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WOW! The stories are starting to come in! I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed putting this site together!


Okay, here are some of my many embarrassing moments:

I noticed my next door neighbor was outside so I stepped out of my apartment and yelled to her that I had reported her weight problem! She stood there looking at me like "You did what!!!". When all the sudden I realized what I had said. This neighbor just happens to be a very large person. After she recovered from her shock she asked me "to who, Jenny Craig?", then she laughed thank god because she realized what I was talking about. We had been having trouble with the kids in the apartment directly over her dropping their weights on the balcony above us when they were working out. I had meant to say that I had spoke to the apt. manager about the problem with weights upstairs. Thank god she understood what I had meant quickly. Open mouth insert foot!

One time my father was talking to a friend of his in the driveway and I was in the garage. My daughter came running up all excited and declared she was a "horney hornet"! She meant to say a "Horner Hornet". (the school she had just started going to) I am not sure which of the 4 of us were more embarrassed by her announcement but the neighbor left in a hurry, dad disappeared and I hid behind the car!


From Sandy (my Mother):

When I was pregnant with my second daughter, and driving a '49 Buick, I frequented a certain service station for gas and such. One day I almost drove off with the guy on the back bumper washing the windows!!.... The next time I went there (because I thought I should give him my business after having done that!)!!.... I nearly rolled up the window on the poor guys hand. I apologized and asked if he had Hazard Insurance, trying to make light of my mistake. My husband had told my Mom about all this and when we were out shopping I stopped at 'my station' for a fill up again with Mom in the car and he asked if I wanted him to check under the hood... of course I did and when he was about to check everything out I accidentally pulled the lever for the hood and almost dropped it on him... Well when it was time to pay and go he took the money and then said "wait right there lady" and went over to the garage part of the station and Waved Good-bye... !! Needless to say, I never went back to that Service Station to give him my business!


From Julie:

I was at a friends house visiting. They were rebuilding their fireplace. The brick work was beautiful. I remarked on how nice it was going to be when it was finished. Dave ( my friend ) looks at it longingly. He says "Yes, it is going to be sooo nice." I have to agree with him as it is in a large room and you can just imagine how romantic it is going to be when all is finished. I comment on this. He says to me.... "Can't you just picture a bear skin rub in front of the fire place?".


From ?:

One day I was walking around at work and I noticed that people were looking at me up and down rather strangely and then quickly looking away. After about an hour of this someone finally motioned to me to look at my feet. I then noticed what everyone else had been noticing - I had a rather long piece of toilet paper stuck to the bottom of my shoe!


From Feathers:

Upon re-entering college at the advanced age of 39, I enrolled in an Economics class. The instructor called roll every morning, and one day was feeling rather ornery. So he had to use my full name and when he saw that it made me blush; it had to expound even further that he could just envision me being called by the full name when I misbehaved as a child. It was very embarrassing, as I always hated my middle name... maybe because my mother always addressed me by both my first and middle names.


From Betty:

My most embarrassing moment was when we were at a fancy restaurant celebrating my best friends birthday. I had to use the restroom. Well the ladies and mens rooms were next to each other. All the bus boys were standing along side the rooms. I didn't have my glasses on at the time and I walked into the mens room! Thank God there was no one in it at the time. But as I came out all the bus boys were laughing at me! I was really embarrassed!


From Cindy:

I was working as a waitress in a motel dining room. We had a salad bar and quite often we'd nibble off it when we weren't busy. One evening I was walking by on my way to the kitchen, I was looking at the floor and noticed someone with blue pants and black shoes, the same as our bus boys. I joked as I walked by without looking up "Grazing again, huh?" . Then I looked up and to my horror it was a customer.




Please e-mail me your story and I will add it to this site.




