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 Jack & Vernie
Hilgers' Home Page


The "successful" Radio Auction is now history - whew!

We "plan" on having another auction in the near future. This next time the focus will be on farm equipment.

If you are interested in almost any type of antiques & collectibles, we may have it; contact us through a friend's e-mail.

We do plan on investing in this new fangled technology called the internet - soon.

(picture taken before the
Antiuqe Car Auction
we had in 1987)

I attended Fort Hays State University (it was then called Fort Hays Kansas State College). In 1943, I was a "buck private" in the U.S. Army. The Army helped put me through medical school in St. Louis where I met LaVerne (Vernie) who was training to be a nurse at the Lutheran Hospital. We met December 24, 1943, and were married December 24, 1944, in Holy Cross Lutheran in St. Louis.

I didn't get shipped to any of the wars (conflicts) because I was stamped "special" for being accepted into medical school. I was transferred to New Mexico during the Korean "war." When given the choice of leaving or being in the reserves, I mistakenly took the way out - such is life.

Vernie was born in Colorado and moved around in Wyoming & Nebraska in foster homes before going to St. Louis.

I am a retired medical doctor in Hays; most call me "Doc". I farmed mainly in Plainville. We belong to the Messiah Lutheran Church. We enjoy collecting "junk," as some would call it, & going to auctions to find good deals!

We have 4 marvelous children (who also enjoy finding collectibles), 13 grandchildren & 4 great grandchildren. I just lost my mom, Blanche; she was a mere 96 (almost 97).

Our children live away from Hays, but not too far away for visits & work. (We always have projects needing to be done).

Friend Jim & I are currently working on restoring his 1930 Model-A Ford pick up; then we'll do my 1928 Model-A truck; then son Phil's 1930 Standard Roadster; then the orchard needs to be replanted; then...
Life is exciting, rewarding & fun!

deforest radio


We have transistor type radios and a couple of Deforesters.

Avery tractor

Farm Equipment

We have available all types of farm equipment. Keep checking for the next auction.


Ask - may have or need...

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wave line

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[updated 03/06/00]
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