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Each year the Masters in Irish Heritage Management class mounts an exhibition as part of its first year coursework. The purpose of the exhibition is to give the members of the class ‘real world,’ hands-on experience in the presentation of heritage. Equally importantly, it enables the class to bond as a team (through trial and error!). From the outset we were all very excited by the beauty of the Honan Chapel. Over the weeks, as we researched the chapel’s history, our own aim gradually emerged. The exhibition which surrounds you today is a result of that process. Our aim is threefold. Primarily, we hope that this exhibition will serve to increase awareness of the Honan within the college community. Secondly, as the craftsmanship within the chapel exemplifies the ethos and expe rtise of the Irish Arts & Crafts movement, we hope in our own small way to high light what has largely been a forgotten chapter in the history of Irish art. Fi nally, as the title of our exhibition suggests, we have used our exploration of the chapel to highlight the vibrancy and distinctiveness of Irish spirituality.

The Masters class in Irish Heritage Management 1998/2000:

Veronica "The Artist" Bannon
Sarah "I'll do it" Buckley
Fiona "Singin'" Canavan
Sarah "The Boss" Cannizzo
Caroline "Caffreys" Crowley
Geraldine "Is that my mobile?" Healy
Olive "Artists muse" Holland
Anne "Weddings" McCormack
Deirdre "It's a swan!" O'Brien
Aisling "Smiley" O'Donoghue
Ken "Ideas" Owens
Tony "Action" Twomey
Sadhbh "Punctual" Warren