Ruthie is about 6 years old in this picture.
Ruth was very fun-loving. She liked to laugh, and had a great one. She was so funny when she ate potato chips. The salt made her lips swell up...she would open her mouth as big as she could to put them they would not touch her lips...
She is Pregnant with Melody in this picuture.
Ruth with Chuck, oldest daughter Sonja, and baby Melody.
~Baby Melody~
This picture was taken at Grandma's house. We had huge Christmas celebrations. Her small house was filled to the gills with all of us. Some of my favorite childhood memories are of this house with my sisters.
Here we are at one of our July 4th celebrations. I am pregnant with Leonae, and Jeri is holding Melody, she is almost a year old.
Here we all are at another July 4th celebration. Ruthie is blowing out the candles on her cake. Jeri is pregnant, and Helen is standing behind Ruthie, and I am behind Helen.
Ruthie and Melody...I love this picture. Taken later on that day.
Melody - May, 1984.
The song playing on this page is Dreamweaver by Gary Wright. I gave Ruthie this album for Christmas one year. This song always reminds me of her. She is responsible for my love of Rock & Roll. She was the first to talk me about music, and how it made you feel. Listening to the words of the songs...and the meaning behind the lyrics. She had hundreds of albums in her collection. Some of them mine. She would barrow and never give
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