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by Laronda


"Is it ever going to stop raining, Teaspoon?" Cody whined looking out the window. Rain poured down as if someone was dropping bucket from the dark sky.

"Cody, son, I ain't sure, but, if doesn't stop soon will be swimming for a long time," the older man answered. Cody moaned and sat down at the table. It had been raining now for two days straight.

"Boys!" Teaspoon shouted. The ridesr leaped from their bunks and raced to the front door. They were greeted by pouring water coming from everywhere.

"Boys!" the voice was coming from Emma this time. She screamed. Cody jerked the door open. He watched along with the other riders as crops, animals and wagons rushed by. The animals jerked in the violent rush of water. Ike stepped forward. Jimmy stopped him, crying "Ike!" Jimmy pulled him back in the bunkhouse.

After a few hours of fear the water stopped and a bright rainbow spread across the clearing
sky. Teaspoon told the riders to go back inside. After a couple of days the water had resided enough that the riders waded though the river of rain to the main house. Emma greeted them with warm blankets and coffee.

The clean up was unbearable. Thirteen people were dead, thousands of animals and millions
of crops were destroyed. The whole year's crop was gone in a couple of days. Disaster struck the tiny town of Sweetwater with wrath.


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