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Ships Arriving in New York Nov.14-18, 1910

Extracted from LDS  microfilm #1400278 and 279 in June 1999 by Janet Laubhan Flickinger, 314 E. Irene St., Salina, KS 67401 <>   LDS FHC had two rolls listed with overlapping arrival dates (one for Nov. 14 and one for Nov. 18).  I was looking for Nov. 17 so ordered both rolls.  On the two rolls, there were very few Ger-Rus even though there were ships from Bremen and Hamburg.  These 3 ships were all on the #278 roll and none on the #279 roll.   The Laubhans  that are listed were the relatives that I was looking for. 

  S.S. Finland sailing from Antwerp, Belgium, Nov. 5, 1910 ................Arriving at Port of New York Nov.16, 1910                  
Pg-Line Surname Given Name Age Sex M/S Calling Country Race  Destination Prev. Residence
7-28 Krause Franz ? 28 m s farm laborer Russia German Broddarth, PA ? Wischtihen, Rus
7-29 Braun Emilia 25 f m housewife Russia German New York Leschmirch, Rus
7-30 Braun Erwin 3 m s none Russia German New York Leschmirch, Rus
  S.S. George Washington sailing from Bremen, Germany Nov. 8, 1910 ................Arriving at Port of New York Nov.16, 1910                  
Pg-Line Surname Given Name Age Sex M/S Calling Country Race  Destination Prev. Residence
7-10 Koch Wolf. 33 m m merchant Russia German New York Leipzig, Rus
9-11 Rauth Maria 20 f s maidservent Russia German Tacoma, WA Kolb, Rus
9-12 Henkel Friedrich 28 m m joiner Russia German Tacoma, WA Kolb, Rus
9-13 Henkel Anna 29 f m housewife Russia German Tacoma, WA Alexanderfeld
11-1 Schuler Katharina 22 f s maidservent Russia German Yankton, SD Alexanderfeld
11-2 Schuler Johann 19 m s farm laborer Russia German Yankton, SD Alexanderfeld
11-3 Schuler Jakob 17 m s farm laborer Russia German Yankton, SD Alexanderfeld
11-4 Bender Wilhelm 23 m s painter Russia German Yankton, SD Alexanderfeld
11-5 Schwaigert  Ludwig 41 m m farm laborer Russia German Eureka, SD Alexanderfeld
11-6 Schwaigert  Katharina 35 f m housewife Russia German Eureka, SD Alexanderfeld
11-7 Schwaigert  Jakob 14 m s none Russia German Eureka, SD Alexanderfeld
11-8 Schwaigert  Karolina 10 f s none Russia German Eureka, SD Alexanderfeld
11-9 Schwaigert  Magdalena 6 f s none Russia German Eureka, SD Alexanderfeld
11-10 Schwaigert  Johann 4 m s none Russia German Eureka, SD Alexanderfeld
11-11 Schwaigert  Ludwig 2 m s none Russia German Eureka, SD Alexanderfeld
11-12 Schwaigert  Erna 10 mon f s none Russia German Eureka, SD Alexanderfeld
13-7 Arndt Marta 20 f s dressmaker Russia German Phil. PA Lodz, Rus
15-1 Klause Edward 28 m m farm laborer Russia German New York, NY Sakekeva, Rus
?-13 Behmka Eduard 17 m s farm laborer Russia German Mineola, NJ Jacewo, Rus
?-17 Fuhrmann Karl 22 m s tailor Russia German Collinsville, IL Heppeno, Ger
  S.S. Roon sailing from Bremen, Germany Nov. 5, 1910 ................Arriving at Port of New York Nov.17, 1910                  
Pg-Line Surname Given Name Age Sex M/S Calling Country Race  Destination Prev. Residence
5-9 Bittermann Johann 50 m m farm laborer Russia German New York Keusatz, Cherson
5-10 Bittermann Charlotta 45 f m housewife Russia German New York Keusatz, Cherson
5-11 Bittermann Magdalena 20 f s maid servant Russia German New York Keusatz, Cherson
5-12 Bittermann Rosina 19 f s maid servant Russia German New York Keusatz, Cherson
5-13 Bittermann Johann 17 m s farm laborer Russia German New York Keusatz, Cherson
5-14 Bittermann Katharina 15 f s maid servant Russia German New York Keusatz, Cherson
5-15 Bittermann Ludwig 13 m s none Russia German New York Keusatz, Cherson
5-16 Bittermann Anna 10 f s none Russia German New York Keusatz, Cherson
6-4 Richter Wanda 20 f s maid servant Russia German Jersey City, NJ Lehe, Germany
1-24 Fibich Oskar 18 m s blacksmith Russia German Rahway, NJ Mortow, Wolh.
2-1 Laubhan * Heinrich  15 m s farm laborer Russia German Russel, KS Tscherbakowka, Rus
2-2 Laubhan * Amalia  15 f s maid servant Russia German Russel, KS Tscherbakowka, Rus
7-25 Lehn Magdalena 27 f m housewife Russia German St. Louis, MO Botos, Russia
7-26 Lehn Anna 6 f s none Russia German St. Louis, MO Botos, Russia
7-27 Lehn Terez 3 f s none Russia German St. Louis, MO Botos, Russia
7-28 Lehn Terez 31 f m housewife Russia German Chicago, IL Tomasvacs, Russia
8-20 Lampert Julius 44 m m farm laborer Russia German Gainsville, TX Hoffingstahl, Rus
8-21 Lampert Augusta 46 f m housewife Russia German Gainsville, TX Hoffingstahl, Rus
8-22 Lampert Ferdinand 17 m s farm laborer Russia German Gainsville, TX Hoffingstahl, Rus
8-23 Lampert Ida 19 f s maid servant Russia German Gainsville, TX Hoffingstahl, Rus
8-24 Lampert Wilhelm 16 m s farm laborer Russia German Gainsville, TX Hoffingstahl, Rus
8-25 Lampert Karl 12 m s none Russia German Gainsville, TX Hoffingstahl, Rus
12-21 Gerbacher Wanda 20 f s maid servant Russia German Carrington, ND Nisghava, Rus
12-22 Kindel Alwicas 21 f s maid servant Russia German Naugabook, CT Orlowo, Rus


#2-1 and 2-1 were cousins and were so noted on the manifest, but it erroniously listed Joh. Georg Laubhan as the father of both of them and Alexander Laubhan in Russell, KS as the brother of both of them.  Alexander was known to be Henry's step-brother, but his father should have been Karl.  Amalie's (Molly) father was known to be Georg Laubhan, so perhaps his full name was Joh. Georg Laubhan.  It appeared that they simplified reporting the info and listed her father as the relative of both in Tscherbakowka, and Alex as the brother to both in Russell, KS.  Molly became Molly Schultz & settled in Shattuck, OK and Henry lived in CO.

Extracted from LDS  microfilm #1400278 and 279 in June 1999 by Janet Laubhan Flickinger, 314 E. Irene St., Salina, KS 67401 <>
Last Updated on 6/7/99
By Janet Flickinger