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Readers Thoughts

This part of my page, is all up to you, the Readers Section part, here are your thoughs, not mine, Good or Bad, they are your opinions about my page, or other such things, if you want an e-mail up here, e-mail me, you don't have to say you want it up here, I'd prefer you don't e-mail me just to get a letter here, it's all a surprise. These are just some of the best letters I've picked from you, the viewers, I hope you enjoy...

Okay budsmokaz, nice opinions, but you left out one thing.. Have you found the RC-P90 on Agent Level in the train? It's in the 1st car, go to the end, shoot the two boxes stacked in the corner, and you'll find one in the bottom box. Wishful thinking... in secret agent you only find a DD44 D-O-S-T-O-E-V-I, (not destovi). And in 00 you find nothing, it's a shame to, it would be REALLY easy to get the Silver PP7 cheat. Oh, well...

  Anyway, this is a jolly good site and I'd like to propose something... howbout a Goldeneye Fantasies section..or site? I've come up with tons.. like how about driving TANKS in a multiplayer arena..(the WHOLE TANK, not just shooting shells with gameshark.) RUN OVER YOUR FRIENDS!!! Pretty cool, huh.  I am a diehard Goldeneye addict and it would be the perfect thing to breathe life into a boring game (well, after all the dang multiplayer variations, it is getting that way,, again.)  If you like those ideas or have some of your own, don't hesitate! I'm sure it would be completely original.  Just give me some credit for the inception. I am jsl98 at I have posted a few things on messageboards, offering people some help (I'm not only an addict, but an expert, and have played Goldeneye every freaking way I know how(every weapon, code, blah blah blah) Some of the mysteries baffle me though, and I would LOVE to have a BETA VERSION. You have an EXCELLENT GOLDENEYE 007 SITE, and hope you email me back soon. And please give that fantasy section some thought. Thanks.

  Sincerely, jsl98

This is not a contest to get your e-mail up here- it started recently- when I got this letter (the one on top) , I could have added a lot of letters I got before the first one on the list, but I didn't have the idea

