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Ships Arriving in New York Sept. 24-27, 1922

Extracted from LDS  microlfilm #1754924 in Jan. 1999 by Janet Laubhan Flickinger, 314 E. Irene St.,  Salina, KS 67401 <>
This manifest is one of those good ones that lists physical description, amt of money in their possession,  place of birth, previous residence, but more importantly  the  names of nearest relative in the "old country" and the US and sometimes complete addresses of the relative in the US.  Look at the bottom of the page for relative's names and other remarks. The Coronia was the only ship with passengers that were Germans from Russia or  possibly Germans from Russia.

 S.S. Caronia sailing from Hamburg, Sept. 16, 1922....arriving at Port of New York  Sept.26, 1922 
Pg-Line Name in Full Age Sex M/S Calling read/write language Country Race  Place of Birth Prev. Residence Destination
112-18 Oberlaender, Karl  44 M Inginer (sic) y y  German Germany German   Elizabeth, NY Brooklyn, NY
112-19 Oberlaender, Otto 25 m m chaffuer y y  German Germany German   Greisswald, Germany Morley, MI
112-20 Guenther, Frieda 23 f m housewife y y  German Germany German   Greisswald, Germany Morley, MI
112-21 Guenther, Annelise 2 f s child n n   Germany German   Greisswald, Germany Morley, MI
112-22 Wafenmuller, August 25 m m farmer y y  German Russia German Tscherbakovka, Rus. Frankfurt, Germany Havelock, NE
112-23 Wafenmuller, Maria 22 f m housewife y y  German Russia German Dobrinky, Rus. Frankfurt, Germany Havelock, NE
112-24 Wafenmuller, Hilda 3 f s child n n   Russia German Tscherbakovka, Rus. Frankfurt, Germany Havelock, NE
112-25 Schwemmer, Amalia 23 f s domestic y y  German Russia German Dreispitz, Rus. Frankfurt, Germany Dorrance, KS
112-26 Schwemmer, Katarina 22 f s domestic y y  German Russia German Dreispitz, Rus. Frankfurt, Germany Dorrance, KS
112-29 Rode, Rudolph 19 m s farmer y y  German Russia German Lindenthal, Rus Ober Cyrus, Germany Madison, NE
112-30 Rode, Rheihold 17 m s farmer y y  German Russia German Marijantje, Rus. Ober Cyrus, Germany Madison, NE
114-4 Mauer, Peter 32 m s laborer y y  German Russia German Kruzkik, Rus.   Dover, DE
114-5 Mauer, Karoline 9 f s child y y  German Russia German Damanka, Rus.   Dover, DE
114-6 Hamann, Margarete 18 f s domestic y y  German Russia German Johann., Germ.   Ironwood, MI
114-7 Radtke, Wilhelmina 68 f wd housewife y y  German Russia German     Twisp, WA
114-8 Hablisel, Otto 19 m s laborer y y German Russia German     Chicago, IL
114-9 Mayer, Julia 57 f wd housewife y y German Poland German     Fullerton, ND
114-10 Weisner, Pauline 59 f wd housewife y y Ger & Pol Russia German     Detroit, MI
114-11 Weisner, Martha 24 f s laborer y y German Russia German     Detroit, MI
114-12 Vollrath, Emil 34 m m smith y y German Russia German     Dowagiac, MI
114-13 Vollrath, Berta 29 f m housewife y y German Russia German     Dowagiac, MI
114-14 Vollrath, Gertrude 8 f s child y y German Russia German     Dowagiac, MI
114-15 Vollrath, Irene 7 mon f s child n n German Russia German     Dowagiac, MI
114-16 Rabold, Paul Aug.   m m laborer y y Rus & Ger Russia German   Johannisburg, Germany Alexandria, MN
114-17 Rabold, Berta   f m housewife y y Rus & Ger Russia German   Johannisburg, Germany Alexandria, MN
114-18 Rabold, Berta   f s child n n   Russia German   Johannisburg, Germany Alexandria, MN

KEY FOR ABBREVIATIONS:  a-acqn (? acquaintance); b-brother; bil-brother-in-law; c-cousin; d-daughter; f-father; fil-father-in-law; fr-friend; h-husband;
hb-half-brother; m-mother; mil-mother-in-law; n-niece or nephew; s-son; sb-step-brother; sf-step-father; sil-son-in-law; w-wife; u-uncle
I.D. # Relatives and Misc. Remarks
112-18 c-Anna Oblaender in Brooklyn
112-19 fil-Johannes Reberg in Schlogtow, Ger.; b-Paul Spetoskay in Morley
112-20 f-Johannes Reberg in Schlogtow, Ger;
112-22 u-Gottfried Wasenmueller in Frankfurt, Ger.; Jacob Wasenmuller in Havelock
112-25 fr-Katarine Feil in Frankfurt (Heimkehrlager labor camp), Germany; f-Gottfried Schwemmer in
112-26 fr-Katarine Feil in Frankfurt (Heimkehrlager labor camp), Germany; f-Gottfried Schwemmer in
112-29 m-Luise Rode in Ober Cyrus, Ger.; f-Adolf Rode in Madison
112-30 m-Luise Rode in Ober Cyrus, Ger.; f-Adolf Rode in Madison
114-4 f-Karl Mauer in Ransweiler, Germ; u-Adam Lauzer in Dover
114-5 gf-Karl Mauer in Ransweiler, Germany
114-6 gf-Herman Hamann in Germany; sf-Meinrich Jurissen in Ironwood
114-7 dau ?-Gustav Weidrinka in Forst, Germ.; c-Wm. Geo Hoffman in Twisp
114-8 f-Jacob Hablizel in Hildrishayen, Germany; a-Dora Hootman in Chicago
114-9 d-Julianne Stendel in Muskan-Burglehn, Ger; s-Edward Mayer in Fullerton
114-10 n-Karl Folgner in Lodz, Poland; sil-Wm Sohulz in Detroit
114-12 f-Johann Vollrath, Tarnowke, Germany
114-16 b-Wm.Rabold in Bagnit, Germany; b-Julius Rabold in Alexandria
114-17 detained at destination to call for money

Last Updated on 3/25/99
By Janet Flickinger