This is a how a round should go but that doesn't neccesarily mean it will. All debaters have their strange but true stories.STRUCTURE OF THE DEBATE ROUND
Sometimes, you and your partner will be affirmative, which is where you will read and defend the case you wrote. Other times, you and your partner will be on the negative side, where you will be attacking the affirmative team’s case.
The order of the speeches in the round:
- 1Affirmative Construction-8 minutes
- 2NC cross-examines the 1AC for 3 minutes
- 1Negative Construction-8 minutes
- 1AC cross-examines the 1NC for 3 minutes
- 2AC-8 minutes
- 1NC cross-examines the 2AC for 3 minutes
- 2NC-8 minutes
- 2AC cross-examines the 2NC for 3 minutes
- 1Negative Rebuttal-5 minutes
- 1Affirmative Rebuttal-5 minutes
- 2NR-5 minutes
- 2AR-5 minutes
1AC (first affirmative constructive): a fast pre-written speech which outlines the actions the Aff team proposes to take(the plan) and the other good things which will happen because of the plan (advantages-Adv.#) The speech is divided into observations(Obv) the first outlining the problem(harms- H ) in the current system(status quo-SQ) pointing out the size of the problem(significance-Sig) and the fact that nothing has been done about it yet (inherency- I ). There will also be an Obv. stating the plan would work(solvency- S ).
1NC(first negative constructive): fast speech which outlines all the reasons why the Aff should lose including the bad things which would result from Aff(disadvantages-DAs), the plan doesn't deal with the resolution(topicality- T ), the plan wouldn't work(solvency- S ), and for the advanced and daring 1NC a counterplan- CP which says there is a better way to solve the exact same problem or for the just plain scary there is The Kritik (aka: The Critique) a philisophical argument which says the Aff is bad for a number of reasons. Be careful if you don’t know what your doing or the kritik will hurt you.
2AC (second affirmative constructive): should go in the same order as the INC- (aka: straight down the flow) refuting (answering) all the attacks made against the Aff case. Make sure to answer every argument with a reason WHY you're right and incorporate evidence- ev /cards that support your position. Try to put out at least 5 answers- Ans to each disadvantage.
2NC & 1NR (second negative constructive & first negative rebutle): This is called the negative block because between the two speeches the neg team should more fully develop the arguments made in the 1NC making sure to counter every argument made in the 2AC since the affirmative team has only the one cross-ex time to respond. Divide up the arguments so that nothing is repeated in both speechs. For example: 2NC covers case ( S , T , and the Adv) and the 1NR covers the disadvantages. Remember no new arguments are allowed in the rebuttals.
1AR (first affirmative rebutle): the fastest speech in debate. Go down the 2NC AND 1NR and answer every argument as quickly as possible, just manage your time so you have time for everything. Not covering an argument(dropping it) will make you lose.
2NR (second negative rebutle): weigh the round for the judge. Go over the all the arguments, stress those clearly won by the Neg and emphsize the good things that will happen if the judge votes Neg.
2AR (second affirmative rebutle): same as 2NR just proving the Aff makes the world a better place, rather than the Neg. You are the last speaker the judge sees so make sure you take advantage of it.
In addition, each team gets "prep time", where the judge will allow time for you or your partner to prepare before you give any of your speeches. You only get 5-8 minutes depending on local rules of prep time per round that both you and your partner must share. You just ask the judge for prep time, and they will time you, usually telling you how much time you have used every 30 seconds or minute. Notice that each person does one constructive speech, gets cross-examined once, gets to cross-examine once, and does one rebuttal.