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Beginning Again - Pt. 5

©1997 by Kathy.

They made a cold camp, taking turns to keep watch, but nothing happened during the night. The Wiltshires must have expected a posse to follow them. Nevertheless, there were no signs of a rear guard.

"They're confident, Teaspoon," Sam said to the older man as they finished their breakfast of jerky. Ain't no way I wouldn't leave someone behind to check, and we've been careful not to've been seen."

"I know it. There has got to be somethin' up ahead; a way out we just don't know."

"Seems that way. Unless they're planning on drawin ' us up the canyon and ambushin' us."

"I don't like that thought." Lou had come up behind them, guessing the content of their discussion.

''Neither do I, but we have to keep it in mind," Sam said. "The others ready to go?"


"All right, then. Let's move."

Buck moved ahead carefully, searching for sign, while the others followed. There wasn't anything definite, but the canyon had no significant branches. The only possibility was either of the outcomes Sam had mentioned; a defensive ambush or the slim chance that the canyon had a secret exit. This remained a territory with plenty of areas that were less than well-mapped.

To make things more frustrating, the trees which had provided them with some cover began to thin out. This, like any change in terrain, had advantages for both parties. The Wiltshires would be able to see the posse sooner and target them more easily if they had set up an ambush. The advantage for the Riders was that the travelling would be a little easier and they could make better time, but this was offset by their increased vulnerability.

After about half an hour, Buck stopped. "This way. They came this way and headed up there." He pointed further up the canyon.

"Where? How do you know?" At least we haven't come all this way for nothing, thought Sam.

"There. That hoofprint - it's only a few hours old." Sam pretended to agree, but even though Buck dismounted and traced it with his finger Sam couldn't see it. I'm either getting old and blind or this boy is even better than I thought.

<<I don't see anything. You're making this up!>> signed Ike.

"You sure you're not just saying that so's you can keep us out here another day or two?" Lou asked. "That wind's getting colder."

"No. We're close; closer than we were the last time I could really see their sign." Buck was certain.

"Keep awake boys," Teaspoon said. "They could still be waiting for us somewheres, an' the canyon don't go on much longer."

As they moved off, Buck gradually allowed his horse to come back in line with the older men. "I don't get it, Teaspoon," he said quietly. "Cold Eyes has made sure we couldn't get any clear sign for a long time. How come there's suddenly a hoof print so clear as that one?"

"I wouldn't say it was that clear, Buck. You're the only one who saw it. I ain't doubtin' you, son," he added before Buck could protest. "I know you wouldn't say you see'd somethin' you didn't see, just to show off. But I could have left it without knowin', an' I've been knowed to shake a posse more'n once."

"You saying he left it on purpose, Buck?" Sam asked.

"Maybe. But he couldn't know I'd be the one doing the tracking. And like you said, Teaspoon, most whites would never have seen it." He couldn't resist a slight smile; his friends' trust in his abilities had been amply vindicated.

"You usually do, though. Everyone knows by now that if I need a posse, I come to you boys, and you Teaspoon, first off. Hell, you're the only ones stupid enough to ride with me." Sam smiled, but his mouth didn't smile as wide as normal.

"You got any past with Cold Eyes we don't know about?" Teaspoon asked.

"No." Buck's black eyes looked straight at Teaspoon's blue ones. He wasn't lying.

"Then I don't get it neither." One thing was sure, whatever the Wiltshires had planned, it wasn't going to be a party.

Breakfast at the Waystation was quieter than normal, which is not to say it was quiet. As usual, Cody and Jimmy seemed to be able to fight about anything - and they did!

"Emma, Cody took the last hotcake again!"

"Now, Jimmy, you know there's plenty more comin'. Don't take on so."

"But Emma, he takes the last hotcake when it's the only one there - every time! Ain't me I'm worried about, " he continued disingenuously, " But Kid here needs to get his strength back again."

Normally Kid would have added his own riposte to the teasing, but he still hadn't regained enough of his memory to be certain when the boys were teasing. "I'm, fine, really..." he began apologetically.

"Don't you take any notice of them Kid," Emma said as she put a fresh hotcake on Jimmy's place. "Jimmy don't really need anuy more - he's had 5 already. 'Sides, you ain't forgotten how to talk. You just ask for any more if'n you want them."

Cody stuck out his tongue at Jimmy behind Emma's back. "I told you I only had 4 hotcakes, Kid."

"It's been 7, Cody," Emma said decisively. " Now hush, you boys. I need you to go into town after you do your chores and see if Mr Tompkins has got that shipment of oats in yet. If he has, get some and put it on our account. Kid, would you mind taking me in the buggy to see MaryEllen ? I want to see how she's doin' with that new baby."

"Sure Emma, but.."

"I know, I'll have to tell you how to get there. You never know, that ride might freshen up that memory of yours a bit. Lou ain't due back till tomorrow, and you got plenty of time."

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