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Not The Boy From Madagascar Songlist

Well, we can now safely say that the fourth effort to finally finish this long-awaited album has at least more chances than the previous three. All three times the pre-production and actual recordings have been made, and the cover photos have been prepared as early as 1996. But something did not feel right in the final product, so there was never more than a demo made of these various tries. But now, with a healthy financial backing for the project and a lot more energy to spare than before, Steve Jaqvaar seems determined to finish this production by the end of the year, if it is the last thing he does.
Expect the album to be in most Virgin stores by next May, and early (free) downloads to start appearing on this page by Christmas. Here is what we know of Steve's intentions so far:
There is a definite list of songs he wants to include in this album, at the moment ten of them. This list might eventually change, but chances are that at least 8-9 of the songs you see here will be on the final product. Steve has already recorded the leads for most of them (on normal analog equipment) and is in the process of recruiting musicians to play on the various tracks. If you think you could pass through the audition and would like to be part of this project, you may contact him directly at 0030945372999. He will probably finish the analog side of the recordings by August and go into the studio with his choices in October. If all goes well, we should be able to have a final mix by December and glass master by January the latest. As always, the album will be officially launched at the FEJS Meeting, the next one being in Lisbon and Santiago, April 2000. It should be on shelves worldwide soon after.

Tracklist (possible)


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