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by Nesciri


The curtain rod hanged tentatively from one corner of the window. One length of curtain was already on the floor and the other hanged dangerously close from joining it. Bedclothes were spread over the floor or crumbled up in the bunks. A vase with flowers had been overturned, the flowers carelessly thrown on the floor. The puddle of water on the table was slowly dripping down on them. Chairs had been overturned and it looked like a tornado had gone through the bunkhouse. Ike stared in alarm at the disaster. He’d only gone to brush down his horse; he couldn’t have been gone more than half an hour. He desperately searched the room. The culprit couldn’t be far away and he better found him before it was too late. Who knew what more damage could be done if he didn’t get hold of him? Ike dropped to his knees and looked under the beds before he started a throughout search. It was quickly done, simply because the bunkhouse held very few hiding places. When he found nothing, he paled slightly and rushed out the door.

“Ike!” Rachel called out as she saw the rider leave the bunkhouse. Ike disappeared around the corner without any indication of having heard her. Muttering under her breath, Rachel struggled with the wet sheet in the wind. She could have used a hand and since Ike just came back from a run, there weren’t any chores for him to do. Besides, she had already sent Kid and Lou into town, so the only ones at the station where Ike and Cody, and Cody had the chore of cleaning out the stables. Not exactly the person she wanted near her newly washed clothes. Placing another clothes pin in her mouth, she struggled with the next sheet and cursed silently as one end dragged on the ground. She didn’t bother with it, she could easily brush of the dirt when the fabric was dry. Tired and with an irritating pain in her lower back, she picked up the basket. She walked briskly over to the bunkhouse, squinting her eyes at the sun. Ike had disappeared and Cody was nowhere to be seen. No doubt they both would show up to supper, she pondered exasperated. She wiped the sweat from her forehead as she stopped outside the bunkhouse. Hitching p the basket to rest on her hip she reached for the door.

"Ike! Cody! If you don't get over here this instant, I'll…I'll…" Rachel choked on the words, so angry was she as she stormed over the yard. Cody peered out from the barn, hastily trying to wipe the last remains of sleep out of his eyes. Ike carefully drew near with his eyes firmly fixed on his feet. The two riders slowly approached the raging fury in the middle of the yard. When Rachel had ensured herself she had their attention, she merely beckoned them to follow. Ike closed his eyes in anguish. He already knew where she was heading and his heart sank. He'd hoped he'd get at least another hour.

"What is this about?" Cody asked with a frown as he caught up with the housekeeper. Rachel slammed the door open to the bunkhouse and flung her arm out towards the mess inside.

" This is what it is about," she said with gritted teeth. When I left her after breakfast, this place was clean. Now look at it - look!"

Cody looked questioningly at Ike and shrugged. He stepped over the porch and stopped dead in his tracks. The room looked like a tornado had gone through it. Ike cautiously followed him and looked at the mess. Already having seen it, he kept his hands in his pocket and absentmindedly kicked at a carelessly thrown sock on the floor. Cody turned wide-eyed to Rachel.

" I didn't do this, Rachel, I swear," he defended himself. "I've been in the stable all day."

Ike peered at his fellow rider. He hadn't seen Cody when he'd been putting up his horse. Maybe he'd been mistaken over who was responsible for the mess. Maybe his fugitive was innocent after all…however, Rachel immediately crushed his wishes. With two fingers she carefully pulled a straw of hay from Cody's fair-haired tresses.

" Don't suppose you were working though," she muttered. "Since you obviously had a good sleep, you don't mind cleaning up in here." She turned to Ike. "That goes for you too," she added. Ike hastily bent his head and nodded.

" But we didn't do anything," Cody objected once more, but one glaring look from Rachel shut him up. Rachel turned on her heel and without as much as a look at them marched back to the house. Cody moaned.

" I can't believe this - this will take hours to clean up." He looked at Ike, who stood silently next to him. "Who would do anything like this?" he complained without expecting an answer. Cody took one step into the room and disgustedly picked up a pillow before throwing it onto one of the bunks. Ike felt a flush on his face and quickly bend down to pick up the vase. He really hadn't time for this. He had to find the culprit before more damage was done.

The two boys hadn't been working for more than ten minutes until a ghastly scream was heard from the house. The boys immediately dropped what they held in their hands and rushed outside. Cody found time to grab his rifle on the way out. Running towards the house, they almost collided with a frightened Rachel heading in the other direction. As they managed to stay on their feet, Cody grabbed the upset Rachel.

" What's wrong?" he asked, unable not to let his eyes wander to the heaving chest of the housekeeper. Noticing his look, Rachel pulled herself together and pulled herself free from his hold.

" There's an..a….something in the larder," she panted, whisking a strand of hair from her face.

" A what?" Cody asked.

" Something stared at me -and hissed. It had yellow eyes," Rachel defended herself.

" What's that?" Cody asked with a air of superiority in his grin. "A demon?"

" Might as well be," Rachel retorted. "Or a very big rat - anyway, I'm not going back inside."

" Then let me handle this demon rat of yours," Cody promised and tapped his rifle. He hadn't taken more than a few steps towards the house when he was held back. Without explanation Ike rushed before him into the house. Cody and Rachel followed him, a bir surprised at the quiet rider's obvious distress.

It was dark in the larder and Ike hesitated at the door. Inside was a mess, jars laid broken on the floor. Then he heard a noise he recognised and a smile spread slowly over his face. Slowly he crouched and reached out a hand.

" There it is - right there!"

The shrill voice of Rachel almost caused Ike to loose his balance but he managed to stay on his feet. He cast a glance over his shoulder and saw Cody carefully take aim at something moving in the corner of the larder. A silent "No" echoed in his mind as he acted out of instinct. He rose and grabbed the barrel of the rifle, forcing it out of Cody's line of sight.

" What are you doing," Cody objected irritated. "I had it in my sight."

Ike just shook his head and crouched down again. Picking up a piece of apple from the floor he held it out.

" Careful, Ike," Rachel cautioned. "You can get attacked."

Dejected, Ike shook his head in a silent no. Slowly, keeping an eye on the two tall figures hovering in the door, a small animal slowly approached the silent rider. Walking on four legs it more jumped than walked and it's two round eyes looked frightened at the humans. A long tail was held low.

" What the hell is that?" Cody exclaimed as a noise outside told the arrivals of the others.

"So you say you bought it of this man who claimed he came from South America?" Teaspoon looked suspiciously at the strange animal, now sitting on the table in the bunkhouse, happily munching on a pile of apples in front of him. Ike nodded.

*I can keep him can't I?* he asked slowly.

Teaspoon cast a glance at the frowning housekeeper, but when Rachel saw his look, she shrugged. If Ike wanted to keep the animal it was up to him. Just as long as the little monster was locked up, she pondered.

" But what is it, Teaspoon?" Lou said and tentatively reached out a hand towards the beast. Her reward was a small, dark humanlike hand in her own and she beamed at the animal.

" I believe it some kind of monkey," Teaspoon explained. "I've heard stories of small monkeys in some of them big jungles down south, but I've never seen anyone before."

*Can I keep him?* Ike repeated.

Teaspoon glanced at the others. "What do you say boys?"

Lou and Buck immediately nodded their consent, Buck because he'd seen Ike's look when holding the animal and Lou because she was attracted to the small monkey. The others hesitated for a few seconds.

" As long as I don't have to clean up after him again," Cody stated and the others agreed.

" That settles it then," Teaspoon concluded. "He's all yours, Ike, including keeping him in control."

" What are you going to call it?" Buck asked.

Before Ike could answer, Jimmy stepped in.

" Why not call him ‘Disaster’," he suggested. "He certainly knows how to cause one."

The End

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