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Time for an update: August 3, 1999.

Hello, This is where I tell a little bit about my family and myself. I have recently reconciled with my ex (Robert) after being separated for almost 9 years! We were together 7 years before separating, our daughter Chelsea was just over a year old at the time. The girls and I moved to Northern California since that is where Robert was living. It is amazing because we get along better now than we have in 16 years! I have 2 girls: Shaylon - 18 and Chelsea - 10. Shaylon and I both have birthdays in May and Chelsea's is in March. My favorite color is GREEN, and my favorite gem stone is of course an Emerald, like my eyes!!! We have 4 pets: Pumpkin Pie AKA Punky is a Cat, Jinx AKA LLJ - Lazy Little Jinx or Rollie Pollie, is a Kitten, Morgan is a Parakeet, and Dee is a Black Lab. Our 8 year old cat Sundae left us on July 25th, 1998 - he had liver cancer real bad. He is resting peacefully in the Bubbling Wells Pet Cemetery in Napa, Ca.

I enjoy collecting some pretty off the wall things......key chains - (I have over 200 of many different themes), ceramic masks - (I have about 50 but if I keep breaking them I won't have any left!), fast food toys - (Yes you read that right, I now have 12 boxes full!), movies - (we now have over 500), miniature shoes - (I inherited my Grandmothers collection - my family, friends and I have added to it), hats - (I have a "Hat Wall" in the hall way), and dust!!! (I can not figure out where all of it could possibly come from in one day!!!)

Shaylon is going to be starting her Freshman Year at Brooks College in September. She has decided to go to college to study Web Site Developement and Web Graphics. She has finally gotten her drivers permit!!!!! So watch out!!! Chelsea is going into the 5th grade. She has just became a cheerleader for football. With the loud mouth she should have no problem! I just bought my first pair of roller blades! I have decided to try to get into shape by skating rather then walking! We all enjoy using this computer. (one of us more then the other 2 -- hint hint Shaylon).

I have been busy putting together home pages for each of us as well as my mothers and let me tell you it has been quite a chore. I have started my own Graphics Collection. It is called Imamonkey Graphics.I have complete background sets and some misc. graphics, bars and image map houses. Take a look, you might find something you would like to use on your site! I have made all the sets and graphics on my sites unless otherwise noted.

Shaylon enjoys chatting in Yahoo's Ichat, chatting on ICQ, POW WOW and last but not least of course E-Mail. Chelsea enjoys playing different games like The Story Book Weaver, Play Dough, Circus! and Berenstain Bears to name a few and several learning programs that I have loaded on for her including Oregon Trail, The Amazon Trial, The Typing Teacher, Pepper's Adventures in Time. This computer has been a blessing and a source of alot of procrastination!!!


This site, all information and graphics contained
within Copyright ©1998 & 1999 by
Imamonkey Graphics
