Jane Molloy
Molloy Guy Wm. 18 2/25/1900
Harmon, OK s Fred Molloy
Molloy Nova Edward 39 1/22/1879
Harmon, OK m Mary Jane Molloy
Molloy Spots Wood 43 7/15/1875
Harmon, OK m Nora Ellen Molloy
Monrreal Fernando 23 5/30/1894 Toreon, Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Montgomery Cecil G. 21 12/11/1895 Foss, OK Shattuck, OK m wife
Moore Alvin Lee 20 7/7/1898
Shattuck, OK s George Moore
Moore Bascom 29 6/16/1887 Frina(?), IL Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Moore C.M. 22 3/30/1895 Okla City, OK Shattuck, OK s none listed
Moore Charles Wm. 30 8/31/1886 York, NE Catesby, OK m wife / 4 children
Moore Daniel Harvey 20 5/1/1898
Fargo, OK s W.H. Fessler
Moore Edward Walders 34 6/22/1884
Peek, OK m Daisy Ethel Moore
Moore Jerome Earnest 34 11/8/1884
Higgins, TX m Termina C. Moore
Moore Joseph Thomas 39 6/25/1879
Peek, OK m Dollie May Moore
Moore Lesly Vivian 40 10/21/1877
May, OK m Cora Alice Moore
Moore Lloyd Arthur 38 8/25/1880
May, OK m Susie Mary Moore
Moore Samuel 23 2/3/1894 Shattuck, OK Shattuck, OK s none listed
Moore Thomas Bryant Edw. 18 9/24/1899
Grand, OK ? Sidney Moore
Moore Todd Mike 29 8/30/1888 Barstol(?), OH Fargo, OK m wife
Moore Walter Al 23 12/9/1893 Missouri Fargo, OK m wife / child
Moore Wm. Henry 18 9/7/1900
Shattuck, OK s G.A. Moore
Moorehead David Arthur 21 4/5/1897 Miami, TX Arnett, OK s Dave T. Moorehead
Moorehead Lawrence Arthur 19 11/15/1899
Spearman, OK s mother-Gertrude Moorehead
Moorhead Major T. 24 5/29/1893
Arnett, OK s none listed
Morales Felix 26 1892
Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Morehead Harvey Willard 21 5/27/1896 Sunset, KS Spearman, OK s none listed
Morehead John Walter 23 6/19/1894 Louisburg, KS Spearman, OK s none listed
Morehead Leslie C. 25 2/13/1891 Sunset, KS Spearman, OK s none listed
Morelas Agipito 22 2/10/1895 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Moreno Dario 34 1884 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Morgan Alonzo Rea 21 8/27/1897
Fargo, OK s W.H. Morgan
Morgan Arnold A. 23 6/27/1894 Harbor Beach, MI Gage, OK m wife / child
Morgan Hiram Levi 29 4/21/ 1888 Harbor Beach, MI Catesby, OK m wife / child
Morris Freeman 44 9/27/1873
Shattuck, OK m Lena Morris
Morris George Henry 23 11/19/1893 Greencastle, MO Dunlap, OK s none listed
Morris James B. 27 1/24/1890 Salina, KS Arnett, OK m wife
Morris James David 28 8/12/1888 Greencastle, MO Arnett, OK s none listed
Morris John I. 27 8/31/1889 Hidalgo(?), IL Chaney, OK m wife
Morris Clarence 21 4/7/1896 Greencastle, MO Gage, OK s none listed
Morris Perry Jones 39 10/4/1878
Shattuck, OK m Ora B. Morris
Moses George 42 11/15/1875
Shattuck, OK m Mary  Moses
Moses Oren Andrew 42 9/26/1875
Shattuck, OK m Mary Alice Moses
Moss Jay Calvin 24 7/11/1893 Jefferson, NE Gage, OK m wife
Moss Ray Raymond 23 10/8/1894 Dilley(?), NE Gage, OK m wife
Mott Herbert Archebald 41 8/26/1877
Shattuck, OK m Lennie Mott
Moyer Golden Ancona 25 5/13/1892 Columbia, MO Fargo, OK m wife / 2 children
Muruch Edward Benj. 36 10/15/1881
Chaney, OK m Bessie Annie Muruch
Murphy James Lawrence 21 12/14/1896 Morganville, KS Fargo, OK s Wm. Curtis Murphy
Murphy Lewis Clifford 38 3/28/1880
Fargo, OK ? Francis Allen Murphy
Murrow Wm. Chester 39 7/14/11879
Harmon, OK m Bertha C. Murrow
Murry Charlie Bruce 36 12/5/1882
Harmon, OK m Bessie Murry
Myer Fred 27 3/17/1890 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Myers Carl C. 33 9/5/1885
Gage, OK m Ella Dean Myers
Myers George Daniel 44 4/8/1874
Gage, OK m Janetta Myers
Myers Harry A. 30 8/19/1886 Neeley, KS Gage, OK m wife / 3 children
Nall Martin James Franklin 33 6/26/1888
Peek, OK m Maggie Nall
Nash Cecil Jonah 37 12/17/1880
Shattuck, OK m Mary Nash
Nash Charles Lewis 43 5/21/1875
Shattuck, OK m Harriett M. Nash
Naylor Ernest 44 3/9/1874
Shattuck, OK m Hannah Naylor
Neely Burrell 32 10/21/1885
Chaney, OK m Lettie Neely
Neely Claude 29 9/26/1887 E. Alton, IL Chaney, OK s none listed
Nehrass Fred C. 42 1/9/1876
Catesby, OK m Minola Alma Nehrass
Nehrass Paul Jospeh 19 12/4/1898
Catesby, OK s Fred C. Nehrass
Neill Orris F. 30 12/6/1886 Windsor, IL Gage, OK s none listed
Nelson Binie Conrad 42 8/8/1876
Gage, OK m Lura A. Nelson
New Carl Joseph 18 10/20/1900
Shattuck, OK s mother-Clara Bell New
Neufeld John Henry 45 4/18/1873 Germany Shattuck, OK m Pauline Neufeld
Newell Francis Warren 33 6/19/1885
Shattuck, OK m Lelia M. Newell
Nichols Ira W. 42 7/3/1876
Gage, OK m Emma E. Nichols
Nichols Jessy Rexford 19 11/27/1898
Gage, OK ? Ada L. Nichols
Nicholson C.W. 27 4/26/1890 Elsmore, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Nickerson Luther Allen 30 8/20/1886 Bucklin, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Nine Benjamin Jefferson 20 8/19/1898
Gage, OK ? Edna Niles
Nitche Henry Ernest 39 1/28/1879
Harmon, OK s mother-Ida Nitche-Herrington, KS
Noll Clarence E. 30 7/21/1886 Bremen, IN Arnett, OK m wife / child
Norfleet Tack 42 6/1/1876
Shattuck, OK m  Effie K. Norfleet
Norman John Evert 20 5/17/1898
Fargo, OK s J.F. Norman
Norman John Finney 44 2/14/1874
Fargo, OK m Dora Alma Norman
Norman Ralph Edward 21 11/5/1896 Mercer, MO Fargo, OK s John Finney Norman
Norman Robert 18 1/14/1900
Fargo, OK s John Norman
Norris Charles Mansure 27 9/27/1889 Carlton, MO Fargo, OK m wife / child
Norris Francis Ray 22 11/24/1894 Oskaloosa, IA May, OK m wife
Norris Wm. Edwin 36 12/24/1881
Catesby, OK m Ilah Norris
North Perry Wayne 43 5/26/1875
Catesby, OK m Mary North
North Wm. Shelby 42 8/19/1876
May, OK m Bertha North
Northrup Harry 43 1/17/1875
Bishop, OK m Katie May Northrup
Northrup Silas Wheelock 42 3/6/1876
Shattuck, OK m Retta Northrup
Noteware Fred 30 4/1/1887 Mayfield, KS Chaney, OK m wife / child
Noteware Ralph Raymond 27 2/21/1890 Wellington, KS Catesby, OK m wife / child
Null Chester Addison 32 4/9/1886
Arnett, OK ? O.E. Null
Null Weaver Field 24 6/29/1899 Udall, KS Arnett, OK m wife
Nunez Nicholas 21 9/10/1896 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Nunez Vistoriano A. 20 1898 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Nunneley Chester Arthur 21 3/29/1897 Rock Houser, AR (?) Chaney, OK ? Estalina Naomi Nunneley
Nuttall John Franklin 42 1/31/1876
Peek, OK m Elsie P. Nuttall
Oates Edward H. 23 11/21/1893 Woodward, OK Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Oates Granville Lee 20 10/7/1897
Shattuck, OK ? Alice M. Oates
Oblander Henry 24 3/13/1893 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Oblander Huldreich 18 10/28/1900
Shattuck, OK m Julia Oblander
Oblander Karl J. 22 1/2/1895 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Ogden James Samuel 20 7/9/1891 Iola, KS Chaney, OK m wife / 2 children
O'Hair Benj. Franklin 18 2/20/1900
Lavern, OK s mother-Addie O'Hair
O'Hair Charles Herschell 41 9/30/1876
Chaney, OK m Ozorah O'Hair
O'Hair Elsberry Preston 19 1/8/1899
Chaney, OK s mother-Ozorah O'Hair
O'Hair James C. 23 9/22/1893 Gainesville, TX Parkman, OK m wife / child
O'Hair Lorenzo Luelling 24 7/12/1892 Coffee Co., KS Spearman, OK s none listed
O'Hair Thomas 21 6/20/1897 Kansas Catesby, OK m Ruth O'Hair
Oldham Paul Judson 22 10/26/1894 Chariton(?), IN Chaney, OK s none listed
Oliver Aaron Carr 39 6/22/1879
Shattuck, OK m Loyda Oliver
Oliver Virgil Lee 21 12/26/1896
Supply, OK ? Marjorie Jane Oliver
Omer Major  24 8/8/1892 Cainsville, MO Gage, OK s none listed
O'Neil Andrew Jefferson 28 1/22/1889 Gordan, NE Lavern, OK s none listed
Ooley John Loren 41 8/29/1877
Fargo, OK m Katherine Ooley
Ooley Mack Emmitt 24 6/27/1892 Lipscomb, TX Fargo, OK m wife
Orasco Santiago 24 1893 Zacatecos, Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Ortega Celvestro 23 12/24/1893 Mexico Gage, OK ? none listed
Ortega Oalavino 24 10/1/1892 Mexico Gage, OK ? none listed
Ortiz Aniceto 23 4/27/1894 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Ortiz Candelaris 27 2/22/1890 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Ortiz Rito 23 5/22/1894 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Osborne Marion Monroe 43 9/16/1874
Shattuck, OK m Alta Osborne
Oswald Ernest 40 3/11/1878
Shattuck, OK m Katie Oswald
Overshiner Harry 28 4/1/1889 Salem, IN Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Overshiner Ralph 21 6/8/1895 Bloomington, IN Shattuck, OK s none listed
Oyler Raymond Gilette 37 1/14/1881
Arnett, OK m Sophia B. Oyler
Packard Emmert B.O. 20 3/26/1898
Shattuck, OK m Sarah Packard
Packer Clair Lange 18 8/27/1900
Supply, OK s E.W. Packer
Packer Earl Welcome 44 1/8/1873
Supply, OK m Georgia Packer
Padilla Federis 25 1893 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Paine Bert 34 1/29/1884
May, OK m Martha Paine
Palato Encarnacion 25 1893 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Paris Charles Henry 40 11/7/1877
Shattuck, OK m Ruby Ellen Paris
Parker Frank Files 42 8/23/1876
Arnett, OK m Clara E. Parker
Parker John Edgar 44 9/9/1874
Gage, OK m Jennie Parker
Parmo Marcario 38 1880 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Parvin Orvia Leslie 27 10/23/1889 Lehr, IA Loland, OK s none listed
Parkins Harry Jospeh 42 12/6/1875
Gage, OK m Clara S. Parkins
Patten John H. 39 8/26/1879
Chaney, OK m Eva Lillian Patten
Patterson Ralph Blaine 38 12/8/1879
Shattuck, OK ? Margurite Patterson-Spokane, WA
Patterson Pope Preston 35 11/7/1882
Harmon, OK m Myrtle A. Patterson
Paul Elmer Calvin 39 9/15/1879
Supply, OK m Cora E. Paul
Payne James Ira 23 9/11/1893 Knobnoster, MO Harmon, OK s none listed
Payne John Elven 27 4/18/1890 Henry Co., MO Harmon, OK m wife / 2 children
Payne Martin F. 25 9/9/1891 Knobnoster, MO Harmon, OK m wife / 2 children
Peacoke Louia 27 9/21/1898 Chadwick, MO Peek, OK m wife / 3
Peaker Edward Thomas 44 6/10/1874
Arnett, OK m Nora Thomas
Pease Ebenezer Nettleton 44 6/7/1874
Gage, OK ? Walter Pease
Peckingpaugh Earl R. 24 8/7/1892 Cawker City, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Peetoom Charles Albert 20 8/22/1898
Chaney, OK ? Alewine Peetoom
Peetoom Julius Wm. 21 12/10/1896 Belmond, IA Chaney, OK ? Alewyn Leonard Peetoom
Peetoom Peter George 18 9/16/1899
Catesby, OK s Peter Peetoom
Peetoom Richard Peter 21 12/31/1896 Bethany, MO Catesby, OK s Haxel Dell Peetoom
Peetoom Roy Edmund 20 5/16/189?
Chaney, OK s Richard D. Peetoom
Peil George 25 Oct. 1892 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK s none listed
Perez Martin F. 23 1895
Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Perrin Albert E. 25 11/24/1891 Milan, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Perrin John Andrew 38 1/14/1880
Fargo, OK m Mattie E. Perrin
Person Will 44 5/1/1874
Fargo, OK m Nevada E. Person
Person Bert Oris 26 10/1/1890 Elk Co., KS Fargo, OK s none listed
Person Ralph Malvin 25 3/7/1892 Langton, KS Fargo, OK s none listed
Peters Peter 25 1/2/1891 Russia Shattuck, OK s none listed
Peterson Ole Robert 44 2/8/1874
Harmon, OK m Sylvia Peterson
Peterson William 24 5/14/1893 Chalk Mound, KS (?) May, OK m wife
Pettus Lester R. 26 6/26/1890 Chicago, IL Shattuck, OK s none listed
Pfanonschurz Albert 25 5/2/1892 Germany Shattuck, OK m wife
Pfifer Simon 37 9/8/1891 Russia Arnett, OK m Mary Phillips
Phillips Orley Ray 35 12/21/1883
Supply, OK m Maud Ethel Phillips
Phillips William H. 45 6/30/1873
Harmon, OK s bro-Charles Phillips-Hitchcock, OK
Pierce Charley 44 5/26/1874
Gage, OK m Addie E. Pierce
Pickens Lewis 40 3/20/1878
Grand, OK m Bertha Pickens
Pickette Elba Otto 42 8/12/1876
Shattuck, OK m Minnie Pickette
Pierce Ira Franklin 37 12/16/1880
Gage, OK m Catherine Pierce
Pierce William E. 30 1/20/1887 Gentryville, MO Gage, OK s none listed
Pierce Wm. Henry 42 10/27/1875
Arnett, OK m Mary Pierce
Piersall Archie Wm. 18 10/7/1899
Gage, OK ? Catherine Piersall
Piersall Howard Vane 29 2/25/1888 Winchester, KY Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Piersall Oliver Bernell 24 11/12/1892
Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Piersall William Glen 26 10/8/1890
Catesby, OK m wife / child
Pinegar Henry Martin 28 9/16/1889 New Mexico Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Pinkerton Henry 30 10/24/1886 Kirksville, MO Arnett, OK m wife
Pinkerton Leroy 23 3/8/1893 Kirksville, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Pinkerton Robert Harvey 32 9/20/1885
Shattuck, OK m Clara Pinkerton
Pinkerton Joseph Benjamin 33 3/23/1885
Gage, OK m Cora Ethel Pinkerton
Pinson James Henry 45 11/3/1872
Shattuck, OK m Maple (sic) Pinson
Pittman Arthur Arvine 39 9/5/1879
Supply, OK m Dora Cordellia Pittman
Pittman Gordon Erastus 20 10/23/1897
Supply, OK m Lillie Mable Pittman
Pittman John Talbot 43 12/1/1874
Supply, OK m Nora Belle Pittman
Plauntz Charles Henry 22 3/30/1895 Osage City, KS Arnett, OK m wife
Plauntz Dave Wm. 21 1/24/1897 Lyndon, KS Gage, OK s William Henry Plauntz
Poindexter James Walter 36 8/31/1882
Gage, OK m Lizzie Ellen Poindexter
Poindexter Joseph Earnest 28 4/11/18?? Salem, MO Gage, OK m wife / child
Poindexter William Henry 40 9/7/1878
Gage, OK ? none listed
Polin Leroy Samuel 45 4/12/1873
Catesby, OK m Mary Ellen Polin
Polin Marvin Jessie 18 2/28/1900
Catesby, OK s mother-Mary Ellen Polin
Ponce Albert 20 5/11/1898
Fargo, OK s grandfather-John Ponce
Pope James T. 30 11/15/1886 Kirksville, MO Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Pope Wm. Herbert 36 7/6/1882
Shattuck, OK ? Emma Rebecca Pope
Poppe Fred 28 1/7/1889 Youngstown, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Porter Ralph Lamont 40 11/7/1877
Arnett, OK m Maude Porter
Porter Wade Hampton 40 7/21/1878
Fargo, OK m Sallie Susan Porter
Potter James Wm. 22 5/9/1884 Lyons, NE Parkman, OK s mother & 2 sisters
Poulton Perl Emmett 44 9/10/1874
Arnett, OK m Belle Poulton
Powers Earl Francis 19 12/7/1898
Gage, OK s J.T. Powers
Powell Frank Edward 44 5/21/1877
Shattuck, OK m Delia Powell
Powers Jesse Tearl 39 6/25/1879
Gage, OK m Bertha A. Powers
Powers Ray 23 1/29/1894 Paris, MO Gage, OK s none listed
Prall Robert A. 21 1/8/1896 Little River, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Prather John Wm. 40 2/25/1878
Shattuck, OK m Iva May Prather
Pratt Jesse Earl 19 4/9/1899
Arnett, OK m Maggie Pratt
Pratt John A. 29 3/31/1890 Paris, MO Arnett, OK m wife / 2 children
Pratt Walter H. 29 2/19/1888 Illinois Arnett, OK m wife / child
Pratt Ora A. 25 4/17/1892 Kirksville, MO Grand, OK m wife / child
Prince Edward Booker 39 4/28/1879
Shattuck, OK m Mamie J. Prince
Prince James Robert 36 7/23/1882
Bishop, OK m Viola Beatrice Price
Prince Otto Edward 26 12/27/1890 Columbus, TX Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Prince Walter Granville 43 7/30/1875
Bishop, OK m Della Prince
Proctor Burrell Cyrus 27 4/4/1890 Chesper Co., MO Fargo, OK s none listed
Proffitt James Gilbert 18 7/30/1900
Gage, OK s Emmer Lint Proffitt
Proffitt Nathiel Foster 20 1/29/1898
Gage, OK s Emmer Lint Proffitt
Pruitt William T. 38 3/20/1880
Harmon, OK m Bettie Pruitt
Pryor William 40 8/26/1878
Fargo, OK m Lottie L. Pryor
Pummel Benjamin F. 30 5/20/1887
Camargo, OK m wife / child
Pummel William H. 39 10/26/1879
Harmon, OK m Ollie Pummel
Purnell James Paul 18 4/11/1900
Gage, OK ? Mary Haden Weeks
Purscell Roy Alfred 39 10/1/1878
Arnett, OK m Lillie M. Purscell
Quigley Hubert J. 27 2/20/1895 Medford, OK Arnett, OK m wife / child
Quillen Ben D. 22 9/15/1894 Ramona, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Quinley Freeman L. 22 4/13/1895 Wichita, KS Tonkawa, OK s father and mother
Quindt Samuel Wallace 37 5/18/1882
Shattuck, OK m Tenna Quindt
Quindt Waldeman Charles 34 5/22/1884
Chaney, OK m Lillie Mabel Quindt
Quiros Juan 28 1890 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Quisado Antonio 22 1896 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Rube John Geo. Fredric 45 7/2/1873
Gage, OK m Dora Behreme Rube
Rader C.C. 26 9/29/1890 Winfield, KS Shattuck, OK m wife & mother
Rahenkamp Carl Herman 39 9/22/1878
Shattuck, OK m Lizzie Rahenkamp
Rakes Edwin Salmonn 30 9/28/1886 Patine (?), VA Bishop, OK m wife / 5 children
Ramirez Carmen 18 1900 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Ramirez Fortino 22 1895 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Ramirez Jesus 26 abt 1892 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Ramirez Jose 38 abt 1880 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Ramirez Jose 43 1875 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Ramirez Sabastian 19 1899 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Ranck Linneaus Barton 22 6/20/1894 Louisberg, PA Gage, OK s none listed
Ranck Wm. Ancona 25 4/8/1899 Louisberg, PA Gage, OK s none listed
Rang Henry Carson 23 12/27/1893 Mt. Sterling, IL Fargo, OK s mother & sister
Rang Joseph 21 4/23/1897 Mt. Sterling, IL Fargo, OK s Fannie Rang
Rang Robert Wm. 18 2/23/1900
Fargo, OK s Fannie Rang (mother)
Rankin Ernest 45 12/9/1873
Gage, OK m Mildred Rankin
Ransdell Frank Elbert 44 1/13/1874
Arnett, OK m Mamie E. Ransdell
Ratliff Joseph 42 8/11/1876
Shattuck, OK m Elsie Ratliff
Rauh Carl 20 9/30/1898
Catesby, OK m Rachel Rauh
Rauh John 26 3/8/1891 Marion, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Rauh Jonathan J. 21 7/7/1895 Okeene, OK Shattuck, OK m wife
Ravenscroft Van 23 9/22/1893 McCook, NE Shattuck, OK s none listed
Ray Claude 36 2/5/1882
Gage, OK m Minnie Ray
Redmon Charley 25 7/23/1891 Okla City, OK Higgins, TX m wife / 3 children
Redmon William B. 24 2/2/1893 Okla City, OK Bishop, OK m wife / child
Rector Oliver Allen 21 9/3/1897
Gage, OK m Retta Rector
Rector Oscar 21 8/31/1896 Buckeye, TN (?) Chaney, OK ? Chrisley Rector
Reddick Geo. Wilson 43 6/26/1873
Shattuck, OK m Marie Reddick
Redelsperger John 43 2/28/1875
Gage, OK m Mary Redelsperger
Reed Henry Leland 18 4/2/1900
May, OK s mother-Martha Jane Reed
Reed Thomas Edgar 20 9/20/1897
May, OK s mother-Martha Jane Reed
Reed William Charles 36 5/29/1882
Arnett, OK m Amy May Reed
Reed Wilson Reece 24 2/15/1893 Ranger, TX Peek, OK m wife / 2 children
Regan Thomas Henry 45 12/8/1872
Shattuck, OK m Ollie Regan
Reid George Flint 34 2/2/1885
Fargo, OK m Linnie Reid
Reininger John Franklin 35 12/3/1883
Gage, OK ? John W. Reininger
Reininger Leroy 41 1/21/1877
Fargo, OK m Mabel Elnora Reininger
Reisig Jacob D. 31 7/4/1887 Saratov, Russia Grand, OK m wife / 3 children
Remer James Richard 34 8/10/1884
Catesby, OK m Hester Remer
Remillard Alfred 29 7/20/1887 Jefferson, SD Supply, OK m wife / child
Remillard Paul Mison 25 1/7/1892 Jefferson, SD Supply, OK m wife / 2 children
Remirez Benino 35 1883 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Remmele Charley 42 12/14/1875
Fargo, OK m O. Gerty Remmele
Renner Gottlieb 36 6/18/1882
Shattuck, OK m Emilia Renner
Renonez Louis 25 1892 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Reuse Julius Laport 41 12/17/1876
Fargo, OK m Edna E. Reuse
Reveley Merryman Rayne 39 10/28/1878
Shattuck, OK m Sophia Reveley
Rexroad Rollie Alvin 24 3/2/1893 Hutchinson, KS Gage, OK m wife / child
Reynolds Floyd 24 3/10/1893 Ardmore, OK Parkman, OK m wife / 2 children
Reynolds Geo Thomas 34 6/8/1884
Harmon, OK m Mimril Reynolds
Rhodes Clyde 30 7/10/1886 Fairbury, NE Shattuck, OK s none listed
Rhodes Leonard Harrison 20 2/2/1898
Gage, OK ? America Rhodes
Ribelin Fred 23 9/28/1893 Salem, IN Shattuck, OK s none listed
Richards John Gray 44 6/1/1874
Higgins, TX ? Ott Richards
Richards Norman James 18 3/6/1900
Chaney, OK s Thomas B. Richards
Richards Rolla Roy 38 9/17/1879
Harmon, OK m Edith Belle Richards
Richards Samuel Harry 29 10/13/1887 Farmersburg, KS Harmon, OK m wife / 3 children
Richardson Benona Dewitt 18 7/30/1900
Arnett, OK s Lillie May Richardson
Richardson Cecil Ray 22 12/31/1894 Ridgeway, MO Chaney, OK m wife / child
Richardson Drury Grant 19 2/21/1899
Arnett, OK s Lillie May Richardson
Richardson Harlen 18 6/15/1900
Gage, OK ? Loretta Richardson
Richardson Homer 38 8/18/1880
Gage, OK m Bertha Ann Richardson
Richardson John Stanley 43 6/16/1875
Arnett, OK m Lillie May Richardson
Richardson Lee Walter 28 11/10/1888 Warsaw, IL Chaney, OK m wife
Richardson Lorenzo Dow 27 2/9/1890 Sylvatus (?), VA Gage, OK m wife
Ricker Nathaniel Wesley 42 12/22/1875
Shattuck, OK m Maude E. Ricker
Riddle William Allen 36 10/20/1881
Gage, OK m Carrie Milindia Riddle
Rider George Henry 22 8/14/1894 Cherryvale, KS Gage, OK m wife
Riffel August Henry 21 2/17/1896 Lincolnville, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Riffel Charles Fred Thedor 18 6/8/1900
Chaney, OK s John Jacob Riffel
Riffel John Jacob 43 2/5/1875
Chaney, OK m Sadie Sophia Riffel
Riggs Ezra 38 8/5/1880
Harmon, OK m Maude Ella Riggs
Riggs Frank Edmond 43 6/27/1875
Chaney, OK m Bessie Riggs
Riggs Treas 37 2/27/1881
Chaney, OK m Mary Adline Riggs
Riley George Henry 20 5/20/1898
Bishop, OK s Frank M. Riley
Riley Joseph Wm. 29 2/7/1888 Switchland(?), IN Bishop, OK m wife / 3 children
Rinner John 26 7/10/1890 Sterling, KS Fargo, OK s none listed
Rios Juan 24 1893 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Ritterhouse Clarence 22 8/3/1894 Hamlin, KS Catesby, OK s none listed
Ritterhouse Fred G. 45 3/29/1873
Catesby, OK m Dolly C. Ritterhouse
Rines Glover Wm. 21 4/26/1897 Paola, KS Gage, OK s William Rines
Roach Emerson Ratio 33 12/10/1885
Durham, OK s Isabel Mary Roach
Robert Gust 39 4/6/1878
Chaney, OK m Mollie Robert
Robinson Charley Chester 29 7/2/1887 K.C., MO Catesby, OK m wife / child
Robinson Clyde Elmo 35 12/30/1882
Shattuck, OK m Laura A. Robinson
Robinson Oscar 44 10/8/1873
Gage, OK m Nannie West Robinson
Robinson James Emil 25 6/14/1891 Austin, TX Gage, OK m wife / child
Rodriquez Benjamin 30 1888 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Rodriquez Florencio 36 7/15/1882 Mexico Shattuck, OK m Agruelia Rodriquez-Mexico
Rodriquez Franquliano 19 1899 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Rodriquez Miquel 25 1893 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Rogers Amos Claud 43 8/11/1875
May, OK m Lula Delvin Rogers
Rogers Arthur 25 7/15/1891 Norton, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Rogers Charles Edward 45 10/21/1872
May, OK s father-Zachariah Rogers
Rogers John F. 42 7/30/1876
Shattuck, OK m Faye Rogers
Rogers Leonard 41 8/14/1897
Higgins, TX m P. Adela Rogers
Rojas Dementino 36 1884 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Roper Hurschel Henry 20 8/15/1898
Gage, OK ? Nellie Roper
Rose Flavius Paine 38 7/15/1880
Catesby, OK m Bertha Charline Rose
Rose John Morton 40 8/19/1878
Shattuck, OK m Ruth Rose
Rose Ralph Gordon 32 1/28/1886
Catesby, OK m Hallie Lucreses Rose
Rose Theodore Brice 21 7/14/1887 Little River, KS Shattuck, OK ? Clella Prall
Ross John Henry 30 1/14/1887 Lawrence, NE Harmon, OK m wife
Ross Robert Albertess 33 5/29/1888
Harmon, OK ? none listed
Roth Harry H. 40 5/20/1878
Catesby, OK m Mary Elsie Roth
Ruark Wm. Judson 44 4/23/1874
May, OK m Amy Jane Ruark
Rucker  Dolphus L. 29 11/17/1887 Crystal Falls, TX Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Rucker James Allen 21 2/2/1897 Iraan, TX Arnett, OK ? Annie Gwendolyn Rucker
Rucker John V. 28 1/13/1889 Iraan, TX Arnett, OK m wife / child
Rucker Paul Kruger 18 4/14/1900
Arnett, OK s mother-Mary Rucker
Ruf Adam F. 21 8/7/1897 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK s mother-Anna Ruf
Ruf Fred F. 28 10/23/1888 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Ruf Gottfred Frederick 25 3/11/1893
Shattuck, OK s Fred Ruf, Sr.
Ruf Gottfried Fred 23 3/11/1894 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK s none listed
Ruffin Sam 38 7/16/1880 Turkey Shattuck, OK m Lizzie Ruffin
Rumfelt Everett L. 28 8/26/1888 Salem, MO Arnett, OK M wife / child
Runyon George Sibley 30 5/23/1887 Walker, MO Fargo, OK s none listed
Ruse James Martin 20 6/14/1898
Fargo, OK s father-Erastus Ruse
Rush Laurin F. 21 8/1/1897 Elston, IA Supply, OK m Phila Rush
Russell John 41 1/7/1877
Gage, OK m Cora Russell
Rutherford Calvin Ruthledge 38 6/1/1880
Arnett, OK ? N.C. Rutherford
Salaroz Persiano 42 no date Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Sample Moses Cecil 21 5/24/1896 Cherryvale, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Sanders John S. 29 9/23/1888 Kingston, AR Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Sanders W.G. 28 12/4/1888 Cainsville, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Sanderfur Edwin Ashley 22 2/21/1898 Blue Grass, OK (?) Chaney, OK s none listed
Sanderfur Luther Walton 45 10/24/1872
Chaney, OK s mother-Providence Sanderfur
Sandford Charles Velorice 43 3/30/1875
Arnett, OK m Roxie S. Sandford
Sandford Leonidas Paul 22 9/8/1894 Rock, KS Grand, OK m wife / child
Sandefur Richard Andrew 44 4/7/1874
May, OK m Iva Laura Sanderfur
Savely Albert F. 34 1/18/1884
Catesby, OK s father-H.E.Savely
Savely George Henry 36 5/1/1882
Catesby, OK s father-Hiram E. Savely
Savely Lawrence 19 3/19/1899
Catesby, OK s father-O.C. Savely
Sawyer Harry Jay 23 3/26/1894 Galena, KS Grand, OK m wife / child
Scarborough Wm. Porter 21 10/10/1895 Indian Territory, OK Gage, OK m wife
Schall Wm. Walter 30 8/16/1882
Harmon, OK m Dora Schall
Scharnhorst Virdie Christopher 34 12/4/1884
Harmon, OK m Nellie May Scharnhorst
Schaub Claude Otis 34 11/13/1883
Gage, OK m Verna Jennie Schaub
Schaub Roboh (sic) Osborn 42 1/22/1876
Gage, OK m Clara Augusta Schaub
Schebelhut Dave 35 6/2/1883 Russia Chaney, OK m Annie Schebelhut
Scheffner William C. 21 2/25/1886 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Schell Abraham 41 8/7/1877
Catesby, OK s bro-Francis M. Schall
Schibbelhut Fred 23 7/11/1893 Saratov, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Schick Fred F. 36 7/16/1882
Shattuck, OK m Mary Schick
Schick Jacob D. 24 10/23/1892 Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Schickedanz Kurt Conrad 18 12/30/1899
Fargo, OK s Thomas Schickedanz
Schickedanz Grafton Morrow 21 12/19/1894 Leavenworth, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Schickedanz Tom 19 10/15/1898
Gage, OK ? A. Schickedanz
Schieser Conrad 28 12/17/1888 Germany Arnett, OK s none listed
Schiffner Carl John 22 7/7/1894 Herrington, KS Chaney, OK s none listed
Schisler George A. 29 2/23/1888 Pretty Prairie, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Schlagel George John 44 3/20/1874
Harmon, OK m Molly Schlagel
Schliecker Otto John 45 6/13/1873
Fargo, OK m Nora C. Schliecker
Schmidt Daniel 25 11/1/1891 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Schmidt Samuel 29 3/24/1888 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Schmidt Ezra 23 1/5/1894 Kiel, OK Shattuck, OK s none listed
Schwab Emanuel 37 3/25/1881
Shattuck, OK m Katie Schwab
Schneider George John 37 6/19/1881
Fargo, OK m Anna Schneider
Schneider Joseph J. 43 6/6/1875
Arnett, OK m Katie A. Schneider
Schoenhals Fredrich 45 3/26/1873
Shattuck, OK m Kate Schoenhals
Schoenhals Henry H. 34 5/1/1884 Russia Shattuck, OK m Mollie Schoenhals
Schoenhals John 42 8/1/1876
Shattuck, OK m Eva Schoenhals
Schreiner Jacob 25 2/13/1892 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife
Schuh Frank 23 9/23/1893 Merna, NE Supply, OK s none listed
Schuh James 27 4/16/1890 Custer Co., NE Supply, OK s none listed
Schuh Joseph 26 4/16/1890 Phillips, NE Supply, OK s none listed
Schuh Lewis Matthew 38 12/31/1880
Lavern, OK s mother-Melia Schuh
Schultz Carl 21 5/20/1896 Hillsboro, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Schultz Edward 21 2/26/1896 Portsmouth, IA Fargo, OK m wife
Schultz Jacob G. 25 2/7/1892 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Schultz Edward 38 1880
Shattuck, OK ? Michael Schultz
Schultz Fred 27 3/16/1890 Portsmouth, IA Fargo, OK m wife / 2 children
Schultz George 45 8/25/1873 Russia Shattuck, OK m Katie L. Schultz
Schultz Henry 39 7/1/1879
Shattuck, OK m Foile Schultz
Schultz Herman W. 21 11/25/1895 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Schultz Michael 43 1/1/1875
Shattuck, OK ? Flora Steinle
Schultz Mike 22 1/4/1895 Portsmouth, IA Fargo, OK s none listed
Schultz Pet (sic) 25 12/29/1892 Rawlins, WY Arnett, OK s none listed
Schultz Sam 35 10/18/1882
Chaney, OK m Minnie Schultz
Schwander Allen Louis 39 5/28/1881
Shattuck, OK m Florence Schwander
Schwindt Fred 26 7/13/1891 Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Scott Charley 39 2/5/1879
Gage, OK m Mary Elizabeth Scott
Scott Elliott Emons 27 12/8/1889 Sinksgrove, WV (?) Supply, OK m wife / 3
Scott James Milton 34 7/25/1884
Arnett, OK m Anna J. Scott
Scott R. Alva 26 6/11/1890 Redman, MO Arnett, OK s none listed
Sears W. Grant 23 9/11/1893 St. Joseph, MO Shattuck, OK S none listed
Self Joe T.  28 10/18/1888 Van Buren, AR Shattuck, OK s none listed
Sell John 27 3/21/1889 Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Sells Wm. Edward 37 3/14/1881
Supply, OK m Rosa Jane Sells
Sendejas Alvarto 36 4/23/1882 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Serrano Ysmael 18 1900 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Serriere Charles Frederick 30 2/2/1887 K.C., MO Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Seward Lee I. 22 10/3/1895 Marceline, MO Arnett, OK s none listed
Sexton Thomas Wycoff 25 7/3/1891 E.St. Louis, MO Catesby, OK m wife / child
Shafer Duncan Kemper 45 10/27/1872
Gage, OK ? Dr. Geo. E. Irvin
Shafer Hiram Chester 32 3/10/1886
Shattuck, OK m Marian H. Shafer
Shafer Ira W. 44 1/31/1874
Gage, OK m Lora Shafer
Shafer Jacob Harvey 40 2/14/1878
Gage, OK m Mary Shafer
Shaffer Lewis Harrison 44 8/7/1874
Gage, OK ? Sarah C. Smith-Washington, IN
Shanhan Alfred Columbus 29 1/1/1888 Denton, TX Peek, OK s none listed
Shanhan Jake Oliver 22 1/15/1895 Arapahoe, OK Peek, OK s none listed
Shane John Wesley 41 6/4/1876
Fargo, OK m Minnie Shane
Shapley Georgia E. 22 2/11/1895 Curtis, OK Shattuck, OK m wife
Shapley John Wesley 29 5/11/1888 Kingman, KS Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Shapley Fearing W. 23 9/16/1893 Cunningham, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Shapley Orville Glynn 18 3/13/1900
Gage, OK s H.T. Shapley
Sharp Gilbert Preston 21 2/15/1896 Birmingham, MO Gage, OK s none listed
Shaw Joseph Albert 41 5/2/1877
Harmon, OK m Eva Jane Shaw
Shaw Orville Lloyd 23 10/7/1892 Beconsfield, IA Lavern, OK m wife
Sheets Cary G. 43 11/15/1874
Fargo, OK m Cordelia Sheets
Sheffield George Harvey 23 3/13/1894 Franklin, NE Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Sheffield Joseph Earl 25 2/13/1892 Franklin, NE Shattuck, OK m wife / 4 children
Shelden Truman Immer 39 4/14/1879
Catesby, OK m Carrie Alma Shelden
Sheldon John Erwin 28 9/25/1882 Kingman, KS Chaney, OK m wife / child
Sheldon Vernon O. 21 12/31/1895 Garden Plain, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Shelton Almus L. 30 2/6/1887 Sanburn(?), IL Arnett, OK m wife / child
Shelton Andrew G. 27 10/22/1889 Bigboy(?), IL Arnett, OK m wife / child
Shelton Charles Franklin 38 12/21/1880
Arnett, OK m Fay Shelton
Shelton George O. 24 8/3/1892 Bigboy(?), IL Arnett, OK m wife
Shelton Wm. Pinkney 44 8/24/1874
Arnett, OK m Dora E. Shelton
Shepherd Enid O. 24 11/14/1893 Ford Co., KS Fargo, OK m wife / child
Shepherd Lower Valentine 27 2/14/1890 Missouri Fargo, OK m wife / child
Sherman Fred 19 1/23/1899
Higgins, TX s Herman P. Sherman
Sherpy Herbert M. 25 9/2/1891 Waterford (?), MN Shattuck, OK s none listed
Sherpy Talford W. 29 8/8/1887 Northfield, MN Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Sherrill Carl Ward 40 11/5/1877
Shattuck, OK m  Nellie Sherrill
Sherrill Clarence Amos 42 2/11/1876
Harmon, OK m Louisa Sherrill
Sherrill Lloyd Lorraine 37 7/20/1881
Harmon, OK ? Amos W. Sherrill
Sherwood Cecil Austen 22 3/7/1895 Carrollton, MO Supply, OK s none listed
Sherwood Samuel Reyton 45 6/12/1873
Arnett, OK m Anna Maude Sherwood
Shields Harry Campbell 38 12/6/1879
Arnett, OK m Manervia Shields
Shirley Emory Glen 21 12/10/1895 Burnett, OK Gage, OK s none listed
Shirley Floyd 25 1/7/1892 Davis City, IA May, OK m wife / child
Shirley John Emery 38 4/18/1880
May, OK s mother-Louisa Shirley
Shirm John Addison 33 12/5/1884
Fargo, OK s sister-Inez Wells
Shoemaker Adam  43 2/19/1876
Arnett, OK m Mary Delia Shoemaker
Shouse Benjamin F. 23 2/23/1894 Lexington, KY Gage, OK m wife / child
Shreve William C. 27 3/3/1890 Atlanta, TX Arnett, OK m wife / 3 children
Sias James Benj. 41 3/9/1877
Bishop, OK m Ruth Irene Sias
Sibley Andrew Jackson 33 2/22/1885
Arnett, OK m Dora Sibley
Sibley Frank Delbert 36 9/13/1882
Arnett, OK m Josephine Sibley
Sibley Ray Wesley 22 3/18/1895 Cincinnati, IA Arnett, OK m wife / child
Sibley William Spear 28 10/19/1888 Exline, IA Arnett, OK m wife / 2 children
Sida Mohamed Klola 41 7/4/1877 Syrian Gage, OK m Helen Sida
Siddens Edgar Charles 37 8/14/1881
Shattuck, OK m Nellie B. Siddens
Siddens Joseph Robert 28 3/6/1889 Gainsville, TX Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Siebenlist David D. 28 2/19/1889 Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Siebenlist John B. 28 7/10/1888 Kisofka, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Siebenlist Jona E. 18 6/12/1900
Shattuck, OK m Emelia Siebenlist
Siefkens Edward 27 3/4/1890 Parkersbury, IA Shattuck, OK s none listed
Siefkens Henry A. 20 3/23/1898
Shattuck, OK ? Mary R. Siefkens
Siefkens S.A. 30 1/27/1887 Hubbard, IA Shattuck, OK m wife
Sigman Charley S. 23 5/10/1894 Slater, MO Higgins, TX m wife / child
Sill Stanley Byron 21 4/30/1897 Woodward, OK Gage, OK s Edward Lincoln Sill
Silva Francisco 24 6/20/1894 Mexico Shattuck, OK m Maria Silva
Simmons John Elmer 42 4/10/1876
Supply, OK m Martha Simmons
Simms Lawrence E. 25 4/10/1892 Versailles, MO Arnett, OK s none listed
Simpson Delbert Eugene 32 9/17/1885
Gage, OK m Malissa Ann Simpson
Sims B.Von Isaac 40 10/8/1877
Shattuck, OK m Mollie Sims
Sims Charles C. 24 4/20/1893 Greencastle, IN Shattuck, OK s none listed
Sims Pearl Alexander 33 12/1/1884
Shattuck, OK m Flora M. Sims
Sims Virgil J. 26 6/29/1890 Versailles, MO Arnett, OK s none listed
Singhisen Edward 22 4/14/1895 Hillsboro, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Singhisen William 21 5/11/1897 Hillsboro, KS Shattuck, OK ? Josephine Rhodes
Sinner George 39 10/11/1879 Russia Shattuck, OK m Amelia Sinner
Sinner Jacob 33 1/14/1885 Russia Shattuck, OK m Pauline Sinner
Six Darvin Gerald 18 7/8/1900
Shattuck, OK s W.D. Six
Skelley David Jackson 35 5/12/1883
Gage, OK m Kate Louise Skelley
Slater Jay Ira 26 3/14/1889 Delphos, KS May, OK s mother
Sloan Ernest Louis 29 9/13/1888 Adair, IA Fargo, OK s none listed
Sloan Orville Orlando 42 6/7/1876
Arnett, OK m Carie Estella Sloan
Sloan Raymond 29 2/4/1888 Tulsa, OK Fargo, OK m wife / 3
Sloan Roscoe 26 9/25/1891 Adair, IA Fargo, OK m wife
Slusher William 36 3/7/1882
Gage, OK m Sarah Marguerite Slusher
Small Wm. Nelson 23 6/27/1893 Custer Co., NE Gage, OK s none listed
Smith Andrew Lenard 40 1/18/1878
Fargo, OK m Helena Smith
Smith Barnes 21 12/6/1895 Ritchie Co., WV Fargo, OK s none listed
Smith Bertie D. 23 4/4/1894 Sious City, IA Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Smith Boyd 24 7/22/1892 Ritchie Co., WV Fargo, OK s none listed
Smith Clarence James 37 10/22/1880
Gage, OK m Mable L. Smith
Smith Delno E. 25 5/11/1892 Okeene, OK Gage, OK m wife / 4 children
Smith Frank Elmer 26 9/12/1876
Gage, OK m Elizabeth Gipson Smith
Smith George 19 11/26/1898
Bishop, OK s B.H. Smith
Smith George H. 26 9/19/1890 Gt. Bend, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Smith Harry C. 35 10/7/1883
Fargo, OK m Olive Molisia Smith
Smith Harry Emory 40 3/10/1878
Gage, OK m Ardena Smith
Smith Henry Win 38 8/16/1880
Shattuck, OK m Elizabeth Smith
Smith James 26 12/24/1890 Agnes(?), TX Shattuck, OK s none listed
Smith John 42 4/28/1876
Grand, OK m Effie Blanch
Smith Joseph 44 2/23/1874
Gage, OK m Venie Pearl Smith
Smith Joseph Claud 37 3/31/1881
Arnett, OK m Hattie Smith
Smith Leonard Ervin 25 10/8/1892 Neoga, IL Gage, OK s none listed
Smithhisler Louis Philip 45 8/25/1873
Fargo, OK m Lilly Esther Smithhisler
Smith Marshal Chester 37 1/23/1881
Fargo, OK m Clara D. Smith
Smith Martin Van Buren 38 3/10/1880
Fargo, OK m Edith May Smith
Smith Nickles 40 Unknown
Fargo, OK m Ida May Smith
Smith Perry Bruce 21 3/27/1897 Kentucky Arnett, OK m Nellie May Smith
Smith Ralph Varner 35 1/12/1882
Fargo, OK m Scharlotte Ethel Smith
Smith Ralph Roy 38 3/24/1880
Gage, OK m Olive Mae Smith
Smith Robert Kenneth 19 4/10/1899   Arnett, OK ? Ida Wakefield
Smith Robert Lee 37 3/20/1881
Shattuck, OK m Myrtle Ann Smith
Smith Samuel Bert 24 2/7/1893 Sylvastus, VA Arnett, OK m wife
Smith Wm. Chester 36 3/17/1882
Gage, OK m Coila Smith
Smith William Earl 23 9/22/1894 Leavenworth, KS Arnett, OK m wife / 2 children
Sneath James Edward 44 4/25/1874
Shattuck, OK m Charlotte Catherine Sneath
Snodgrass George Louis 21 5/27/1896 Chula, MO Supply, OK s none listed
Snowden Wm. Henry 44 3/3/1874
Grand, OK ? Charles Albert Snowden-Benton, KS
Sober Ira Fredric 22 10/15/1894 Lyons, NE Harmon, OK m wife
Sober Bertie D. 27 6/21/1890 Lyons, NE Arnett, OK m wife / 3 children
Solis Anastacis 25 1892 Mexico Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Sorrows Henry Grady 21 6/30/1896 Waco, TX Bishop, OK m Gertrude Sorrows
Sorrows Roy Lee 20 7/3/1898
Bishop, OK ? Wiley Sorrows
Soto Daniel 29 6/23/1887 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Soules Carl 21 11/19/1895 Wichita, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Soules Edward 21 10/6/1896 Wichita, KS Gage, OK s Charles L. Soules
Sowers Raymond Michael 34 2/6/1884
Gage, OK m Mary Mariah Sowers
Speelman Floyd B. 29 2/24/1888 Chandlerville, IL Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Spencer Claude Isaac 19 4/27/1899
Higgins, TX s mother Lottie Spencer
Spencer George A. 27 5/20/1890 Alliance, NE Higgins, TX m wife / child
Spencer Luther L. 28 8/6/1888 Whiting, KS Higgins, TX m wife / 5 children
Spomer Conrad 43 4/20/1875
Shattuck, OK m Eva Spomer
Squire Ralph 21 12/15/1895 Oberlin, OH Arnett, OK s none listed
Stage Edwin 34 10/3/1884
Shattuck, OK m Nellie Ann Stage
Stall Albert Alonzo 30 2/27/1887 Louisville, KY Arnett, OK s none listed
Stallings Busher W. 28 3/28/1889 Evansville, AR (?) Gage, OK s none listed
Stallings Cullen P. 30 1/20/1887 Evansville, AR (?) Gage, OK s none listed
Stalter Vonley James 18 4/1/1900
Fargo, OK s G.H. Stalter (father)
Stalter John Franklin 22 5/24/1890 Rock, KS Fargo, OK s none listed
Stann Herschel 26 10/26/1890 Iroquois, IL (?) Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Stanley Alva 21 12/9/1896 Salem, MO Chaney, OK ? Helen May Stanley
Stanley Glen Robert 21 8/18/1895 Salem, MO May, OK s none listed
Stanley Suinfield 43 2/28/1875
Harmon, OK m Cora A. Stanley
Starbuck Allen Wesley 33 3/18/1885
Shattuck, OK m Josie Starbuck
Stark Harry L . 19 7/23/1899
Fargo, OK ? Hilda E. Stark - Maize, KS
Stark John 27 1/4/1890 Benton, AR Arnett, OK m wife / 3 children
Steepleton Harry Lester 27 9/30/1890 Red Cloud, NE Fargo, OK s none listed
Steinert Alexander Georg 41 9/10/1878
Shattuck, OK m Anna E. Steinert
Steinert August 19 4/14/1899
Shattuck, OK s Georg H. Steinert
Steinert David Georg 34 6/10/1884
Shattuck, OK m Hannah K. Steinert
Steinert David J. 24 9/15/1892 Shcherbakovka, Rus Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Steinert Georg J. 32 5/2/1886
Shattuck, OK m Mary Steinert
Steinert Georg S. 44 4/13/1874
Shattuck, OK m Mary Steinert
Steinert Jacob 28 6/29/1889 Shcherbakovka, Rus Shattuck, OK m wife / ? children
Steinert Jacob J. 33 8/5/1885
Shattuck, OK m Eva Elisabeth Steinert
Steinfelt Fred 24 11/5/1892 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Steinle Gottfried 44 12/13/1874
Shattuck, OK m Flora Steinle
Steinle Gottfried 39 11/11/1879
Shattuck, OK m Julia Steinle
Steinle Reinhart 18 4/15/1900
Shattuck, OK s mother-Julia Steinle
Steinle Willie 19 8/20/1899
Shattuck, OK s Flora Steinle
Steinley Herman  21 10/2/1896 Hillsboro, KS Shattuck, OK s Gottfried Steinley
Steinmetz John Henry 34 10/17/1884
Vici, OK ? John Steinmetz
Stephan Fred 43 6/20/1875
Fargo, OK m Mrs. Fred Stephan
Stephan George John 40 3/27/1878
Fargo, OK m Lura Emma Stephan
Stephens John Edgar 43 1/16/1875
Fargo, OK m Carrie Agnes Stephenson
Stephenson Frank 38 8/12/1880
Harmon, OK m Willia E. Stephenson
Stephenson Fred Lincoln 40 11/29/1877
Harmon, OK m Mary I. Stephenson
Stephenson Wallace 44 10/17/1873
Arnett, OK m Sarah Alma Stephenson
Stephenson Wm. Arthur 33 5/29/1885
Arnett, OK ? Lara May Stephenson
Stepp John S. 36 3/5/1882
Arnett, OK m Nellie Stepp
Stevens Archie Alvin 19 5/31/1900
Gage, OK ? Ellen Stevens
Stevens Clifford Joseph 26 1/11/1891 Wheaton, KS Gage, OK m wife / child
Stevens Lee Davis 26 6/22/1891 Valley Center, KS Camargo, OK m wife / child
Stevens Lester Louis 22 8/13/1894 Wheaton, KS Gage, OK s none listed
Stewart Claude Hurbert 29 12/5/1887 Wellsville, KS Fargo, OK m wife / 3 children
Stewart Edward Austin 28 5/28/1889 Diller, NE Gage, OK m wife / child
Stewart Walter Charles 34 1/15/1884
Gage, OK m Blanche Ethel Stewart
Stewart Wm. Washington 32 3/30/1886
Gage, OK m Adeline Belle Stewart
Stiles Charles Monroe 24 7/23/1892 Axtell, NE Peek, OK m wife / 2 children
Stiles James Merot 35 2/5/1883
Peek, OK m Alvina M. Stiles
Stoaks Robert Milton 21 4/20/1897 Enid, OK Gage, OK ? Mary Viola McBride
Stone George Robinson 33 10/10/1884
Shattuck, OK  m Nellie Stone
Stoneaypher Johnnie McJunkin 24 9/4/1891 Anderson, SC Chaney, OK s none listed
Stout Clyde Emory 19 11/15/1898
Shattuck, OK ? Ida Elizabeth Stout
Stout Floyd Alvin 25 5/17/1892 Montague, TX Bishop, OK m wife
Stout Ray O. 24 4/8/1893 Bowie, TX Shattuck, OK s none listed
Strader James Franklin 45 11/15/1872
Fargo, OK m Josie Strader
Strader Mackie Leonard 21 7/9/1896 Upton, KY Fargo, OK s James F. Strader
Stranske Ephraim 20 2/9/1898
Shattuck, OK ? Eva Stranske
Shipe Welch C. 27 10/26/1889 Pleasant Hill, MO Shattuck, OK m wife
Stuart James Wilson 33 8/12/1885
Shattuck, OK m Maggie A. Stuart
Stuart John Lindley 35 1/12/1883
Shattuck, OK m Gertrude Stuart
Stucker Charles Raymond 23 7/22/1894 Warsaw, IL Bishop, OK m wife / child
Stucker Roscoe Samuel 27 6/8/1890 Edina, MO Bishop, OK s none listed
Stucker Earl Abram 25 9/19/1892 Warsaw, IL Bishop, OK s none listed
Stucker Homer Robert 29 3/2/1888 Exira, IA Bishop, OK m wife / 2 children
Stuckey George Oliver 38 8/18/1880
Arnett, OK m Bertha Lee Stuckey
Stuckey Leander Fredrick 45 10/7/1872
Gage, OK m Nellie Burl Stuckey
Sturtz Georg G. 42 10/21/1875
Shattuck, OK m Mary Sturtz
Suffield Harry Franklin 37 6/29/1881
Gage, OK m Jennie V. Suffield
Sumpter Thomas Westley 37 8/10/1881
Chaney, OK m Bessie Sumpter
Sumpter F.B. 29 12/12/1889 Lamar, MO Arnett, OK m wife / 2 children
Suthers George Hudson 43 3/1/1875
Arnett, OK m Annie Suthers
Suthers Howard Brown 42 12/30/1876
Arnett, OK s mother
Suthers William Kent 39 1/25/1879
Arnett, OK m Lelia M. Suthers
Sutherland Luther A. 40 9/10/1878
Gage, OK m Bessie E. Sutherland
Sutter John Thomas 44 9/17/1873
Shattuck, OK s sister-Alice Ellen Hienly
Sutton Roy Eraze 26 8/28/1890 Seneca, MO Loland, OK m wife / child
Swander Albert James 28 7/24/1888 Kingman, KS Gage, OK m wife / 3 children
Swein Henry 29 7/30/1887 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Tabors George Griffin 20 5/28/1898
Peek, OK ? Lucinda Culp
Taggart Charles Otto 32 10/21/1885
Fargo, OK m Mabel Taggart
Tallman Hugh 37 12/1/1880
Gage, OK ? Anna Tallman
Tallman Newton Earl 45 4/12/1873
Gage, OK m Ethel Tallman
Tarbox Jacob Ervin 42 1/31/1877
Bishop, OK m Emma May Tarbox
Tangney James Andrew 42 5/15/1876
Shattuck, OK m Helen Tangney
Taylor Archie R. 21 7/26/1897 Washita, OK Fargo, OK s mother-Florence Taylor
Taylor Charles Franklin 45 3/25/1873
Shattuck, OK ? Hutchinson Taylor
Taylor Chester Hewitt 21 1/30/1896 Rising City, NE Gage, OK s none listed
Taylor Ed Filmore 40 5/2/1878
Grand, OK m Minnie Taylor
Taylor Ernest Hyram 23 11/2/1893 Rising City, NE Gage, OK m wife
Taylor Frank Ford 34 9/29/1884
Bishop, OK m May Taylor
Taylor Glenn David 21 8/29/1897
Gage, OK s Reuben Taylor
Taylor Byron Madison 20 6/5/1898
Gage, OK m Mattie Rebecca Taylor
Taylor Ray Jacob 25 5/27/1892 Rising City, NE Gage, OK s none listed
Taylor Joe Lewis 27 7/6/1890 Kentucky Fargo, OK m wife
Taylor Lawrence Lesley 27 9/23/1890 Kentucky Fargo, OK m wife / child
Tefertiller John Quincy 38 3/4/1880
Arnett, OK m Lorna Tefertiller
Tenorio Maximiliano 24 abt 1892 Mexico Gage, OK s none listed
Terbush Thomas Victor 33 1/5/1885
Shattuck, OK m Bonnie K. Terbush
Terrel Frank 35 10/23/1882
Catesby, OK m Mary Catherine Terrel
Terrell George R. 33 8/11/1885
Vici, OK m Belle O. Terrell
Terrel Roy Ferrel 22 12/23/1894 Waukomis, OK Catesby, OK s none listed
Teten Charles 41 4/3/1877
Shattuck, OK m Lydia Teten
Teten Edd 21 7/21/1895 Albert, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Teten Fred 27 1/4/1890 Albert, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Thayer Ernest Blain 24 5/7/1893 Nashville, IN May, OK s none listed
Thinling Henry 39 2/12/1879
Arnett, OK m Daisy A. Thinling
Thomas Basiel Lee 42 5/1/1876
May, OK m Mrs. B. L. Thomas
Thomas Claude 26 9/8/1890 Newburg, MO Supply, OK m wife / child
Thomas Claude Alfred 27 5/15/1890 Stanberry, MO Gage, OK s none listed
Thomas Henry Silas 38 8/27/1880
Arnett, OK m Birdie Jessie Thomas
Thomas John Edgar 25 10/18/1891 Wandsdale(?), KS Parkman, Ok m wife / 3 children
Thomas Lester B. 22 7/7/1894 Ravenwood, MO Gage, OK s none listed
Thomas Obediah K. 42 4/11/1876
Gage, OK m Velva Gertrude Thomas
Thomas Orville Clarence 21 7/12/1897 Novinger, MO Grand, OK s David Lawson Thomas
Thomas Osen E. 28 7/17/1888 Pure Air, MO (?) Grand, OK s none listed
Thomas Ray Earnest 19 11/12/1898
Grand, OK ? Maggie Thomas
Thomas Tracey Mansfield 36 8/10/1882
Higgins, TX m Rosetta Thomas
Thomas Walter Harvey 22 5/7/1895 Linneus, MO Gage, OK s none listed
Thompson Charley Wesley 28 6/18/1888 Coles Co., IL Gage, OK m wife / 3 children
Thompson James Arthur 36 10/3/1882
Fargo, OK m Zella Mabel Thompson
Thompson Marvin Columbus 30 12/17/1886 Reisard(?), IL Fargo, OK m wife / child
Thompson Milford Aggilton 36 9/9/1882
Fargo, OK m Lena May Thompson
Thompson Rudolph Washington 19 4/4/1899
Grand, OK s J.R. Thompson
Thompson Winson Kory 18 8/27/1900
Grand, OK s J.R. Thompson
Thomson Arthur Ray 18 2/8/1900
Arnett, OK s Charles A. Thomson
Thomson Sidney L. 22 12/10/1894 Pondcreek, OK Arnett, OK s none listed
Tillman Francis John 19 12/4/1898
Shattuck, OK ? Kate Tillman
Toellner John Herman 24 4/29/1893 Nebraska City, NE Gage, OK s mother
Toellner Pete Henry 42 5/21/1876
Gage, OK ? none listed
Toellner William 44 1/23/1874
Fargo, OK m Bertha May Toellner
Toek Nicholas 41 5/27/1877
Gage, OK m Marie Malengor Toek
Tomlin Alvin 44 11/13/1873
Shattuck, OK m Nellie Tomlin
Tomlinson Carl Blaine 33 4/8/1885
Harmon, OK m Ruby Electa Tomlinson
Tomlin Harry D. 28 4/15/1889 San Francisco, CA Gage, OK m wife / 3 children
Tomlinson Charles E. 27 10/15/1889 Oakland, IA Vici, OK m wife / 2 children
Torez Juan 23 no info Mexico Gage, OK s none listed
Tostado Isabel 33 1885 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Touar Pedro 24 1894 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Toun / Town Abe 35 2/1/1883
Arnett, OK ? Vennie L. Toun
Treiber Tobias 21 9/24/1895 Eginfeld, Russia Grand, OK s none listed
Trisler Frank Albert 38 11/1/1879
Gage, OK m Pearl Trisler
Truax Flavel Zeno 44 1/20/1874
Gage, OK m Lillie Jane Truax
Tuggle Evert Harry 41 8/23/1877
Fargo, OK m Emma Tuggle
Turner Charles Chester 20 2/5/1898
Harmon, OK ? Oliver P. Turner
Tuthill Charles M. 25 7/21/1892 Gilman City, MO Shattuck, OK m wife
Tuttle Fred 24 7/2/1892 Linn Co., MO Fargo, OK s none listed
Twaddell Carl N. 23 1/29/1894 Waco, TX Arnett, OK m wife / 2 children
Tyler Wm. Claggett 42 3/7/1876
Arnett, OK m Pearl Etta Tyler
Tyrrell Barton Almanzo 21 4/18/1897 Osborne, KS Arnett, OK s Charles Burton Tyrrell
Tyrrell Edgar 27 1/28/1890 Osborne, KS Arnett, OK s none listed
Tyrrell George Henry 32 5/1/1886
Arnett, OK m Pearl Tyrrell
Underwood Freddie E. 21 5/9/1897 Leon, IA May, OK s Enous Leonard Underwood
Underwood Jesse 34 12/5/1884
May, OK s mother-Viola Underwood
Underwood Oliver Daniel 18 4/9/1900
May, OK s mother-Viola Underwood
Vogt John 21 1/1/1896 Ft. Worth, TX Chaney, OK s none listed
Volades Antonio 22 6/14/1894 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Valenzuela Nicolas 38 1880 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Valenzuela Pedro 19 1899 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Vallester John J. 34 12/4/1883
Shattuck, OK ? Pulsonia Vallester-Woodlawn, OR
Valverde Luciano 25 1892 Mexico Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Van Buskirk John Wm. 37 1/9/1881
Gage, OK m Dollir Jane Van Buskirk
Vancamp Eugene B. 42 3/30/1876
Shattuck, OK m  Sadie Vancamp
Vancamp Harold 21 2/7/1896 Van Buren, AR Shattuck, OK s none listed
Vancamp Harry 21 2/7/1896 Van Buren, AR Shattuck, OK s none listed
Vandeventer Verlon Wade 20 9/5/1898
Arnett, OK ? Nellie Vandeventer
Vanlaningham Tad L. 24 3/30/1893 Kirksville, MO Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Vasquez Ladislado 36 1882 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Vaughn Edward D. 33 5/3/1885
Shattuck, OK m Fressie Landrom Vaughn
Vaughan Joseph Warren 40 1/3/1878
Harmon, OK m Della Vaughan
Vaughn James Elmer 20 8/27/1898
Shattuck, OK s J.D. Vaughn
Verdin Juan 29 1898 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Vermillion John J. 33 11/29/1884
Peek, OK m Willie May Vermillion
Vermillion Robert Henry Marion 21 5/31/1897 Lemon, MO Shattuck, OK ? Francis Marion Vermillion
Vickrey Leroy Harry 40 10/10/1877
Fargo, OK ? Arley Vickrey-Capron Woods, OK
Villasenor Jose J. 45 1873 Mexico Shattuck, OK ? none listed
Vincent Aubrey R. 26 10/23/1890 Leon, KS Arnett, OK m wife / child
Vincent Frederick 33 7/26/1885
Arnett, OK m Dora L. Vincent
Vinyard Geo. Washington 40 8/2/1878
Catesby, OK m Mary Alphis Vinyard
Volkman Richard 35 3/28/1883
Supply, OK m Mary Volkman
Von Hoff Paul 39 7/14/1879
Bishop, OK m Emma Von Hoff
Vosburgh Blynn I. 40 8/6/1878
Arnett, OK m Lillie Jane Vosburgh
Voss Ernest 41 2/11/1877
Shattuck, OK m Helena Voss
Wagnon Birt Edwin 39 9/13/1878
Peek, OK m Edith Ida Wagnon
Wagnon Charley Thomas 19 11/17/1898
Arnett, OK s Mary E. Wagnon
Wagnon John Vernon 18 2/11/1900
Arnett, OK s Mary E. Wagnon
Walcher Elmer Erasts 37 10/30/1880
Arnett, OK m Ellen Walcher
Walcher James Leroy 33 4/13/1885
Gage, OK m Ola Isabell
Walcher L. Roy 24 7/21/1892 Irving(?), IL Arnett, OK m wife / 3 children
Walcher Joseph Homer 26 9/9/1890 Irving(?), IL Peek, OK m wife
Walck Herschel Delton 25 3/27/1892 Higgins, TX Grand, OK m wife / child
Walker Arthur David 38 1/9/1880
Arnett, OK m Mabel C. Walker
Wall Melvin Sylvanus 36 9/16/1881
Gage, OK ? Mrs. T.C. Wall
Wall Oscar Quincy 43 11/9/1875
Gage, OK m Melcenia Wall
Wallace Homer R. 22 6/6/1894 Blossom, TX Shattuck, OK s none listed
Wallace John Houston 38 2/12/1880
Shattuck, OK s none listed
Walter James Welden 33 5/9/1885
Shattuck, OK m Frances M. Walter
Walters Leroy Cecil 18 12/24/1899
Arnett, OK s mother-Hannah Walters
Walton Arnold B. 24 7/25/1893 Scranton, KS Ark. City, KS m wife
Walton Arthur Leroy 28 3/3/1889 Andalusia, IL Shattuck, OK m wife
Walton Ben 32 3/25/1886
Shattuck, OK m Eva Walton
Walton Charles Samuel 39 2/4/1879
Shattuck, OK m Laura Walton
Walton Daniel Harrison 42 12/18/1877
Shattuck, OK m Bessie F. Walton
Walton Frank Willie 27 1/8/1890 Lipscomb, TX Gage, OK m wife / child
Walton Fred 29 2/25/1888 Lipscomb, TX Shattuck, OK s none listed
Walton George 38 11/28/1879
Gage, OK m Josephine Walton
Wampler Ivan H. 21 8/21/1897 Arkoe, MO Arnett, OK s mother-Amy Walton
Walton Jim 25 2/22/1892 Lipscomb, TX Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Walton John Frank 41 10/10/1876
Fargo, OK m Edna Walton
Walton Wiley 34 1/4/1884
Shattuck, OK m Lottie Walton
Wampler Charles Albert 45 3/11/1873
Harmon, OK m Amy Wampler
Wampler Raymond Michael 21 5/30/1896 Arkoe, MO Harmon, OK s none listed
Wanhob George Nathan 35 12/26/1882
Fargo, OK m Mabel Gurty Wanhob
Ward Archie Lee 26 1/22/1891 Simpson, KS Parkman, Ok s none listed
Ward Elmer 21 4/16/1897 Cleburne, TX Gomez, TX ? Annie Ward
Ward Harry Leslie 28 4/13/1889 Simpson, KS Parkman, Ok m wife
Ward James 21 8/14/1895 Lomax(?), IL Gage, OK s none listed
Ward Ralph Richard 40 6/26/1878
Gage, OK m Laura Lorena Ward
Ward Robert 38 8/13/1880
Gage, OK m Sophia Ward
Ware Edward Lavin 33 5/18/1885
Fargo, OK m Josephine Alma Ware
Ware Nicholis Daval 22 10/1/1894 Enid, OK Fargo, OK m wife / child
Warrington Jesse Gilbert 23 6/29/1893 Hot Springs, AR Shattuck, OK s none listed
Wass Frank Glen 26 3/29/1891 Mitchell, SD Bishop, OK s none listed
Wasenmiller Jacob 28 12/1/1889 Tscherbakowka, Rus Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Wassenmiller John Fredrich 37 3/7/1881
Shattuck, OK m Katie Wassenmiller
Watlins George Lee 25 12/22/1891 Freeport, KS Supply, OK m wife / child
Watlins James Francis 21 4/8/1896 Manchester, OK Supply, OK m wife
Watson Harry Monger 29 2/29/1888 Helena, AR Gage, OK m wife / child
Watts Merl 21 8/10/1896 Stilwell, KS Catesby, OK s Leo Watts
Wayland John Alexander 32 11/9/1885
Arnett, OK m Iva Rose Wayland
Wayland Wm. Lafayette 37 3/7/1881
no info ? A.D. Wayland-Elk City, OK
Wayne Marion Harry 21 8/28/1895 Rifle, CO Grand, OK m wife / child
Weaver Claude Cleveland 29 5/5/1888 Admire, KS Chaney, OK m wife / child
Weaver Tom Lee 41 7/10/1877
Gage, OK m Alice Weaver
Weaver Tommy Martian 22 5/4/1895 Enka, NC Gage, OK s none listed
Webb Irvin Dewey 18 10/10/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Nedro Bechtold-Clayton, Mexico
Webb Raymond Carl 22 10/4/1895 Chastain(?), OK Gage, OK s none listed
Webb Wm. Albert 18 11/11/1899
Fargo, OK s father-W.W. Webb
Webber Grover 28 9/28/1888 Kilns(?), IL Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Weber Karl B. 32 2/25/1886
Shattuck, OK m Kate Weber
Weeks Emmerus E. 30 11/18/1886 Rosalia, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Weeks Reo C. 27 11/3/1889 Sewal, IA Arnett, OK m wife / child
Weibert Henry 39 6/25/1879 Russia Shattuck, OK m Katie Weibert
Weidner Francis G. 21 7/15/1895 Hennessey, OK Gage, OK s none listed
Weimer Henry 32 10/23/1886
Shattuck, OK m Elisabeth Weimer
Weir Harry Eugean 27 10/16/1889 Westplains, MO Fargo, OK m wife / child
Weis Conrad C. 45 2/13/1873
Shattuck, OK m  Katie E. Weis
Weis Harry 21 7/24/1895 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife
Weis Huldrich 19 2/23/1899
Shattuck, OK ? Rebecca D. Weis
Weisner Reinhart 23 8/29/1893 Holstein, Russia Shattuck, OK s mother-
Wellman Edwin Garfield 36 10/4/1881
Supply, OK m Christina Belle Wellman
Wells Frank Ellis 23 8/24/1893 Mexico, Mo Arnett, OK m wife
Wells Samuel H. 27 11/18/1889 Hutchinson, KS Camargo, OK s none listed
Wess Frank 40 2/13/1878
Fargo, OK m Anna Wess
West Charles Ador 37 7/1/1881
Gage, OK m Daisy West
West David Edward 40 7/19/1878
Arnett, OK ? none listed
West John C. 24 9/1/1892 Moreley, MO Parkman, Ok m wife / child
West Roy More 23 5/13/1894 Moreley, MO Arnett, OK s mother
Wetherholt Herman Lloyd 22 12/24/1894 Newton, IL Gage, OK m wife / child
Wharton Tristran Orville 24 1/3/1893 Palmer, KS Gage, OK s widowed mother
Wheeler Isaac P. 29 2/17/1888 Galt, MO Parkman, Ok m wife / child
Wheeler Samuel P. 27 8/28/1890 Galt, MO Parkman, Ok m wife / 2 children
Whipple James Allen 25 5/13/1892 Beaver City, OK Chaney, OK s none listed
Whipple Roy Elmer 22 12/23/1896 Kiowa, KS Chaney, OK s none listed
Whitcomb Lee E. 25 4/21/1892 Belleville, KS Arnett, OK s none listed
White Charles Grafton 45 12/27/1872
Durant, OK ? E.J. Leslie
White Charles J. 23 9/27/1893 Pickrell, NE Gage, OK m wife
White Ethan Oren 21 11/20/1896 Camel Hill, IL (?) Arnett, OK s (only son of) widowed mother
White John Wm. 45 9/22/1872
Gage, OK m Maude Ollie White
White Robert Wm. 19 10/2/1898
Gage, OK s Maude Ollie White
White Walter Roy 45 3/15/1873
Supply, OK ? Charles Wideman-Ritchwood, MO
Whitehead Emery Epler 34 9/26/1883
Fargo, OK m Alice Irene Whitehead
Whitehurst Grover Cleveland 33 1/10/1885
Shattuck, OK m Tessie May Whitehurst
Whitehurst Samuel Perry 39 11/17/1878
Gage, OK s father-S.C. Whitehurst
Whitehurst Wm. Osburn 44 11/24/1873
Gage, OK m Elizabeth Whitehurst
Whitsitt Chandaws  Ralph 28 5/7/1889 Mondamin, IA Chaney, OK m wife / 4 children
Whitsitt Elmer Ray 25 10/13/1891 Mondamin, IA Chaney, OK m wife / 2 children
Whittaker Charlie Arch 34 12/29/1884
Arnett, OK s bro-Bert Whittaker
Widner Fred Walter 39 12/2/1879
Gage, OK ? Cyrene Widner
Wiedner Edward Elmer 24 5/27/1893 Stockville, NE Harmon, OK s none listed
Wiedner Frank 37 6/27/1881
Harmon, OK ? ch: Lee and Nora Wiedner
Wiedner Gustav 26 6/30/1890 Stockville, NE Harmon, OK s father
Wiedner Henry George 19 11/28/1898
Harmon, OK s father-Wentzell Wiedner
Wigel Frank Leslie 30 2/20/1887 Independence, KS Fargo, OK m wife / child
Wigel Walter Eugene 18 1/14/1900
Chaney, OK s mother-Amy Wigel
Wilcox Hugh F. 25 3/2/1892 Sweet Springs, MO Camargo, OK s none listed
Wilcox Jackson Wilson 36 3/20/1882
no info m Mattie Wilcox
Wilder Charley Stanton 19 2/8/1899
Fargo, OK ? Mary Jane Wilder
Wiley Leslie Brooks 30 5/19/1887 Leoti, KS Gage, OK m wife / child
Wilhite Emmet 20 5/12/1898
Harmon, OK s Della Wilhite
Wilhite Marion Lafayette 18 5/7/1900
Harmon, OK s Della Wilhite
Willers Henry 43 5/1/1875
Shattuck, OK m Laura Willers
Williams Alfred Eclustine 44 3/1/1874
Arnett, OK m Bessie Williams
Williams Edd 36 9/12/1882
Gage, OK ? none listed
Williams George Captain 36 9/12/1882
Gage, OK ? none listed
Williams Geo. Wm. 20 11/23/1898
Shattuck, OK s James Williams
Williams Henry A. 25 12/21/1891 Cisco, TX Shattuck, OK m wife / child
Williams Orval Clinton 34 5/5/1884
Gage, OK m Trella Williams
Williams Ray 26 5/5/1891 Humphreys, MO Gage, OK m wife / 2 children
Williamson Kendrick 41 11/19/1876
Higgins, TX m Ruth Marie Williamson
Williams Virgil Harrison 45 3/9/1873
Peek, OK m Meta Williams
Williams Wm. Milus 41 12/16/1876
Shattuck, OK m Junie Belle Williams
Williams Willie Elmer 27 10/3/1889 Americus, KS Harmon, OK m wife / child
Wilson Charles E. 27 12/5/1889 Therman, IA (?) Shattuck, OK s none listed
Wilson Charles Homer 42 4/22/1876
Chaney, OK m Mary Alice Wilson
Wilson Dave M. 26 8/31/1890 Merrill, WI Shattuck, OK s none listed
Wilson Dave Alac (sic) 26 1/10/1891 Pineville, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Wilson John Albert 45 3/25/1873
Harmon, OK m Elizabeth Wilson
Wilson John Wm. 24 4/18/1893 Clements, KS Higgins, TX m wife
Wilson Orval 21 2/27/1896 Neosho, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Wilson Nathan Louis 42 2/28/1876
Supply, OK m  Inize Wilson
Wilson Theodore 41 11/19/1876
Shattuck, OK m Mary R. Wilson
Wilson Virgil Franklin 40 8/26/1878
Shattuck, OK  m Ida L. Wilson
Wilson William C. 23 8/15/1893 Pineville, MO Shattuck, OK s none listed
Wilson William G. 21 2/9/1896 Independence, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Wilson Wardie Barney F. 30 3/13/1887 Evansville, MO (?) May, OK m wife / 2 children
Winder Quince 34 3/20/1884
Harmon, OK m Dessie E. Winder
Winfrey Elson Monroe 36 8/19/1882
Supply, OK ? Minnie J. Winfrey
Wingert Ray Erwin 20 2/24/1898
Catesby, OK ? Florence Agnes Wingert
Wingert William Earl 27 10/10/1889 Chaney, KS Catesby, OK m wife / child
Wingo Jasper 37 1/8/1881
Supply, OK m Ollie G. Wingo
Winningham Guy 27 9/18/1889 Hancock, MO Shattuck, OK m wife
Winslow Bertie 27 3/31/1890 Salem, IN Shattuck, OK m wife / 2 children
Winslow Leroy 33 3/6/1885
Shattuck, OK m Carrie H. Winslow
Winter David 43 1/10/1875 Russia Shattuck, OK m Katie Winter
Winter Jacob G. 21 12/13/1896 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK ? Rachel Winter
Winter John F. 24 9/2/1893 Lehigh, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / 4 children
Winters August 18 11/19/1899
Chaney, OK s George Winters
Winters Claude A. 28 1/2/1889 Lake City, KS Shattuck, OK m wife / 3 children
Witschi Fred 36 8/22/1882
Shattuck, OK m Sophia Witschi
Wivel Bert 38 3/29/1880
Harmon, OK m Olive Wivel
Wolf Robert 18 8/12/1900
Grand, OK s mother-Lizzie Wolf
Wood Claude B. 45 5/8/1873
Catesby, OK m Alpha Edgarine Wood
Wood Earl B. 29 11/11/1887 Bluff City, KS (?) Vici, OK m wife / child
Wood George 41 1877
Ellis Co., OK - confined to the hospital
Wood Ranken Thomas 42 5/2/1876
Gage, OK m Rosalie Wood
Wood Wilber Simpson 39 10/21/1878
Chaney, OK m Annie Ovelia Wood
Woodall Charles A. 27 7/24/1889 Jasper Co., IL Supply, OK s none listed
Woodall Claude Wm. 34 9/8/1884
Supply, OK m Elsa Woodall
Woodall Forrest Milton 19 11/3/1898
Supply, OK s Mrs. I.J.Wingo
Woodhouse George W. 27 12/16/1890 Westplains, MO Wichita, KS m wife
Woodmansee Richard J. 23 6/11/1893 Ellsworth, KS Shattuck, OK s none listed
Woodrum Joseph Alonzo 33 2/2/1885
Harmon, OK m Ortha Woodrum
Woods Fred Acy 36 11/15/1881
Gage, OK m Anna May Woods
Woods James Wm. 37 7/13/1881
Reason m Edna Ernestine
Woodworth Lawrence Elmer 34 9/14/1884
Grand, OK ? Maud Woodworth
Word Charles Vernon 18 10/13/1899
Arnett, OK s mother-M.F. Word
Worrell Everett Emerson 20 5/4/1898
Catesby, OK ? Martha Lorena Worrell
Wright Albert Henry 34 5/21/1884
Harmon, OK s James Wright-Orlando, OK
Wright Albert R. 24 12/4/1892 Eldon, IA Chaney, OK m wife / child
Wright John Wesley 34 4/12/1884
Chaney, OK m Bertha Wright
Wright Lawrence 26 10/1/1891 Eldon, IA Chaney, OK s none listed
Wright Wm. Alexander 45 8/30/1873
Fargo, OK m Emma Jane Wright
Wurst George Gilbert 24 3/5/1893 Gettysburg, SD Chaney, OK s none listed
Wurst Lee Dewey 21 1/5/1897 Lenore, SD (?) Chaney, OK s Julius Wurst
Wyatt Charles Allen 41 3/26/1877
Harmon, OK m Aretas L. Wyatt
Wybrant Roy Calvin 39 10/18/1878
Gage, OK m Minnie Wybrant
Wycoff David Benjamin 33 5/28/1885
Chaney, OK ? Cora Dunkin
Wysong Jacob Ray 21 11/5/1896 Hastings, NE Arnett, OK s Jacob A. Wysong
Yarnold Lue Elmer 21 7/10/1896 Medford, OK Chaney, OK m Callie L. Yarnold
Yarnold Tommy Thatcher 28 2/10/1889 Eldorado, MO Chaney, OK m wife / 2 children
Yates Fredrick Lean 23 11/14/1893 Sterling, KS Gage, OK m wife / child
Yellen John B. 23 4/8/1894 Hungary Shattuck, OK s none listed
Zacharius George W. 22 1/22/1895 Harper, KS Enid, OK s none listed
Zadny Frank Jr. 22 10/3/1895 Schyler, NE Garber, OK s none listed
Yelton Albert Shirley 35 5/12/1883
Grand, OK ? W.G. Yelton
Young Dewey Alvin 20 5/29/1898
Arnett, OK s David W. Young
Young Fred Harold 21 3/1/1896 Harper, KS Arnett, OK s none listed
Young George Elbert 37 3/28/1881
Fargo, OK s father-Joseph H. Young
Young Lester Lee 18 2/10/1900
Arnett, OK s David W. Young
Zabald Donato 21 1897 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Zahn Vernal 24 3/22/1893 Kahoka, MO Fargo, OK s none listed
Zermeno Juan 22 1896 Mexico Shattuck, OK s none listed
Zimmerman Benjamin A. 44 1874
Ellis Co., OK - confined to the hospital
Zimmerman Wm. Oscar 41 11/4/1876
Arnett, OK m Maud L. Zimmerman
Zinger Mike 42 4/11/1876
Gage, OK m June Zinger