So you basically suck at goldeneye? Or just need a liiiiitttlleee help to beat that one level... Well, here's a little help...
Note: Ones marked with a † next to them, also go with multiplayer...
†Concerving Ammo- The best way to conservee ammo, is to watch it, don't use 20 rounds to kill one guy. And don't use a Assault Rifle, on just two guys.. If there's two or three guys shooting at you, kill them with a PP7 or Destovi, or some other hand gun, that has 8 or less rounds. On the other hand use your hands if you are really low. And also - - Don't gointo a room with 20 guys, and think you'er gonna live using your hands, or a 8 or less pistol, or a klobb... use something hal assed worth it, like a KF7.
†Watching your back- Strafe a lot!!! I mean about all the damn time. If you go about at a 45-60° angle while strafing, you gp a little faster. and it's useful to strafe on agentmode - THOSE GUYS SUCK!!!
Fulffilling a spies duty- Be a SPY damnit, a SPY. if you're going to snipe someone, shoot to kill, espesially if you're trying really hard to beat a level, as funny as it is to shoot them in the croch, or in the ass, it doesn't kill them.
Fulfilling a spies duty ²-In levels, such as Control, bunker one and two, Archives and other inside levels, don't use a loud gun, or don't shoot a weapon more than three shots at a time... cuz then guys start comming out of some guys ass (can you explain where they come from???
Be a good semaritin- If you're not susposed to kill scientists, don't kill em, if you're not susposed to kill civilians, don't kill em, save that for when you're just fuckin around in the level.
Survelance Cameras- Those things aren't there to look fuckin pretty, if you stand in front of the damn thing, it's gonna see you, so, destroy them as soon as possible (if you shoot the front of them, they blow up in one shot-- even with a klobb!!!). If you are seen, try to finish the level, but just don't do it next time.
Little red buttons- Hey, you know those things, that make the same noise as the cameras when you've been detected? Guess what, if you goup to them, and press B (on Controller setup V.1.1 Honey), they go off, pressing B againshuts them off, but, that's still pretty dumb, destroy those too. (Cuz if ya set em off, shit happens)
†Blowing up shit- DON'T DO IT!! Well, boxes and toxic barrels are sometimes fine, but if you kep failing a mission, but don't know why, and you just decided to blow everything to hell, don't do that next time, take it one step at a time.
Hostages- Set them free, don't kill them, geez man...
Turrets- Look out for these bad asses, they are better at armor peircing shit, like disabeling a tank, but hell, who knows why the makers of the game decided to do that.. (those sick sadistic freakz!). Watch out for them, strafe to kill them, sometimes, it's not fair, and they see you but you don't see them, if you hear that sound, like..well, I dunno what it's like, but if you hear it, look out.
Time limits- In levels like bunker two, and Silo, when you have a time limit to get the hell out, do so, as soon as possible, guz when the whole level seems to explode... it doesn't, the explosion just follows you around. (trust me on this one)...
Doors, keycards- Can't seem to get a doom to open, and you know you NEED to be there? Look around, kill all gaurds, and trace your steps, chances are, theey dropped a keycard, and you missed it.
Infinanate Enimies- Most levels have infanite enimies, I won't list any, but you should know, so if there is, don't stand around to kill them all, cuz it ain't happening.
†Misc. Stuff- Conserve your life, don't go running through gernade blasts or what not. It really runs you down, and in the long run, if doesn't help.
Anyhting I miss? If so, e-mail me, and I'll put something up.