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THANKS TO... Creating an exhibition, particularly the for the first time, is an enormous project! Over the past weeks we received help and inspiration from many individuals. We greatly appreciate all the input given. We wish to express our ‘eternal thanks’ to those who gave freely and generously of their time and energy:

Tony Balfe; Building Office staff; UCC Chaplaincy office; James Cronin; Kyra Dunne; Damian Finn; William Fordela Foret; Ita Harris, David Joyce, and all the faculty and staff of the Irish Heritage Management Course; Michael Hayes; Eamonn Hughes; Nora Kennedy; Mary Mitchell-Ingoldsby; Roisín Murphy; Sharon Ni Chearruill; Aoife Ni Ghrainbheil; Maire Ni Thorpaigh; Tomas O Ciobhain; Bernard "Computer God" O'Leary; Geraldine O’Sullivan; Louise Phelan; Poster Displays; Father Michael Regan; Virginia Teehan; The Medival and Renaissance Society for getting us all dressed up; The Hairy Lemon for giving us beer; Sinead Wylde; Trish just for offering; Gary for trying; and of course our friends and relations for listening in throughout this process!!

We’d also like to thank our official sponsors:
