Nicole and Jessica are 15 months apart. When Jess was a baby, Nicole thought her name was "Hi Jess". She would say "hi, hi Jess", it took me months to get her to call her just Jess. LOL Leonae has nicknamed her Jelly or "J".
~~~5 MONTHS~~~and~~~7 MONTHS~~~
Jess got a 1st place ribbon in the Fair Parade for her rendition of "Little Bo Peep" She drug Papa the whole way! LOL
She is 4 years old in this picture. Jessica is so sweet, one day she came up to me and said..."All the time I hold my arm out like this, (she held her arm out straight) and the birds, they don't come", well I did not know what she was talking about. Then she said..."you know, like in Snow White, she holds her arm out and the birds land on her finger." I smiled and told her not to give up, to keep trying, maybe they will come.
July 4th, 1997
My little "hippy girl" At Joe's Crab Shack For her 8th Birthday March 15, 1999
Jessica LOVES JESUS!!!
     ~1st Communion, April, 1999~
Jess LOVES Dalmations, ie...101 Dalmations. We have seen both versions of the movie more times that I can count. LOL
Back Street Boys CRAZY TOO!!!
Jessica just got her glasses June 1999. She was so excited! She LOVES them!!!
~Mom and her sugar girl...New Years Eve 1999~
    We visited Leonae at her college. September~2001