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1893     Douglas Hyde founds the Gaelic League (Conradh na Gaeilge) on July 31st 
            in Dublin 
1894 Irish Arts and Crafts Movement is founded.
1910 Degrees are conferred for the first time by the new University College Cork, on May 25th.
1912 Cork Technical Institute opens on January 16th.
1913 Isabella Honan, the last member of the Honan family, dies on August 16th.
1914 Cumann na mBan is founded on April 2nd. Archduke Ferdinand and his wife are assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia on June 23rd. James Joyce’s "Dubliners" is published on July 16th. Germany declares war on France on August 3rd. The United Kingdom responds by declaring War on Germany on August 4th.
1915 Harry Clarke begins work on stained glass windows for the Honan Chapel. Hugh Lane is among those who perish when the Luistania is torpedoed off the Old Head of Kinsale on May 7th. Foundation stone for the Honan Chapel is laid by Reverend Dr. O’Callaghan, Bishop of Cork on May 18th. Padraig Pearse’s gives an oration at the funeral of O’Donovan Rossa on August 1st. Allied Landings at Gallipoli beaches begin on August 25th.
1916 Easter Rising begins in Dublin on Easter Sunday morning, April 24th, and spreads to other parts of the country. Thomas Kent is executed in Cork Detention Barracks on May 9th. The Somme offensive begins on July 1st. An act extending Greenwich meantime to Ireland is enacted on August 23rd, bringing Irish time in line with British time. Ireland had previously been 25 minutes behind. W. B. Yeats’ poem "Easter 1916" is published on September 25th. The Honan Chapel is formally blessed and opened on November 11th.
1917 In February, Henry Ford presents his plan for the erection of a factory in Cork to the British Cabinet.
1918 The end of World War I is declared on Armistice Day, November 11th.
1920 Thomas MacCurtain, Lord Mayor of Cork, is shot by the R.I.C. on March 20th. Terence MacSweeney, who died while on hunger strike in Brixton prison, is buried at St. Finnbarr's Cemetery on October 31st.
1921 In December, Ireland and Great Britain sign the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty, declaring Ireland a Free State.
1922 The Free State Army regains possession of Cork City on August 11th. Michael Collins is killed in Beal na mBlath, Co. Cork on August 22nd.
1927 Cork Radio goes on air on April 25th.
1933 Donal O’Ceallaigh, one of the last seanachaithe in Ireland, is buried in Dunbulloge Cemetery on December 28th.
1938 The last British garrison departs the Free State from Cork Harbour on July 11th.