Send me your entry using an email attachment.I prefer MSWord documents, .rtf, or plain text.
Please don't send the story as part of your email itself - it takes soooo long to fix the formatting it's not funny.
Authors may submit one entire original entry in each section per contest, 3500 words or less (unless otherwise stated for that month's contest). No serialisations please. Larger stories, serials etc. are very, very welcome at the Sweetwater Library.
Entries must be rated, eg general, parent guidance required, 18+ etc.
Please check your spelling and punctuation before submission. All entries will be published 'as is.'
Updates will usually be weekly, but I can't guarantee this.
Copyright laws apply. I will put a copyright symbol on your page, together with an email contact hotlink so people can contact you to ask permission to make copies. I take no other responsibility. I reserve the right to make one copy for my own use.
To ensure fairness, all stories will be published with identical backgrounds and formatting. No pictures, please. Pictures are welcome for Library entries.
After the contest closes, the story will be transferred to the archives
where it can be accessed from the Library.
No correspondence regarding awards will be entered into. The awards will be presented according to the number of votes received per entry. Running totals of votes will be published weekly. The publisher may not enter the contest. Authors may not vote for their own story, but may certainly vote for others' stories.
The 'Rider' award is purely invented by the publisher. It will consist solely of images of a horse tinted gold, silver or bronze. No monetary or other prizes will be awarded or should be inferred.
Pseudonyms are OK, but I need your name and email address, or the entry
will be invalid.