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Fake Codes, Cheats, Levels, or Anything Else that might decieve you.

These are a few things to look out for, stuff not to be tricked by, so if someone says I HAVE THIS CODE FOR: fake code name, TRY IT!!!

Anyways, here are a few fake ones.

Any gameshark codes that have #'s higher than 9 and/or letters higher than F.

Ahhh, Iv'e seen a few, just don't be fooled!

ANY more time cheats/ 007 mode codes, such as below--

All Bonds- It'd be damn near impossible anyways...

Nude Code- WHY would ANYONE want to see a naked group of pixels?? Why would Rare be sick enough to do this? WHAT WOULD POSSES SOMEONE TO MAKE UP THIS CRAP?

Acess cards hey that's how they spelld it, OBVIOUSLY a fake

Line Mode- ONLY accessed by a Gameshark.

EXTRA 20 time cheats/codes- there is simply not enough space in a measly cart to do this

Mayday Assistance/Oddjob Assistance- Nope, please hang up, and don't try any codes for this again.

Any extra levels such as below--

Moon level- a fixed pic

Enemy Base Level- another fixed pic

Enemy Coplex- sorry, anohter fixed pic.

Citadel- going to be in the final version, but was edited out, is in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM in the game

Another Frigate- nnno. just no.

EXTRA 20 LELELS!!!- No, there is only SO much a cart can hold, sorry to dissapoint you.

Did I miss any? Proably, If you have heard any fake codes, TELL ME ABOUT EM! So I can put it here, of course, I will give you credit for submitting it.

