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Karma Kagyu Dharma Society, Seremban

Wesak Day Celebration in Seremban

Preparation for the Float -Wesak Day 2000


Preparation for the Float - Wesak Day 2000 Preparation for the Float - Wesak Day 2000


Wesak Day 2000 -KKDS Float Wesak Day 2000 -KKDS Members


Wesak Day 2000 -KKDS Float Wesak Day 2000 -KKDS Float


Wesak Day 2000 -KKDS Float Wesak Day 2000 -KKDS Float


One Thousand People Vegetarian Dinner hosted in Seremban

Dr. Siow Lee Ping - Organising Chairman 1000 People Dinner


1000 People Vegetarian Dinner 1000 People Vegetarian Dinner


Organising Committee - 1000 People Dinner President Lee Geok Lin offering to Buddha


Other Activities/Celebrations

Prayer Session in Progress Kuan Yin Festival - Vegetarian Dinner