My twisted life - Page 1
Page 2 (2000-2001) | Page 3 (2002)
This is stuff that happened to me during 1999. Seems like years ago...oh wait, it was. ;P
(7-22-99) Anyway we finally got food. My mom's boyfriend Jim is here for the night and I'm hoping I don't have to call 911 or anything. My mom's eating cereal since we finally HAVE it. She always manages to eat all the cereal before I get around to it. I guess I should remember to eat once in a while. *G* Of course eating is so unusual for me around here anyway. Ok I'll stop ranting and raving now.
Ok. The secret's out. I've broken my #1 Internet rule. I said I was never going to get in an online relationship. I shuddered at the thought. And now here I am talking to a guy even as I'm writing this. What is WRONG with me? I mean, I've flirted around before, but this is going a step or three farther. I mean, we don't just talk about SEX. We just happened to come online at almost the exact same time tonight, without prior planning. This is WEIRD. Ok, I'll stop babbling before I look like an idiot. Oops. Too late. *blush*
Of course since I'm still officially going out with someone else...well I feel REALLY awkward. Not that I've seen my "boyfriend" much lately. He blamed me for not calling him on his birthday...when he hadn't even TOLD me he was gonna be home then. Well he DID stop by and take me out for pizza. He even gave me the leftovers. I've been going out with this guy for 6 months and what do I get? Leftover pizza. *gripe grumble bellyache*
I finally got invited to a REAL LIFE game of AD&D 2 weeks ago. I slept through it. The next week they were gonna try again. I slept through it too, but that's not the point. (Oh my God, this section has a POINT!! Shoot me now!!) The fact is, one of the players had told me that the last game they played the party stupidly went to this mountain the DM had specificly TOLD them not to go to. They were level 2. They ran into a bunch of giants. They KILLED the giants. They got 10,000 EXP. I was like "I'd rather sleep." I mean, I can get more realistic games on IRC than that.
Well I'm out of ideas for the night. Which is good because it's almost officially morning.
(7-26-99) Well today I get to find out if I have a place to live much longer. We've been practically passing out cleaning this damn place up in all this heat, and I STILL don't know if Section 8 is gonna like it. I think they all need to take out their little baggies of weed and get happy so they won't keep bitching us out. At any rate, it gets really annoying when your mom keeps wanting you to get up & do stuff when you're trying to play a game.
Speaking of games: I FINALLY got into Dop's game. It was pretty damn cool. I played Zenaithe, the daughter of Alezander the Great. Bel played some guy I can never remember the name of, who has the biggest crush of all time on her. Anyway we found ourselves in 1999 shitting our pants over all the technological monstrosities. At one point, we found ourselves with Mulder at HQ trying to investigate something. Well, good ol' Mulder had to take a leak. (Of course, he stayed in there so long we all speculated as to what he was DOING. *snicker*) Anyway, Zenaithe looked at the sign saying MEN, and automatically assumed it was written in the language of the Gods. Therefore, she nearly barged in on the assumption that if you went in there you could commune with the gods. When I told someone this he said "I've heard of praying to the porcelain god before, but this is ridiculous." Probably so, but it was sure as hell funny.
I had a dream yesteday that I was in school again. I HATE it when that happens. Although for once I was wearing my clothes and I wasn't getting lost in the halls. Which is kinda weird. IRL I NEVER got that lost in school (but oh look at me now!!!), yet I keep dreaming to this day that I'm getting lost in school. WHY can't I stop DREAMING about damn SCHOOL for Pete's sake???
My mom finally found some antibiotic/sterile crap for me to put on all my icky bug bites on my legs. I think one of them's gonna get infected. Yeah right. Like I could afford a doctor anyway. The damn thing kinda hurts when I walk and stuff but when I'm just sitting there sweating it doens't do a damn thing. If it's gonna hurt, you'd at least think it'd be consistent. Of course the cat scratches don't help either. I swear this cat must've been a dragon in a past life. Well maybe not. He's too STUPID. Well not when it comes to food, though. Once my mom had some french fries & ketchup out on a saucer eating them. The cat came up, nudged a french fry over until it went through the ketchup, THEN ate it. I'd never seen anything like it. Maybe we'll get to go on TV or something.
Damn. Can't think of any more ramblings. Oh well. You probably wouldn't wanna hear them anyway. I usually don't wanna hear them. But what am I gonna do? Chop my head off? ....HEY!! THAT sounds like a good idea!!! .....*THUD*....Oops...missed. *blush*
(8-11-99) Ok I've now broken my #1 internet rule TWICE. But I'll leave THAT one to your imaginations. *snicker* Let me know if you think of anything I haven't done yet. *VEG*
Something REALLY cool happened around a week ago. My mom finally kicked Jim's sorry ass out for good!!! Only problem is, he had to hit her again before she'd go that far. I've never understood why she puts up with THAT much shit before she dumps someone...especially considering people she's NOT going out with get on her shit list at the drop of a hat. Hrmmm...better hope I don't drop a hat. *G*
Skittles has been getting on my nerves a LOT lately. One night he broke the toaster, and every time I try to play the keyboard he sits on the sound module and changes my instruments. He just begged me for peaches not too long ago. The scary part is...he might actually EAT them too.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. (See how memorable my life is?) Travis (of my exes page fame) has been coming over every day. You'd think he has the hots for me again. Er...actually I think that too. It's kind of a tip-off when someone says "Do you think I'm cute?" and "If I asked, would you go back out with me?" *shudder* I can always hope he moves to Boston to get a job at some mortgage company as a partner of some guy he met online 3 weeks ago. And he thought I was goin out on a limb!! (Of course I suppose it's better than the day before, when he told me some online chick wanted him to join her band so he could live with her and her husband in Chicago and have sex with BOTH of them.) Ok I guess I'd better stop talking about that before I vomit.
Well I think I got all the nonsensical ramblings out of my system for a while. Oh, and I am NOT a Pokémon!!
(9-12-99) Woo it's been over a month since I updated this! Have I gotten a LIFE in the meantime? HELL no. I've just been lazy.
Well my mom's been getting laid on a regular basis. I think she only lets Jim come over for that purpose. I HOPE she only lets him come over for that purpose. I mean jeez I've seen stupid before but this is ridiculous. Of course there's always the fact that if she dumps him totally he'll hack into our system and screw everything up. He's already fucked her email up so I don't put anything past him.
Some of you know I've now joined the ranks of the MUD-addicted. This leaves me very little time to chat with anyone outside the MUDs without snapping their heads off for bugging me. I suppose this is my time to use my mental faculties, which have been sorely neglected of late. (Dammit I've been reading too much Tolkien.) I finally managed to finish one of the quests today, after being delayed an hour or two talking to someone about how MUDs SHOULD be. I have WAY too many ideas considering I can't PROGRAM any of them.
I've even been neglecting my AD&D games. Well actually two of them just stopped, and I missed a session of the other one due to ISP problems, but I just lack the interest anymore. I'm not sure how interested I was in the first place, as I started feeling rather ambivalent about the whole thing when Kayl dropped out of the game here awhile back.
Oh and I've been EATING lately. Someone gave my mom a big sack of apples and I've been munching them at every opportunity. This is getting really boring so I'm going to shut up now.
(10-15-99) Something just occurred to me. My dating system on this is flawed. It's not Y2K compliant. *snicker*
I'm not quite sure what to do with myself these days. (No not THAT, you sicko! How perverted do you think I am???) Um, anyway, my life, like, doesn't suck and stuff. I managed to DL PowWow (update: as far as I know this program doesn't exist any longer) and have been able to voice chat with Kayl, as well as several other friends, without worrying about phone bills. Of course it's rather choppy sounding with my crappy sound card, but Kayl's gonna bring me a better one when he visits. ;)
Which he's gonna be doing soon. YAY!!! He'll be here for Halloween and my birthday, which is rather easy since my birthday is the day after Halloween. I figure my mom's gonna wanna drag us to this one Halloween party even though I'd rather drown in sappiness with kayl, but she'll be afraid we'd try something up here alone (which we probably would *snicker*) so she'll probably drag us along to be tortured by people I don't like and he doesn't know.
Oh and get this...I GOT A PLAYSTATION!!! My mom evidently decided she was impatient enough to be able to play it that she didn't even try to hide it from me until my birthday. We rented Oddworld (which sucks) and Final Fantasy 7 (which kicks ass) and I've been having the time of my life. Of course now we fight over the comp AND the PSX, but oh well...what are mothers for? *snicker*
Apparently having FF7 around has motivated and inspired me to write some really cool music. Which you may get to hear eventually, but not for quite a while yet. If I haven't sent it to you already, I probably never will. Suffice it to say, one person said he thought it sounded like the beginning of a symphony or something. Ok I'm done stroking my ego. It's getting sore anyway.
Hmmm weird...I can't think of anything else to blabber on about. I must be getting boring in my old age. *snicker*
(10-25-99) Hmmm I'm trying to think of anything I might write here. *pause*
Oh yeah. I got to play FF7 for longer than anticipated since we kept forgetting to take it back. I'm sure we owe the video store a fortune.
Um...well Jim's building a computer that he SAYS he's gonna jumble in with this piece of crap to make something useful. However in reality he'll probably get pissed some day and trash the whole thing.
Um...oh yeah I got involved in this kickass GURPS game Gul GMed. I'd detail some specifics of it but then I'd have to kill you. *reaches for a butcher knife with a maniacal grin*
Um...damn I can't think of anything else. *sigh*
(11-5-99) Well another birthday has come and gone. I actually got PRESENTS this year, even though some were early and some were late. I haven't even gotten a few of them yet since I didn't know the people in question were gonna send me anything until the day itself. But hey it's better than getting a rock. *G*
I'd write up a chronicle of my mom and Jim's recent arguments but I really couldn't care less. If she wants to be treated like shit, that's her life and I'm sick of trying to help. They had the nerve to argue ON MY BIRTHDAY of all times even though I had made it clear that if they did I'd bitch horrendously. They didn't seem to care. Oh well, at least I got to talk to Kayl. ;)
Oh and I intended to say this before but...well Kayl sent me more stuff in the mail!!! Though the comp stuff apparently won't fit since I appear to have an oddity known as a 486 PS/2. Well at least the CD rack will come in handy. Although, as my mom said, now the cat will be able to knock over ALL the CDs at once instead of just 1.
And if anyone has any money to donate for the purpose of me and Kayl getting to meet...DO IT NOW!!! I'm going CRAZY (well crazier anyway) not being able to meet the guy. *swoon*
Oh ok I'll shut up now before I drool all over the keyboard. It's mutilated enough as it is without getting my slobber in it too. *G*
(11-16-99) All is well between me & Kayl. Jim bought a new IDE cable & an adaptor for the keyboard as suckup presents for my mom, so now the only thing that doesn't work (other than my brain) is the mouse. Not to mention the fact it's only 5 days until Kayl gets here! I'm not sure what I'll do to keep from going crazy (er...craziER...) while he's on the road but I'm sure I'll think of something.
The other day I accidentally found a program that's supposed to be an AI but makes no sense whatsoever. All it does is save stuff people say to it and randomly mix phrases in its memory for its responses. Which is pretty pathetic considering some sadistic SOB sat there feeding the damn thing Sherlock Holmes and Alice in Wonderland quotes. I thought I was getting it to make sense there for a while but I must've been mistaken. If you know of an actual AI online somewhere that doesn't require a DL and that you don't hafta buy or something, tell me about it. I want proof chat decent ones DO exist. ;P
Other than that I haven't been doing much other than playing AD&D & GURPS on IRC. I played for 6˝ hours one night. Kickass games but I don't have the patience to write about them, not that I would anyway. ;P
Well I believe my rambling for tonight has come to an end as I can't think of anything else to say. Oh yeah...thanks to subdirectories my page is a lot more organized now. ;)
Duh...guess I thought of something else to say after all. ;P
Anyway I'm off to get some coffee and chat my ass off.
Page 2 (2000-2001) | Page 3 (2002)