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Friends Through Death


© 1999 by Gizmo

May not be copied without permission from the author


Sweetwater, Nebraska, May 1860

Four young boys looked over the plains, at a rider who stirred up the dust at a fast pace, half a mile away. The oldest of the boys, and also their leader, grinned widely as he turned to the three boys who had followed him through five states, robbing defenseless elders or women.

"He's gonna fall if he keeps that up!"

"So?" the second in command, Kevin, said with lack of interest radiating from his face.

"So, this is our chance!" the leader, Gordie, said as he nudged his two more loyal companions to follow him.

Gordie, Steven and Jerry headed down the slope in a trot, leaving Kevin biting his tongue bitterly. It wasn't the best weather ever, with big, dark clouds hanging low above their heads and rain in the air, and all he wanted was to find a place to stay for the night. Someplace dry and warm. With a deep sigh and hard frown on his face he followed his friends, who by now were hiding behind some bushes, cautious so the rider wouldn't discover them.

Buck rode fast toward the Sweetwater way station, carrying a very important letter for his station manager, Teaspoon. He hadn't worked for the Pony Express for very long, but he had come to trust the older man, and whatever the letter was about, he knew he was obligated to deliver it as fast as he could. He knew he was pushing his horse to run a slight bit faster than usual, but trusted his mount to stay on his feet.

Gordie motioned for Jerry, the smallest and youngest one of them, to dismount and spook the running Express horse as it came by. Jerry nodded with a smile. He trusted Gordie, looked up to him. Steven and him were from the same orphanage, and so was Kevin. But Kevin barely ever opened his mouth, and when he did he didn't say much. He was mostly just frowning.

Jerry smiled to himself as he crawled behind the bushes, listening to the sounds of the approaching horse. At the exact right moment, he jumped out from his hiding, making the Express horse jerk himself to the side, loosing its rider.

Buck tumbled down on the ground, the wind knocked out of him. He lay still for a few moments, trying to collect himself. His horse kept running for a few yards, then realized his rider wasn't on him anymore. He turned and walked slowly toward Buck, who crawled himself up to a sitting position, rubbing his right elbow. He wondered what had spooked the animal, but before he could think of any options, he saw something in the corner of his eye.

"Hey, you!" he bellowed, rising quickly, running after the tiny boy through the bushes.

Jerry ran for all he was worth, trying to get back to his friends. But very soon he was knocked over by Buck, who despite his fall still ran much faster.

"Stop strugglin', you ain't going nowhere!" Buck said through clenched teeth as he held the boy to the ground.

"Let go of me, I ain't did nothin'!"

Buck waited until the boy had struggled himself tired before loosening his grip.

"Now, who are you?!"

"Let go!" Jerry cried, tears in his eyes. Gordie's gonna have me for this!

"I ask again, who are you?" Buck said, calming his pounding heart.

"Nobody! Let go of me!"

Buck head the plea in the boy's voice, which made him let go completely. Jerry turned his head to look at Buck, stared terrified into his eyes.

"Go on, run!" Buck said, looking into the pale blue eyes of the boy. The pain and scare he saw reminded him of himself, long ago.

Jerry scrambled to his feet in a hurry and ran. Buck looked after him, until he disappeared behind some rocks. He rose with a sigh, again rubbing his elbow, which was still hurting. He turned again to look after the boy, but he was gone. He took the reins to his horse and mounted carefully, his body stiffening from the fall. Once again he was on his way home to Sweetwater.

"You damn idiot!" Gordie called angrily, Jerry hiding behind the slightly older Steven.

"It wasn't his fault!" Steven defended his friend, Gordie sighing deeply.

"Alright, but you should've run faster. Maybe next time you screw up you wont be so lucky!"

"He's only ten!" Steven yelled.

"And what are you? Ten and a half?" Gordie said slowly, standing that head taller right in front of him.

"I'm eleven!"

"Good for you. Now, let's get outta here before someone catches us!"

"Wait!" Kevin's voice broke the tension between the other boys, and made them all turn to where Buck had fallen earlier.

Kevin was holding up a knife. A big knife.

"Will someone take this, please? I don't like weapons!" Kevin spoke, the frown reappearing on his face.

"I'll take it!" Jerry smiled, running toward his friend to take it.

"No, you ain't!" Kevin objected angrily, Gordie stepping in front of him.

"Yes he is, you just said you didn't want it."

"Maybe so, but he ain't gettin' it!" Kevin stood his ground, looking up at Gordie's angry face.

"He's gettin' it, you said you didn't want it!" The oldest of the boys said firmly.

Jerry snatched the knife from Kevin's hand, turning his back at him to look over the huge weapon.

"No, you ain't!" Kevin screamed, throwing himself at Jerry.

The two boys fought roughly on the ground, Steven and Gordie looking on with interest.

Jerry screamed over and over again as Kevin's hard fists hit his tiny body, but one scream echoed in the boys' heads for several seconds.

Kevin stood quickly, looking down at the limp Jerry beneath him. The knife protruded from his chest, a bloodstain growing rapidly around it.

"No!" Steven screamed, kneeling beside his best friend, who was already beyond all help.

Jerry died seconds later.

"Great, Kevin."

Kevin looked up at Gordie's face, frowning as always, walking away with a thousand thoughts racing through his head.

"Are ya gonna take the knife or not?" Gordie called after him.

"Hell if I did!" Kevin hollered back, not turning around.

"You're gonna get hell anyway!" Steven called with tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Shut up! To hell with all of ya!" Kevin shouted, running for his horse, rode away as fast as he could.

"We don't need him, he can just die for all I care," Gordie said, trying to comfort the crying Steven.

"He killed Jerry!"

"I know, pal, and we are gonna make sure he gets a proper funeral. Come, we'll drop him off at the nearest house. They'll take care of him."

Steven reluctantly rose, followed Gordie to collect some branches. Together they made a travois, which Jerry's horse pulled toward Sweetwater.



Buck reached the station and handed Teaspoon the important letter. Before Emma could come out and see which state he was in, he hurried to the bunkhouse and changed clothes. As he pulled on his boots again, he noticed his knife sheath was empty. He didn't say anything about it, just as he had decided not to tell anyone about the boy that spooked his horse. Whoever that boy was, he surely didn't mean anything, just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. Buck washed up and sat down by the table, just minutes before Emma came in to make dinner.

That night, Buck went to check on the horses in the barn. He stood by his horse, gently stroking its neck, when his eyes fell on something in a dark corner. His curiosity made him take a few steps that direction, but when he saw what it was, he started running.

Crouching beside the dead boy, his eyes caught sight of the knife. His knife. He checked if the boy was perhaps still alive, but there were no signs of either breathing or heartbeat. His head was instantly filled with thoughts of regrets, and he felt the panic rise higher the longer he looked at the boy's face.

He heard the door to the barn open, and Lou's cheery voice call his name. Before he could reply, she stood behind him, her eyes growing wider, chin dropping.

"No! No way!"

"Lou," Buck spoke, his eyes teary for the dead boy, reaching out a hand.
"Lou, please!"

"Teaspoon!" Lou hollered, stepping backwards, bumping into the wall, gripping a pitchfork.
"You stay there and don't even think of moving!"

"Lou? What are you!"

"Don't you dare speak! I'm serious, I'll stick it in your heart!"

Buck swallowed, seeing panic and fear, as well as anger and disgust in Lou's big, dark eyes.

"Lou, I didn't!"

"Shut up! Teaspoon!!"

Kid followed by Teaspoon, Jimmy, Cody and Ike came through the door with frantic looks on their faces.

"What's happened here?" the older man asked, looking behind Buck.
"Oh, Lord!"

"Lou, are you alright?" Kid asked with concern, wanting to take her into his arms, but didn't, knowing it would give away her secret.

"I'm fine, but what about the boy?"

Teaspoon and Jimmy kneeled by the boy's head, the older man shaking his head sadly. Cody, Kid and Jimmy all drew their guns at Buck, who stared helplessly at Ike.

"I didn't do it, Teaspoon, you gotta believe me!" Buck said, pacing back and forth in the cell.

"I'm afraid I can't, Buck. That boy died from a stab-wound in the heart. From your knife, Buck, and you were the only one there," Teaspoon stated calmly, the younger man grabbing the bars angrily.

"I didn't do it!"

"I'm sorry, son."


The remaining riders sat on the porch outside the Marshal's office. They were all shaken by the event the previous night, and none of them had slept much at all.

"What do we really know about him, anyway?" Cody asked suddenly, Ike glaring at him angrily.
"Look, Ike, I haven't known him for a whole lot of time, and what can I say, I'm not very surprised about all this! It's almost been written all over him since he first came here. No offense."

"Cody's got a point," Jimmy said, staring at his boots.
"He's been very withdrawn since he came, but still! we don't know him. What do you say, Ike?"

Ike glared at them angrily, walking inside the Marshal's office.

"No words needed to translate what he thinks," Kid said flatly.

"I can't believe any of this! Even though I saw with my own eyes how he was leaning over that poor boy, I would have never guessed he could kill someone! Not like that!" Lou said, seeking support in the others, but received none.

"Guess it's up to the judge now, huh?" Jimmy said, looking after Ike.


"Ike, you can believe what you like, but I didn't do it!" Buck defended himself, his best friend nodding.

<I believe you, but how did your knife end up in that boy's heart?>

"I don't know, Ike! I don't have a clue!"

Sam Cain walked up the cell where Buck stood leaning sadly against the bars, clearing his throat.

"I've sent a messenger to Judge Farrell in Blue Creek. He might be here in two days."

Buck's heart sank, his head falling against the bars.

"I didn't do it, Sam!"

"I'm sorry, Buck, this is the law. I can't do anything," Sam said, walking to his desk.
"I've never seen the boy in town before, but I'll ask around. Do you recognize him, Teaspoon?"

"Nope. Never seen him."

"I have!" Buck suddenly called.

Three heads turned to look at him.

"We know you have, Buck," Sam said.

"No, you don't understand! I saw him on my way back here from Horse Creek. He spooked my horse and I caught him."

"Really, now?" Sam's voice was lit up by curiosity.

"Yeah. I let him go, but! I think he must have stolen my knife without me noticing it. It was gone when I came home," Buck concluded, Sam shaking his head.

"I wish I could believe you, Buck, but that was the lamest excuse I've ever heard! So, he stole your knife and stabbed himself in the heart? I don't think so, Buck."

"No, but you don't understand, I,-"

"Buck, save it for the judge," Sam said, walking outside.

Teaspoon gave him a long stare before he followed Sam out.

"Ike? You believe me, don't you? I would never kill a little boy, you know that, don't you?!" Buck was growing desperate.

<I believe you, I said I did.> Ike responded with a nod.

"They'll hang me, Ike. I didn't do it, but they'll hang me anyway!"

<I know, my friend. I will help you any way I can.>

Ike placed a hand on his friend's shoulder through the bars, nodding reassuringly.

"Thanks, Ike. I know you will," Buck whispered, allowing a brief smile upon his lips.

Three days passed before Judge Farrell came into Sweetwater from Blue Creek. A trial followed instantly.

"Mr. Cross, how is your plea?"

"Not guilty," Buck said lowly, glancing with hurt in his eyes toward the front row, where his Express rider friends sat, beside Emma, Sam and Teaspoon.

"I'm sorry, will you repeat that?"

Buck still glanced at the riders, and did so until a sudden noise from judge Farrell broke the silence in the room.

"Mr. Cross, how is your plea?" he repeated with a stern tone.

"Not guilty, your honor," Buck spoke with a clear voice, straightening himself.

"Then we will withdraw for a short break, and return at 12.30 p.m. The court is adjourned."

Buck was handcuffed and taken back to the jail, silently staring at his friends. They all felt his eyes pierce them, but could say or do nothing.

Lou was the first to go talk to him.

"Buck, I didn't take the stand against you. I couldn't. I believe you now, you didn't do it," she said, a low murmur coming from the cell bunk.

She sighed and leaned against the bars.

"Buck, I'm really sorry!"

"Sure you are!" he muttered back, in the corner of his eye seeing Sam return.

"Time, Buck. Let's go."


Once again sitting in front of the Judge, he felt a tug at his stomach. He was so sick he thought he would throw up, but sat silent. He had been given no lawyer, as there was too little time to bring one. He knew he wouldn't have been able to pay one anyway.

As Judge Farrell started to read the verdict, Buck felt as if he was starting to fall into a bottomless hole. Everything went black before his eyes and his ears could hear nothing for several moments.

"Come on, Buck, let's go," Sam said, bringing Buck back to the present.


"Let's go, I think the others might wanna talk to you over at the jail."

Buck followed Marshal Cain toward his cell, trying to grasp what was happening to him. When they reached the jail, Ike sat on a chair, looking up with questioning eyes.

Buck hadn't even noticed his friend was missing before.

"I'm sorry, Ike. He's gonna hang in three days," Sam said lowly, Ike's eyes narrowing.
"There's nothing you can do, Ike, I'm sorry."

Buck was left in his cell, and sank down on the bunk, head falling hard against the wall. The pain didn't bother him. He was numb. Ike signed something for him, but he didn't look.

"Go away, Ike. I have nothing to say!"

Ike signed again, but his friend didn't look this time either. He gave up, left.

For three days time Buck had frequent visitors at the jail, but he didn't listen to what any of them said. It was all "I'm sorry!" and "I was wrong!" anyway. Ike sat by his side almost all the time in the days, and cried himself silently to sleep each night in his bunk, the pain of losing his best friend too great to even share it with Buck. He tried to smile when around his friend, but the truth of how he felt was revealed in his eyes.

On the third morning, Buck was given a comb, a bowl of water and a soap.

"You want some clean clothes as well, or are you okay in those?" Sam asked, Buck not answering, nor did he look up.
"I'm talking to you!"

"What difference does it make?" Buck's silent reply barely reached the Marshal's ears, but it made Sam approach the bars with a sad face expression.

"Buck, there's nothing I can do. Now, come on, it's almost nine thirty. I'd have your breakfast in for you, if you'd only tell me what you want," he pleaded.

"I don't want anything."


Emma came through the door minutes later, a clean shirt on her arm.

"Hi, Buck."

Buck looked up lazily, then stared at the floor again.

"I brought you a shirt, do you want it?"

When he didn't reply, she hung the shirt on the door.

"He's not talking, Emma, it's no use," Sam said from his desk.

Emma threw Buck a sad eye, then walked up to the Marshal. She was going to say something, when the clock on the wall announced ten o'clock.

Sam sighed and rose, taking out the keys to the cell. Emma walked outside.


Out in the street Buck was met by the townspeople and their scorning words.

"How can you kill a defenseless child?!"

"You deserve worse!"

He closed his eyes and continued through the crowd, toward the gallows where the hangman was already prepared.

Teaspoon stood by the stairs, saying something Buck didn't listen to.

"I didn't do it!" he whispered to himself, Sam patting his shoulder.

The rope was tight around his neck, the black bandanna over his eyes, when he started to pray. He heard the sound of the hatch below him open, the rope tighter still around his neck, then sounds of someone running up the stairs to his right. Then everything went black.

"Don't do it! It was me!"

Sam and Teaspoon ran up to get the boy away, but Kevin held a gun between them.

"Cut him down, it was me! I killed Jerry!"

"Come on, son, put that gun away," Teaspoon pleaded, the soon to-be fifteen boy shaking his head violently.

"I killed him! I killed Jerry with his knife!" he shouted, causing the whole crowd to take a step back in sheer surprise.

Kevin held the gun against the rope and fired. Buck's body fell to the ground, instantly surrounded by the riders. Another gunshot was heard, and Kevin's body tumbled down the stairs.

Two boys rode quickly out of town, the older one of them dropping a rifle behind on the trail, the barrels still smoking.


Buck was brought to the doctor, where he recovered for three days. When he came to, the riders all sat by his cot.

"You're not allowed to talk, so we'll do that, okay?" Lou whispered, smiling widely with tears in her eyes. She was afraid she would give herself away, but saw the others too had tears.

"We should have believed you, Buck. This was all our fault," she spoke for all of them, Buck shaking his head.

"No, I don't blame you. I'm the one who's sorry," he said, his voice coming out as merely a whisper.

"Sssh, you're gonna be fine if you rest. And we are sorry, all of us."

They all nodded, Ike smiling at him.

"What happened? Why am I here?" Buck again tried to speak, pain in his throat making him swallow hard.

"That's a long, very strange story," Kid assured, the riders nodding.

"Not to mention very sad," Lou cut in.

"You rest and get well now, you hear?" Jimmy said, holding out his hand.

"Friends," Buck whispered, taking Jimmy's hand in his, looking at the others.
"All of us."

"All of us!" they agreed with wide smiles, taking Buck's hand.