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The Mysteries Page- And Answers

These are some Mysteries of the game. And a few Answers
There are many Mysteries about this game, you probbably know about all of them, but here they are and a few guesses.
1-The Mysterious Tower on the other side of the dam- Ahhh, the all famous tower in the dam mystery. We've all heard our own variations on this one. I'll tell you mine, and what I THINK it is for, notice I said THINK, not KNOW, aight, If you go to one of the big look out towers (one of the very last three) get on one to the top, whip out tha 40 caluber (sniper rifle-found in the very first tower the small one) and use the scope to look all the way across the lake (use the C up button to get a better zoom), and you will see another tower. I have heard it was used in the beta (testing) version, but they decided not to. It is Also Rumored that Oddjob is on the island (bullsh*t I say). Answer- Rare has claimed the island was going to be used but was taken out, it could be accessed by boat (?). Well, using gamesharks (unapproved) No clipping codes, there is only a turret there. Nothing bug.
2-The Blue Vent in the Silo- Yes, now we come to the strange blue vent. At the start of silo, you are standing on a wire platform thing, if you go around the missile you will see a vent, the inside blue (hence the name blue vent), you can shoot through it, and you can throw things in it (i.e.-plastics, gernades, mines), but you can't get to it. Yet another unexplained mystery. Answers- I have heard Rare offer no explanation for this. But I now think it's nothing.
3-Mayday and Oddjob- Probbably the most controversial mystery of them all, these guys take ALL the credit. Ok, you'll notice in the instruction booklet, on the page with friends and foe's, it says "try to find these enimies!" the names are- Mayday, Jaws, Oddjob, and Baron Samoldi. Jaws is in the first secret level, Aztec, no secret there. Baron Samoldi is in the second secret level, Egyptian no secret there either. But that leaves Mayday and Oddjob. They are rumored to be in every single level (just about). But here is my theory, before you beat either of the secret levels, watch the intro, all the way to where it shows all the characters, none of the secret characters are there, beat the first secret level, again, watch the intro, it will say Gust Starring, Mayday, and then Guest starring Jaws, now beat the second secret level, for thelast time, watch the intro it will say and show all 4 of the people, just a thought... Answer- Rare has confirmed they're in the game, multiplayer mode, NOT in the single player game.
4-Xenia on Frigate-In the briefing dossiers it says on one of them something like "be careful for Xenia Onatop" or sumpthin, i haven't found anything or anyone, have you? Answer- Rare hasn't said anything that I'm aware of.
5-The Gate in the Dam- Go to the dam (of course) and turn around at the very beginning, you are facing a door, try to open it and it says "this door is locked", your guess is as good as mine... Answer- Still, unanswered, but it's probbably for nothing.
6-More Codes- If you ask me, this is just a compulsion for more Goldeneye, you have probbably heard of a bunch of false codes ( ALL BONDS being the worst of them all), or GOD MODE, FLAME THROWERS, BIKER LEVEL, all a heap of lies... also, you'll notice that even when you have all the codes, there is just ONE space leftin the cheats folder, mabye they just wanna trick you.... Answer-It wasn't specifically designesd for line mode, but that's what fits there (using Gameshark).
Hope you like my mystery section! If you have another one you can post it on the message board! Or e-mail me.

