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To Tell

by Laronda

She had to tell them but, how she felt alone and scared. She looked around at her friends, the boys she loved as her brothers. Questions raced in her mind 'Will they understand?' 'Will Kid still love me?' She had the courage now; after all these years she had the courage to tell her friends the horror of her life.

The room was silent as they watched her carefully. She began to tell them the story of her life with her mother and siblings. The day she ran away from the orphanage and the day she met Simon Wicks, the man who abused her physically. The fear of beginning his torture. The decision to run away and be a boy.

Buck rose from his seat and walked over to Lou and smiled and placed his arms around her. She had released the fear she felt for so many years. Soon, the boys surrounded her. She wrapped her arms around them.

She had found the courage to tell.



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