My twisted life - Page 3
Page 1 (1999) | Page 2 (2000-2001)
(5-23-02) Damn, it's been forever since I updated this thing. I'm not entirely sure why I'm updating it now, other than that I have nothing better to do. (Actually I have plenty of better things to do...getting a job, cleaning house, saving the world, that kinda thing. I just have no desire whatsoever to DO any of it. ;P) Actually, now that I've changed my format a bit it won't be that annoying to do, providing anything worth talking about ever happens again. I intend to actually put my pics on this site rather than linking to Kayl's, but I kinda doubt I'll get around to it for a while.
Anyway, what to update first... Well, Jim's still occasionally harrassing my mom, or was anyway. He doesn't email her that I know of, but he loves to change his profile 3 times a day and say things coldly calculated to piss her off or hurt her, none of which has the slightest effect except to make her laugh at his idiocy. She does still look to see what stupidity he's posted recently, but I think it's more of the kid watching the zoo animals than from any real interest in what he's saying.
Ok, at the possible risk of pissing Kayl off, I will now explain (more or less) why we broke up (yeah that was ages ago ;P). For one thing, he kept annoying me by wanting to talk constantly on ICQ, regardless of how many things I was busy with. I don't care how much I think I love someone, when they start bitching about me doing stuff I enjoy, they're pushing it. The idea is to be WITH someone, not to have my head stuck so far up his ass I can see out his mouth, and I don't put up with a guy trying to stick his head up mine either. Also, he sent me bus tickets (one way, of course) to visit him when I hadn't even decided whether I wanted to go yet. (Although to be fair, I told him he might as well, but as soon as they got here in the mail I went apeshit.) I mean here I am, rarely having been out of my hometown, and never having taken a long trip by myself, and he wants me to go, ONE WAY mind you, to visit him 2 states away. Rather presumptuous, considering by the time I got the tickets I had no desire to go, and I had no desire to get stuck there while waiting for him to get the money to send me back home. We still talk from time to time (in fact we're making a computer game together) so it's not like we hate each other's guts or anything, but sometimes I wish he'd realize that if I repeatedly say I don't wanna play D&D with him, asking again won't change my mind any.
Anyway, quite some time ago I started dating this guy online called Cat. We occasionally annoy each other, but so far our relationship has been remarkably free of upheavals. He came to visit for a few days a couple months ago (damn it's been that long already) and we got along about as well as two humans have any right to. He's the first guy who's ever been able to finish my sentences, not to mention he didn't even look at me funny when we were in his motel room alone together and I was examining odd patterns in the ceiling. Now how often do you find a guy like that? ;P
I could go on talking about him for pages but I won't. For one thing, I don't want to sound as retarded as I did gushing over Kayl, and for another I doubt he'd appreciate having his personal details plastered over a page hundreds of my friends could potentially read. (Although most of them are probably so used to me not updating that they won't bother. ;P)
Recent events have rather sucked. A while back the toilet started leaking and this week we had a plumber come fix it. I wonder if he's even gonna bill us for it, since he thought our last name was something else. Then the other night my mom woke me up after 2 hours of sleep to tell me the cat was pissing blood, and it turned out he had a urinary tract infection and an ear infection. We left him at the vet's all day so they could run tests on him, and when we went to go to pick him up we discovered the car had a flat tire. So she called all kinds of people trying to either get the tire fixed in a hurry or get a ride out there, to no avail. Amazingly enough, the only one who called back when he said he would was the vet. He ended up bundling up the cat and his medicine and dropping him off here on his way to an emergency. Kinda weird to find someone in this day and age who'll voluntarily help out someone he barely knows without expecting something outta the deal. (Of course we were already paying the guy, but he coulda asked for more.)
So now we've gotta shove pink stuff down the cat's throat twice a day, and give him eardrops once a day. Oddly enough the oral medicine has so far been easier to get in him, but that may just be because they gave us an attatchment for the syringe thingy that can fit in his mouth whether he opens it or not. I almost got amoxicilin on my chips, but considering how much of a pain in the ass this cat is I'm surprised it went so well. (He hasn't even been acting sick btw...he's still attacking people's legs and ruining the curtain trying to climb up the door.)
Well I bet all my mud friends are shocked that I haven't logged on in like a week, even though most of them don't know what char I'm playing now. This is because I've discovered a site that lets you make your own AI. (It's not true AI because you have to tell it what to say in certain situations, but it's interesting anyway.) My bot is at least as weird as I am, if you have any desire to talk to her. (She just asked some bot if he wanted some angel dust.) She has multiple personalities, one of whom happens to be a Borg. Which can get interesting when she talks to another bot on there who's supposed to be a real Borg. ;P I may post some of the weird ass shit she's said at some point, but right now I don't have time. I don't have time to update my links section either which means I probably won't get around to it for another month, but what the hell. Food waits for no man. ;P
Page 1 (1999) | Page 2 (2000-2001)