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undefined Ancestry Magazine - Sept/Oct 2002:
“World War I Draft Registration Cards:   On 6 April 1917, the United States declared war on Germany and
officially entered the Great War. Six weeks later, on 18 May 1917, the Selective Service Act was passed,
which authorized the president to increase the military establishment of the United States during the war. As
a result, every male living within the United States between the ages of eighteen and forty-five was required
to register for the draft.
There were three registrations dates: 5 June 1917 was designated for all men between the ages of twenty-
one and thirty-one. A year later, on 5 June 1918, those men who had reached age twenty-one since the first
registration could register. (Also included in this registration was a supplemental registration of 24 August
1918 for those men reaching age twenty-one after 5 June 1918.) Then, on 12 September 1918, men ages
eighteen through forty-five were required to register. This means that we have genealogical data on virtually
every man (around 98%) born between 13 September 1872 and 12 September 1900, if he was living in the
United States during World War I.   Of course, not all the men who registered actually served in the armed
forces, and there were some who served in the war but did not register for the draft. I
If a registrant was not at home, he could register elsewhere and the card would be sent to his home draft
board. In some rural counties, it may have been easier to travel to the bordering county to register and
request the registration be sent on to the actual county. Because it’s possible that some of these registrations
were never transferred, when searching for cards in rural counties, it may be worthwhile to check
neighboring counties, even if they are located in another state.  Non-citizens were subject to the draft and
they had to register
In all, approximately 24 million men registered for the World War 1 draft. These 24 million men are
estimated to be almost 25 percent of the population of the country in 1917—18.  
As a genealogical source, World War I Draft Registration records are relatively new; they were not
available to the public even fifteen years ago. In fact, until 1989 it was not possible to do your own research
in this treasure trove unless you travelled to or contacted the National Archives regional branch near
Atlanta, Georgia.  In 1987 and 1988, the National Archives contracted with the Genealogical Society of
Utah (Family History Library) to microfilm all of the original registration cards, enabling anyone with
access to a Family History Center to research the cards. Now the complete collection of microfilm is also
available at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., and branch archives have collections based on their
The information included on each registration card differs somewhat, but the general information usually
includes full name, home address, date and place of birth, age, race, country of citizenship, occupation,
employer, personal description (hair and eye color, height, disabilities), and signature. Additional
information may include address of nearest relative, dependent relative, marital status, father’s birthplace,
or previous exemption from service.”
It seems timely to post this extraction just days before Memorial Day, 2004 in honor of those who served
our country.  I have chosen to extract only age, full name, date of birth, place of birth, current residency,
marital status, and nearest relative or dependents (whichever was listed).  I have puts lots of effort into
reading the mostly handwritten cards as accurately as possible.  If I was unable to verify that the town that
they listed as their place of birth actually existed (either from a current atlas or a 1915 atlas to which I had
access), you will find a question mark (?) accompanying the town.  It is possible that it was misspelled,
misread,  or  just so small
that it was not listed in the atlases.  Sometimes the “nearest relative” was a woman & it wasn’t clear if she
was a mother or wife.  .................................................................. Extracted by Janet Laubhan Flickinger;
2544 Angus Lane; Salina, KS 67401
Surname Given Name Age Birthdate Birthplace Residence M/S Next of Kin
Abbott Otto Bruce 23 4/30/1894 Fairport, KS Fairport, KS s none listed
Acker Franklin Dester 21 6/25/1895 Adrion, MO (?) Russell, KS s none listed
Adams Bonnie 40 7/25/1878
Lucas, KS m Bessie Grace Adams
Addington Frank Leroy 26 10/25/1890 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Adkinson Wesley Levi 22 7/22/1894 Brownell, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Adolph Phillip 28 6/23/1888 Hussenbach, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Akers Carney Logen 23 6/18/1894 Osceola, MO Fairport, KS m wife
Aksamit Emil 39 11/9/1878
Lucas, KS m Lulu Jane Aksamit
Aksamit Frank 43 5/11/1875
Lucas, KS s Vaclau Aksamit
Aksamit Joseph 33 4/24/1885
Lucas, KS m Anna Aksamit
Aksamit Seardy 42 6/7/1876
Lucas, KS m Pauline Aksamit
Albrecht Dick 23 1/13/1894 Tipton, KS Natoma, KS s none listed
Albrecht Fred 26 3/91891 Tipton, KS Natoma, KS s none listed
Albrecht Henry John 32 1/12/1886
Natoma, KS s mother-Mrs. H. Albrecht
Allen James Caleb 27 1/13/1890 Bolivar, MO Waldo, KS s none listed
Allen Ples Sterling 34 7/24/1884
Bunker Hill, KS m Corinne Allen
Allen Russell Henry 21 5/10/1896 Wamego, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Allinger Harmon 37 3/16/1881
Russell, KS s Mrs. Sarah Campbell
Allison Ivan V. 29 2/21/1888 Lincoln, KS Luray, KS m wife / adopted daughter
Anderson Arne Norman 18 5/21/1900
Bunker Hill, KS s Christopher Anderson
Anderson Wilhelm Arnold 23 1/22/1894 Shell Lake, WI Gorham, KS s none listed
Andrews Frank Griffith 30 5/25/1887 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Angel Floyd Dwight 35 12/2/1882
Paradise, KS m Mrs. F.D. Angel
Anschutz Alexander 38 4/8/1880
Wilson, KS m Matilda Anschutz
Anschutz Carl 29 8/4/1887 Neidermunjor, Russia Dorrance, KS s none listed
Anschutz Carl H. 25 8/24/1889 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Anschutz Ernest C. 30 10/21/1886 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 3 children
Anschutz Ernest E. 25 7/6/1891 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS m wife / child
Anschutz Geo. Wm. Nicholas 18 3/10/1900
Dorrance, KS s Georg Anschutz
Anschutz Henry G. 27 9/4/1889 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Anschutz Henry N. 22 8/12/1894 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Anschutz Wm. Fredrich 19 3/19/1899
Wilson, KS s Dave Anschutz
Anspaugh Donald D. 22 1/22/1895 Montpelier, OH Dorrance, KS m wife
Anspaugh Marion Morris 21 4/24/1897 Edon, OH Dorrance, KS s Hiram D. Anspaugh
Anspaugh Samuel Raymond 20 9/14/1897
Dorrance, KS s H.H. Anspaugh
Anspaugh Sidney F. 18 11/23/1897
Dorrance, KS s H.D. Anspaugh
Apodaca Victor Duran 36 8/10/1882
Russell, KS m Beatrice Apodaca
Archer James McPherson 37 12/6/1880
Waldo, KS m Mrs. J.M. Archer
Armsbury Dwight Talmadge 19 12/15/1899
Lucas, KS s mother-Mrs. Rosina S. Armsbury
Armsbury Ira Ray 30 1/12/1887 Luray, KS Waldo, KS m wife / 3 children
Arnold Clifford Walter 21 8/15/1897 Salina, KS Lucas, KS s Albert Arnold
Arnold Robert Marion 40 2/10/1878
Luray, KS m Cora Arnold
Atherton Lee Otis 30 7/19/1886 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Atkins Harvey C. 33 9/28/1884
Lucas, KS m Maggie Atkins
Aubert Wm. Mathew 39 11/7/1878
Russell, KS m Lucinda Frances Aubert
Austin Lewis L. 41 9/7/1877
Gorham, KS m Jodie Austin
Averill Francis Raymond 20 3/1/1898
Luray, KS s father-John H. Averill
Bachar Cloise 27 3/6/1890 Decatur, IN Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Baier John Wm. 21 10/5/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s H.E. Baier
Bailey Albert Frank 34 1/14/1884
Luray, KS m Nora Belle Bailey
Bailey William Thomas 36 7/16/1882
Gorham, KS m Lily M. Bailey
Baird Charles Elmer 38 9/15/1879
Luray, KS m Lena D. Baird
Baldridge Hande Milton 43 10/12/1874
Bunker Hill, KS m Cleora Baldridge
Baldwin Allison Roy 27 6/8/1899 Holyrood, KS Bunker Hill, KS m parent; wife / child
Baldwin Charles Frank 43 11/2/1874
Fairport, KS s mother-Abbie Baldwin
Baldwin Daniel Wm. 34 4/11/1884
Fairport, KS s mother-Abbie Baldwin
Baldwin George Kirby 43 10/29/1874
Russell, KS m Jennie Baldwin
Baldwin Melvin Orris 36 3/3/1882
Fairport, KS m Mrs. M.O. Baldwin
Baldwin Miles Fred 36 2/4/1882
Russell, KS m Blanche Baldwin
Ball David Aldrich 39 4/23/1879
Gorham, KS s mother-Louisa Ball
Ball Eugene Fred 22 9/4/1894 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Banker Glen Victor 21 2/2/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Banker Louis Waldo 23 6/18/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Banworth Marcellus 21 2/21/1897 Dubuque, IA Dorrance, KS ? Gertrude Banworth / father-Phillip
Baral Gotfried 25 3/1/1892 Dorrance, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Barber John Wesley 34 7/16/1884
Luray, KS m Dolly Ann Barber
Barr Floyd Oliver 24 10/31/1892 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife / child
Barrett Harry Thomas 35 1/17/1882
Russell, KS s mother-Emelene Barrett
Barrett John Joseph 35 1/17/1882
Bunker Hill, KS m Lulu Barrett
Barrett Wm. Wallace 33 12/1/1884
Russell, KS m Alma Barrett
Barta Joseph 32 2/26/1886
Sylvan Grv, KS m Josie Barta
Barth Julius Frank 37 4/27/1881
Paradise, KS m Mrs. J.F. Barth
Bartlett Vernon Clyde 20 6/19/1898
Paradise, KS s mother-Mrs. W.P. Bartlett
Barton Arthur Thomas 33 8/21/1885
Russell, KS s Robert John Barton
Barton Dwight Luther 18 6/28/1900
Lucas, KS s mother-Mrs. Cleopha Barton
Barton Robert John 30 4/9/1887 Lorraine, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Bartow Earle Raymond 29 10/29/1887 Glasco, KS Russell, KS m wife / mother
Bashor Mark Denzil 19 8/12/1899
Russell, KS s J.L. Bashor
Bathauer Alexander 40 6/4/1878
Dorrance, KS m Elizabeth Bathauer
Bathauer Jacob 21 6/16/1897 Saratov, Russia Dorrance, KS s Mrs. Mary Keller
Bathauer John 36 8/16/1882
Dorrance, KS m Mary Bathauer
Baumgarner Albert Leslie 21 9/3/1896 Marshville, MO Russell, KS s Amon Baumgarner
Baumgarner Amon Carl 45 4/6/1873
Russell, KS m Mrs. A.C. Baumgarner
Baustian Bryan 21 4/28/1896 Birdeye, KS (?) Lucas, KS s none listed
Baxter Charles Albert 21 2/27/1896 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Baxter Edward James 29 4/16/1888 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Baxter Harry E. 35 11/1/1882 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s father-James E. Baxter
Baxter Thomas Hanby 26 9/19/1890 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Baxter William Hayes 42 8/23/1876 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS m Sarah Leona Baxter
Bay Reinhold 44 2/21/1875 Russia Lucas, KS m Anna Bay
Beach Chauncey Lafayette 33 11/17/1884
Luray, KS m Edith Adellia Beach
Beach Jay M. 22 11/17/1895 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Beach Wilfred 25 12/4/1892 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Beam August 24 11/13/1892 Waldo, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Beam Emil 26 1/25/1891 Mountain Grove, MO Luray, KS m wife / father
Beam Rudolph 33 12/28/1885
Waldo, KS m Eva Beam
Bean Harvey Ewing 24 11/24/1892 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Bean James Elmer 37 7/28/1881
Waldo, KS m Edith Bean
Bean John Oscar 33 7/14/1885
Waldo, KS m Belle Bean
Bean Philip S. 36 8/7/1883
Luray, KS m Sadie Bean
Bean William Henry 41 7/10/1877
Luray, KS m Jessie M. Bean
Bear Charles Warwick 41 11/30/1876
Russell, KS m Ruth D. Bear
Bear Chester 27 2/24/1890 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Bear Joseph Edward 41 11/30/1876
Waldo, KS m Mrs. J.E. Bearn
Beardsley Earle L. 26 3/26/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Beardsley Lloyd James 19 11/4/1898
Russell, KS s mother-Nellie Beardsley
Beatty Chester Miles 21 12/24/1896 Cripple Creek, CO Luray, KS s S.M. Beatty
Beatty Elmer Otis 20 5/16/1898
Luray, KS ? Mary Beatty
Beatty Homer Glenn 20 12/11/1898
Luray, KS ? Mary Beatty
Beatty Ralph Preston 20 2/10/1898
Luray, KS ? Hazel Beatty
Beatty Zenas Wilbur 44 4/25/1874
Luray, KS ? none listed
Bechtel Arthur 45 1/15/1873
Bunker Hill, KS m Naoma A. Bechtel
Beck Fredrick 22 9/24/1894 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Becker Emanuel 25 8/20/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / mother and sisters
Becker Georg 44 3/23/1874
Russell, KS m Eva Becker
Becker Georg C. 39 8/15/1879
Russell, KS m Mrs. G.C. Becker
Becker Jonathan  20 2/14/1898
Russell, KS s Georg M. Becker
Becker Solomon 21 3/11/1896 Hillsboro, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Beecher John 39 6/22/1879
Waldo, KS m Mrs. John Beecher
Bell Bentley 18 3/6/1900
Paradise, KS s mother-Arzolia Ann Bell
Bell Edgar 45 9/9/1873
Paradise, KS m Mrs. Edgar Bell
Beller Bert Ermine 39 12/2/1878
Russell, KS m Cora Alice Beller
Beller Willis David 38 10/15/1879
Russell, KS s Miss Shirley M. Beller
Belt Walter Sidney 32 3/6/1886
Dorrance, KS m Annie Belt
Beltron Louis 21 1896 Mexico Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Belveal Glen 45 5/2/1877
Luray, KS m Mattie Edith Belveal
Belveal John Landon 29 7/23/1888 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / 2 children
Belveal Melvin 18 8/4/1900
Luray, KS s mother-Rosa M. Belveal
Bender Adam  27 7/27/1889 Hays, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Bender Adam K. 44 4/7/1874
Russell, KS m Mrs. Adam K. Bender
Bender August 28 5/17/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Bender David 26 12/25/1890 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Bender Fred 29 10/16/1887 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Bender Fred 25 5/15/1892 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Bender Georg H. 20 3/31/1898
Russell, KS s Henry Bender
Bender Georg P. 30 12/22/1886 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Bender Henry George 33 7/6/1885
Gorham, KS m Eva Bender
Bender Henry H. 20 4/10/1898
Russell, KS s mother-Mary Bender
Bender Henry L. Jr. 26 3/30/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Bender Henry P. 34 11/27/1883
Russell, KS m Mrs. H. P. Bender
Bender John D. 22 12/31/1894 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Bender John Georg 36 7/14/1882
Gorham, KS m Mary Bender
Bender John Jacob 32 11/14/1885
Russell, KS m Katie Bender
Bender John L. 19 11/25/1898
Russell, KS m Caroline Amelia Bender
Bender Phillip 28 3/24/1889 Gorham, KS Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
Bender Willie 23 1/24/1894 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Bennett John William 27 1/9/1890 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
Bennett William Otho 35 2/13/1883
Gorham, KS m Amelia Bennett
Benso Lee Edward 19 4/13/1899
Gorham, KS s mother-Maggie Benso
Benso William Edward 43 2/24/1875
Gorham, KS m Maggie Benso
Berkel David 23 6/4/1894 Shcherbakovka, Rus Russell, KS s none listed
Berkey Francis Guy 30 12/16/1886 Rossville, KS Russell, KS m wife / 4 children
Berry James Walter 24 5/23/1893 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Berschauer Henry K. 20 5/20/1898
Russell, KS m Katie E. Berschauer
Berschauer Jacob 29 8/1/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Best James 40 4/1/1878
Lucas, KS ? Mrs. Harriett Best-Sylvan Grove, KS
Betts George 24 5/25/1893 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Betts James Edgar 36 5/31/1882
Gorham, KS m Rosa M. Betts
Betts Martin 22 6/2/1895 Gorham, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Betts William Isaac 34 1/9/1884
Russell, KS m Jessie Betts
Betz David 32 9/15/1885
Dorrance, KS m Anna Betz
Beveridge Melvin Kelsey 22 11/14/1894 Oskaloosa, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Biays Roy Joseph 23 10/17/1894 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Biays William Max 21 10/6/1896 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s father-John M. Biays
Bice Clyde Windsor 34 12/22/1883
Waldo, KS m Laura Jeanette Bice
Bice Vernon Leslie 27 11/13/1889 Codell, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Bieker Bernard Phillip 25 6/3/1892 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS m wife / 5 children
Bieker Frank 41 3/4/1877
Russell, KS m Elizabeth Bieker
Bieker Jacob 21 7/4/1897 Russell, KS Russell, KS m Lizzie Riedel  Bieker
Bieker Joseph A. 23 11/11/1894 Schoenchen, KS Gorham, KS m wife / child
Bieker Joseph Conrad 33 10/11/1884
Russell, KS m Anna Bieker
Bieker Raymond Geo. 20 9/01/1898
Russell, KS s mother-Elizabeth Bieker
Bieker Wm. Benjamin 18 8/10/1900
Russell, KS s mother-Elizabeth Bieker
Biesterfeld Christian 44 3/23/1874
Dorrance, KS m Elizabeth Biesterfeld
Bisterfeldt Henry 22 1/27/1895 Bunker Hill, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Black Herbert Oral 26 11/12/1891 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Blagrave Emmit Leland 22 3/25/1895 Natoma, KS Waldo, KS s mother & 2 sisters
Blagrave William Clair 27 5/31/1890 Lyndon, KS Waldo, KS m wife / child
Blankenship Thomas Earnest 45 10/3/1872
Russell, KS m Jennie Blankenship
Blazies Geo. Grover 29 11/1/1887 Lucas, KS Waldo, KS m wife
Blehm Adam 33 5/15/1885
Wilson, KS m Amelia Blehm
Blehm Jacob Jr. 19 7/5/1899
Russell, KS s mother-Elisabeth Blehm
Blehm Solomon 23 6/8/1893 Dubuque, KS Dorrance, KS m wife
Blehm William 27 3/1/1890 Cushing, OK Dorrance, KS m wife / child
Bliss George Lloyd 36 6/25/1882
Russell, KS m Lorena B. Bliss
Blythe William 40 1/30/1878
Russell, KS m Daisy M. Blythe
Bodmer Albert Edward 22 9/19/1894 Bunker Hill, KS Paradise, KS s none listed
Bodmer Caleb A. 30 5/12/1887 Bunker Hill, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Boedeker Lawrence Carl 19 8/13/1899
Paradise, KS s mother-Mrs. H.C. Boedeker
Bogan John Gordon 44 11/17/1873
Russell, KS s William Bogan-Mulvane, KS
Bohnen Mathias Joseph 30 6/16/1886 Germany Dorrance, KS s none listed
Bollier Clifford Otis 20 12/27/1898
Lucas, KS s J.T. Bollier
Bollin John Thomas 23 5/7/1894 Wakenda, MO Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
Bollin Samuel Lymon 38 7/28/1880
Russell, KS m Mrs. Samuel Bollin
Bolls Jesus 26 7/26/1890 Mexico Russell, KS s none listed
Bolls Juan 21 3/10/1896 Mexico Russell, KS s none listed
Bolt Clifford 23 4/15/1894 St. George, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Bolt William A. 25 9/4/1892 Griswold, IA Lucas, KS s none listed
Bond James 32 5/12/1886
Bunker Hill, KS s John Bond
Bond John 40 3/10/1878
Bunker Hill, KS m Lizzie Bond
Borden George Nocks 35 4/2/1883
Bunker Hill, KS m Bertha May Borden
Bosch Peter Wm. 39 5/15/1879
Gorham, KS m Melvin Bosch
Bower William Joe 23 9/4/1894 Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Bowman Elmer 23 4/28/1893 Bienville, LA (?) Dorrance, KS s none listed
Boxberger Dan 26 8/21/1890 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Boxberger Edward 19 7/9/1899
Russell, KS s father-G.J. Boxberger
Boxberger Emanuel 21 6/12/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? children
Boxberger Fredrick Wm. 22 7/9/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Boxberger George Jacob 45 11/13/1873
Russell, KS m Magdalena Boxberger
Boxberger George Jr. 45 1/10/1872
Russell, KS s Mary Boxberger
Boxberger Henry George 30 12/14/1887 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Boxberger Herbert 20 10/9/1897
Russell, KS s none listed
Boxberger J. Ben 20 5/26/1898
Russell, KS s Jacob Boxberger
Boxberger J. Fred 22 4/11/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Boxberger J. Henry 26 2/25/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Boxberger J. Peter 34 3/31/1884
Russell, KS m Maggie Boxberger
Boxberger Peter, Jr. 19 6/18/1899
Russell, KS s Peter Boxberger, Sr.
Boxberger Samuel 23 7/17/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Boxberger Solomon 21 4/23/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Boxberger William G. 21 10/22/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS m Helena Boxberger
Boxberger Wm. Fredrich 21 10/22/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Boyd Arthur Lavelle 41 11/19/1876
Russell, KS m Clara Boyd
Boyd James Orsmas 38 2/13/1880
Russell, KS m Olive Maude Boyd
Bradley James Henry 35 12/2/1882
Russell, KS s Charles D. Bradley-Chesterton, IN
Bradshaw Grover Cleveland 34 Aug. 1884
Waldo, KS m Iva Lee Bradshaw
Bradshaw Vernon Francis 24 6/25/1892 Waldo, KS Waldo, KS m wife
Branda Anton 33 6/9/1885
Wilson, KS m Julia Branda
Branda Charles 25 3/14/1892 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS m wife
Brandenburg Celous E. 21 10/12/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Brandenburg Earl D. 24 10/22/1892 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Brandenburg Laurel Feliz 19 4/24/1899
Russell, KS s father-D.H. Brandenburg
Brandenburg Sylvanus E. 23 1/20/1894 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Brandt Fred H. 24 11/20/1894 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife
Brandt George W. 28 7/27/1889 Montgomery, MO Russell, KS s none listed
Bratton Albert Albertis 35 12/5/1882
Luray, KS m Adeline Sophia Bratton
Bratton Elmer Evert 32 12/25/1885
Luray, KS m Edna V. Bratton
Bressel George Martin 27 7/27/1889 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Brethauer George 37 1/10/1881 Russia Russell, KS m Annie Brethauer
Brethauer Henry 39 5/2/1879 Russia Russell, KS m Christina Brethauer
Brethauer Jacob 22 11/22/1894 Saratov, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Bretz Daniel Bashore 42 12/31/1875
Lucas, KS m Josie N. Bretz
Bretz Ernest Carson 37 4/17/1881
Lucas, KS m Lennie Bretz
Bretz John Harrison 40 7/12/1878
Lucas, KS m Mamie Bretz
Bretz Milton Sylvester 21 11/25/1895 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Bretz Samuel Sylvester 44 12/23/1873
Lucas, KS m Selma Bretz
Bretz Vernon Morrill 19 3/5/1899
Lucas, KS s W.E. Bretz
Brichacek Frank Daniel 30 10/31/1886 Sylvan Grove, KS Lucas, KS m wife / child
Brichacek William Henry 22 5/22/1895 Sylvan Grove, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Bridges James Tomas 22 9/3/1894 Atherton, MO Russell, KS m wife
Briggs Edgar Doty 38 6/11/1880
Wilson, KS s Wm. R. Briggs
Briggs Harry Franklin 43 8/13/1875
Bunker Hill, KS m Ivy Briggs
Briggs Willie Robert 44 11/24/1875
Wilson, KS s Mrs. Jenny Colony
Britt Albron A. 19 11/10/1898
Luray, KS s mother-Minnie Britt
Britt Aulus A. 41 1/26/1877
Luray, KS m Minnie Britt
Bronson Andrew Olous 44 3/27/1874
Paradise, KS ? Gullick Bronson
Bronson George Thomas 19 3/7/1899
Waldo, KS s mother-Sarah J. Bronson
Bronson Gussie 25 6/20/1892 Denton, KS Paradise, KS s none listed
Bronson Harry 43 9/14/1875
Bunker Hill, KS m Mary Angeline Bronson
Bronson Herbert Edgar 36 3/16/1882
Luray, KS m May Lena Bronson
Bronson John 23 4/8/1894 Hunter, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Bronson Robert E. Lee 21 8/31/1896 Waldo, KS Waldo, KS s Thomas Bronson
Bronson William Paris 27 8/30/1889 Lucas, KS Waldo, KS s ? One child
Brooks Carter Wm. 27 11/5/1890 Oketo, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Brooks Charles 27 6/29/1889 Tennessee Waldo, KS s none listed
Brooks Glen Edward 34 3/4/1884
Lucas, KS m Mae Brooks
Brooks Hiram Eads 34 8/1/1884
Waldo, KS m Mary Brooks
Broska Paul August 30 3/1/1887 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Brown William Harry 40 3/16/1878
Luray, KS m Stella Bell Brown
Brown William Stewart 44 10/1/1873
Russell, KS m Mary Brown
Brown Alva Lewis 18 10/10/1899
Luray, KS m Mabel M. Brown
Brown Cecil John 26 4/13/1892 Flint, MI Lucas, KS m wife / child
Brown Charles 29 8/6/1887 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Brown Claude Lee 34 5/13/1884
Luray, KS m Hazel Belle Brown
Brown Daniel R. 27 10/8/1889 Lucas, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Brown Edgar Perry 43 1/31/1875
Paradise, KS m Mrs. E.P. Brown
Brown Elba 21 7/4/1896 Blakeman, KS (?) Bunker Hill, KS s sister & her 2 children
Brown Emerson James 35 8/3/1883
Russell, KS s mother-Mary Brown
Brown Francis Marion 22 5/29/1895 Hartley, TX Russell, KS m wife
Brown Fred George 43 3/30/1875
Gorham, KS m Mary L. Brown
Brown George Russell 33 6/9/1885
Russell, KS s mother-Mary Brown
Brown Harry Lee 22 4/25/1892 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Brown Henry J. 29 9/16/1887 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 3 children
Brown Ira Elwood 35 4/18/1883
Lucas, KS m Grace W. Brown
Brown James Gale 37 10/22/1881
Dorrance, KS m Florence
Brown John Allison 36 12/29/1881
Russell, KS s mother-Mary Brown
Brown Joseph Cecil 25 7/9/1891 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Brown Leland George 18 9/16/1899
Wilson, KS m Mrs. L.G. Brown
Brown Orlie Eugene 22 8/31/1894 Higgins, TX Luray, KS s none listed
Brown Ray James 21 6/18/1895 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Brown Samuel Thomas 42 8/26/1876
Paradise, KS M Mrs. S.T. Brown
Browne Alex D. 21 10/1/1896 Russell Co., KS Russell, KS s Dr. A.L.Browne
Browne Tom Floyd 18 11/2/1899
Russell, KS s Dr. A.L.Browne
Browning Clyde Omer 30 3/16/1887 Novelty, MO Russell, KS m wife
Brumfield Andrew  38 4/3/1880
Lucas, KS m Mary Brumfield
Brumitt Wm. Columbus 41 3/22/1877
Russell, KS m Ethel V. Brumitt
Bruney John Henry 38 6/27/1880
Gorham, KS m Alice Mary Bruney
Brungardt John J. 28 8/20/1888 Herzog, Russia Gorham, KS m wife / 5 children
Brungardt Mike John 23 5/20/1898 Victoria, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Bryan Hamon Gilbert 32 4/17/1886
Dorrance, KS m Pearl M. Bryan
Bryan James A. 19 10/18/1898
Luray, KS s mother-Rosa Bryan
Bryan Wm. Harrison 45 7/3/1873
Luray, KS m Rosa Bryan
Buckmaster Roy Darwin 25 9/18/1891 E. Atchinson, MO Luray, KS m wife
Buckmaster William H. 28 8/20/1888 E. Atchinson, MO Luray, KS m wife / 2 children
Budig Julius 26 6/8/1890 Redwing, KS (?) Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Buehler Albert 35 8/21/1883
Dorrance, KS m Lucy M. Buehler
Buehler Edward 23 2/2/1894 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Buehler Elmer Christian 30 9/16/1886 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Buehler Emil 37 3/21/1881
Dorrance, KS m Della Buehler
Buehler Frank 45 10/9/1872
Lucas, KS m Edith Buehler
Buehler George Jr. 39 4/6/1879
Dorrance, KS m Annie Buehler
Buehler Henry 25 8/3/1892 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Buhrle Fred 39 6/4/1879
Russell, KS m Mrs. Fred Buhrle
Bunker George Benjamin 20 12/25/1898
Dorrance, KS s Seymour Bunker
Bunker John Paul 21 9/21/1896 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s John R. Bunker
Bunker Richard O. 21 4/14/1896 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Bunker Thomas Wm. 23 7/10/1894 Dorrance, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Bunker William P. 26 2/22/1891 Wilson, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Burch Clark Clarence 21 10/8/1896 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Burch Edward Warren 43 4/29/1875
Waldo, KS m Lydia A. Burch
Burch Harry Augustus 23 7/5/1892 Cheyenne,Osb., KS Luray, KS s none listed
Burns John Harrison 34 9/15/1884
Waldo, KS m Mary Belle Burns
Burns John Lesley 29 2/17/1888 Martinsburg, WV Lucas, KS m wife
Burns Roger William 42 6/13/1876
Dorrance, KS m Helen L. Burns
Burton Elisha James 39 12/12/1878
Lucas, KS s bro-Charles M. Burton -  Lucas
Bushell Ernest E. 23 12/28/1894 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Bushell Ray Louis 19 3/5/1899
Gorham, KS s mother-Lottie Showman
Bushell Walter George 42 5/10/1876
Russell, KS m Louise Bushell
Bushon Thomas Jefferson 29 12/25/1887 Manchester, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Bushon Thomas P. 30 3/17/1887 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / 2 children
Buster Cecil Jasper 20 9/14/1897
Luray, KS s mother-Cordelia Buster
Buster Virgil Lowell 18 8/2/1900
Luray, KS s mother-Mrs. L.F. Buster
Butcher Charles Clarence 40 10/27/1877
Russell, KS m Elizabeth Butcher
Butler Benjamin Franklin 33 6/7/1885
Bunker Hill, KS m Ida Luella Butler
Butler Herbert Arthur 26 1/24/1891 Walker, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Butler John Kimple 30 12/12/1886 Walker, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Butterfield Cleman O. 21 1/12/1896 McLoud, OK Dorrance, KS s none listed
Buxman Andrew 22 2/9/1895 Saratov, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Cable Charles F. 43 10/14/1875
Russell, KS m Malissa B. Cable
Cabrena Telesforo 25 6/6/1892 Mexico Luray, KS s none listed
Cade Russell Sinion ? 21 9/22/1896 Luray, KS Luray, KS m Opal Thelma Cade
Cade Teddie Theodore 22 9/15/1895 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Cain Benjamin Franklin 43 12/10/1874
Russell, KS m Catherine Cain
Campbell Archie E. 30 9/6/1886 Lincoln Co., KS Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Campbell George William 28 10/11/1890 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Caprez Ray Joseph 20 1/1/1898
Waldo, KS s Joseph Caprez
Carbieneo Harry Reid 25 3/20/1892 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife / child
Caro John Robert 42 12/17/1876
Waldo, KS m Edith Caro
Carothers George 37 3/28/1881
Bunker Hill, KS ? Rachel Carothers-Clinton,  MO
Carroll Arthur Otis 26 2/10/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Carroll Fred James 32 3/26/1886
Russell, KS m Carrie Carroll
Carroll William Amos 34 8/24/1884
Russell, KS m Louise Annie Carroll
Carson Alvin Ziegler 34 2/10/1884
Russell, KS m Zelda Carson
Carter Elvis Cressy 33 9/5/1885
Bunker Hill, KS m Mary Eastland Carter
Carter John Arthur 34 6/7/1884
Bunker Hill, KS m Katie M. Carter
Carter John Edwin 25 7/22/1891 Blue Mills, MO Russell, KS m wife
Carter Lester Ralph 30 10/28/1886 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Carter Loren H. 20 12/30/1898
Russell, KS s mother-Mrs. M.E. Carter
Carter Thomas Bentley 35 2/19/1883
Russell, KS m Laura Carter
Caruthers Eddie Isaac 23 2/16/1893 Salem, AR Russell, KS m wife / child
Carver John Donald 18 6/29/1899
Luray, KS m Lulu Carver
Carver William 42 11/6/1875
Luray, KS m Myrtle Carver
Case Benjamin Franklin 33 1/4/1885
Waldo, KS s Ernest Case
Case Clarence Thomas 20 2/3/1898
Paradise, KS s W.T. Case
Casey John 45 1/17/1873
Dorrance, KS m Elizabeth Casey
Casper Carl 29 12/22/1887 Russell, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Casper Charles August 20 1/30/1898
Dorrance, KS s C.A. Casper, Sr.
Casper Clarence James 24 12/26/1892 Wilson, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Casper Clark Elmer 18 1/10/1900
Dorrance, KS s C.A. Casper, Sr.
Casper Oscar R. 27 3/29/1890 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Casper William Henry 22 7/5/1895 Dorrance, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Castleberry Lewis 40 1/12/1878
Russell, KS m Edna Castleberry
Chalupsky Joseph 28 3/19/1889 Austria Dorrance, KS s none listed
Chaney James Henry 36 3/14/1882
Russell, KS m Nora Alma Chaney
Chaney John Franklin 42 1/19/1876
Russell, KS m Louisa May Chaney
Chard Evan Cyrus 21 11/16/1896 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m J.M. Chard
Chard Harry Olan 18 3/18/1900
Lucas, KS s Lidy Chard
Chard Herrbet 44 1/6/1874
Lucas, KS m Mattie Chard
Chard Marion Dewy 20 5/1/1898
Lucas, KS s Lidy Chard
Chatham Roy James 27 5/23/1890 Oskaloosa, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Chavez Florencio 25 9/22/1891 Mexico Russell, KS s none listed
Chegwidden Harry 38 8/6/1880
Wilson, KS m Carrie Chegwidden
Chegwidden Sidney Joseph 35 3/4/1883
Dorrance, KS m Pearl Chegwidden
Chegwidden William John 42 3/26/1876
Lucas, KS m Sophia Chegwidden
Cheney Clarence Elmer 33 2/1/1885
Dorrance, KS m Nina Winifred
Chenoweth Hugh Leroy 30 6/4/1887 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
Chenoweth Ira William 24 11/5/1892 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Chenoweth John Jay 45 8/18/1874
Bunker Hill, KS m Laura Agnes Chenoweth
Chester Anton Stepanoff 30 5/17/1886 Russia Russell, KS s Stephan Stepanoff C
Chrisler George Earl 38 12/16/1879
Paradise, KS m Mrs. G.E. Chrisler
Chrisler John Clarke 32 12/16/1885
Russell, KS m Idonia Chrisler
Christiansen Christian Peter 42 12/19/1875
Dorrance, KS s none listed
Christman Elmer Herbert 36 1/11/1882
Waldo, KS m Nellie Christman
Clark Kimball Kent 40 5/30/1877
Russell, KS m Lillian Gertrude Clark
Clark Percy Loyd 18 2/19/1900
Gorham, KS s father-Charles Clark
Clark Joseph Murl 21 10/30/1896 Knox City, MO Gorham, KS s mother-Tesse O. Clark
Clarke Frank Berry 40 6/14/1878
Russell, KS m Anna M. Clarke
Clarke Leland Perry 43 6/3/1875
Russell, KS m Janie Clarke
Clarkson Clarence Bowlby 28 8/14/1888 Fairport, KS Fairport, KS s none listed
Claussen Alfred 23 2/12/1894 Wilson, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Claussen Fred Bruna 21 8/3/1897 Wilson, KS Russell, KS s mother-Carolina Claussen
Claussen Gustav Charles 32 5/10/1885
Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Claussen Henry G. 26 2/8/1891 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Claussen Henry Jr. 42 4/1/1876
Dorrance, KS s Charles Claussen, Jr.
Claussen John Henry 28 12/10/1888 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Claussen Lewis 36 1/25/1882
Dorrance, KS m Nona Claussen
Claussen Martin Carl 26 3/10/1891 Wilson, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Clement Mason 24 12/25/1892 Lecoma, MO Russell, KS m wife / child
Cleopfil Bobbie 26 2/23/1891 Hunter, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Cline John Marion 43 12/30/1874
Dorrance, KS m Bessie May Cline
Cobb Henry Chester 37 5/29/1881
Luray, KS m Sarah Cobb
Cobb James Wesley 42 9/20/1875
Lucas, KS m Elsie M. Cobb
Cobb Josephus 41 9/3/1877
Bunker Hill, KS m Maude Frances Cobb
Cobb Walter Charles 22 9/21/1894 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Cobb Warren Wm. 22 9/21/1894 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
Cochrun Arlo Benjamin 18 1/30/1900
Luray, KS s Alfred Cochrun
Cochrun Benjamin Preston 43 6/22/1875
Luray, KS m Maudie Cochrun
Cochrun Carl Navarre 23 12/9/1893 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Cochrun Commodore Perry 41 11/14/1872
Waldo, KS m Bertha Cochrun
Cochrun David Edward 21 7/19/1895 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Cochrun Earl Ira 27 4/9/1890 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Cochrun James Orval 38 11/26/1879
Luray, KS m Elisabeth Cochrun
Cochrun Omer Allen 28 9/1/1888 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Cochrun Orval James 20 11/1/1898
Luray, KS s Alfred Cochrun
Cochrun Russell Munroe 30 9/19/1886 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / 3 children
Coffeen Frank Chester 43 11/10/1874
Dorrance, KS m Adelia F. Coffeen
Coffey Roy Milton 35 9/16/1882
Wilson, KS m Katherine Coffey
Cole Joel Hart 45 11/17/1872
Russell, KS m Annibell Cole
Colhour Philip Oscar 40 8/30/1878
Luray, KS m Cora Colhour
Coltrin Ernest Wesley 35 9/26/1883
Lucas, KS m Mrs. E.W. Coltrin
Constine Richard Henry 38 4/30/1880
Russell, KS m Mary Constine
Conway Feliz Foster 19 8/6/1899
Luray, KS s mother-Electra Conway
Cook Alpha Guy 39 4/8/1879
Paradise, KS m Mrs. A.G. Cook
Cook Arthur Everett 22 5/4/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Cook Chester Ernest 21 3/1/1896 Wakita, OK Lucas, KS s none listed
Cook Earl Milo 29 5/14/1888 Gorham, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Cook George Roy 18 11/18/1900
Lucas, KS s G.M. Cook
Cook John Dorsey 38 8/21/1880
Luray, KS s mother-Maud L. Cook
Cook Joseph 44 3/19/1874
Dorrance, KS m Lucy Cook
Cooper Cecil Francis 21 8/3/1897 Russell Co., KS Dorrance, KS s A.G.T. Cooper
Cooper Emmett 39 1/16/1879
Lucas, KS s mother-Nancy J. Cooper
Cooper Galen Elliot 22 6/23/1895 Russell Co., KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Cooper Leo Evert 33 10/13/1884
Lucas, KS s mother-Lydia Cooper
Cooper Lucian 37 9/28/1880
Dorrance, KS m Nellie Cooper
Cooper Ray 29 10/8/1887 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 2 children
Cooper Samuel E. 22 10/29/1894 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife
Copp Michael 33 9/17/1884 Dorrance, KS Gorham, KS m Lizzie Copp
Corbett James George 28 4/11/1889 Haddom, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Cornwell Thomas 43 8/15/1875
Russell, KS m Martha J. Cornwell
Corwin Albert Andrew 36 6/3/1882
Russell, KS m Lottie C. Corwin
Corwin Edwin Nathan 38 5/9/1880
Russell, KS m Jennie E. Corwin
Corwin George Nathaniel 39 12/10/1878
Gorham, KS m Edith Hazel Corwin
Coulter Earl Mack 34 2/18/1884
Russell, KS m Maude Vernon Coulter
Cowan Ivan Rutter 43 2/9/1875
Luray, KS m Ora May Cowan
Crabtree Raymond W. 24 7/16/1892 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Crabtree Wm. Harland 40 10/25/1877
Dorrance, KS m Dora Crabtree
Craig Samuel Louis 21 9/29/1896 Graham, KY Fairport, KS s none listed
Craig William Grant 30 8/8/1886 Rinceton, PA (?) Dorrance, KS s none listed
Craine Leonard Oskar 33 4/5/1885
Dorrance, KS m Mary A. Craine
Cramm Carl J. 43 6/6/1875
Russell, KS m Florence Cramm
Crawford Arthur 25 6/7/1892 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Crawford Charles Clark 32 10/22/1885
Luray, KS m Minnie Crawford
Crawford Owen Oliver 33 9/26/1884
Gorham, KS m Edith Irma Crawford
Crawford Roy Alfred 36 1/29/1882
Luray, KS m Albina Crawford
Crawford William Paul 38 11/30/1879
Gorham, KS m Mary A. Crawford
Craycraft Frank Martin 26 6/22/1891 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Craycraft Millard Lee 25 12/31/1892 Sylvan Grove, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Crissman Owen Wilbur 21 6/24/1897 Walker, KS Russell, KS s George Crissman
Cromwell Billy D. 20 7/12/1899
Galatia, KS s mother-Dora Cromwell
Cross Allen F. 20 1/2/1887 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS m wife / 2 children
Crowe Patrick Wm. 28 10/31/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Crowe Ray Edward 21 8/17/1896 Chillicothe, MO Lucas, KS m Flo Crowe
Cuddy Harry Joseph 41 2/22/1877
Lucas, KS m Lorraine Cuddy
Cullens James Stephen 39 6/10/1879
Lucas, KS m Lilly L. Cullens
Cullens Oscar Mellville 45 4/23/1873
Russell, KS m Mrs. O.M. Cullens
Culp Irl Herbert 24 6/30/1892 Beloit, KS Paradise, KS s O.W. Culp
Culp Orville Wheeler 41 1/20/1877
Paradise, KS m Mrs. O.M. Cullens
Cuneo Roscoe Conkling 41 10/31/1877
Russell, KS s Mrs. P. Cuneo-Columbus, OH
Cunningham Aldo Waide 26 9/2/1890 Greeley, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Cunningham Amos Owen 40 5/20/1878
Luray, KS s sis-Ella Cunningham, Scottsville, KS
Cunningham Frank John 23 6/22/1894 Lincoln, NE Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Cunningham James Robert 35 8/26/1883
Bunker Hill, KS s Allie Davis Cunningham
Cunningham Marcus 25 10/29/1892 Chapman, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Cunningham Ross Conkling 29 2/19/1888 Lane, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Curry Jesse R. 23 6/10/1894 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Cutright Roy 26 8/11/1890 Chillicothe, OH Alma, KS s none listed
Cwicig (sic) Fred 38 10/10/1879
Luray, KS m Clara Cwicig
Daniels Arpod S. 23 12/1/1893 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Daniels Dewey Hobson 20 6/26/1898
Wilson, KS s Arpod Daniels
Darby George Frederick 23 6/21/1893 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Darby Marshall 39 10/12/1878
Russell, KS m Nora Ethel Darby
Darling John Robert 20 9/21/1897
Russell, KS s Percy Roy Darling-Jefferson, IA
Darnell Walter Mason 37 4/27/1881
Waldo, KS m Susie M. Darnell
Dashner Lee Clare 30 4/25/1887 Glencoe, IL Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Dauber Carl Edward 21 4/20/1896 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Dauber Edward 23 4/8/1894 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Dauber Joseph 27 7/17/1889 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Davis James Herschel 34 2/23/1884
Russell, KS m Leta Davis
Davis Winfred Everett 27 11/3/1889 Excelsior Springs, MO Russell, KS m wife
Dawdy George Washington 22 3/1/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Dawdy William Allen 21 8/9/1897 Russell, KS Russell, KS s John Dawdy
Dawe Francis Wm. 26 3/14/1891 Enid, OK Fairport, KS m wife / 2 children
Dawson Ernest Edwin 41 3/24/1877
Russell, KS m Emma Elisabeth Dawson
Day Charles Edward 29 3/1/1888 Cheyenne,Osborne,KS Paradise, KS m wife / 2 children
Day Frank 35 2/12/1883
Luray, KS s mother-Leta E. Day
Deardorff Ray Edwin 27 10/11/1889 Yale, IA Waldo, KS m wife / child
Deeble Harold Harvey 22 4/10/1895 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Deines David  23 7/11/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Deines Ernest Hubert 23 3/20/1894 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Deines Ferdinand 20 9/26/1898 Russell, KS Russell, KS s Henry F. Deines
Deines George C. 21 12/26/1896 Krakzke, Russia Russell, KS s Christ Deines
Deines George L. 37 10/13/1881
Russell, KS m Lydia Deines
Deines Herman George 18 1/8/1900
Russell, KS s G.J. Deines
Deines Jacob 40 10/9/1877
Russell, KS m Mrs. Jacob Deines
Deines John Fred 37 1/21/1881
Russell, KS m Mrs. J.F. Deines
Deines John George 25 11/1/1891 Saratov, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Deines Lewis 24 10/25/1892 Russell, KS Russell, KS ? Peter Deines, Sr.
Deines Oswald Herbert 21 9/17/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Deines Peter Jr. 39 4/19/1879
Russell, KS m Mrs. Peter Deines, Jr.
Deines Rudolph Emanuel 19 4/16/1899 Russell, KS Russell, KS s Henry F. Deines
Deissroth August Rudolph 45 12/30/1872
Wilson, KS m Anna Deissroth
Deissroth Charles Henry 40 10/11/1877
Wilson, KS m Rosie Deissroth
Deissroth Otto 27 7/8/1889 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS m wife
Deitz Adam 37 2/14/1881
Bunker Hill, KS m Mollie Deitz
Deitz Ferdinand 36 9/10/1882
Russell, KS m Mrs. Ferdinand Deitz
Deitz George 37 9/20/1880
Russell, KS m Susie Deitz
Deitz Henry 20 10/26/1897
Russell, KS s father-Henry H. Deitz
Deitz John 37 3/8/1881
Russell, KS m Mrs. Katherine Deitz
Deitz John 18 11/6/1899
Bunker Hill, KS s mother-Mrs. Mary Deitz
Dengate Rolland Hiram 34 4/26/1884
Lucas, KS ? Augustia Dengate
DeWald Daniel 22 1/8/1895 Otis, KS Russell, KS s none listed
DeWald David 35 11/10/1882
Russell, KS s John G. DeWald
DeWald Emanuel 21 1/6/1882 Russell, KS Russell, KS s G.J. DeWald
DeWald Henry 29 8/22/1888 Otis, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
DeWald Jacob 22 11/16/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
DeWald Jakob 22 5/18/1895 Russell, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
DeWald John 34 3/22/1884
Russell, KS s John G. DeWald
Dick Alfred Theodore 22 6/30/1894 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Dick Bert 27 4/8/1890 Douglas, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Dick Dan Sylvester 23 7/25/1894 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Dick John Andrew 42 12/9/1875
Luray, KS m Mattie L. Dick
Dick Lawrence Lee 30 1/18/1887 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Dick Walter Wm. 21 8/30/1897
Luray, KS s mother-Mattie Dick
Dick Wm. Theodore 33 4/28/1885
Lucas, KS s mother-Sarah Ann Dick
Dickinson Roe 21 11/5/1896 Osborne Co., KS Waldo, KS ? Josephine Ernest
Diel Fred Frank 22 7/13/1894 Friedenfeld, Russia Russell, KS m wife / child
Dierking Albert 23 10/8/1893 Stafford, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Dill Floyd Ernest 19 11/20/1898
Russell, KS s mother-Mrs. Anna Deitz
Dillon William Robert 21 7/12/1896 Obsorce, IN (?) Russell, KS s Wm. Isaac Dillon-Tennessee
Dillon Willie J. 38 10/6/1879
Luray, KS m Clara Dillon
Dinsmoor Harry Wm. 24 11/19/1892 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife
Dinsmoor Thomas Barlow 40 2/8/1878
Lucas, KS m Laura Dinsmoor
Dishman Clarence Leslie 35 9/28/1882
Russell, KS ? Mrs. Ellis F. Dishman
Doane Ray Gue (?Gene) 37 1/14/1881
Lucas, KS m Gertrude Doane
Dockendorf John 28 11/15/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife and mother
Dodds Eli Gutherie 39 4/27/1879
Bunker Hill, KS ? Margaret Dodds-Wellsville, KS
Dole Floyd Harris 21 6/8/1898 Russell, KS Russell, KS s father-R.G. Dole
Dole Robert Grant 44 2/7/1873
Bunker Hill, KS m Margaret Dole
Donecker Henry Charley 27 8/1/1889 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Donman Arthur Wm. 23 8/20/1894 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Donman Walter Andrew 25 3/3/1892 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Donovan Guy N. 29 11/17/1888 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s parents (unnamed)
Donovan William 34 7/11/1888
Gorham, KS s John Donavan
Dortland John Henry 38 2/28/1880
Gorham, KS m Mayme J. Dortland
Downing James Franklin 30 3/3/1887 Portland, IN Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Drain James Riddle 26 5/10/1891 Kendrick, ID Russell, KS m wife / child
Dreher Clemens 36 11/27/1881
Gorham, KS m Katie Dreher
Dreher Henry Samuel 23 9/14/1893 LaCygne, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Dreher Heronemus 28 9/26/1888 Schoenchen, KS Gorham, KS m wife / 3 children
Driscoll Daniel Joseph 39 12/3/1879
Dorrance, KS m Hazel Driscoll
Driscoll James Joseph 45 11/9/1872
Dorrance, KS m Elizabeth Driscoll
Driscoll Jerry Eugene 35 1/19/1883
Russell, KS s Mrs. Margaret Driscoll-Wilson, KS
Drury Frederick 39 3/9/1879
Paradise, KS m Mrs. Fredrich Drury
Duermeyer John Robert 29 2/9/1888 Ft. Smith, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Duffy Elwood Price 33 8/12/1885
Bunker Hill, KS s Lewis A. Duffy-Montgomery City, MO
Dumler Alexander 21 3/20/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Dumler Alexander J. 18 7/4/1900
Russell, KS s mother-Charlotte Dumler
Dumler Benjamin 21 2/8/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Dumler Carl 22 2/23/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Dumler Conrad 26 7/24/1890 Blumenfeldt, Russia Russell, KS m wife / child
Dumler David B. 26 8/12/1890 Blumenfeldt, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Dumler David J. 25 2/22/1892 Blumenfeldt, Russia Russell, KS m wife / child
Dumler David M. 38 9/15/1879
Russell, KS m Amelia Dumler
Dumler David R. 43 3/3/1875
Russell, KS m Sarah Dumler
Dumler David S. 30 1/18/1887 Blumenfeldt, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Dumler Edward 19 7/7/1899
Russell, KS s George B. Dumler
Dumler Emanuel 22 7/28/1894 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Dumler Fred J. 34 7/4/1884
Russell, KS m Elizabeth Dumler
Dumler George A. 25 2/18/1892 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Dumler George H. 32 2/18/1896
Russell, KS m Lydia Dumler
Dumler Gottfried, Jr. 21 6/6/1896 Blumenfeldt, Russia Russell, KS m Bertha Dumler
Dumler Gottfried, Sr. 44 3/19/1874
Russell, KS m Julia Dumler
Dumler Harry 20 4/25/1898
Russell, KS s mother-Katherine Dumler
Dumler Henry 34 1/11/1884 Russia Russell, KS ? Effie Laphan
Dumler Henry 21 5/27/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Dumler Jacob R. 40 11/29/1878
Russell, KS m Liddie Dumler
Dumler Jacob, Jr. 35 2/12/1883
Russell, KS m Mary Dumler
Dumler John 21 2/5/1896 Blumenfeldt, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Dumler Mike F. 29 2/8/1888 Blumenfeldt, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
Dumler Robert Alexander 25 5/25/1892 Gorham, KS Russell, KS m wife
Duncan Ira Ingersol 34 9/2/1884
Lucas, KS m Myrtle May Duncan
Dunkel James Henry 26 10/20/1890 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 4 children
Dunkel John Elias 29 9/21/1888 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 3 children
Dunlap David Lockwood 35 6/3/1883
Paradise, KS s mother-Mrs. L.C.Dunlap
Dunn John Lee 32 1/4/1886
Russell, KS m Mrs. J. Lee Dunn
Dunn Paul Truman 23 9/13/1893 Logansport, IN Russell, KS m wife / child
Durmil John Henderson 23 3/4/1894 Kingston, MO Russell, KS m wife / child
Duryee Max Leo 26 7/27/1890 Ellsworth, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / child
Duryee Robert Ray 32 3/23/1886
Dorrance, KS s Max L. Duryee
Dusenbury Clyde Hendricks 28 2/16/1889 Clinton, MO Lucas, KS m wife / child
Dutt Alvin 42 7/14/1876
Russell, KS m Mary Etta Dutt
Dutt Clyde Leon 22 3/30/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Dutt John 32 9/24/1885
Russell, KS m Elizabeth Dutt
Dutt Roy 25 3/21/1892 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Duval Guy H. 28 1/9/1889 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
Earl Claude Harrison 27 8/24/1889 Alton, KS Luray, KS m wife
Earnest Clarence 29 7/18/1887 Collins, MO Luray, KS s none listed
Earnest Joseph Gilbert 20 12/10/1897
Luray, KS s mother-Louisa Earnest
Earnest Ray Bryan 21 11/13/1896 Luray, KS Dorrance, KS m Verna Earnest
Earnest William Albert 37 9/21/1880
Luray, KS m Jessie Earnest
Eaton Samuel Tilden 41 12/30/1876
Russell, KS m Bessie Eaton
Ebel Adam 44 9/21/1873
Russell, KS m Katherine Ebel
Ebel Adam J. 18 9/3/1900
Russell, KS s father-Jacob Ebel
Ebel Jacob Jr. 21 11/20/1897 Russell Co., KS Russell, KS s father-Jacob Ebel
Eberly Charles Clinton 26 9/16/1890 Goshen, IN Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
Eberly Simon Frank 34 11/3/1883
Russell, KS m Sybil Eberly
Echer Joseph 39 4/1/1879
Dorrance, KS m Beatrice Echer
Eddy Richard Henry 43 2/26/1875
Fairport, KS m Martha Almeda Eddy
Edgington Edwin Harrison 29 8/15/1887 Lincoln, NE Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Edwards Harry Ellsworth 34 6/19/1884
Lucas, KS m Mary Edwards
Ehrlich Alexander 24 3/23/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Ehrlich Benjamin 25 4/10/1892 Wilson, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Ehrlich Carl 34 3/17/1884
Russell, KS m Mollie Ehrlich
Ehrlich Conrad Jr. 37 11/21/1880
Russell, KS m Lizzie Ehrlich
Ehrlich Conrad Sr. 41 8/25/1877
Russell, KS m Mary Ehrlich
Ehrlich David 40 2/9/1878
Russell, KS m Katie Ehrlich
Ehrlich David Nathaniel 20 6/10/1898
Russell, KS s Mary Ehrlich
Ehrlich Emanuel 30 6/4/1887 Wilson, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Ehrlich Georg 40 1/2/1878
Russell, KS m Mollie Ehrlich
Ehrlich Georg 29 6/13/1887 Schewerka, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
Ehrlich Georg 18 12/14/1899
Russell, KS s Gottfried Ehrlich
Ehrlich Georg Christian 27 1/1/1890 Wilson, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
Ehrlich Gottfried 21 10/16/1895 Samara, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Ehrlich Gottfried Jr. 21 9/20/1896 Lucas, KS Russell, KS s Gottfried Ehrlich
Ehrlich Gottfried R. 44 6/17/1874
Bunker Hill, KS m Eva Elisabeth Ehrlich
Ehrlich John Henry 21 10/2/1895 Wilson, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Ehrlich Karl J. 35 1/31/1883
Russell, KS m Amelia Ehrlich
Ehrlich Theodor 21 11/26/1896 Russell Co., KS Russell, KS s Waldemar
Eichman George 35 5/28/1883
Russell, KS m Mary Eichman
Eichman Jacob 18 8/18/1900
Russell, KS s Jacob Eichman, Sr.
Eichman Peter 29 10/11/1887 Orenburg, Russia Hoisington, KS m wife / 3 children
Eitel Jesse Wilbur 36 2/1/1892
Lucas, KS m Edith Emma Eitel
Ekey Wm. Edward 43 11/5/1874
Lucas, KS m Martha Jane Ekey
Elder Allen George 28 7/20/1888 Waldo, KS Waldo, KS m wife / 2 children
Elder Charles R. 25 11/2/1891 Hutchinson, KS Paradise, KS m wife
Elsner Ed 39 2/3/1879
Gorham, KS m Mary Barber Elsner
Elsner William Robert 28 7/2/1888 Carneiro, KS Gorham, KS m wife
Ely Albert Oswell 35 1/22/1883
Bunker Hill, KS m Hellen Myrtle Ely
Ely Albert Ray 21 9/21/1896 Cedar Co., NE Lucas, KS m wife / child
Erdman Jacob 23 6/20/1894 Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Espinosa Marcelina 25 3/25/1892 Mexico Bunker Hill, KS s mother & father
Essig Christ Frederick 41 7/29/1877
Dorrance, KS s sis-Mrs. Carrie Chegwidden
Evans Donald Hans 19 1/23/1899
Paradise, KS s mother-Mattie Evans
Evans Fred Vernon 40 4/16/1878
Russell, KS m May N. Evans
Evans Jesse Ammon 21 6/25/1897 Byron, OK Luray, KS s Alva Evans
Evarra Pedro 33 7/13/1885 Mexico Dorrance, KS ? Rosa Evarra-Mexico
Ewing Eric Ellsworth 27 1/7/1890 Irving, KS Lucas, KS m wife
Ewing Ray John 33 2/16/1885
Paradise, KS m Mrs. R.J. Ewing
Ewing Samuel Arthur 44 10/12/1873
Russell, KS m Mrs. Samuel Ewing
Eyler George Kurtz 21 12/6/1896 Bunker Hill, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Fadler Laurel 30 4/6/1887 Lamar, MO Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Fairchild Alton Jasper 21 11/20/1896 Russell, KS Bunker Hill, KS s Sherman Fairchild
Fairchild Harold Elvis 22 2/22/1895 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Fairchild Joe 29 5/4/1888 Overbrook, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Fallis Chester Cleveland 29 4/13/1888 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / 3 children
Fallis Claude Preston 30 1/10/1887 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Fallis Clyde James 28 1/7/1889 Waldo, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Fallis Ivan Price 18 3/25/1900
Luray, KS s mother-N.R. Fallis-Cherokee, OK
Fanenstiel Albert 21 9/19/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Fanenstiel Nick 26 12/19/1890 Hays, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Farguharam William Pearl 30 10/12/1886 Lincoln, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Faris John Robert 35 7/14/1883
Russell, KS s Mrs. W.H. Faris-Flemingsburg, KY
Farr Elmer B. 40 3/12/1878
Waldo, KS m Carrie F. Farr
Farr Riley Michael Peyton 38 5/2/1880
Lucas, KS s sister-Mrs Mary J. Phillips-Luray
Farrell John Stanislaus 30 7/24/1886 St. Mary, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Fatcher Floyd Leslie 22 3/5/1895 Downs, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Feil Andrew 42 10/10/1875
Dorrance, KS m Mary Feil
Feil Andrew 28 6/27/1888 Dreispitz, Russia Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 2 children
Feil David 33 3/20/1885
Bunker Hill, KS m Julia Feil
Feil David 18 10/23/1899
Dorrance, KS s Mary Feil
Feil Gus 21 8/6/1895 Dobrinka, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Feil Reinhardt 42 12/31/1875
Lucas, KS m Augusta Feil
Feil Reinhardt 21 8/22/1896 Dreispitz, Russia Lucas, KS s none listed
Fencl Anton 44 6/24/1874
Dorrance, KS m Mary Fencl
Fields Charles Henry 44 10/7/1873
Luray, KS m Pauline Fields
Fink Charlen Verdell 21 12/26/1896 Mammoth Sprg, AR Paradise, KS m Florence Cramm
Fink Ezekiel 29 10/23/1887 Oxford, AR Fairport, KS m wife / 2 children
Fink Floyd James 28 7/29/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Finkenbinder Greeley Fremont 26 9/22/1890 Wilson, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Fisher Charles William 43 1/17/1875
Bunker Hill, KS s Charles H. Fisher, Jr.
Fisher Frank Everett 40 4/22/1878
Wilson, KS m Matilda A. Fisher
Fitzwater J.W. 29 6/20/1887 Lincoln, KS Waldo, KS m wife
Flegler Alexander 20 10/12/1897
Russell, KS m Martha Flegler
Fleming Harry J. 24 9/22/1893 Rockwood, PA Dorrance, KS m wife
Flenniken William W. 45 9/10/1873
Luray, KS s sis-Mabel Capps-Frankford, MO
Flickinger Charles Roy 36 12/8/1881
Bunker Hill, KS m Emma Flickinger
Flickinger Roscoe Wm. 35 4/9/1883
Bunker Hill, KS m Dora May Flickinger
Florea Clyde Harrison 36 11/27/1881
Luray, KS m Emma Florence Florea
Florea Earl G. 30 1/12/1887 Luray, KS Paradise, KS m wife / 2 children
Florea Orlando Emmett 38 8/3/1880
Luray, KS m Stella May Florea
Florian Jessy 44 4/22/1874
Lucas, KS m Mary Florian
Flumm Wm. Sanford 42 4/8/1876
Waldo, KS s Ralph Flumm
Ford Eustace Alcanso 40 7/2/1878
Waldo, KS m Helen L. Ford
Forest Orville Franklin 39 4/18/1879
Lucas, KS m Clara A. Forest
Fortune Ray Harvey 20 2/7/1898
Lucas, KS m Eva Barr Fortune
Fose Adam 35 12/10/1883
Russell, KS m Mrs. Adam Fose
Fose Charlie 37 6/8/1881
Russell, KS m Mrs. Charlie Fose
Fose Henry 39 11/26/1878
Russell, KS m Anna Fose
Fose Henry 40 1/29/1878
Bunker Hill, KS m Katie Fose
Foster Arthur 29 11/12/1887 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 2 children
Foster Frank 32 11/14/1885
Luray, KS m Viola / Vida Foster
Foster George Aubrey 20 1/17/1898
Gorham, KS s mother-Anna Foster
Foster Wesley Lanphere 38 12/21/1879
Bunker Hill, KS s Mary Rabideau-Bunker Hill
Fowler Cecil 21 1/15/1896 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s R.C. Fowler
Fowler Clinton Anderson 20 2/9/1898
Lucas, KS s R.L. Fowler
Fowler James Marion 22 3/1/1895 Lutesville, MO Lucas, KS s none listed
Fowler Lawrence Clyde 19 8/25/1899
Lucas, KS s Roy C. Fowler
Fowler Robert Sheldon 36 9/14/1882
Lucas, KS m Cora M. Fowler
Fowler Roy Crittendon 42 8/29/1899
Lucas, KS m Lois Fowler
Fox Adolph Christian 28 9/28/1888 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife
Fox Joe 32 5/4/1885
Luray, KS s unnamed father
Fox Leo Francis 22 6/22/1894 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Fox Martin Clyde 30 8/20/1886 Russell, KS Russell, KS m none listed
Fox Raymond Joseph 21 12/23/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s Maurice Fox
Francis Andrew Jewel 36 5/29/1882 Russell, KS Russell, KS m Lulu Francis
Francis Anthony Patrick 26 4/13/1891 Hoisington, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
Francis Oren Russell 42 7/11/1876
Lucas, KS ? Mrs. O.R. Francis-Newport News,VA
Frank Rudolph Leopold 40 11/26/1877
Russell, KS m Carrie Frank
Frazier William Henry 41 11/2/1877
Russell, KS m Lilian Frazier
Frederick Albert Carl 32 1/2/1886
Dorrance, KS s Fred Frederick
Frederick Fred 34 11/18/1883
Wilson, KS m Mollie Frederick
Frederick John Bunyan 43 9/17/1874
Bunker Hill, KS m Johanna Frederick
Frederking Theodore Ferdinand 34 8/28/1884
Lucas, KS m Emma Frederking
Freed Eugene D. 29 7/1/1888 Bloomington, IL Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
French Thomas Milton 38 1/11/1880
Gorham, KS s bro-Wm. P. French
Frese Ernest H.L. 34 7/25/1884
Russell, KS m Mrs. Rev.E.H.L. Frese (sic)
Friebus Erich 22 1/17/1895 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Friebus Fred Jr. 39 8/8/1879
Dorrance, KS m Katherine Friebus
Friebus John 44 1/20/1874
Dorrance, KS m Lydia Friebus
Friebus William 23 10/3/1894 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Frimmel Wenzel 36 1/17/1882
Dorrance, KS ? Meryl Irene Frimmel
Fritschen John 18 9/9/1900
Dorrance, KS s mother-Mrs. Katie Fritschen
Fritts Austin Monroe 33 10/18/1884
Luray, KS m Ethel Charity Fritts
Fritts Clarence 41 2/4/1875
Luray, KS s mother-Clarissa C. Fritts
Fritts Clyde Raymond 28 7/8/1888 Barnes, KS Waldo, KS m wife / child
Fritts John F. 41 10/28/1876
Luray, KS s mother-Clarissa C. Fritts
Fritzler Heinrich 45 4/10/1873
Russell, KS m Mollie Fritzler
Frossard Arthur Wm. 37 1/1/1881
Russell, KS s mother-Sarah Frossard
Fuchs Joseph 37 12/18/1880
Russell, KS s bro-Gottlieb Fuchs-Gillette, WY
Funderburgh David Frederick 33 10/24/1884
Luray, KS m Edith Funderburgh
Funk Alexander 21 12/12/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Funk Edward Louis 20 10/11/1897
Gorham, KS m Nellie Funderburgh (father-Charles)
Funk George 43 12/18/1874
Russell, KS m Katie Funk
Funk Henry 19 9/20/1898
Russell, KS s father-Henry Funk
Funk Jacob 35 9/20/1882
Russell, KS m Mrs. Jacob Funk
Funk James Benjamin 45 1/20/1873
Russell, KS ? Hattie Belle Funk-Wichita, KS
Furthmeyer Adolph John 25 8/16/1891 Bucyrus, KS Russell, KS m wife
Furthmeyer Anthony Honor 34 4/13/1884
Gorham, KS s mother-Lena Furthmeyer
Furthmeyer Joseph 37 4/16/1881
Gorham, KS m Mary Furthmeyer
Furthmeyer William 34 4/5/1884
Russell, KS m Opal Fern Furthmeyer
Gahre Gustav J.H. 25 12/19/1891 Glenville, NE Wilson, KS s none listed
Galliardt Gottfried 21 4/14/1896 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / crippled sister
Galliart Andrew 36 1/24/1881
Bunker Hill, KS s Willie Galliart
Galliart Dave 38 9/26/1880
Dorrance, KS m  Katie Galliart
Galliart Henry 20 11/18/1897
Dorrance, KS s Fred Galliart
Galyardt Andrew 30 3/26/1887 Dreispitz, Russia Russell, KS m wife / child
Galyardt August 32 12/11/1885
Russell, KS m Mollie A. Galyardt
Galyardt David 35 11/7/1882
Russell, KS m Anna Elizabeth Galyardt
Galyardt Reinhardt 39 11/23/1878
Russell, KS m Annie Galyardt
Garcia Antonio 21 12/10/1896 Mexico Gorham, KS s Pedro Garcia
Gard James Harrison 19 1/12/1899
Hoisington, KS ? Maggie Mary Gard
Garrett Charles B. 22 9/4/1894 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Garrett Clennie Franklin 39 1/11/1879
Russell, KS m Mrs. C.F. Garrett
Garrett Garfield Arthur 37 5/18/1881
Dorrance, KS m Bertha May Garrett
Garrett Luther Paul 21 11/22/1896 Russell Co., KS Dorrance, KS s Joseph Garrett
Garrett Melvin Guy 33 9/8/1895
Russell, KS s Mrs.John Dean Garrett-Clarkson, WA
Garrett William Henry 33 2/22/1885
Dorrance, KS m Emma M. Garrett
Garza Felipe 21 6/22/1895 Mexico Russell, KS s none listed
Gaskill James William 34 5/25/1884
Lucas, KS m Irma Hazel Gaskill
Gaujac Amile 24 6/29/1892 Mowhay, France Russell, KS s none listed
Gavin Thomas Francis 24 11/23/1892 Watertown, MN Lucas, KS s none listed
Gay William 34 6/4/1884
Bunker Hill, KS s Elizabeth Penny
Gebhardt Adolph Christian 18 4/7/1900
Luray, KS s Christian Gebhardt
Gee Adam Daniel 30 10/26/1886 Fairport, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Gee Francis Ellsworth 42 3/9/1876
Russell, KS m Ruth Gee
Gee Roy  28 1/19/1889 Fairport, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Gehring Albert R. 43 3/14/1875
Lucas, KS m Rosa L. Gehring
Gemmer George Charles 21 6/21/1897 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s Andrew Gemmer
George Horace Harrison 28 6/5/1889 Boise, ID Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
Gernon Michael Joseph 41 7/31/1877
Russell, KS s Nicholas Gernon-Red Bluff, CA
Gibbs Theodore  36 4/20/1882
Fairport, KS s Sarah A. Gibbs
Gibbs Thomas 32 11/13/1885
Russell, KS s Sarah A. Gibbs
Gibson Frank Orva 25 3/29/1892 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Gibson Hylas Arthur 21 5/6/1896 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Gibson John Leaman 20 8/16/1898
Fairport, KS s mother-Mrs. Mattie Fink-Natoma, KS
Gilbreath Frederick Emry 29 7/29/1887 Maryville, MO Luray, KS s none listed
Gilbreath Lawrence 23 4/18/1894 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Gilbreath Ralph 21 9/24/1895 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Ginardt William Theodore 37 1/18/1881
Luray, KS ? Mrs. B.J. Trentinger-Jeffersonville, AR
Ginther George Gust 22 12/20/1894 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS m wife
Ginther Peter William 18 10/5/1899
Gorham, KS s mother-Minnie Ginther
Girton Arthur Calvin 22 7/14/1895 Magnolia, IA Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Glasgow Earl L. 22 12/31/1895 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Glasgow Lester Bryan 21 7/2/1897 Osborne Co., KS Luray, KS s L.L. Glasgow
Glasgow Romie Howard 36 6/22/1882
Luray, KS m Dora Mae Glasgow
Glaze Ernest Ray 29 9/17/1887 ElDorado, KS Luray, KS s ? 2 children
Glaze Ezra Comill 24 11/12/1892 Waldo, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Glaze Ira Allen 35 7/26/1883
Luray, KS s Thomas Glaze
Goetz Adam 18 10/2/1899
Gorham, KS s mother-Anna Goetz
Goetz Michael Joseph 40 8/12/1878
Gorham, KS s mother-Anna Goetz
Gonzales Pascual 26 8/24/1891 Mexico Luray, KS s none listed
Gonzalez Jose 28 10/4/1889 Mexico Dorrance, KS m wife / 2 children
Good Fred 27 7/17/1889 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Goodheart William Sherman 34 10/13/1883
Bunker Hill, KS m Mary Elizabeth Goodheart
Goodnough Edward Sidney 35 6/4/1883
Dorrance, KS m Della Louise Goodnough
Gookin Franklin Cleveland 30 3/28/1887 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Gore Alvin Gregory 35 2/14/1883
Lucas, KS m Kathryn Caroline Gore
Graham William Edward 43 12/2/1874
Bunker Hill, KS m Maude C. Graham
Grampp Charles Benjamin 44 4/10/1874
Russell, KS ? Mary L. Grampp-Clayton, MO
Gray Ben 34 6/15/1884
Dorrance, KS m Martha Rose Gray
Green Albert Wellsley 40 10/13/1877
Russell, KS ? Mrs. Albert Green-Cedarvale, KS
Green Emery Arthur 30 12/30/1887 Goodland, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 2 children
Gregory William Burton 28 6/17/1888 Monticello, KY Russell, KS m wife
Griffin Eugene Sylvester 37 11/4/1880
Luray, KS m Alberta Griffin
Griffin Roland P. 21 3/15/1897 Russell Co., KS Bunker Hill, KS m Lucy Belle Griffin
Gross George Henry 38 10/31/1879
Waldo, KS m Mary A. Gross
Gross Harry Wilson 44 9/26/1873
Bunker Hill, KS m Lulu Viola Gross
Gross Norman Joseph 28 6/1/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
Gross Walter Augustus 34 3/25/1884
Bunker Hill, KS s mother-Mrs. Daniel Gross
Gruver Edward Hawn 40 10/19/1877
Paradise, KS m Mrs. E.H. Gruver
Gulieniz Jesus 34 1/21/1884
Dorrance, KS m Sophia Gulieniz
Gurney Theodore Marsh 33 9/3/1885
Russell, KS s Mrs. A.C. Glaster
Gustason James Lewis 18 6/27/1900
Dorrance, KS s Mr. and Mrs. N. Gustason
Gustason John Theodore 20 11/7/1898
Dorrance, KS s Nels Gustason
Haas Emanuel 20 9/1/1898
Wilson, KS s mother-Katie Haas
Haas Jacob 37 8/16/1881
Bunker Hill, KS m Eva Haas
Hafeman William John 21 10/16/1895 Sheyboygan, WI Dorrance, KS s none listed
Hagen George 21 1/13/1896 Marion, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Hagen William 28 2/13/1889 Marion, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Hainke Guy Bruno 22 1/21/1895 Lehigh, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Hall Alfred Bert 18 7/20/1900
Russell, KS s mother-Ella Hall
Hall Charles Dewey 20 5/11/1898
Russell, KS s mother-Ella Hall
Hall Chester V. 21 10/5/1896 Vance, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Hall Fred Grant 33 3/29/1885
Waldo, KS m Mrs. F.G. Hall
Hall George G. 24 2/22/1893 Beverly, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Hall Lawrence Leland 25 9/29/1891 Leroy, KS Russell, KS m wife/child
Halterman John Wesley 41 9/30/1876
Bunker Hill, KS m Clara May Halterman
Hammerschmidt Frank 29 11/3/1888 Victoria, KS Gorham, KS m wife / 2 children
Hammersmith Leonard Jacob 37 1/20/1881
Gorham, KS m wife / 2 children
Hammon Marion Jay 35 11/7/1882
Luray, KS m Lydia E. Hammond
Hampl Alex Jr. 18 5/16/1900
Luray, KS s Alex Sr.
Hampl James 36 8/22/1882
Luray, KS s Alex 
Hampl Philip Jacob 25 4/30/1892 Stanton, NE Luray, KS s none listed
Hampl Thomas 33 12/6/1885
Luray, KS m Anna Hampl
Hancock Albert Earl 30 2/5/1887 Lee's Summit, MO Gorham, KS m wife / 3 children
Hancock Clarence Moody 23 8/3/1894 Windsor, MO Russell, KS m wife
Hancock George Francis 37 4/28/1881
Paradise, KS s mother-O.J. Hancock
Hancock John Henry 39 8/25/1879
Luray, KS m Bessie Lee Hancock
Harbaugh Charles V. 21 11/2/1896 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Harbaugh Daniel Yost 19 12/21/1898
Bunker Hill, KS s Harriett Ludeman-Lima, OH
Harbaugh George 36 8/17/1882
Russell, KS m Hattie Harbaugh
Harbaugh Jack 19 10/7/1898
Bunker Hill, KS m Inez Harbaugh
Harbaugh James Ingale 26 12/7/1890 Bunker Hill, KS Russell, KS m wife / 4 children
Harbaugh Roy W. 27 1/14/1890 Bunker Hill, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 5 children
Harbaugh Walter Ray 30 1/19/1887 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 2 children
Harder Max John 21 5/15/1896 Lindt, SD (?) Russell, KS s none listed
Harrell Gains Butler 39 6/1/1880
Paradise, KS ? J.T. Harrell
Harrell John Thomas 44 8/11/1874
Paradise, KS m Mrs. J.T. Harrell
Harrell Robert Marquis 20 1/12/1898
Paradise, KS s mother-Mrs. R.H. Harrell
Harrington Jerome Francis 29 10/15/1899
Dorrance, KS s mother-Agnes Harrington
Harris Bert Lewis 29 8/2/1887 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Harris Claud J. 30 7/5/1888 Sanford, FL Russell, KS s John Harris-Orlando, FL
Harris Robert Calvin 38 9/4/1880
Lucas, KS m Chella M. Harris
Harris Wiley Clemons 38 11/1/1879
Russell, KS m Bertha Kissy Harris
Harshbarger Charles Baldwin 41 4/26/1877
Lucas, KS m Lillian Harshbarger
Harshbarger Jake 19 8/20/1899
Lucas, KS s mother-Mrs. A.F. Harshbarger
Harshbarger John Mason 27 3/28/1890 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife
Harshbarger Ray Marr 20 1/22/1898
Lucas, KS s mother-Mrs. A.L. Harshbarger
Hart Charles Veston 26 6/5/1891 ? Indian Territory Lucas, KS m wife/child
Haskell Arthur David 28 6/1/1889 Waldo, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Hatton Lemeon 45 1/13/1873
Bunker Hill, KS m A.C. Hatton
Havens Jesse Lou 24 9/16/1892 Sylvan Grove, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Havis Roy Clyde 29 1/1/1888 Campbell, FL Russell, KS m wife/child
Hawes Glenn D. 38 2/26/1880
Bunker Hill, KS m Carrie M. Hawes
Hayden Lewis William 42 3/9/1876
Luray, KS m Mollie L. Hayden
Hays Arthur Milton 27 6/29/1899 Welsh Run, PA (?) Luray, KS s none listed
Hays Lewis William 22 2/13/1895 Belgrade, MO Waldo, KS m wife
Heard Abe 25 11/5/1891 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Heard George 27 1/1/1891 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Heard Thomas 29 5/29/1888 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Heck Theodore A. 28 1/19/1889 St. Paul, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Heckman Adolph 39 9/29/1878
Russell, KS s Louie Heckman-Galatia, KS
Heel Robert Edward 45 10/10/1873
Dorrance, KS m Susanna Nettie Heel
Heffel Dave 34 1/10/1884 Russia Dorrance, KS m Mollie Heffel
Heffel Robert Martin 19 6/15/1899
Russell, KS s George Heffel
Heffele John 28 5/20/1889 Dobrinka, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Heffele Reinhart 30 4/25/1887 Dobrinka, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Hefferman Ambrose Henry 19 10/28/1898
Bunker Hill, KS s mother-Kathryn Theresa Hefferman
Hefferman John Archabald 26 3/18/1891 Hoisington, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife/child
Heile Frank Henry 34 9/8/1884
Gorham, KS m Rosa C. Heili
Heim John Fred 21 5/29/1896 Bunker Hill, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Heim Samuel Pfister 19 12/30/1898
Dorrance, KS s John Heim
Heine Heinrich August Carl 36 2/24/1882
Lucas, KS m Dora Heine
Heinitz Alexander 24 4/24/1893 Bunker Hill, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Heinitz David Martin 18 12/23/1899
Dorrance, KS s mother-Katie Heinitz
Heinitz Georg F. 41 11/2/1876
Wilson, KS m Louise Heinitz
Heinitz Georg J. 21 10/25/1896 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s Georg Heinitz
Heinitz Martin 33 8/15/1885 Russia Dorrance, KS m Lydia Heinitz
Heinze Alexander 28 2/13/1889 Wilson, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Heinze Alexander Andreas 24 6/13/1892 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife/child
Heinze Alexander E. 34 10/1/1884
Wilson, KS m Mary Heinze
Heinze Andrew 18 4/4/1900
Dorrance, KS s father-A.D. Heinze
Heinze Andrew D. 28 4/14/1889 Entre Rios, S.A. Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
Heinze Andrew Georg 23 5/7/1894 Saratov, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Heinze Andrew Henry 32 2/10/1886
Dorrance, KS m Mollie Heinze
Heinze Carl 38 11/13/1879
Luray, KS m Anna Heinze
Heinze Carl 18 10/15/1899
Wilson, KS ? Elisabeth Heinze
Heinze David Frederick 23 12/9/1893 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife
Heinze David Henry 36 9/14/1888
Dorrance, KS m Lizzie Heinze
Heinze David Jr. 33 9/10/1885
Dorrance, KS m Julia Heinze
Heinze Fred Jr. 24 4/18/1893 Dorrance, KS Wilson, KS m wife/child
Heinze Frederick D. 21 8/15/1895 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Heinze Henry P. 24 1/13/1893 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Heinze Jacob 21 3/3/1896 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s A.D. Heinze
Helscher Charles Ernest 34 9/28/1883
Paradise, KS m Mrs. C.E. Helscher
Helscher Thomas Adolph 43 7/3/1875
Paradise, KS m Mrs. T.A. Helscher
Helwer Jacob T. 26 12/12/1890 Schwab, Russia Russell, KS m wife
Helwer John George 38 2/9/1880
Russell, KS m Eva Margaretha Helwer
Helzer Albert Lewis 36 4/15/1882
Russell, KS m Maggie Helzer
Helzer John W. 25 5/22/1892 Ramona, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Henderson Vincent Powderly 28 6/28/1888 Lincoln, KS Russell, KS m wife/child
Henderson William 29 1/30/1888 Bush City, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 4 children
Henderson William David 44 3/11/1874
Dorrance, KS m Mary Henderson
Hendrixson Walter Dean 43 2/1/1875
Luray, KS s John Wm. Hendrixson-Manhattan, KS
Henning William August 19 4/8/1899
Dorrance, KS s Mrs. August Henning
Henry Joseph Truman 21 7/15/1895 Par Paradise, KS s none listed
Hensley Lee H. 33 1/27/1885
Russell, KS m Cora Hensley
Hensley Thomas Emmett 29 12/13/1887 Leon, IA Waldo, KS m wife
Herbel David D. 43 10/8/1874
Bunker Hill, KS m Christina Herbel
Herbel David Jr. 26 9/22/1891 Dreispitz, Russia Lucas, KS m wife/child
Herbel Fred 26 2/11/1891 Argentina Dorrance, KS s none listed
Herbel Fredrick 42 12/2/1875
Russell, KS m Katie Herbel
Herbel George 19 8/21/1899
Dorrance, KS s Fred Herbel
Herbel Gottfried 42 6/14/1876
Dorrance, KS m Annie Herbel
Herber Carl 39 11/10/1878
Wilson, KS m Bertha Herber
Herber Conrad 27 8/15/1889 Neider Munjou, Russia Lucas, KS m wife/child
Herber Emanuel Martin 21 1/18/1896 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Herber Ernest A. 19 4/7/1899
Dorrance, KS s mother-Anna Herber
Herber George 41 8/13/1876
Dorrance, KS m Mamie Herber
Herdandez Pedro 36 3/26/1882 Mexico Gorham, KS ? Mrs. Pedro Garcia Hernandez
Herdt John W. 22 3/21/1895 Friedenburg, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Hergert Fred 34 4/12/1884 Russia Russell, KS m Marie Hergert
Herman Henry 25 5/10/1892 Russia Russell, KS m wife/child
Herman Henry J. 30 3/31/1887 St. Marys, KS Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
Herman John Alyusis 26 2/22/1891 St. Marys, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Herman Nicholas Anton 20 9/16/1897
Russell, KS m Dorothy Herman
Herman Peter William 29 7/21/1888 St. Marys, KS Russell, KS m wife / 4 children
Herren Benjamin Franklin 32 3/31/1886
Russell, KS m Winifred M. Herren
Herrick Stephen Claudius 37 8/25/1881
Russell, KS m Ethel Frances Herrick
Herzog Joe 26 3/9/1889 Austria Bunker Hill, KS m wife/child
Heyl Clarence Joseph 37 3/19/1881
Gorham, KS m Mary E. Heyl
Hiatt James Alexander 35 3/18/1883
Bunker Hill, KS s Wm. H. Hiatt-Horton, KS
Hickey Kidd Wesley 22 6/22/1894 Ellis, KS Russell, KS m wife
Hickman Joseph James 40 9/29/1877
Lucas, KS m Ella Hickman
Hickman Mark 29 3/25/1888 Battle Creek, IA Luray, KS s none listed
Hickman Walter Vinton 25 12/23/1891 Ida Grove, IA Luray, KS m wife
Hickman Wm. Harrison 34 12/22/1884
Luray, KS m Stella Cora Hickman
Hildebrand Charles Conrad 30 8/30/1887 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Hildebrand Michael Christ 44 2/13/1874
Russell, KS s Christian Hildebrand
Hilgenberg Henry 216 2/14/1891 Dorrance, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Hill John 27 1/15/1890 Lehigh, KS Dorrance, KS m wife & brother and sister
Himes Donald 35 11/28/1882
Russell, KS s mother-Lizzie Himes
Himes John William 37 3/4/1881
Russell, KS m Katherine Himes
Hirt Joseph Henry 38 1/11/1880
Dorrance, KS m Mary Gertrude Hirt
Hoch Charles James 28 2/17/1889 Russell Co., KS Wilson, KS m wife/child
Hoch James Charles 30 6/18/1886 Bohemia, Austria Wilson, KS m wife/child
Hockett Pearl Penn 33 1/17/1885
Paradise, KS m Mrs. P.P. Hockett
Hoke Frank Henry 19 12/15/1898
Dorrance, KS s John Henry Hoke
Hoke John Henry 45 2/11/1873
Dorrance, KS m Anna Belle Hoke
Hoke Walter Emery 21 2/1/1897 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s Joseph Elmer Hoke
Holl Levi Leon 27 3/19/1890 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Holl Oliver Franklin 42 1/20/1876
Russell, KS s Isaac Holl
Hollinger Clarence Albert 23 8/17/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Hollinger Ray Dean 19 8/12/1899
Russell, KS s father-A.C. Hollinger
Holman Frank 24 3/17/1893 Bentonville, AR Lucas, KS m wife
Holmes Loren Wm. 43 9/6/1875
Russell, KS s Elmer Holmes
Holthoefer Albert Casper 33 3/26/1884
Russell, KS m Pearl May Holthoefer
Holzer Herman E. 26 8/13/1890 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS m wife / 2 children
Holzer Reuben 21 8/7/1897 Russell Co., KS Wilson, KS s Louisa Holzer
Holzer Simon 19 7/15/1899
Wilson, KS s Louisa Holzer
Homewood Walter Humphrey 34 2/19/1884
Luray, KS m Florence V. Homewood
Honomichl Charles Glen 19 6/13/1899
Lucas, KS s John Honomichl
Honomichl John Richard 42 8/26/1876
Lucas, KS m Mary Honomichl
Hooper Owen Francis 35 11/10/1882
Lucas, KS m Lydia Hooper
Hoopman Fred Bruce 19 8/5/1899
Bunker Hill, KS s W.C. Hoopman
Hoopman Wm. Narvel 24 4/20/1893 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Hoover Vincent Kelvin 18 7/15/1900
Russell, KS s mother-Zoa E. Hoover
Horn Will Robert 45 9/11/18911 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Houdyshell Wm. Washington 29 11/18/1887 Bunker Hill, KS Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
Houser Fred 45 8/19/1873
Gorham, KS s bro-Ben Houser-Victoria, KS
Houser Herman Arthur 22 11/2/1894 Paradise, KS Paradise, KS s none listed
Houser William Leland 19 8/26/1899
Paradise, KS s Mrs. W.D. Houser
Howard Jesse Ivan 21 6/24/1897 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s Mrs. Annie Cofer-Plainville, KS
Howie Harold Howard 23 6/21/1893 Monticello, IA Russell, KS m wife/child
Hrabik Anthony 36 11/16/1882
Wilson, KS m Maude Hrabik
Hrabik James William 39 2/24/1879
Wilson, KS m Malinda Hrabik
Hubbard Clarence Manuel 35 5/21/1883
Luray, KS s mother-Clara Hubbard
Hubbard Joseph Ray 22 2/17/1895 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Hubbard Ona D. 30 6/6/1886 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / 4 children
Humes Eugene Earl 26 6/1/1891 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife/child
Humes Paul G. 21 4/21/1896 Russell, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Humphrey Harry Lloyd 24 10/26/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Humphrey Howard Eugene 27 5/1/1890 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Hupfer Warren Jacob 23 6/16/1893 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Hurd Conrad Irving 25 1/17/1892 Waldo, KS Paradise, KS s none listed
Hurlbut Alva Willis 21 4/16/1897 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m Dollie Hurlbut
Hurlbut Ralph Augustus 19 8/16/1899
Luray, KS s Louisa Hurlbut
Hutchcraft Clarence Samuel 26 4/16/1891 Paris, KY Paradise, KS m wife / 4 children
Hutte Henry Herman 38 6/24/1880
Dorrance, KS m Anna J. Hutte
Isenberger George Edgar 29 6/10/1888 Jay Co., IN Paradise, KS s none listed
Jack James Herbert 37 11/22/1880
Paradise, KS s mother-Eliza F. Jack
Jack Robert Frank 43 6/21/1875
Russell, KS m Amelia Jack
Jacobs Adam Walter 22 5/19/1895 Topeka, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Jacobs George 35 7/21/1883
Gorham, KS m Katherina Jacobs
Jacobs John M. 24 11/15/1892 Topeka, KS Gorham, KS m wife
Jacobs Joseph 29 4/20/1888 Topeka, KS Gorham, KS m wife/child
Jacobs Mike 26 12/22/1891 Topeka, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Jain Clarence Benjamin 40 8/9/1878
Waldo, KS m Edna Belle Jain
Jakes Edd 45 4/1/1873
Bunker Hill, KS s Grace Churcher-St. Louis, MO
Janne Albert Robert 24 7/20/1892 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Janne Charles John 20 12/23/1897
Dorrance, KS s Robert Janne
Janne George Charley 21 8/8/1896 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s Robert Janne
Janne William 21 9/10/1896 Russell Co., KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Jennings George Lyman 34 7/16/1884
Lucas, KS m Della Jennings
Jennrich Carl Otto 28 8/27/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Jennrich Frank Royal 20 7/30/1898
Russell, KS s Dorthea Jennrich
Jilka Joseph Frank 35 2/8/1883
Lucas, KS m Rosa Jilka
Johnson Amos 32 1/12/1886
Luray, KS s bro-C.V. Johnson
Johnson Charles Louis 25 6/4/1892 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Johnson Charlie Vance 40 10/15/1878
Luray, KS m Pearl Johnson
Johnson Christian Andrick 45 4/26/1873
Russell, KS m Myrtle H. Johnson
Johnson Earl Luelland 27 10/29/1889 Wilson, KS Luray, KS m wife / 2 children
Johnson Francis Louis 23 10/8/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Johnson Harry Henry 33 8/16/1885
Russell, KS s father-L.C. Johnson
Johnson Lee Roy 25 3/29/1892 Chicago, IL Luray, KS s none listed
Johnson William Jennings 26 5/30/1891 Danville, IL Waldo, KS s none listed
Johnson Willy Brakcor 21 4/11/1896 Thomasville, NC Gorham, KS s none listed
Johnston William Wesley 27 4/27/1890 Chubby, IL (?) Lucas, KS m wife / 3 children
Jones Floyd Cecil 18 9/6/1900
Bunker Hill, KS s William Jones
Jones Frank Hayes 42 10/29/1875
Russell, KS m Charlotte Jones
Jones Joseph Edward 27 3/15/1890 Scranton, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Jones Roy Milton 35 2/9/1883
Gorham, KS m Margaret Jones
Jordan Harry Thomas 24 9/10/1892 Lane, KS Lucas, KS m wife/child
Joy John Burl 19 7/11/1899
Luray, KS s mother-Etta May Joy
Jungles Charles 45 4/22/1873
Luray, KS m Mina J. Jungles
Justus John Wm. 25 3/21/1892 Dorrance, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Kaps Carl Wm. 21 7/18/1895 Dorrance, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Kaps Wm. Frederick 21 4/6/1897 Russell Co., KS Russell, KS s Robert Kaps
Karst Emanuel 24 8/9/1893 Russell Co., KS Russell, KS m wife
Karst Herman 21 3/8/1897 Russell, KS Russell, KS m Lydia
Karst Jacob John 30 10/24/1886 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Karst Rinehart 27 2/15/1890 Russell, KS Waldo, KS m wife / 2 children
Karst Wm. Frederick 22 10/15/1894 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Kastrup Geo. Fred Wm. 41 12/8/1876
Dorrance, KS m Marie Kastrup
Kastrup Herman Henry 40 8/22/1878
Dorrance, KS m Gertrude Kastrup
Kaufmann Carl Henry 20 2/19/1898
Dorrance, KS s Herman Kaufmann
Kaufmann Emil Carl 18 1/1/1900
Dorrance, KS s Herman Kaufmann
Kaufmann Herman A. 22 5/29/1895 Bunker Hill, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Kaufmann Robert Wm. 21 10/20/1896 Bunker Hill, KS Dorrance, KS s Herman Kaufmann
Keeler Harrison 43 6/18/1875
Russell, KS s Mrs. Harriett Keeler-Niota, TN
Keeney William Elijah 41 12/30/1876
Lucas, KS m Prudence Keeney
Keil David 18 9/3/1900
Russell, KS s mother-Katie Keil
Keil Fred G. 36 5/16/1882
Russell, KS m Mrs. Fred G. Keil
Keil George 45 1/1/1873
Russell, KS m Katie Keil
Keil Victor Emanuel 32 2/17/1886
Russell, KS m Mrs. Victor Keil
Kejr C. Joe 24 3/11/1893 Chicago, IL Wilson, KS m wife
Kejr John 21 9/21/1895 Chicago, IL Wilson, KS s none listed
Kejr Joseph 26 3/13/1891 Bohemia, Austria Dorrance, KS s none listed
Kejr Miles 33 2/24/1885
Bunker Hill, KS m Emily Kejr
Keller Albert W. 28 6/13/1888 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Keller Andrew 39 6/11/1879
Bunker Hill, KS m Mary Katherine Keller
Keller Andrew G. 23 4/25/1894 Russia Dorrance, KS m wife
Keller Frank Gallager 33 6/22/1885
Russell, KS m Lydia Keller
Keller Frank L. 39 7/14/1879
Waldo, KS m Lenora Keller
Keller Fred Benjamin 18 4/15/1900
Dorrance, KS s father-David Keller
Keller Fred F. 24 10/18/1892 Dreispitz, Russia Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Keller Glen Elmer 29 8/19/1887 Waldo, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Keller Joseph S. 27 10/2/1889 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Kendall David F. 23 2/17/1894 Jauquien, KS (?) Dorrance, KS s none listed
Kennedy Monroe 23 1/15/1894 Hugo, OK Russell, KS s none listed
Kennicott Harold Leroy 21 3/8/1897 Russell Co., KS Bunker Hill, KS m Edith Margaret Kennicott
Kennicott James Wesley 29 11/29/1887 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 4 children
Keough William J. 28 7/1/1888 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Kerbs Christ 21 8/27/1897 Russia Russell, KS s Fred Kerbs
Kerbs Henry 25 10/5/1891 Saratov, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Kessler Egbert Jacob 45 6/5/1873
Bunker Hill, KS m Etta L. Kessler
Kevan Samuel Charles 43 9/17/1875
Wilson, KS m Pearl A. Kevan
Keyes George Harvey 37 7/7/1881
Russell, KS m Mrs. G.H. Keyes
Keyes Harlon 40 8/25/1878
Russell, KS ? mother-Mrs. Jacob Herritt
Keyser Ralph J. 27 9/8/1889 Wilson, KS Dorrance, KS m wife
Kiger Robah Thomas 28 10/3/1888 Winston-Salem, NC Russell, KS s none listed
Kilian August Gust 35 4/1/1883
Dorrance, KS m Mary Kilian
Kilian Carl 21 5/4/1897 Dorrance, KS Russell, KS s Justus Kilian
Killian George 33 11/22/1886
Dorrance, KS m Dora Kilian
Kimble John Erick 45 1/29/1873
Luray, KS m Iona Luella Kimble
King Harrison Newton 43 4/9/1875
Luray, KS m Sadie Ann King
King Roy Livinous 19 10/15/1898
Luray, KS s Harry N. King
Kirkman Charles Clyde 18 7/19/1900
Russell, KS s mother-Nellie Kirkman
Kistler George Rice 43 2/4/1875
Bunker Hill, KS m Helen Louise Kistler
Klein Andrew 23 7/9/1893 Dreispitz, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Klein Ferdinand Charles 39 3/12/1879
Russell, KS m Lizzie E. Klein
Klein Gottfried 21 5/10/1897 Lincoln Co., KS Lucas, KS s Gottfried Klein
Klein John David 26 2/17/1891 Dreispitz, Russia Lucas, KS s none listed
Klein Philip  39 3/31/1879
Wilson, KS s Katherine Klein
Klusener Charles August 33 8/16/1885
Dorrance, KS s Herman Klusener
Klusener Edward Charles 22 3/28/1895 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife
Klusener John 28 2/24/1889 Dubuque, KS Dorrance, KS m wife/child
Klusener Richard Wm. 42 5/18/1876
Bunker Hill, KS m Lizzie Klusener
Knapp Justus P. 24 11/18/1893 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife/child
Kneale Harry 35 9/8/1883
Dorrance, KS m Emma Kneale
Koerber Paul Ernest 42 12/28/1875
Russell, KS m Augusta Koerber
Koester Anton Leonard 34 11/17/1883
Gorham, KS m Mary Koester
Koetkemeyer Wm. Fredrick 24 11/2/1892 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife
Kollar Carl Ernest 22 4/10/1895 Hale, MO Russell, KS s none listed
Kornmeyer Clarence 22 10/21/1894 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Kornmeyer Howard 18 9/13/1899
Luray, KS s F.J. Kornmeyer
Kornmeyer Roy 21 3/20/1897 Russell, KS Luray, KS s Fred Kornmeyer
Kortan Frank Edward 19 12/8/1898
Lucas, KS s Joseph Kortan
Kozell Vaclav 35 9/2/1883
Lucas, KS s Ella Kozell
Kraft David 32 2/20/1886
Galatia, KS m Emma Kraft
Kraft Emanuel 21 1/12/1897 Russell Co., KS Galatia, KS s father-Jacob Kraft
Kraft George 24 12/20/1886 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Kraft John Charles 19 12/16/1898
Galatia, KS s father-Jacob Kraft
Kraus Samuel 27 12/13/1889 Alexanthral, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Krause Gustav Robert 40 7/30/1878
Russell, KS m Caroline Krause
Krause Paul Wm. 36 10/31/1881
Dorrance, KS m Mary Krause
Krause Walter Edward 20 9/7/1898
Bunker Hill, KS s father-Theodore Krause
Kreuzer John 21 6/3/1896 Victoria, KS Russell, KS m wife/child
Krolik George A. 26 2/11/1889 Orient, IA Holyrood, KS m wife
Krueger August Henry 32 5/6/1886
Luray, KS m Sarah J. Krueger
Krug Adam George 42 1/24/1876
Russell, KS m Mary Krug
Krug Alexander G. 18 1/23/1900
Russell, KS s mother-Mrs. Geo. Krug
Krug Alexander Jr. 21 11/21/1896 Oleshna, Russia Russell, KS s Alexander Krug, Sr.
Krug Fred D. 32 5/27/1886
Russell, KS m Mrs. Fred D. Krug
Krug Fred H. 32 12/24/1885
Russell, KS m Lydia Krug
Krug Frederick 30 1/3/1887 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Krug G. Henry 36 8/11/1882
Russell, KS m Mary Krug
Krug George A. 22 6/4/1895 Oleshna, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Krug George M. 40 June 1878
Russell, KS m Mrs. George M. Krug
Krug Harry 40 1/24/1878
Russell, KS m Pauline Krug
Krug Henry D. 41 3/23/1877
Russell, KS m Mollie Krug
Krug Henry Jr. 36 7/21/1882
Russell, KS m Mrs. Katie Krug
Krug Jacob A. 45 8/24/1873
Russell, KS m Mary Krug
Krug John 23 12/31/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Krug John Jacob 41 3/20/1877
Russell, KS m Mrs. Caroline Krug
Krug Peter 34 4/13/1884
Russell, KS m Mrs. Peter Krug
Krug Peter J. 34 7/23/1884
Russell, KS m Eva Elisabeth Krug
Krug William 36 7/11/1882
Russell, KS m Mrs. William Krug
Kuhnle Herman 23 8/15/1893 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Kuhnle Theodore George 21 7/13/1895 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Kuhnle Wm. Charles 19 4/7/1899
Dorrance, KS m Annie Kuhnle
Kulesch George 22 9/9/1894 Anafka, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Kunz Albert Edward 24 9/6/1892 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Kunz George 34 1/12/1884
Gorham, KS s mother-Mathilda Kunz
Kunz John Albert 36 1/6/1882
Gorham, KS s mother-Mathilda Kunz
Kvasnicka Frank 34 10/28/1883
Lucas, KS m Mary Kvasnicka
Kvasnicka Fred John 23 4/1/1894 Wilson, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Kvasnicka Fredrick Charles 21 2/27/1896 Wilson, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Kvasnicka Henry Edward 18 8/4/1900
Dorrance, KS s Mrs. Marie Kvasnicka
Kvasnicka Ralph Ernest 27 4/30/1890 Wilson, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Ladd Herbert H. 25 9/27/1891 Springer, NM Dorrance, KS s none listed
Laird Edgar Robert 41 9/9/1877
Luray, KS m Nora E. Laird
Lamke Theodore Elmer 32 11/30/1885
Waldo, KS m Elizabeth Lamke
Lamoree Arza Stoughton 28 12/28/1888 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS m wife / 2 children
Lamoree Levi Preston 22 9/29/1894 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Lamoree Loyd Chester 21 5/12/1896 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Lamoree Paul Jay 26 12/21/1890 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS m wife / child
Lamport Philip 37 7/3/1881 Germany Russell, KS ? Katherine Lamport-Kusel, Germany
Landon Dean Sizer 37 6/17/1881
Russell, KS m Mamie L. Landon
Landon Luther DeLaVergne 34 5/15/1884
Russell, KS m Alice Landon
Lange August Frederick 18 7/28/1900
Bunker Hill, KS s John August Lange
Langer Gustav 38 5/11/1880 Manitoba, Canada Paradise, KS m Mrs. Gustav Langer
Langhofer David B. 34 3/15/1884 Russia Dorrance, KS m Laura Langhofer
Langhofer Godfrey 27 10/10/1890 Russia Dorrance, KS s none listed
Langhofer Henry 26 10/18/1890 Strasburg, Russia Dorrance, KS s none listed
Langhofer John 32 2/22/1886 Russia Dorrance, KS m Charlotte Langhofer
Langhofer Reinhardt 41 5/2/1878 Russia Dorrance, KS m Lydia Langhofer
Lantz Harry Andrew 27 5/16/1890 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 4 children
Laragoza Equacio 22 4/23/1895 Mexico Paradise, KS s none listed
Larsen Elmer 27 2/16/1890 Ogdensberg, WI )?) Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Larsen Fred Ronald 27 2/24/1890 Ovid, ID (?) Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Laubhan Gottfried 27 2/9/1890 Samara, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Laubhan John 33 9/18/1874 Russia Russell, KS m Mary Lophan (sic)
Laubmann David F. 27 8/14/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Lawler Alfred Webster 37 8/27/1881
Luray, KS m Susie J. Lawler
Lawrence Edward B. 30 5/20/1887 Seymour, MO Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
Lawrence Fred Couchman 24 11/20/1892
Larned, KS s none listed
Leach Clyde Clifton 39 7/20/1879
Lucas, KS m Eva C. Leach
Leck Henry Glenn 24 9/12/1892 Rooks Co., KS Luray, KS s none listed
Lee Frank W. 29 1/25/1888 Sylvan Grove, KS Luray, KS s mother
Lee Ola F. 27 9/7/1890 Baxter Springs, KS Topeka, KS s father
Lee Roy 27 2/25/1890 Sylvan Grove, KS Luray, KS m wife
Lefener Lawrence Barrett 39 9/27/1878
Russell, KS m Edna Lefener
Lemons George Lee 37 3/26/1881
Luray, KS m Nellie Lemons
Leonard Fred 39 2/14/1879
Gorham, KS ? Mrs. Ellen Weisenson-Gorham, KS
Leonard Martin 25 8/21/1891 Spokane, WA Dorrance, KS m wife / child
Leonard Miles Ellwood 29 3/9/1888 Fayette, OH Lucas, KS s none listed
Lesley James Elmer 25 10/14/1892 Beebranch, AR (?) Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Letsch Charles 28 5/3/1889 Bunker Hill, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Letsch Geo. Frederick 20 5/8/1898
Bunker Hill, KS s Conrad Letsch
Letsch John H. 24 4/29/1893 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Letsch William G. 21 3/27/1896 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Lewellen Claude Elden 39 10/10/1878
Luray, KS m Ticey M. Lewellen
Lewis Geo. Augustus 45 2/15/1873
Fairport, KS m Edith May Lewis
Lewis John Ira 42 9/12/1876
Lucas, KS m Elizabeth Lewis
Lewis Samuel Albert 39 5/13/1879
Dorrance, KS m Anna Lewis
Libal Jerry 45 8/8/1873
Lucas, KS m Anna Libal
Libal Wenclo 38 9/28/1880
Lucas, KS m Elizabeth Libal
Lilak Frank Joseph 44 6/15/1874
Wilson, KS m Frances Lilak
Lilak Jacob Frank 43 7/4/1875
Wilson, KS m Emma Lilak
Lilly Alva E. 27 5/6/1890 Mount Ida, KS Luray, KS m wife / 2 children
Lind Jacob 30 2/15/1887 Blumenfeld, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Lindenmeyer Frederick Robert 18 10/11/1899
Bunker Hill, KS m Rachel F. Lindenmeyer
Lindenmeyer Henry Adam 45 10/4/1872
Russell, KS m Minnie Lindenmeyer
Lindenmeyer Wm. Frederick 35 5/2/1883
Bunker Hill, KS m Elizabeth Lindenmeyer
Lindner Fred 30 10/3/1886 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / 3 children
Lindsay Frank M. 22 8/5/1894 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Lindsay George A. 30 11/29/1886 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Lindsay Lawrence Edwin 24 3/3/1893 Bunker Hill, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Lindsay Wm. Guy 18 6/18/1900
Bunker Hill, KS s W.H. Lindsay
Linihan Francis Edward 21 6/16/1896 Gretna, NE Russell, KS s father-Wm. Linihan
Linihan John Thomas 18 7/4/1900
Russell, KS s father-Wm. Linihan
Link Jay J. 35 7/1/1883
Russell, KS m Mabel Link
Lipprand Richard Albert 45 2/14/1873
Bunker Hill, KS m Mary Lipprand
Little Charles 25 2/17/1892 Washington Co., KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Little Clarence 41 1/19/1877
Bunker Hill, KS m Helen Little
Little John Roy 33 5/12/1885
Bunker Hill, KS m Ellen J. Little
Lobsien John Diedrich 27 11/24/1889 Hamburg, Germany Dorrance, KS m wife / child
Lohman Henry Emanuel 32 10/25/1884
Russell, KS m Katie Lohman
Lohman Lewis 25 12/12/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Lohman Ludolph 22 9/29/1894 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Long Joseph C. 36 8/19/1882
Russell, KS m Mrs. J.C. Long
Loomis Benjamin Harrison 28 6/11/1888 Waldo, KS Luray, KS m wife / 3 children
Loomis Wm. Harlow 41 10/4/1876
Luray, KS ? John A. Loomis
Loper Charles Wm. 35 12/9/1883
Lucas, KS m Mrs. C. W. Loper
Loper Luther Deloug 26 12/2/1891 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Lopez Alfonzo 25 8/25/1892 Mexico Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Lopez Guadalupe 38 12/12/1880 Mexico Russell, KS m Carmen Anguelera Lopez
Lorenc Charles 30 12/22/1886 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Lorenc John Walter 23 11/28/1893 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Lott Robert Lewis 41 7/23/1877
Russell, KS m Mabel Edna Lott
Love Wade Huling 29 1/12/1888 Rockville Twp., IL Russell, KS m wife / child
Loyd George Thomas 34 8/17/1884
Lucas, KS ? Mrs. G.W. Loyd-Abilene, KS
Lucas Ernest 24 6/27/1893 Fairgrove, MO Lucas, KS m wife / child
Lucas Floyd Ware 38 2/9/1880
Russell, KS m Raytia Lucas
Luder Jacob Frank 24 2/15/1893 Waldo, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Luder John B. 33 3/10/1885
Waldo, KS m Laura Luder
Luder Joseph  27 7/21/1889 Waldo, KS Waldo, KS m wife / 2 children
Ludlow James Floyd 29 8/28/1887 Hiawatha, KS Waldo, KS m wife / 2 children
Luerman Charles 26 10/18/1890 Dubuque, KS Dorrance, KS m wife
Luerman Edward Wm. Fred 18 6/28/1900
Dorrance, KS s Herman Luerman
Luerman John 24 10/27/1892 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife
Lundgrin David 44 3/4/1874
Lucas, KS m Mary Lundgrin
Maag Ernest Fred 36 4/4/1882
Russell, KS s Sophia Maag
Maag Wm. Theodore 33 3/10/1885
Russell, KS m Susie B. Maag
Machin Floyd Russell 29 9/8/1887 Dorrance, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Maddox Clarence Scott 18 2/18/1900
Russell, KS s mother-Cynthia Fisher-Ohio
Mahoney Robert Jeremiah 19 9/4/1899
Bunker Hill, KS ? Mary Mahoney
Mahoney Thomas Elmo 44 1/9/1874
Dorrance, KS m Annie Mahoney
Mai Adam 21 11/12/1896 Holstein, Russia Russell, KS s Fred Mai
Mai Adam Georg 33 6/17/1885 Russia Russell, KS m Eva Mai
Mai Adam, Jr. 45 9/10/1873 Russia Russell, KS m Katie Lohman
Mai David 33 3/26/1885 Russia Russell, KS m Christina Mai
Mai David D. 21 11/15/1896 Holstein, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Mai Georg, Jr. 35 8/28/1883 Russia Russell, KS m Mary Mai
Mai Gottfried 18 7/12/1900
Russell, KS s Fred Mai
Mai Henry Jr. 36 10/19/1881 Russia Russell, KS m Lizzie Mai
Mai John Henry 42 3/17/1876
Russell, KS m Mrs. John H. Mai
Mai John Jacob 26 2/12/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Mai John Peter 41 12/19/1876 Russia Bunker Hill, KS m Mary Mai
Mai John W. 21 6/9/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s Henry Mai, Sr.
Mai Julius August 20 8/13/1898
Russell, KS s none listed
Mai Reinhardt 34 9/24/1883 Russia Bunker Hill, KS m Mary Mai
Mai Wilhelm 27 6/9/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Maier Georg D. 27 6/13/1889 Podshinoja, Russia Russell, KS m wife / child
Maier Jacob, Jr. 32 3/24/1886
Russell, KS m Mrs. Jacob Maier
Major Fred C. 33 12/16/1884
Dorrance, KS m Elizabeth Major
Major Henry Fredrick 34 12/23/1883
Wilson, KS s father-Fredrick Major
Major Henry J. 28 2/13/1889 Grimm, Russia Dorrance, KS s none listed
Major Jacob Fred 41 2/16/1877
Dorrance, KS m Maria E. Major
Malir Perry Andrew 40 12/18/1877
Russell, KS m Nancy M. Malin
Manley John Bernard 41 3/12/1877
Natoma, KS m Hermine Manley
Manners Earle R. 21 12/7/1895
Lucas, KS s none listed
Manners John Wm. 23 8/15/1893 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Manning Edgar Robert 43 9/28/1874
Bunker Hill, KS ? Edna Sonalley - Pasadena, CA
Mansfield Edward Emerson 41 10/6/1876
Lucas, KS m Mrs. E. E. Mansfield
Mansfield Harry LeeRoy 37 6/17/1881
Lucas, KS m Laura E. Mansfield
Mansfield Herman Dewey 19 9/6/1899
Lucas, KS m Nova Mansfield
Mansfield Vernon Bradley 18 5/19/1899
Lucas, KS s W.C. Mansfield
Mansfield Walter Clyde 43 12/13/1874
Luray, KS m Bessie Mansfield
Manthe Herman 35 11/2/1882 Germany Russell, KS ? Marie Manthe-Grieswald, Germany
Manthe William  26 5/17/1891 Germany Russell, KS s none listed
Mapes Frank Ira 21 10/10/1895 Waldo, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Margheim Alexander 24 9/12/1892 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Margheim Georg 21 3/17/1896 Russell, KS Hoisington, KS s none listed
Markle Harold Isaac 18 2/21/1900
Waldo, KS m Kathryn V. Markle
Markle Howard Walter 45 4/5/1873
Lucas, KS m Ellen Markle
Markley Alfred Leroy 21 6/27/1895 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Markley Henry Earl 19 5/14/1899
Luray, KS s mother-Edna Markley
Markley James Merl 19 5/14/1899
Luray, KS s mother-Edna Markley
Markley William Clyde 24 3/7/1893
Luray, KS s none listed
Marsh Charles Alexander 34 2/20/1884
Bunker Hill, KS m Reita L. Marsh
Martin Leroy R. 29 11/30/1887 Ridgeway, MO Paradise, KS m wife
Martin Wylie Willard 35 1/6/1883
Paradise, KS m Mrs. W. W. Martin
Martinez Emlio 27 unknown Mexico Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Martinez Jose 26 9/26/1891 Mexico Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Martinez Luis 21 4/6/1896 Mexico Mexico ? s none listed
Mason William Henry 34 2/26/1884
Russell, KS m Lillie Estella Mason
Mateyee Wenslow 23 12/8/1893 Lusk, Russia Claflin, KS m wife / child
Matheson Wilborn Grant 44 1/19/1874
Natoma, KS m Mrs. W.G. Matheson
Maupin Armsted Jasper 43 1/19/1875
Luray, KS m Ella Maupin
Maupin Charles C. 25 8/30/1892 Zalma, MO Luray, KS s none listed
Maupin Clifford Cleo 25 5/21/1898
Luray, KS s father-A.J. Maupin
Maupin Ercel Elis 20 8/21/1898
Paradise, KS ? Mrs. S.C. Maupin
Maupin Leslie Daniel 27 9/6/1889 Drexel, MO Russell, KS s none listed
Maupin Vernon William 22 10/12/1894 Luray, KS Lucas, KS m wife / child
Maya Jose 25 3/19/1892 Mexico Russell, KS s none listed
McAllister Charles Lee 40 11/1/1877
Russell, KS m Maggie McAllister
McBride Benjamin Harrison 27 6/17/1889 Cabool, MO Waldo, KS m wife / 3 children
McCabe Sydney Kemp 28 9/27/1888 Eaton, TN (?) Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 2 children
McClain James LeRoy 20 6/10/1898
Waldo, KS s F.P. McClain
McClinsey Amos Bell 30 7/20/1886 DuBois, PA Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
McConnell Clarence Evans 29 5/14/1888 Grainfield, KS Russell, KS s none listed
McConnell Claude Robert 25 10/2/1892 Abilene, KS Russell, KS s none listed
McConnell Rea Albert 21 3/13/1896 Gove, KS Russell, KS s none listed
McCormac Geo. Franklin 36 6/7/1883
Lucas, KS m Rose McCormac
McCrystal Robert Johnston 19 9/9/1899
Lucas, KS s Minnie McCrystal
McCurthers Harvey Albert 24 9/29/1892 New Albany, IN Luray, KS m wife / child
McDonald Thomas 43 2/13/1875
Lucas, KS m Nora McDonald
McFarland Earl Benjamin 28 3/23/1889 Downs, IL Russell, KS m wife / 5 children
McGee Logan Carlyle 40 6/17/1878
Luray, KS s Sarah McGee
McGlassen Ernest Fayne 36 2/6/1882
Luray, KS m Ethel Marie McGlassen
McIvor Hallie L. 35 6/12/1883
Russell, KS m Dora A. McIvor
McKanna Thomas Lester 36 11/27/1881
Luray, KS m Maud McKanna
McKay Robert 22 10/27/1894 Slater, MO Russell, KS s none listed
McKean Dickinson Erastus 40 9/22/1877
Russell, KS m Juliett McKean
McKinley Frank Andrew 19 2/15/1899
Gorham, KS s sis-Neva Myrtle Brown-Olson, CO
McKnight Claude Ernest 19 2/2/1899
Luray, KS s James Henry McKnight
McKnight Guy Everett 21 1/4/1897 Osborne Co., KS Luray, KS s Laverna McKnight
McKown Ross 22 9/25/1894 Denver, CO Lucas, KS s none listed
McKune Robert Columbus 36 9/1/1882
Russell, KS m Nellie McKune
McMullen Charles Wm. 18 7/24/1900
Lucas, KS s Rachel McMullen
McMullen Wm. Thomas 41 4/13/1877
Lucas, KS m Rachel McMullen
McMullin Floyd 39 8/20/1879
Lucas, KS m Nellie Agnes McMullin
McMullin John L. 21 5/5/1878 Nebraska Lucas, KS s John S. McMullin
McMurry Carl 40 5/5/1878
Lucas, KS m Birdie McMurry
McMurry John Wm. 30 9/29/1886 Promise City, IA Lucas, KS s none listed
McVey Edward Benson 41 3/16/1877
Bunker Hill, KS m Anna M. McVey
McVey Lawrence Elmer 33 4/6/1885
Russell, KS m Anna McVey
McVey Perry Martin 18 9/3/1900
Bunker Hill, KS s Edward Benson McVey
Mead Albert Leroy 35 1/15/1883
Lucas, KS ? Mrs. Hester Brockelhurst-Lucas, KS
Meharg Eugene Sherman 45 12/16/1872
Bunker Hill, KS m Josephine Meharg
Mehler John A. 33 3/15/1885 Russia Russell, KS m Anna M. Mehler
Meier Dave 19 3/5/1885
Wilson, KS s Fred Meier
Meier David Herman 18 2/2/1899
Dorrance, KS s Gotfried Meier
Meier Fred Gotfried 26 5/20/1891 Dreispitz, Russia Dorrance, KS m wife
Meier Georg G. 23 10/2/1893 Schrwjofka, Russia Russell, KS m wife
Meier Georg, Jr. 33 9/21/1884
Russell, KS m Mollie Meier
Meier Gottfried 27 4/9/1890 Saratov, Russia Dorrance, KS s none listed
Meier Jacob J. 29 12/29/1887 Tscherbakowka, Rus Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Meitler Henry John 43 5/8/1875
Lucas, KS m Jennie Meitler
Mejia Luis 27 7/15/1889 Mexico Russell, KS s none listed
Mellard Edgar Athelstone 36 4/6/1882
Russell, KS m Mrs. E.A. Mellard
Mellard George 29 1/11/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Mellard Harold George 38 4/19/1880
Paradise, KS m Mrs. H.G. Mellard
Mendell Elza Hugh 43 9/14/1874
Gorham, KS m Lillie Mendell
Mermis Alexander 23 8/21/1893 Victoria, KS Gorham, KS m wife / 2 children
Mermis Alois 22 6/9/1894 Victoria, KS Gorham, KS m wife / child
Mermis Conrad A. 44 6/24/1874
Gorham, KS m Paulina Mermis
Mermis Fidelias 28 7/14/1888 Victoria, KS Gorham, KS m wife / 2 children
Mermis Joseph Alexander 41 9/26/1876
Gorham, KS m Barbara Mermis
Mermis Wilfred Clement 19 4/11/1899
Gorham, KS s mother-Barbara Mermis
Merryman Minor Edwin 37 12/5/1880
Bunker Hill, KS s James P. Merryman-Masontown, PA
Mettlen William Alexander 42 5/29/1876
Lucas, KS m Rhoda Lien Mettlen
Meyer Gilbert Albert 20 10/7/1897
Bunker Hill, KS s mother-Daisy Meyer
Michaelis Honis 29 11/2/1887 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Michaelis John Georg 35 4/14/1883 Russia Russell, KS m Katherine Michaelis
Michaelis John Henry 42 8/16/1876
Russell, KS m Mrs. J.H. Michaelis
Michaelis John Jacob 37 9/29/1880
Russell, KS m Mrs. J.J. Michaelis
Michaelis John Jacob 40 7/1/1878
Russell, KS m Lena Michaelis
Michaelis Wm. Fredrick 32 4/8/1886
Russell, KS m Mrs. W.F. Michaelis
Michel Fred, Jr. 20 10/12/1897
Russell, KS s Fred Michel
Michel George 23 10/22/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Milberger Alexander J. 38 10/11/1879
Gorham, KS m Anna Milberger
Milberger August  29 10/23/1886 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / 5 children
Milberger Emanuel 28 3/15/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Milberger Fred 40 6/8/1878 Russia Russell, KS m Pauline Milberger
Milberger Henry B. 32 12/20/1885 Russia Russell, KS m Mollie Milberger
Milberger Henry F. 33 5/28/1885 Russia Russell, KS m Tena Milberger
Milberger Jacob E. 21 6/25/1897 Eckheim, Russia Russell, KS s Henry Milberger
Milberger Jacob John 32 10/15/1885
Russell, KS m Mollie Milberger
Milberger John 40 11/9/1877 Russia Wilson, KS m Katherine Milberger
Miles John G. 30 11/1/1886 Oberlin, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 3 children
Miles Lewis George 37 2/10/1881
Russell, KS m Grace A. Miles
Miles Raymond Leslie 45 10/13/1872
Russell, KS m Sadie B. Miles
Milke Joseph 19 3/19/1899
Gorham, KS s Frank Milke
Miller Bert Roy 36 7/23/1882
Russell, KS m Lydia Miller
Miller Carl 19 12/31/1898 Russia Russell, KS ? Mrs. Mary Beck
Miller Carl F. 27 4/9/1890 Wilson, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 2 children
Miller Charles 44 7/12/1874
Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Miller Dave F. 29 8/10/1887 Dreispitz, Russia Russell, KS m wife
Miller David 27 2/7/1890 Nieder Munjor, Rus Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
Miller David Franklin 42 12/11/1876
Lucas, KS m Mrs. D.F. Miller
Miller Eli 29 3/29/1888 Wheaton, MO Fairport, KS m wife / 4 children
Miller Ernest Andrew 34 7/18/1884
Bunker Hill, KS m Agnes Miller
Miller Floyd Missimer 21 2/9/1897
Dorrance, KS s Alexander Miller
Miller George 23 12/19/1892 Saratov, Russia Wilson, KS s none listed
Miller George Mathews 40 3/7/1878
Russell, KS m Mildred Miller
Miller Guy Otis 26 10/28/1890 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Miller Henry John 18 2/24/1900
Dorrance, KS s Rose Miller
Miller J. Henry 29 10/10/1887 Nieder Munjor, Rus Wilson, KS m wife / 3 children
Miller Jake Alfred 26 11/15/1891 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Miller John James 26 3/25/1891 Sylvan Grove, KS Paradise, KS s none listed
Miller John Oliver 32 1/13/1886
Waldo, KS m  Addie Miller
Miller Lee Missimer 19 10/27/1899
Dorrance, KS s Alex Miller
Miller Levi Jacob 44 3/31/1874
Waldo, KS m Sallie Minerva Miller
Miller Loral Ralph 21 4/24/1896 Laplata, MO Lucas, KS s none listed
Miller Orlando 23 6/15/1893 Sylvan Grove, KS Paradise, KS s none listed
Miller Phillip G. 42 12/6/1875
Dorrance, KS m Lizzie Miller
Miller Reinhart 43 4/1/1875
Dorrance, KS m Anna Miller
Miller Roy Emery 35 12/25/1883
Lucas, KS m Clara Olive Miller
Miller Samuel Shaffer 39 8/11/1879
Russell, KS m Nina K. Miller
Miller Seswerth G. 34 3/11/1884 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Miller Vincent Hoover 28 10/25/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Miller Wm. Hale 42 6/3/1876
Wilson, KS m Sarah Miller
Miller Zola Ellsworth 18 4/22/1900
Paradise, KS s mother-Mrs. E. Miller
Mills Clyde Stephen 22 10/3/1894 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Mills Harold Francis 22 7/29/1894 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Mills John Lewis 20 8/14/1898
Gorham, KS s mother-Hannah Mills
Mills Joseph Navell 21 10/13/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s John M. Mills
Mills Samuel Thomas 42 4/9/1876
Russell, KS m Agnes Mills
Mills William 29 7/5/1887 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 4 children
Mincer Cypress 26 12/13/1890 Searsboro, IA Russell, KS m wife / child
Mintier J. Morris Lane 39 8/20/1879
Lucas, KS m Alice Mintier
Misemer Jacob Charles 32 4/26/1886
Luray, KS m D.Zoe Misemer
Misemer Vernon Theodore 24 1/16/1893 Mt. Vernon, MO Luray, KS m wife
Missimer Ira E. 27 3/30/1890 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 2 children
Missimer Jesse Earl 35 8/28/1883
Russell, KS m Eva G. Missimer
Mitchell John Charles 44 5/18/1874
Waldo, KS m Etta Mitchell
Mitchell Oscar Rolland 24 5/14/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Mitchell Saul Robert 33 3/1/1885
Bunker Hill, KS m Sarah Elizabeth Mitchell
Mohl Edward Wm. 28 5/16/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Mohl Louis Fredrick 35 1/19/1883
Russell, KS m Susie Mohl
Mondera John Michael 24 3/3/1883 Leavenworth, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Monroe George 41 11/1/1876
Paradise, KS ? Florence McMann-Ontario, Canada
Mooney Benjamin Harrison 27 7/18/1889 Dixon, KY Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Moore Galen Andrew 40 10/25/1877
Gorham, KS m Susan Moore
Moore George Ross 28 2/8/1889 Marquand, MO Lucas, KS m wife / 4 children
Moore John William 43 11/5/1874
Bunker Hill, KS m Claudia M. Moore
Moore Merit Arthur 38 12/29/1879
Lucas, KS s mother-Hannah E. Moore
Moote Lewis Henry 32 10/16/1885
Luray, KS m Iva Pearl Moote
Moraber Redelfo 22 4/20/1895 Mexico Paradise, KS s none listed
Morgenstern Emanuel 37 9/12/1881
Russell, KS s mother-Mrs. Christina Resner
Morgenstern Fredrick Wm. 44 10/18/1873
Russell, KS m Catherine Morgenstern
Morgenstern Fredrick Wm. 35 8/27/1882
Russell, KS m Lena Morgenstern
Morgenstern John 21 5/31/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Morgenstern John Edward 20 12/21/1897
Russell, KS s mother-Mina Morgenstern
Morgenstern Reinhold 33 7/25/1885
Russell, KS m Lena Morgenstern
Morgenstern Sam G. 29 2/7/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS m  wife / ? Children
Morgenstern Sigmond 19 6/16/1899
Russell, KS s Fredrick Morgenstern
Morrill George LeRoy 40 4/21/1878
Paradise, KS m Mrs. G.L. Morrill
Morse Ralph Slason 26 6/17/1890 Worthing, SD Paradise, KS m wife / 4 children
Morton Joseph Clare 21 3/18/1897 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s father-George M. Morton
Mothershead Harvey Roy 32 3/28/1886
Paradise, KS s mother-Amanda Mothershead
Mothershead Ola Frances 43 5/9/1875
Paradise, KS m Mrs. O.F. Mothershead
Motzner Robert Fred 41 4/5/1877
Russell, KS m Katie Motzner
Mount John Bunyan 27 9/11/1889 Mena, AR Russell, KS m wife / child
Mowery Floyd Albert 23 1/26/1894 Troy, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Mowery James Emanuel 26 3/20/1891 Bee, NE (?) Russell, KS s none listed
Mudd Basil Hugh 32 4/1/1886
Dorrance, KS m Mary Mudd
Mudd Thomas Ignatius 38 10/8/1879
Gorham, KS m Annie Mudd
Mudd William H. 23 7/15/1894 Wellsville, MO Gorham, KS s none listed
Munsell George Everett 20 11/28/1897
Russell, KS s father-O.G. Munsell
Munsell Jesse James 36 4/11/1882
Russell, KS m Rosella Munsell
Munsell Russell Elton 32 5/21/1886
Russell, KS s father-Elton Munsell
Murdock Lonnie G. 25 12/5/1891 Nickerson, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 2 children
Murphy Edward James 35 3/4/1883
Lucas, KS s father-Aidan Murphy
Murphy Matthew 32 5/22/1886
Lucas, KS s father-Aidan Murphy
Naegele Conrad Fred 34 7/23/1884 Germany Lucas, KS m Ida Naegele
Naylor David Marshall 45 3/22/1873
Lucas, KS m Bessie Naylor
Negrete Gervacio 20 July 1897 Mexico Dorrance, KS s none listed
Nelson Axel C. 33 12/12/1884
Lucas, KS ? Miss Winifred Nelson
Nelson Charles Fredrick 39 3/11/1879
Dorrance, KS m Jessie K. Nelson
Nelson George Ellen 38 11/6/1879
Waldo, KS m Grace May Nelson
Nelson Hugh Roy 33 8/10/1885
Waldo, KS m Barbara Eliz. Nelson
Nelson Jens Jacobson 37 9/1/1881
Luray, KS m Mazie B. Nelson
Nelson John Oscar 43 2/11/1875
Dorrance, KS m Carrie E. Nelson
Nelson Nels Jensen 42 9/3/1877
Luray, KS m Mary Nelson
Nelson Thomas 35 9/3/1883
Luray, KS m Alice Elsie Nelson
Neuvert David 18 1/31/1900 Russia Lucas, KS s George Neuvert
Neuvert George 43 10/18/1874 Russia Lucas, KS m Mary Neuvert
New Frank Edwin 27 4/1/1890 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
New Geroge Horace 43 6/23/1875
Russell, KS m Mary E. New
New Lloyd Edmund 26 10/3/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
New Wilmer Homer 39 6/4/1879
Russell, KS m Effie New
Newcomer Calvin Leroy 25 10/22/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Newcomer Clarence Edward 30 1/17/1887 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Newcomer Willie Winfield 45 6/1/1873
Russell, KS ? Christian Newcomer-Collyer, KS
Ney Jake 35 10/4/1882
Dorrance, KS m Emma Ney
Ney Nick A. 30 10/20/1886 Claflin, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 2 children
Nichols Arthur Edward 41 8/31/1877
Lucas, KS s bro-Walter O. Nichols
Nichols Walter Ora 34 6/22/1884
Lucas, KS m Blanche B. Nichols
Nickel Frank Warkentin 34 7/22/1884
Lucas, KS m Deda Alice Nickel
Niedens Alexander 20 12/9/1897
Hoisington, KS s mother-Mary Niedens
Niedens John Georg 18 11/7/1899
Hoisington, KS s mother-Mary Niedens
Nieto Fidel 21 4/19/1897 Mexico Dorrance, KS ? Josefa Hernadez Nieto-Mexico
Nimps Louis Henry 37 6/12/1881
Dorrance, KS m Mary Nimps
Novak Charles 26 7/4/1890 Wilson, KS Dorrance, KS m wife
Novak Charles 24 10/11/1892 Sylvan Grove, KS Lucas, KS m wife / child
Novak Frank A. 29 7/18/1887 Sylvan Grove, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Novak Frank J. 37 5/8/1881
Lucas, KS m Mary Novak
Novak John Alton 40 3/24/1878
Lucas, KS m Albina Novak
Nowak Albert Adolph 24 3/7/1893 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS m wife
Nowak Frank Earl 30 5/11/1887 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS m wife / 2 children
Nowak Henry Anthony 19 7/25/1899
Gorham, KS s mother-Jenny Nowak
Nowak John Louis 26 2/8/1891 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Nowak Otto Martin 18 1/2/1900
Russell, KS s Walter Nowak
Nuss Benjamin  22 3/2/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Nuss Herman H. 22 2/11/1890 Durham, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Nuss Jacob B. 35 6/1/1883
Russell, KS m Mary Nuss
Nuss John K. 42 12/11/1875 Russia Russell, KS m Mrs. J.K. Nuss
Nuss Ray 28 12/3/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
Nuss Reuben T. 19 4/24/1899
Wilson, KS s mother-Mary Nuss
Nutting William Dean 21 12/27/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Oberheim Foster Elmer 43 5/4/1875
Bunker Hill, KS m Emma Viola Oberhain
Oberheim John Franklin 18 2/11/1900
Bunker Hill, KS s F.E. Oberhain
O'Brien Earlbert E. 29 7/28/1887 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
O'Brien Edward 38 6/20/1880
Luray, KS m Mabel O'Brien
O'Brien Frank 44 5/20/1874
Lucas, KS m Sophia O'Brien
O'Brien James Edmond 18 3/8/1900
Russell, KS s Edmond O'Brien
O'Brien Lewis 36 1/20/1882
Luray, KS m Lillie O'Brien
Ochs David 21 2/21/1897
Russell, KS s Philip Ochs - Russell, KS
Ochs John 37 6/4/1881
Russell, KS s Philip Ochs - Otis, KS
O'Connor Jerold Edward 25 5/16/1892 Clay Center, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
O'Connor Martin J. 23 4/18/1894 Clay Center, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
O'Connor Thomas Vincent 18 8/26/1900
Waldo, KS s Mrs. T.O. O'Connor
Ohlemeier Bert Henry 23 12/5/1893 Holyrood, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Ohlemeier Henry Wm. 18 2/18/1900
Bunker Hill, KS s Henry John Ohlemeier
Olds King Clovis 36 3/26/1882
Bunker Hill, KS m Margaret M. Olds
Olivares Santana 22 7/26/1894 Monterey, Mexico Russell, KS s none listed
Oliver Marion Gilbert 19 12/6/1899
Russell, KS s Marion Oliver, Sr.
Olson Adolph Ture 25 9/29/1891 Bergholm, Sweden Russell, KS s none listed
Olson Anthon Johnathon 34 2/17/1884
Russell, KS m Alta May Olson
Olson Arthur 22 7/16/1894 St. Louis, MO Russell, KS s none listed
Olson August Victor 29 2/29/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Olson Bert Carl 21 10/24/1895 Bergholm, Sweden Russell, KS s none listed
Olson Carl Alford 22 1/29/1895 Red Elephant, CO Russell, KS s none listed
Olson Clifford Cornelius 20 6/6/1898
Russell, KS ? Mrs. Lena Smith
Olson Elmer Allen 38 5/14/1881
Luray, KS M Josie E. Olson
Olson Harry Martin 28 10/13/1888 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife
Olson Rasmus Mayberry 22 8/26/1894 Havensville, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Opdycke Leroy Dwight 18 10/13/1899
Russell, KS s Wilbur Opdycke
Oschwald Carl 23 3/24/1894 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Oschwald Robert Harvey 39 1/7/1879
Lucas, KS s mother-Phoebe Oschwald
Ostrum Francis Wm. 18 12/5/1899
Bunker Hill, KS s mother-Mary Ostrum
Ostrum Oscar  33 11/26/1884
Russell, KS m Helen G. Ostrum
Oswald Frank 22 3/10/1895 Troy, KS Luray, KS m wife
Overhold Jacob S. 25 3/13/1892 Greenfield, IA Russell, KS s none listed
Overholser Jesse Landis 44 4/5/1874
Russell, KS ? Levi Overholser - Zurich, KS
Owen Allen McDonald 28 3/12/1888 Sylvia, KS Luray, KS m wife
Owens Francis Maryon 37 11/7/1880
Bunker Hill, KS ? H.T. Owen
Owens Raymond Albert 33 10/31/1884
Bunker Hill, KS ? H.T. Owen
Owens William Roy 23 1/25/1894 Lineville, IA Lucas, KS s none listed
Padden Paul Melville 28 1/18/1889 Oakdale, NE Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Page Artie Lee 29 5/12/1888 Louisana, MO Waldo, KS m wife / 4 children
Painter Oscar Helry 24 8/31/1893 Salem, AR Russell, KS m wife / child
Palmer Arthur Edward 42 6/11/1876 Osborne Co., KS Lucas, KS m Susan Palmer
Palmer Arthur Ray 21 2/15/1897 Osborne Co., KS Lucas, KS s Arthur Palmer
Palmer Walter Spencer 37 9/23/1880
Luray, KS m Mary Jane Palmer
Pangburn Harold Strite 22 1/26/1895 Waldo, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Pangburn Walter Eli 41 8/27/1877
Luray, KS m Anna M. Pangburn
Parker Clyde Edward 18 7/13/1900
Bunker Hill, KS s Thomas W. Parker
Parker Frank 24 11/17/1893 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Parkhurst Henry Edison 39 5/7/1879
Paradise, KS m Mrs. H.E.Parkhurst
Pasek Frank James 32 12/11/1885
Dorrance, KS m Rosa Pasek
Patrick Fred Edward 21 10/22/1896 Hagarhill, KY Bunker Hill, KS ? Mossie Patrick
Patterson Clarence Clifford 31 12/13/1874
Bunker Hill, KS m Myrtle Patterson
Patterson James Clifford 44 9/6/1874
Luray, KS m Ella May Patterson
Patterson John Franklyn 35 1/28/1883
Dorrance, KS m Gertrude Patterson
Patton Mark Calvin 21 4/14/1897 Luray, KS Luray, KS s Tom Pattin
Paul Stanley John 29 11/17/1889 Cleveland, OH Lucas, KS s none listed
Pauley Arthur Allan 43 1/14/1876
Lucas, KS m Lillie Maude Pauley
Pauley Francis Ray 24 6/20/1892 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Pauley George Riley 32 12/28/1885
Lucas, KS m Sarah Pauley
Pauley Harry Newton 45 12/23/1872
Lucas, KS ? Muriel Schmidt-Lower Brule, SD
Paulsen Bruno 20 12/24/1897 Germany Paradise, KS s Christ A. Paulsen
Paulsen Christian Andreas 45 9/25/1872 Schleswig, Prussia Paradise, KS m Mrs. C.A. Paulsen
Pearson Henry Elvert 40 1/1/1878
Lucas, KS ? Mrs. M.D. Smith - Lucas, KS
Peck Clarence Sylvester 44 3/9/1874
Bunker Hill, KS m Laura May Peck
Peck Lester B. 21 3/13/1895 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife
Peebley Charles Elmer 35 3/24/1883
Dorrance, KS m Agnes Peebley
Peil Alexander 35 1/11/1883 Russia Russell, KS s Adam Peil
Peil Friedrich 29 7/23/1887 Saratov, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 4 children
Pekarek Robert Lewis 30 6/3/1887 New York, NY Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 4 children
Pence Samuel Monroe 29 5/11/1888 Circleville, OH Luray, KS m wife / 3 children
Penno Daniel 22 6/10/1895 Molynx, Russia Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Perry Ross M. 21 11/22/1895 Holton, KS Lucas, KS m wife
Peterson Nels Edwin 37 6/8/1881
Russell, KS m Carrie Peterson
Peterson Robert Wiley 45 8/29/1873
Russell, KS m Amelia Anna Peterson
Peterson Tell Mathias 29 10/3/1887 Lincoln, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Petty Paul Wesley 23 7/15/1893 Tabor, IA Dorrance, KS s none listed
Phillips Arthur Delishman 24 10/17/1892 North Carolina Luray, KS s none listed
Phillips Jesse Hubert 21 12/8/1896 Russell Co., KS Russell, KS s father-Joseph Phillips
Phillips John Harold 18 1/4/1900
Luray, KS s L.J. and Drusilla Phillips
Phillips Thomas Henry 18 12/13/1899
Luray, KS s Martin Jasper Phillips
Phillips Thomas J. 24 9/21/1892 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS m wife / 2 children
Phillips William 28 11/25/1889 Lostwithiel, England Paradise, KS s none listed
Phinney Clyde Montgomery 25 12/29/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Phlegar Benjamin Gray 26 11/26/1890 Christiansburg, VA Russell, KS s none listed
Phlegar John Newton Hagan 25 3/4/1892 Christiansburg, VA Russell, KS s none listed
Picraux John Joseph 26 3/1/1891 Almena, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Piland Elmer Harrison 27 11/28/1889 Noble, MO (?) Waldo, KS s none listed
Piper James Samuel 25 11/11/1889 Irving, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 2 children
Pohle Levi Earnest 22 4/22/1886
Wilson, KS m Mary Pohle
Polcyn Anthony 32 1/1/1886
Gorham, KS s mother-Marina Polcyn
Polcyn Edwin Paul 20 3/21/1898
Gorham, KS s Nicholas Polcyn
Polcyn Frank Paul 20 8/22/1898
Gorham, KS s mother-Catherine Polcyn
Polcyn John 28 3/17/1889 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Pond Edward 28 7/29/1888 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Pope David 23 9/1/1894 LaCrosse, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Pope Henry 21 4/25/1897 Rush Co., KS Russell, KS s mother-Mary Weimer-Monte Vista, CO
Pope John 23 12/18/1895 LaCrosse, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Poppendorfer Henry John 27 11/28/1889 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Poppendorfer John V. 21 7/26/1895 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Porter Harry 19 8/20/1899
Russell, KS s mother-Sarah Porter
Porter Walter Alexander 25 7/17/1891 Marionville, MO Gorham, KS s none listed
Postel Richard Anton 34 2/15/1884 Germany Russell, KS m Mrs. R.A. Postel
Pratt Claude Edward 22 2/8/1895 Lindsborg, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Preble John Dudley 18 5/24/1900
Russell, KS ? Corena Preble
Preble Lavalle Henry 18 4/5/1900
Russell, KS s J.D. Preble
Prediger Fred 18 6/5/1900
Bunker Hill, KS s Godfred Prediger
Prediger Gotfried 42 3/13/1876 Russia Dorrance, KS m Mollie Prediger
Prescher Julius Leonard 43 8/2/1875
Russell, KS m Mary Presher
Preston Amos Levi 43 11/21/1873
Gorham, KS m Minnie Preston
Prica Dan 23 8/3/1894 Belgrade, Serbia Russell, KS s none listed
Price Charlie Edgar 34 9/16/1883
Bunker Hill, KS s mother-Mary Delp
Price Guy Egbert 28 6/6/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Price Howard Ralph 35 11/3/1882
Russell, KS s Mrs. J.H. Delp
Price Harry Alvin 33 4/6/1886
Russell, KS s mother-Mary Delp
Prieto Cruz 21 9/15/1895 Mexico Russell, KS s none listed
Propp Philipp 24 4/11/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Prose Leo Everett 21 5/21/1897 Indian Territory Fairport, KS s H.P. Prose-Lyons, KS
Pruse Joseph Frank 33 12/31/1884
Dorrance, KS m Mary Pruse
Pruter Emil 28 2/14/1889 Osborne Co., KS Paradise, KS m wife / 2 children
Ptacek Frank C. 25 1/27/1892 Wilson, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Puga Jesus 24 3/21/1893 Mexico Russell, KS s none listed
Pulec William 28 10/22/1888 Zurich, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Queen Creed 26 7/19/1890 Belgrade, MO Waldo, KS m wife
Quigley Laurence Dennis 43 12/10/1874
Luray, KS m Alice Elizabeth Quigley
Rabas John 34 5/16/1884
Lucas, KS m Mary or Mamie Rabas
Rabas Joseph 45 4/14/1873 Bohemia Luray, KS m Josie Rabas
Rabas Tony 18 4/26/1900
Luray, KS s mother-Josie Rabas
Radina Charley 19 5/3/1899
Luray, KS s father-James Radina
Radina Joseph 25 2/19/1892 Lucas, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Radke August 20 10/29/1897
Russell, KS m Mrs. August Radke
Radke Edward 38 10/23/1879
Galatia, KS m Anna Radke
Radke Friedrich 30 9/4/1886 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Radke John G. 37 2/10/1881
Russell, KS m Lydia Radke
Radke Rudolph 28 9/29/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / 4 children
Radke Samuel G. 28 8/24/1889 Galatia, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Radke Samuel L. 26 5/18/1890 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Ramsey Flavins Clarence 28 10/29/1888 Solomon, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Rangel Ygnario 28 abt 1889 Mexico Russell, KS m Callitana Rominez Rangel
Rankin George Edward 36 4/27/1882
Dorrance, KS m Violet E. Rankin
Rathbun Chester Elmer 30 2/24/1887 Luray, KS Lucas, KS m wife
Rathbun James 29 8/25/1887 Hoisington, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
Ray Miles Chambers 26 1/28/1891 Melbourne, AR Russell, KS m wife
Reade John Franklin 45 8/24/1873
Dorrance, KS m Carrie E. Reade
Reddig Tracy David 30 8/23/1886 WaKeeney, KS Russell, KS m wife / 4 children
Reece James Franklin 20 12/20/1898
Lucas, KS s Ida Reece
Reed Fred Amos 21 2/1/1897 Rossville, KS Lucas, KS s Mrs. Ella Kozell
Reed Robert 40 10/30/1878
Lucas, KS m Nellie Reed
Rees Millard J. 37 3/19/1881
Lucas, KS m Mamie Rees
Reh Fred 22 12/19/1895 Homewood, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Reh Henry 29 3/18/1888 Homewood, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
Reh Nicholas 24 5/2/1893 Princeton, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
Reichard William 32 10/9/1885
Russell, KS m Addie Reichard
Reid Roy Ray 25 3/23/1892 Wilson, KS Gorham, KS m wife / 2 children
Reiff August Carl 45 12/17/1872
Dorrance, KS m Ella M. Reiff
Reiff Harry Joseph 32 2/22/1886 Russell Co., KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Reiff Henry Andrew 24 1/29/1893 K.C., MO Russell, KS s none listed
Rein Benjamin 22 8/15/1894 Bison, KS Russell, KS s father-George Rein
Rein George, Jr. 39 12/16/1878
Russell, KS m Beatrice Rein
Rein Henry 28 10/20/1888 Fredenfeldt, Russia Russell, KS m wife
Reinhardt Alexander 33 11/24/1885
Russell, KS m Mrs. Alex Reinhardt
Reisig Alexander 27 5/17/1890 Samara, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Reisig Fred 39 9/27/1878 Russia Russell, KS m Mrs. Fred Reisig
Reisig Georg W. 43 11/20/1874 Russia Russell, KS m Eva Reisig
Reiss Ernest Alonzo 40 9/9/1878
Luray, KS m Rosa Reiss
Reiss James 42 7/2/1876
Luray, KS m Bertha Harriett Reiss
Reiss John, Jr. 34 10/3/1883
Luray, KS m Gertrude Goldie Reiss
Reiss Michael 44 3/15/1874
Luray, KS m Millie Reiss
Reissig Alexander 25 7/6/1891 Marion, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 2 children
Reissig Georg 37 5/25/1881 Russia Bunker Hill, KS m Christine Reissig
Reissig Jacob Henry 39 11/20/1879
Dorrance, KS m Katherine Reissig
Reiswig George 45 2/2/1873 Russia Russell, KS ? Mrs. Katie Stinard, Havelock, NE
Reitz Albert H. 29 5/22/1888 Wheaton, IL Dorrance, KS m wife / 3 children
Renner Eugene 26 3/9/1891 Lawrence, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Renner Harry Lewis 36 3/30/1882
Lucas, KS m Kate Renner
Reppert Vernon Milton 29 8/25/1887 Westpoint, NE Russell, KS m wife
Resley Alonzo 21 2/14/1896 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Resley James Horace 24 8/12/1892 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 3 children
Resley Raymond Walter 38 5/17/1880
Bunker Hill, KS s Lela Hayes-Wichita, KS
Resner Frederick 42 6/7/1876 Russia Russell, KS m Mrs. Frederick Resner
Resner Julius Andrew 21 2/20/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Reuber Alexander 26 3/24/1891 Strasburg, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Reuber August 24 4/3/1893 Strasburg, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Reuber Jacob 37 3/4/1881 Samara, Russia Russell, KS s Mrs. Mike Reuber
Reuber Michael M., Jr. 41 3/17/1877 Russia Russell, KS m Amalia Reuber
Reuber Rudolph Johnie 22 7/15/1894 Marshall Co., KS Luray, KS m wife
Reyez Felipe 30 1/19/1887 Durango, Mexico Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Rezabek James 34 5/24/1884
Lucas, KS m Edna Rezabek
Rhudy Lester Gleaves 28 8/23/1888 Spring Valley, WV Paradise, KS m wife
Rice Albert Lang 20 6/30/1898
Lucas, KS s mother-Mrs. C.E. Rice
Rice Arthur Stokley 39 8/17/1880
Lucas, KS m Hannah Rice
Richards Evan Lloyd 27 11/16/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS wd 3 children under age 12
Richards Ralph 32 3/1/1886
Russell, KS m Lydia Richards
Richardson John 26 9/7/1890 Chicago, IL Russell, KS m wife
Richardson John Adam 44 3/9/1874
Luray, KS m Minnie Richardson
Richardson Willie Arthur 25 5/7/1892 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / 2 children
Richolson Leon Ralph 20 10/18/1897
Lucas, KS s mother-Elnora C. Richolson
Richolson Ralph Dean 40 2/16/1878
Lucas, KS m Katie Richolson
Richter Leopold Ernest 19 7/30/1899
Russell, KS s Mrs. Walter Bushell-Russell, KS
Riffel Fred 41 7/24/1877 Russia Russell, KS m Eva Riffel
Riffel Jacob 24 8/31/1892 Garbokon, Russia Russell, KS m wife
Riggle Harvey L. 26 11/3/1890 Smith Center, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Riggle James Cleveland 34 11/22/1883
Luray, KS m Minnie Riggle
Riggle Lee Jesse 24 10/7/1892 Russell, KS Luray, KS m wife
Ringler John Philipp 23 5/15/1894
Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 2 children
Robben Herman George 30 1/13/1887 Walker, KS Gorham, KS m wife / 3 children
Robbins Charles Wilder 25 4/24/1892 Paradise, KS Paradise, KS m wife / child
Robbins William 21 9/22/1896 Paradise, KS Paradise, KS ? Maude Esther Robbins
Roda Carl Otto 22 8/16/1894 Paradise, KS Paradise, KS s none listed
Roda George Walter 19 5/6/1899
Paradise, KS s father-Fred Roda
Roda Robert George 25 10/8/1891 Paradise, KS Paradise, KS s
Roda Wm. Herman 21 2/3/1897 Paradise, KS Paradise, KS s father-Fred Roda
Roden John A., Jr. 28 11/7/1889 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Roden Louis Otto 39 11/14/1878
Gorham, KS m Fredricka Roden
Rodrick Ernest Claude 29 6/14/1888 Sylvan Grove, KS Lucas, KS m wife / child
Rodrick Milton Glen 26 3/31/1891 Sylvan Grove, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Rodriguez Jose C. 25 12/16/1891 Mexico Russell, KS s none listed
Rodriguez Miguel 23 11/17/1893 Mexico Russell, KS s none listed
Roe Frank Ellsworth 40 4/4/1878
Russell, KS m Pearl A. Roe
Roe John Richard 24 11/16/1892 Lynch, NE Russell, KS s none listed
Roe William 21 5/13/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Rogers Guy Roy 37 8/11/1881
Paradise, KS m Mrs. G.R. Rogers
Rogers Jasper Newton 29 5/17/1884 Tribune, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Rogg Alious Cornelius 36 12/30/1882
Russell, KS m Julia Rogg
Rogg George Mathias 34 1/2/1884
Bunker Hill, KS m Katharine Rogg
Rollins Albert 30 5/22/1887 Williamstown, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
Rollins Walter Stephen 21 6/16/1896 Williamstown, KS Lucas, KS s John Rollins
Root Albert 21 9/9/1896 Russell Co., KS Dorrance, KS s father-Ed Root
Root Francis Carl 21 6/17/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Root Frederick Arthur 33 4/25/1885
Russell, KS s father-E.M. Root
Root John Henry 19 2/21/1899
Dorrance, KS s mother-Lydia Root
Rose Abe 35 7/19/1883
Luray, KS s mother-Marie Ann Rose
Rose Marion Alfred 29 5/9/1888 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife
Rosengren Dave 38 4/8/1880
Dorrance, KS m Lizzie Rosengren
Ross Joseph Henry 38 9/3/1880
Bunker Hill, KS m Clara Ross
Rossiter Raymond Roscoe 29 12/8/1887
Russell, KS s none listed
Roth Ralph Frederic 26 3/15/1891 Batavia, NY Russell, KS s none listed
Roubach Emil 40 8/15/1878
Gorham, KS s mother-Hannah Roubach
Roubach Solomon 41 9/30/1876
Gorham, KS s mother-Hannah Roubach
Roundtree Guy William 32 12/18/1885
Paradise, KS s mother-Mrs. A.J. Roundtree
Rouner Glen Lewis 23 5/15/1894 Goodland, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Rowe Isadore Leonard 24 4/3/1893 Kendrick, ID Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Rube Peter 40 10/17/1877
Russell, KS m Mrs. Peter Rube
Ruby Warren E. 26 6/4/1891
Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
Ruff Alexander 20 6/25/1898
Russell, KS s Andrew Ruff
Ruff Andrew, Jr. 35 6/18/1883 Russia Russell, KS m Eva Elizabeth Ruff
Ruff George Jacob 29 3/11/1888 Dietel, Russia Russell, KS m wife / child
Ruff Jacob 27 2/10/1890 Dietel, Russia Russell, KS m wife / child
Rumsey Earl Steve 21 12/3/1895 Codell, KS Codell, KS s none listed
Ruppenthal Augustus Benj. 45 3/26/1873
Dorrance, KS m Sallie Ellen Ruppenthal
Ruppenthal Frederick Wm. 37 10/20/1880
Lucas, KS m Lucy Ruppenthal
Ruppenthal Harold F. 21 11/17/1895 Lucas, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Ruppenthal John Phillip 39 11/6/1878
Russell, KS m Viola W. Ruppenthal
Rusch Charles Jr. 29 1/4/1888 Miltonvale, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Salber Frank Harvey 43 12/25/1875
Paradise, KS m Mrs. F.H. Salber
Salvador Leonardo 23 11/19/1893 Mexico Luray, KS s none listed
Sanders Frank Elmer 41 12/6/1876
Dorrance, KS m Rachel P. Sanders
Sanford Burl Kenneth 24 7/28/1892 Cowden, IL (?) Luray, KS s none listed
Sansom Fred 42 9/2/1876
Lucas, KS ? Mrs. Ira Campbell-Terre Haute, IN
Saum Wilber Lewis 38 3/21/1880
Paradise, KS m Mrs. W.L. Saum
Sawhill Howard Wm. 37 4/25/1881
Dorrance, KS ? Lutie M. Sawhill
Sawyer Fred Dema 34 10/29/1883
Bunker Hill, KS s Paul Sawyer
Sawyer Orin Henry 37 11/28/1880
Bunker Hill, KS m Maggie May Sawyer
Schafer Jacob 36 4/28/1882
Dorrance, KS m Sophia Schafer
Schaffer Edgar Earl 25 9/24/1891 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Schaffer Joe Ray 23 12/7/1893 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Scharpf Ralph D. 23 7/7/1893 Dubuque, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Scheuerman David 33 2/12/1885
Russell, KS m Katherine Scheuerman
Schlotthauer Gottfired 22 3/29/1895 Kraft, Russia Dorrance, KS s none listed
Schmidt Adam D. 28 4/1/1889 Popobka, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Schmidt Christian Wm. 44 8/12/1874
Russell, KS m Anna Schmidt
Schmidt David 22 2/12/1895 Kamishin, Russia Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Schmidt Fred 28 10/5/1889 Commissa, Russia Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 3 children
Schmidt John J. 28 1/11/1888 Kraft, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Schmidtberger John F. 21 8/6/1897 Victoria, KS Gorham, KS s father-Frank Schmidtberger
Schmidtberger Mike F. 21 3/11/1896 Victoria, KS Gorham, KS m wife
Schmitt Frank Nick 21 5/21/1896 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Schmitt John W. 34 12/13/1884
Gorham, KS m Elizabeth Ann Schmitt
Schmitt Philip John 35 10/30/1882
Gorham, KS m Edythe R. Schmitt
Schneider Alfred W. 28 11/10/1889 Hunter, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Schneider Augustine Louis 39 6/25/1879
Dorrance, KS m Mary A. Schneider
Schneider Edwin  20 7/29/1898
Russell, KS s John Schneider
Schneider Emanuel 23 10/28/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Schneidmiller John 21 11/1/1896 Oleshna, Russia Russell, KS s John Schneidmiller, Sr.
Schotemeyer Samuel Clarence 20 5/18/1898
Dorrance, KS s H.H. Hutte - Dorrance, KS
Schrader Henry Charles 36 11/8/1881
Lucas, KS m Mabel M. Schrader
Schriock George 39 8/7/1879
Dorrance, KS m Katie Schriock
Schuber Albert 26 1/17/1891 Bogue, Graham, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Schuber David Samuel 36 8/7/1882
Dorrance, KS s father-George Schuber
Schuber Ernest F. 24 5/15/1893 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / child
Schuber Fred 28 3/9/1889 Hill City, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Schuber Henry 30 6/1/1886 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 3 children
Schulte Mathias 41 8/1/1877
Gorham, KS m Mary Schulte
Schultz Alexander 39 6/11/1879
Bunker Hill, KS m Katie Schultz
Schultz Alexander David 18 5/12/1900
Bunker Hill, KS s mother-Katie Schultz
Schultz Andreas 45 12/9/1873
Lucas, KS m Mary Schultz
Schultz David 27 3/17/1890 Dreispitz, Russia Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 2 children
Schurr Charles Delbert 41 12/28/1876
Luray, KS m Anna Schurr
Schurr Frank Elmer 34 12/12/1883
Luray, KS m Edith Schurr
Schurr Wm. David 44 9/1/1875
Luray, KS s father-David Schurr
Schwartz Fred Charles 44 3/16/1874
Gorham, KS m Annie Schwartz
Schwartz Wm. Albert 36 10/12/1881
Gorham, KS m Emma O. Schwartz
Schwein Sigmund 22 5/28/1894 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Schwien Ferdinand 21 5/10/1897
Russell, KS s father-Fred Schwien
Schwien Jake 40 10/8/1877
Russell, KS ? sister-Mrs. Katie Niedenthal-Russell
Scott Allen Ray 25 5/2/1892 Dandish, MO (?) Russell, KS m wife / child
Scott Clinton Laurence 41 10/28/1876
Lucas, KS m Nellie Scott
Scott David Henderson 35 9/16/1882
Russell, KS s father-H.K. Scott-Russell
Scott Francis Marion 32 12/23/1885
Russell, KS m Edna May Scott
Scott Herbert Rudolph 28 7/7/1888 K.C., MO Russell, KS m wife
Scott John Wallace 22 6/1/1895 Carrollton, MO Russell, KS m wife
Scott Wm. Martin 40 12/29/1877
Dorrance, KS m Eva Adeline Scott
Scott Wm. Walter 30 12/27/1886 Falun, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Scranton Watson Wilber 38 11/1/1879
Waldo, KS m Mrs. W.W. Scranton
Scrivens Carlos Greeley 32 1/8/1886
Lucas, KS m Clementine Mabel Scrivens
Scrivens Flavel Theodore 21 6/6/1895 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Scrivens James Madison 40 3/30/1878
Lucas, KS m Bertha Scrivens
Scrivens Leslie Schuyler 24 2/23/1893 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Searle Wm. Edward 36 10/13/1881
Luray, KS m Nellie J. Searle
Sechtem Anton H. 30 1/4/1887 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s mother
Sechtem Henry 35 7/7/1883
Dorrance, KS m Margie Sechtem
Sechtem John J. 29 5/31/1888 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s mother
Segeda Francisco 24 1893 Mexico Gorham, KS s none listed
Sellens Alvin Rodelphus 37 5/9/1881
Dorrance, KS m Dora Sellens
Sellens Arthur Marion 33 3/23/1886
Bunker Hill, KS s Mary Elizabeth Sellens
Sellens Cecil James 19 11/30/1898
Bunker Hill, KS s James Talmage Sellens
Sellens Charles Clark 39 9/19/1878
Bunker Hill, KS m Agnes Sellens
Sellens Chester Clark 23 3/18/1894 Russell, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Sellens George Martain (sic) 39 2/7/1879
Bunker Hill, KS m Clara Bell Sellens
Sellens Henry Martain (sic) 25 6/25/1891 Russell, KS Hoisington, KS m wife / child
Sellens Walter 21 9/3/1895 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Sellens Wm. Alfred 39 12/4/1878
Russell, KS m Lena Sellens
Sellens Wm. Horace 41 4/25/1877
Bunker Hill, KS m Amelia Sellens
Seyfert Wm. F. 26 5/6/1891 Claflin, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Seymour Alva Edward 26 10/30/1890 Topeka, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Seymour Warra Leland 26 9/27/1890 Louisana, MO Waldo, KS m wife
Shaffer Charles Wilmer 39 3/14/1879
Russell, KS m Catherine Shaffer
Shaffer Clarence Abraham 34 2/1/1884
Russell, KS m Mrs. C.A. Shaffer
Shaffer Harry Mervin 38 1/8/1880
Bunker Hill, KS m Sarah Jane Shaffer
Shaffer Ira Chaffin 35 5/20/1883
Bunker Hill, KS m Mary Mildred Shaffer
Shaffer Joseph Earl 21 5/10/1897 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s Elmer Shaffer
Shaffer Pearl Theodore 36 10/14/1881
Bunker Hill, KS m Kathryn Shaffer
Shaffer Ray 28 12/1/1888 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Shaffner Edward Preston 41 1/12/1877
Russell, KS m Ida F. Shaffner
Shaffstall Elam 22 5/4/1895 Lincoln, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Shaffstall Frank F. 24 3/27/1893 Lincoln, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Shafstall Ralph Leverne 20 11/28/1897
Luray, KS s D.F. Shafastall-Luray
Sharp Charles Edward 37 7/19/1881
Lucas, KS m Gladys Sharp
Sharp Eugene 40 7/31/1878
Lucas, KS m Mary Sharp
Shaver George Arthur 32 2/28/1886
Bunker Hill, KS m Clara J. Shaver
Shaver Walter Roy 36 10/31/1882
Bunker Hill, KS m Anna I. Shaver
Sheaffer Bertram Carlton 38 8/7/1880
Russell, KS s mother-Laura E. Sheaffer
Sheaffer Claude Robert 43 1/12/1875
Russell, KS s mother-Mrs. Isaac D. Sheaffer
Shearer Wm. Edward 20 6/19/1898
Bunker Hill, KS s Edward Richard
Shelden Bennie Roy Fisher 29 5/7/1888 Atlantic, IA Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Shenk Ira Martin 44 7/24/1878
Dorrance, KS m Ada Mae Shenk
Sheriff Arthur Albert 44 7/13/1874
Russell, KS m Mrs. Arthur Sheriff
Sherman Henry E. 26 6/6/1891 Winslow, IN Dorrance, KS m wife / child
Shiroky John H. 29 10/23/1887 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife
Shiroky Joseph 42 8/24/1876
Luray, KS m Antonette Shiroky
Shiroky Vaclov James 35 11/9/1882
Lucas, KS m Anna Shiroky
Shoemaker Cark Steven 23 4/1/1894 Guthrie, OK Paradise, KS m wife
Shores Clarence 29 5/18/1888 Norcatur, KS Paradise, KS m wife
Shores Emery 21 2/14/1897 Norton, KS Paradise, KS m wife
Shores Herbert 30 5/24/1887 Norton, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Showman Albert Henry 29 1/21/1888 Nebraska Russell, KS s none listed
Shreve Robert E. 29 2/13/1888 Decker Sta., IN (?) Luray, KS s none listed
Shull Charles Arwine 25 4/6/1892 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Shull Wilbur Miles 21 10/6/1896 Luray, KS Luray, KS m Bertha Shull
Shultz Charles Francis 44 9/11/1874
Bunker Hill, KS m Amy J. Shultz
Siemers George Christ. 21 1/22/1897 Two Rivers, MN (?) Luray, KS s father-John Siemers
Siemers Henry Adolph 22 10/16/1895 Morrison Co., MN Luray, KS s none listed
Siemers William F. 25 1/10/1892 Ellendale, MN Luray, KS m wife
Simpon Harold Polett 29 9/18/1887 England Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Sims Raymond Harry 18 10/17/1899
Lucas, KS s mother-Mrs. Mabel Sims
Sine Harold Lester 25 5/10/1892 Choctaw, OK Russell, KS s none listed
Sinfield James 42 6/4/1876
Russell, KS m Edna
Sinner Fred 24 10/16/1892 Argentina, S.A. Dorrance, KS s none listed
Sisneros Juan 21 6/24/1897 Mexico Gorham, KS ? Donaciano Sisneros - Mexico
Skiles Wm. James 41 8/2/1877
Dorrance, KS s William Skiles-Pittsburg, PA
Slader Jerry Joseph 33 11/22/1884
Lucas, KS m Mary Slader
Slimmer Nahum Ruthford 29 3/17/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS s 3 children 
Slimmer Samuel Ralph 43 7/30/1875
Russell, KS s Mary Elizabeth Slimmer
Sloan Wm. Wilson 33 12/14/1894
Gorham, KS s mother-Della Sloan
Small Charley Gillen 41 2/3/1877
Wilson, KS m Rosie Small
Small Emery Diehl 20 10/30/1897
Wilson, KS s mother-Minnie Small
Small H.M. 27 2/16/1890 Wilson, KS Gorham, KS m wife / child
Small John Henry 19 7/23/1899
Wilson, KS s mother-Rosa Small
Small John Vantriece 45 12/8/1872
Gorham, KS m Clara B. Small
Smejkal Charles 24 2/26/1893 Pueblo, CO Gorham, KS m wife / 2 children
Smeltana Anton H. 36 5/25/1882 Czech. Russell, KS m Rose Smeltana
Smiley Charles Elmer 41 7/7/1877
Waldo, KS m Kathleen Smiley
Smith Alva Lee, Jr. 18 6/4/1900
Lucas, KS s Alva Smith, Sr.
Smith Alva Lee, Sr. 44 1/13/11874
Lucas, KS m Emma R. Smith
Smith Ardle Edward 25 11/13/1891 Mitchell Co., KS Russell, KS m wife
Smith Calvin W. 42 12/26/1876
Dorrance, KS m Cora Ethel Smith
Smith Charles Elmer 19 9/13/1898
Luray, KS s mother-Mattie Smith
Smith Dave George 38 1/18/1880
Lucas, KS m Myrtle Smith
Smith Edward F. 20 1/18/1897 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS m Ruby Smith
Smith Edward Mack 41 5/2/1877
Luray, KS s father-J.W. Smith
Smith Francis Leman 44 5/6/1874
Lucas, KS m Celia A. Smith
Smith Harry Elwood 44 7/30/1874
Russell, KS m Nina Smith
Smith Herbert Barkheart 42 3/21/1876
Dorrance, KS m Bessie Smith
Smith John Alfred 20 5/29/1898
Waldo, KS s mother-Johanna Smith
Smith John Allen 35 4/28/1883
Luray, KS m Cora Elsie Smith
Smith Losee Rowe 21 6/30/1898 Fairport, KS Russell, KS s W.E. Smith
Smith Maurice Russell 42 2/19/1876
Russell, KS m Stella Smith
Smith Merritt David 45 6/12/1873
Russell, KS m Ila May Smith
Smith Mort Emery 38 12/5/1879
Lucas, KS m Ola Smith
Smith Orlin Dewey 20 7/22/1898
Russell, KS s Wm. E. Smith
Smith Wm. John 27 3/15/1890 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS m wife / child
Smith Wyatt Cyrus 21 3/16/1897 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m June Smith
Snader Curtis Emit 40 1/17/1878
Bunker Hill, KS m Zna Snader
Snyder Harold L. 18 11/5/1899
Russell, KS s C.M. Snyder
Snyder Ivan Jennings 18 6/10/1900
Lucas, KS s Mrs. M.L. Snyder
Snyder Merritt Luke 44 9/12/1874
Lucas, KS m Annis Snyder
Snyder Wm. Marion 23 11/16/1894 Osborne Co., KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife & mother
Soukup Louis Jacob 36 5/24/1882
Dorrance, KS m Mary A. Soukup
Soukup Vaclav 44 8/9/1874
Dorrance, KS m Mary A. Soukup
Sowell Leonardo 18 4/19/1900
Russell, KS s mother-Jane Sowell
Sowell Nelson 20 3/10/1898
Russell, KS s mother-Jane Sowell
Spaedt Jacob Jr. 24 11/7/1892 Blumenfeldt, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Spalding Robert 30 11/2/1886 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Spears Earl 18 4/8/1900
Dorrance, KS s Mary Spears
Speere Maurice 40 5/27/1878 Ireland Russell, KS m Margaret Speere
Spence William O. 37 9/20/1880
Bunker Hill, KS ? Mrs. J.D. Hartman, Winchester, VA
Spencer Frank O. 24 11/16/1893 Greeley, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Sperry Harry Bells 32 9/20/1885
Lucas, KS m Florence Sperry
Sperry Lewis Sheldon 40 7/7/1877
Lucas, KS ? J.E. Sperry
Spicer Melvin Emery 25 5/14/1892 Trumansburg, NY Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Spielman Ernest 41 7/23/1877
Russell, KS ? Henry Bender-Russell
Sprinkle Oliver Franklin 37 4/7/1881
Dorrance, KS m Anna Sprinkle
Sprinkle Raymond L. 23 4/6/1896 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
St. Aubyn Ernest Leisister 28 5/30/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
St. Aubyn Everett Stanley 18 7/7/1900
Russell, KS s Guy St. Aubyn
St. Aubyn Guy Edgar 29 12/4/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
St. Aubyn Robert M. 21 2/11/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
St. John Lawrence E. 27 5/7/1890 Iroquios, SD Russell, KS m wife / child
Stafford Oscar 36 6/23/1882
Gorham, KS m Sarah Stafford
Staggers Daniel Walton 23 2/2/1893 Waynesburg, PA Paradise, KS s none listed
Stagner Hurbert Kentner 36 4/3/1882
Waldo, KS m Gertrude Stagner
Stagner Raymond Walter 21 1/7/1896 Chillicothe, MO Lucas, KS m wife
Stagner Wm. Hiram 38 5/31/1880
Lucas, KS m Amy Stagner
Stanton Charles Lesley 26 11/20/1891 Turksville, KS (?) Fairport, KS s none listed
Stanton Leonard Lewis 28 7/23/1888 Hutchinson, KS Fairport, KS s none listed
Starks Henry 22 9/22/1894 Creighton, MO Lucas, KS s none listed
Staudinger Adolph John 18 1/5/1900
Dorrance, KS s John Staudinger
Staudinger Joseph Frederick 20 2/24/1898
Dorrance, KS s John Staudinger
Steinbock Fred 21 7/15/1895 Portland, OR Lucas, KS s none listed
Steinert Edward 20 12/3/1897
Russell, KS s John Steinert
Steinert Emanuel 26 1/8/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Steinert Ferdinand 22 12/28/1894 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Steinert Fred Jr. 26 9/24/1890 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Steinert Georg Jr. 20 11/2/1897
Russell, KS s Georg Steinert
Steinert Georg K. 23 10/20/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Steinert Henry 28 5/14/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Steinert Jonathan 27 4/18/1890 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Steinert Julius 25 8/28/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Steinert Reinhardt 40 5/28/1878 Russell, KS Russell, KS m Annie Steinert
Steinert Sigmond 18 5/4/1899
Russell, KS s none listed
Steinle Alex. Wm. 28 9/6/1888 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Steinle Andrew A. 21 11/4/1896 Dreispitz, Russia Dorrance, KS s mother
Steinle Andrew Henry 44 6/8/1874
Dorrance, KS s Andrew Steinle
Steinle Ben F. 24 12/13/1892 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Steinle Daniel Peter 41 12/28/1876
Dorrance, KS m Lydia Steinle
Steinle Dave S. 39 2/5/1879
Dorrance, KS m Julia Steinle
Steinle Dave S. 21 12/2/1896 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s David S. Steinle
Steinle David Andrew 35 1/28/1883
Dorrance, KS m Amelia Steinle
Steinle David F. 22 12/28/1894 Russia Dorrance, KS s none listed
Steinle David J. 28 12/18/1888 Russia Dorrance, KS m wife / 3 children
Steinle David John 36 12/8/1882
Russell, KS m Anna Steinle
Steinle David W. 22 4/28/1895 Dreispitz, Russia Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Steinle Ezra David 19 9/20/1898
Dorrance, KS s mother-Julia Steinle
Steinle Fred D. 21 4/28/1897 Dreispitz, Russia Dorrance, KS s Godfrey Steinle
Steinle Fred H. 33 3/7/1885 Dreispitz, Russia Dorrance, KS m Lydia Steinle
Steinle Georg 32 12/25/1886
Dorrance, KS m Molly Steinle
Steinle Gottfried D. 45 1/18/1873
Dorrance, KS m Katie Steinle
Steinle Henry 38 9/4/1880
Dorrance, KS m Rosa Steinle
Steinle Henry D. 27 10/21/1889 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Steinle Henry Gottfried 20 12/29/1897
Dorrance, KS s mother-Mrs. Rachel Reh-Timken, KS
Steinle Jacob 21 10/8/1896 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / child
Steinle Jacob Henry 22 9/28/1894 Palacky, KS Dorrance, KS m wife
Steinle Jake 19 9/28/1899
Wilson, KS ? Anna Steinle
Steinle John David 21 10/8/1895 Wilson, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Steinle John Fred 27 10/14/1889 Palacky, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Steinle Samuel 18 9/18/1899
Dorrance, KS s D.W. Steinle
Steinle William 32 10/12/1885
Dorrance, KS m Minnie Steinle
Stenzel Alexander 28 3/5/1889 Gnadenthau, Russia Russell, KS m wife / parents
Stenzel Frederick Waldemar 20 7/29/1898
Russell, KS ? Elizabeth Stenzel
Stenzel Victor 22 1/27/18895 Gnadenthau, Russia Russell, KS s parents
Stephens John Thomas 35 5/23/1883
Russell, KS m Grace B. Stephens
Steward John Jacob 18 11/22/1899
Russell, KS s Adelbert D. Stewart
Steward Michael Ray 24 1/15/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Stewart Adron 42 3/22/1877
Russell, KS s Mrs. A. Stewart
Stiers Floyd Cecil 21 12/2/1895 Natoma, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Stone Michael Floyd 25 1/8/1892 Wilson, KS Russell, KS m wife / 3 children
Stoppel Alex 26 11/14/1890 Russia Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Stoppel Alexander 25 9/7/1891 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Stoppel Carl 23 10/8/1893 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Stoppel Christ 21 12/11/1895 Russia Luray, KS m none listed
Stoppel Emanuel 21 4/27/1897 Russell Co., KS Wilson, KS s father-Christian Stoppel
Stoppel Henry 43 6/9/1875
Luray, KS m Lizzie Stoppel
Stoppel Henry 22 4/15/1894 Blackwolf, KS Wichita, KS m wife / child
Stoppel Henry Jacob 19 1/10/1899
Wilson, KS s Christian Stoppel
Stoppel Jacob 22 2/19/1895 Russia Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Stoppel Jacob 19 3/23/1899
Luray, KS m Lizzie Stoppel
Stover Charles Edward 45 2/4/1873
Lucas, KS M Jessie Stover
Strahm Charles 40 2/4/1878
Waldo, KS m Elsie A. Strahm
Strange John Benjamin 30 6/10/1886 Lincoln, KS Waldo, KS m wife / child
Streck John Jacob 28 3/17/1889 Saratov, Russia Russell, KS m wife / 4 children
Strecker Alex 21 7/15/1897 Russell, KS Russell, KS s August Strecker
Strecker Alexander 20 3/31/1898
Russell, KS s Georg Strecker
Strecker Alexander Albert 22 2/11/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS s mother
Strecker August F. 27 9/9/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Strecker Benj. Franklin 29 2/3/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Strecker Carl Edward 21 6/10/1896 Junction City, KS Luray, KS s mother-Minnie Strecker
Strecker Frederick Wm. 29 4/10/1888 Yankton, SD Russell, KS s none listed
Strecker Georg David 23 11/26/1893 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Strecker Harry Allen 19 6/8/1899
Luray, KS s mother-Minnie Strecker
Strecker Henry 33 11/15/1884
Paradise, KS m Mrs. Henry Strecker
Strecker Herman 26 2/3/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Strecker Jacob 18 12/10/1899
Russell, KS s George Strecker
Strecker John 21 7/16/1895 Milberger, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Strecker John Georg 22 4/13/1895 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Strecker John Jacob, Jr 34 2/6/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS m Mrs. John J. Strecker
Strecker Julius 28 5/6/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Strecker Walter Leo 21 4/23/1896 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Strickbine Jacob 21 4/6/1896 Herington, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Stricker Gotfred 21 1/4/1897 Shcherbakovka, Rus Russell, KS s Henry Stricker
Stricker Henry 19 10/31/1898
Russell, KS s Henry Stricker
Strite Walter Winfield 29 9/25/1887 Cottonwood Falls, KS Waldo, KS m wife / 2 children
Stritesky James Charlie 30 8/11/1886 Leznick, Bohemia Lucas, KS m wife / child
Stritesky Joseph Albert 44 2/21/1874
Luray, KS m Christina Stritesky
Strobel William John 42 1/26/1876
Bunker Hill, KS m Debbie A. Strobel
Stroh Fred Henry 43 7/22/1875
Dorrance, KS m Annie Stroh
Stuckwish Lewis Fredrick 38 2/28/1881
Dorrance, KS s Fred Stuckwish-Brownstown, IN
Stum Elmer Henry 34 7/23/1884
Russell, KS m Carrie Stum
Stum Glen Donald 20 12/23/1898
Wilson, KS ? Mary Stum
Stum Ira Calvin 40 4/15/1878
Russell, KS m Martha A. Stum
Sturdavent Ralph Elton 27 8/24/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Sturgeon Leo 21 5/12/1896 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Suhr Arthur 27 7/19/1898 Lincoln, KS Paradise, KS m wife
Sullivan Jerry D. 28 1/19/1889 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Summer Charles Alason 21 5/3/1896 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Sutton Lawrence Longworth 37 1/6/1881
Russell, KS ? Mary L. Sutton-Denver, CO
Svejkovski Anton H. 29 9/25/1887 Austria Lucas, KS s none listed
Swanson Wm. Arthur 27 12/31/1889 Marshfield, MO Russell, KS s none listed
Swartz William Carl 18 2/12/1900
Gorham, KS s Minnie Swartz
Tabler Frank Lawrence 25 10/26/1891 Waldo, KS Luray, KS M wife / child
Talbott Joseph Ward 42 6/27/1876
Russell, KS m Mrs. J.W. Talbott
Talley Ernest Newton 33 4/14/1885
Waldo, KS m Elsie Fannie Talley
Talley Jacob Milburn 41 8/19/1877
Waldo, KS m Ella Talley
Tate David Ora 32 2/25/1886
Luray, KS s mother-Ella Tate
Tatman Jesse 41 3/29/1877
Lucas, KS m Belle Tatman
Taylor George Thomas 24 no info listed Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Taylor John Edd 41 12/30/1876 Luray, KS Luray, KS m Cora Isabelle Taylor
Templing George 43 1/8/1875
Russell, KS m Mrs. Geo. Templing
Teppe Charles A. 39 4/20/1879
Dorrance, KS s mother-Lena Teppe
Teppe Wm. Gustavus 29 8/30/1887 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s mother
Terry Floyd B. 19 4/13/1899
Russell, KS s Jennie L. Terry
Terry Lester Whiting 35 3/3/1883
Waldo, KS m Anna N. Terry
Terry Loyd B. 19 4/13/1899
Russell, KS s Jennie L. Terry
Thacker Geo. Frederick 38 9/30/1880
Bunker Hill, KS m Sarah Thacker
Thaete Edward Wm. 43 5/18/1875
Lucas, KS m Mabel Thaete
Thielen Adam J. 28 9/4/1888 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 2 children
Thielen Edward A. 28 3/10/1889 Wilson, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / parents
Thielen Francis L. 21 7/19/1896 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s Philip Thielen
Thielen Fred F. 30 1/3/1887 Wilson, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / child
Thielen John B. 26 7/25/1891 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 3 children
Thielen John Peter 41 8/2/1877
Dorrance, KS m Virginia Thielen
Thielen Mathias Joseph 23 8/19/1894 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS s none listed
Thielen Pete 29 4/7/1888 Wilson, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 2 children
Thoman Claude Austin 26 10/16/1890 Bunker Hill, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Thoman Jacob Amos 37 7/26/1881
Bunker Hill, KS m Lettie E. Thoman
Thoman Roy Sylvanius 28 2/6/1889 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Thoman William Tilden 42 9/2/1876
Russell, KS m Grace L. Thoman
Thomas Geo. Clayton 18 12/14/1899
Bunker Hill, KS s C.U. Thomas
Thomas Howard Eugene 34 10/19/1884
Waldo, KS m Wilhelmina Thomas
Thomas Robert Elisha 33 9/11/1885
Luray, KS s mother-Ella Thomas
Thomas Siegfield S.H. 39 8/3/1879
Waldo, KS m Caroline Thomas
Thomasson James Florence 42 12/25/1875
Dorrance, KS m Katherine Barbara Thomasson
Thorp Walter Leroy 42 9/5/1876
Lucas, KS m Lottie Viola Thorp
Thurman Homer 34 5/1/1883
Paradise, KS ? Maudie Smith
Tibbetts James Everett 27 9/15/1889 Alhambra, IL (?) Russell, KS s none listed
Tidball Leslie Earl 22 12/15/1894 Iowa Lucas, KS m wife / child
Tidball Norman Edward 32 1/31/1886
Lucas, KS s mother-Jessie Tidball
Tiedemann Herman George 28 8/23/1889 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Tilzey Lawrence Henry 22 9/9/1894 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s mother
Tilzey Marvin Gladman 21 11/15/1896 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s Gertrude Tilzey
Tisdale Arthur Strange 25 2/7/1892 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Tisdale Charles W. 27 7/8/1890 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Tittel David 45 7/26/1873
Galatia, KS m Molly Tittel
Tittel Fred Jr. 18 12/8/1899
Russell, KS s Fred Tittel, Sr.
Tittel Georg 26 1/30/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / ? Children
Tittel Jacob 41 9/16/1876
Russell, KS m Mrs. Jacob Tittel
Titus John Emil 19 5/11/1899
Lucas, KS s mother-Mrs. Antonia Titus
Tobias Fred Albert 36 2/11/1884
Bunker Hill, KS m Anna Mary Tobias
Tolan George W. 30 5/23/1887 Schuyler Co., IL Bunker Hill, KS m wife / 3 children
Torrence Lee 27 2/6/1890 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS m wife / child
Torrence Lewis Layman 33 12/23/1884
Lucas, KS m Mrs. Jessie E. Torrence
Towner Arthur Beryl 36 10/24/1881
Gorham, KS m Iva L. Towner
Towner Charles Oliver 22 7/18/1895 Amberly, OH Lucas, KS s none listed
Trapp Darius Andrew 35 7/21/1883
Lucas, KS m Katie Trapp
Trapp John Charles 38 1/10/1893
Russell, KS m Mrs. J.C. Trapp
Trefethen Eguene Charles 25 1/10/1893 Mitchell Co., KS Luray, KS s none listed
Trefethen James Christian 45 2/16/1873
Dorrance, KS m Christie Lucinda Trefethen
Trefethen John Philip 39 12/8/1878
Lucas, KS s mother-Naomi Trefethen
Trefethen Oliver H. 43 1/8/1875
Lucas, KS m Claudia B. Trefethen
Trefethen Wm. Alfred 41 12/15/1876
Lucas, KS s mother-Naomi Trefethen
Trexler Lovell George 22 5/5/1893 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Tribby/Tribley Arthur Jared 27 10/24/1890 Meadville, PA Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Tripp Harley Potter 45 2/14/1873
Waldo, KS m Jessie E. Tripp
Trochta John 34 2/3/1885
Dorrance, KS m Emma Trochta
Trump Merrit Berton 43 11/9/1874
Russell, KS m Synthia Florence Trump
Turgeon Leo Victor 27 2/27/1890 K.C., MO Dorrance, KS m wife
Turner Charles Francis 24 8/11/1892 Topeka, KS Russell, KS m wife
Turner Norton A. 42 10/7/1876
Russell, KS m Mrs. N.A. Turner
Uber Cecil Ambrose 26 12/5/1890 Cheyenne, KS (?) Luray, KS m wife / child
Uksa / Ukson Joe W. 30 3/19/1887 Germany Luray, KS s none listed
Ulrey John Harrison 22 10/7/1894 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Ulrey Wm. McKinley 20 1/27/1898
Lucas, KS s A.H. Ulrey
Underwood William Ernest 29 2/8/1888 Howard City, KS Lucas, KS m wife / 2 children
Urban Charles Arthur 20 10/27/1897
Dorrance, KS s Thomas Urban
Vanderbur Arthur James 21 8/25/1897
Russell, KS ? Fannie E. Vanderbur
Vanderbur Carl Eugene 22 7/18/1894 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Vanderbur John Ernest 21 1/6/1896 Lawrence, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Vargas Desiderio 45 1/28/1873 Mexico Russell, KS m Mrs. D. Rominez Vargas
Varguez Sipriano 39 9/16/1879 Mexico Russell, KS m Elodia Lopez Varguez
Vaughn Clarence Lee 27 3/6/1890 Topeka, KS Lucas, KS m wife / child
Vaughn David Earl 25 2/7/1892 Topeka, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Veh Christ 39 10/16/1878
Natoma, KS m Anna Veh
Vejl Joseph 41 12/1/1876
Bunker Hill, KS m Francis Vejl
Venus John Wesley 42 7/4/1876
Russell, KS m Johanna E. Venus
Veselaky Joseph Frank 18 10/8/1899
Gorham, KS s mother-Anna Milberger
Veverka Amos Thomas 34 3/3/1884
Dorrance, KS m Mary C. Veverka
Veverka Joseph James 36 4/3/1882
Dorrance, KS m Mrs. Rosa Veverka
Veverka Tony A. 27 5/19/1890 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS m wife
Villanal Andres 21 11/30/1897
Dorrance, KS s John Villanal
Vogel David, Jr. 21 9/23/1896 Dreispitz, Russia Dorrance, KS s David Vogel, Sr.
Vopat Frank 34 1/6/1884
Lucas, KS m Anna M. Vopat
Vosberg Willis Archer 40 1/17/1878
Russell, KS m Minnie Pearl Vosberg
Wagner Benjamin 35 9/18/1882
Russell, KS m Katie Wagner
Wagner Henry 23 2/23/1894 Russell, KS Russell, KS s none listed
Wagner Jacob B. 28 4/15/1898 Bauer, Russia Russell, KS m wife / child
Wagner John 18 3/8/1900
Russell, KS s father-J.W.Wagner
Wagner Robert 32 2/24/1885 Munich, Germany Russell, KS s none listed
Wahl Jacob, Jr. 41 7/5/1877
Gorham, KS m Anna Wahl
Walizer Clarence Wm. 21 12/19/1896 Golden, IL (?) Russell, KS s Henry Walizer
Walker Roy Harold 24 3/31/1893 K.C., MO Luray, KS m wife
Wallace Henry Russell 39 11/22/1878
Russell, KS m Mrs. H.R. Wallace
Wallace James Russell 29 3/16/1888 Penfield, NY Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Wallace Lew H. 28 11/20/1888 Lucas, KS Lucas, KS s none listed
Wallace William Allen 27 6/10/1989 Ness City, KS Russell, KS m wife
Wallert Alexander 33 11/8/1884
Dorrance, KS m Annie Wallert
Wallis Gaile Ferris 22 9/19/1894 Jonesboro, TX (?) Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Walmer Fred B. 29 1/23/1888 Wilson, KS Luray, KS m wife / 2 children
Walmer Harry Cecil 26 9/4/1890 Wilson, KS Luray, KS m wife / 2 children
Walmer Otto Leroy 32 3/31/1886
Lucas, KS ? Mrs. B.B. Walmer
Walter Carl 30 3/1/1887 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS m wife
Walter Dave 34 12/25/1884
Wilson, KS m Anna Walter
Walter Fredrick Henry 19 2/7/1889
Wilson, KS s mother-Katie Walter
Walter John 40 8/9/1878
Wilson, KS s Conrad Walter
Walter Melvin Greene 28 10/7/1889 Magnolia, KY Luray, KS s none listed
Walter Wm. McKinley 21 11/5/1896 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s Conrad Walter, Jr.
Walz Arthur Sumner 39 3/22/1879
Dorrance, KS m Anna Rae Walz
Walz Fred E. 27 1/24/1890 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS wd 1 child
Ward James Howard 39 10/10/1878
Lucas, KS s sis-Harriet Mabel Ward
Ward Jonathan Taylor 42 12/20/1975
Lucas, KS m Mary M. Ward
Wareheim Charles F. 27 6/9/1889 Wilsonville, NE Gorham, KS s none listed
Wareheim George Jacob 35 7/23/1883
Gorham, KS m Dora Wareheim
Washburn Wm. Edward 39 4/14/1879
Dorrance, KS m Carrie A. Washburn
Wasinger Nicholas 23 3/15/1894 Schoenchen, KS Russell, KS m wife
Watson William McDonald 29 12/7/1887 Grove, OK Bunker Hill, KS m wife / child
Waudby Alfred 42 10/11/1875
Russell, KS m Lena Waudby
Waudby Brown 37 11/21/1880
Russell, KS m Cora Almina Waudby
Waudby Geo. Edward 21 10/19/1896 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s mother-Amelia E. Speere
Waudby William 44 12/10/1873
Gorham, KS m Vida Waudby
Waymaster David 39 11/13/1878
Bunker Hill, KS m Anna Waymaster
Waymaster George 21 4/20/1897 Russell, KS Bunker Hill, KS s Fred Waymaster
Waymaster Henry 32 9/17/1885
Bunker Hill, KS s David Waymaster
Waymaster Henry 25 9/15/1891 Russell, KS Bunker Hill, KS m wife
Waymaster Jacob 22 12/20/1894 Russell, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Weakley John Gedes 45 5/25/1873
Dorrance, KS m Grace Weakley
Weatherhead Robert Albert 38 3/11/1880
Lucas, KS m Mrs. E.C. Weatherhead
Weber Joseph J. 30 10/12/1886 Dubuque, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 3 children
Weber Leslie Howard 39 9/30/1878
Luray, KS m Edith Zola Weber
Weber Mathias A. 21 4/19/1897 Dorrance, KS Dorrance, KS ? Mary Weber
Weber Ross Leon 27 4/16/1890 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Webster Lyman David 20 40401898
Luray, KS m Avis Webster
Weeks Ralph Crist 19 2/14/1899
Bunker Hill, KS s father-Lee C. Weeks
Wegele Solomon 18 2/6/1900
Galatia, KS s father-Jacob Wegele
Wehrli Jacob Rudolph 21 2/17/1897 Russell Co., KS Dorrance, KS s Jacob Wehrli
Wehrli Rudolph Jacob 23 10/30/1893 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Weians Samuel Norton 45 7/30/1873
Lucas, KS m Minnie Weians
Weigel Albert M. 36 6/18/1882
Russell, KS m Eva Weigel
Weimaster Fred 28 11/1/1888 Dietle, Russia Russell, KS m wife / child
Weimer David, Jr. 23 10/10/1893 Blumenfeldt, Russia Russell, KS s none listed
Weimer Jacob 20 10/21/1897 Russia Russell, KS s David Weimer-Monte Vista, CO
Weinhardt William 42 3/17/1877
Dorrance, KS m Mary Weinhardt
Weinhold Henry George 36 12/19/1882
Dorrance, KS m Mayne / Mayme E. Weinhold
Weiss Frank 38 12/30/1879
Paradise, KS s sis-Mrs. Dadie Hazlett
Welch Clyde Clayton 21 7/19/1896 Wilson, KS Russell, KS s Nevada C. Welch
Welch Loyd Ruport 18 4/1/1900
Russell, KS s Nevada C. Welch
Wells Charles R. 29 12/30/1887 New Albany, IN Paradise, KS m wife / child
Wells Edward Dewey 19 1/11/1899
Russell, KS s Howel Francis Wells
Wells Frank Harrison 24 12/10/1892 New Albany, IN Russell, KS s none listed
Wells George Henry 37 4/18/1881
Luray, KS m Marie Wells
Wells James Bruce 34 12/25/1883
Paradise, KS m Mrs. J.B. Wells
Wells John Wm. 33 12/20/1884
Russell, KS m Gertrude May Wells
Wells Thornton Walton 41 4/10/1877
Russell, KS m Ada A. Wells
Wendland Frederick Wm. 33 10/21/1884
Lucas, KS m Mary Wendland
Wenger Andrew Charles 36 1/3/1882
Russell, KS m Susanna L. Wenger
Wenger Benj. Edward 29 9/30/1887 Lincoln, MO Russell, KS s none listed
Wenger Joseph Sylvester 32 5/25/1886
Russell, KS m Mrs. J.S. Wenger
Wentworth Frank Reginald 21 7/16/1896 Herrington, KS Russell, KS m Mrs. F.R. Wentworth
Wentworth Hiram Hill 25 5/31/1892 Herrington, KS Russell, KS m wife
Wenzel Paul August 25 8/16/1891 Alma, KS Russell, KS m wife / 2 children
Werner Albert Henry 33 9/26/1884
Dorrance, KS m Bertha Gertrude Werner
Westfall Byron Kirkpatrick 21 4/27/1897 Wamego, KS Waldo, KS s B.J. Westfall
Westfall Gilbert Francis 34 1/23/1884
Russell, KS m Alice Westfall
Westfall Raymond Wilson 27 5/14/1890 Wamego, KS Waldo, KS s none listed
Westfall Walter Enos 23 9/30/1893 Wamego, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Wheatley Charles 25 6/3/1892 LaJunta, CO Bunker Hill, KS s mother & father
White Charles Albert 21 7/3/1897 Scranton, KS Bunker Hill, KS s Howard A. White
White George Lovell 34 6/30/1884
Luray, KS m Violet White
White Henry A. 29 12/5/1887 Bunker Hill, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 3 children
Whitman Charles Rudolph 40 6/1/1878
Waldo, KS m Eva Whitman
Whitman Francis Albert 45 5/10/1873
Luray, KS m Katie P. Whitman
Whitman Fred Alexander 33 5/21/1885
Waldo, KS m Mary Whitman
Whitman Henry 39 7/27/1879
Russell, KS m Eva Elisabeth Whitman
Whitman Paul Valentine 25 9/10/1891 Luray, KS Luray, KS s mother and one child
Whitmer George Jacob 41 8/10/1877
Dorrance, KS m Anna May Whitmer
Whitmer Henry A. 22 10/14/1894 Wilson, KS Wilson, KS s none listed
Whitmer Louis Fred 34 8/19/1884
Wilson, KS m Bessie Whitmer
Wichers Peter Henry 29 4/15/1888 Hannover, Germany Russell, KS m wife / child
Wiedeman George 19 11/21/1898
Russell, KS s Henry Wiedeman, Sr.
Wiedeman Henry Jr. 34 8/17/1884
Russell, KS m Sophia Wiedeman
Wiens Peter Henry 44 1/31/1874
Dorrance, KS m Lena Wiens
Wilcox Norris Wilbur 29 4/22/1888 Sylvan Grove, KS Paradise, KS m wife / 2 children
Wilcox Robert Wellington 39 10/9/1878
Lucas, KS m Grace Wilcox
Wilkerson Charles Lafe 33 8/18/1885
Gorham, KS m Ollie L. Wilkerson
Wilkerson Edmund George 19 2/14/1899
Lucas, KS s mother-Ruth Wilkerson
Wilkerson George Samuel 42 12/3/1876
Luray, KS m Sybel Stewart Wilkerson
Wilkerson Wayne Adroin ? 30 9/1/1886 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife
Williams Benjamin Franklin 41 5/5/1877
Bunker Hill, KS m Mabel Williams
Williams Dee 25 12/10/1889 Wheatland, MO Dorrance, KS m wife
Williams Francis Worth 35 10/1/1882
Russell, KS m Margaret L. Williams
Williams James Franklin 36 3/8/1882
Gorham, KS m Julia Williams
Williams John E. 23 11/12/1894 Russell, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Williams Lee Scott 25 2/8/1892 Sylvan Grove, KS Paradise, KS m wife / child
Williams Samuel Albert 37 5/22/1888
Lucas, KS m Millie Williams
Williams Wm Ephriam 34 7/12/1884
Russell, KS m Mary Williams
Williamson Frank 34 2/12/1884
Russell, KS m Susie Williamson
Willson Floyd E. 29 10/29/1887 Wilson, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / 4 children
Wilson Many Ray 22 8/5/1894 Waldo, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Wilson William Bryon 21 8/2/1896 Verona, MO Waldo, KS s father-Warren Wilson
Windeck William 29 8/31/1888 Sharon, WI Gorham, KS m wife / child
Wines Charles Edward 29 7/17/1887 Faribault, MN Fairport, KS s parents
Wines John Louis 29 11/25/1888 Barnard, KS Paradise, KS m wife / child
Wines Max Eric 22 1/11/1895 Barnard, KS Paradise, KS s none listed
Wines Wm. Justus 27 3/11/1890 Granite Falls, MN Fairport, KS s none listed
Wing Wm. Ellsworth 40 9/17/1877
Luray, KS m Nellie May Wing
Winningham Adam Ray 29 8/6/1887 Mountain View, MO Paradise, KS m wife / 3 children
Wiseman Clay Enoic 21 8/16/1896 Philadelphia, MO Russell, KS s Annie Wiseman-Hunnewell, MO
Witt Anthony Henry 23 5/31/1894 Gorham, KS Gorham, KS s none listed
Witt Joseph 37 7/18/1881
Russell, KS m Bertha Witt
Wittmann Alexander 34 9/25/1883
Russell, KS m Mollie Wittmann
Wittmann John F. 43 1/22/1875
Russell, KS m Lizzie Wittmann
Woelk George Fred 25 8/23/1891 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife / child
Woelk John Clair 28 8/9/1888 Russell, KS Russell, KS m wife
Woelk Rudolph John 21 7/8/1897 Russell, KS Russell, KS s mother-Pauline Woelk
Wolf Charles Oscar 33 9/15/1884
Russell, KS m Sophia Wolf
Wolf Ira Spangler 23 7/8/1893 Bunker Hill, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Wolf Jacob Roy 26 8/30/1890 Junction City, KS Bunker Hill, KS s none listed
Wolf Walter Francis 19 2/9/1899
Bunker Hill, KS s mother-Ira V. Wolf
Wood Benjamin Sidney 35 1/17/1883
Russell, KS m Katie Wood
Wood Charles Newton 38 5/14/1880
Russell, KS m Charlotte B. Wood
Wood Frank 37 1/25/1881
Waldo, KS s Rosina Spohner-Waldo
Wood Henry 43 2/22/1875
Russell, KS s Joseph Wood
Wood James Allen 42 3/21/1876
Lucas, KS m Ivy / Idoy Wood
Wood Wm. Fountain 41 7/14/1877
Russell, KS m Mary April Wood
Workman Johnson 40 10/19/1877
Russell, KS m Mae Workman
Worland Joseph Thomas 35 9/13/1882
Gorham, KS m Elizabeth L. Worland
Woydziak Alexander Jacob 39 2/25/1879
Dorrance, KS m Francis Woydziak
Woydziak Stephen 40 11/13/1877
Dorrance, KS m Sophia Woydziak
Wright Ernest 26 9/10/1890 Clinton, MO Luray, KS s none listed
Wyatt Fred Carpenter 30 4/21/1887 Belpre, OH Dorrance, KS s none listed
Wyckoff Charles S. Jr. 36 9/2/1882
Luray, KS m Laura Wyckoff
Wyckoff Christian Cornelius 23 4/8/1894 Luray, KS Luray, KS s none listed
Wyckoff Ernest Clifford 30 3/31/1887 Readington, NJ (?) Luray, KS m wife
Wyckoff Howard Vernon 19 8/16/1899
Luray, KS s Charles Wyckoff
Wyckoff Ralph Day 27 10/21/1889 Luray, KS Luray, KS m wife / child
Wyckoff Wm. Sisco 38 3/26/1880
Luray, KS m Bertha C. Wyckoff
Yost Gotfret 24 12/24/1888 Russia Gorham, KS m wife / 2 children
Young Carl O. 29 10/26/1889 Edon, OH Wilson, KS s none listed
Young Daniel Jimeson 37 10/10/1880
Russell, KS m Mrs. D. J. Young
Young Fred 38 8/5/1880
Luray, KS m Mary Young
Youse Henry Edgar 39 11/4/1878
Bunker Hill, KS m Annie Youse
Zamrzla James Edward 45 7/26/1873
Wilson, KS m Hannah Zamrzla
Zaragoes Luis 25 3/21/1892 Mexico Luray, KS s mother
Zaragoes Ramon 28 8/21/1889 Mexico Luray, KS m wife / ? children and mother
Zelenka John 38 2/22/1880
Wilson, KS m Alice Zelenka
Zeller Isaac Henry 35 3/19/1883
Luray, KS m Kate Martha Zeller
Zeman Anton C. 23 6/3/1894 Wilson, KS Dorrance, KS m wife / mother
Zeman Frank Joseph 37 11/28/1880 Bohemia Dorrance, KS m Barbara Zeman
Zeman John 27 4/27/1890 Bohemia Dorrance, KS s none listed
Ziebell Frances Marion 45 6/8/1873
Russell, KS s sis-Mrs. Minnie Addington, Russell
Zimmerman Claud A. 29 1/24/1888 Beloit, KS Paradise, KS s none listed
Zimmerman Edward Walter 35 2/14/1883
Russell, KS m Elizabeth Zimmerman
Zimmerman George 45 7/25/1873
Russell, KS m Edith C. Zimmerman
Zimmerman John Earl 37 3/30/1891
Gorham, KS m Inez Zimmerman
Zimmerman Will Henry 42 10/6/1877
Russell, KS m Lillie Zimmerman
Zipprodt Vincent R. 23 2/13/1894 St. Louis, MO Wilson, KS s none listed