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Welcome to Sweetwater: The Library: Lie to Me

Lie to Me

©2004 by Laronda.

Email the author.

Cassie stood outside the home she shared with her mother. She felt the warm air surround her. She closed her eyes. She thought of him, her sweet Noah. He was everything a woman could ask for in a man; caring, sweet, and loving. She sighed. Lately she had been having nightmares about him. Cassie would wake up screaming, seeing Noah shot.

Suddenly, the wind picked up and turned cold. She opened her eyes. A feeling of dread came over her. "Noah," she whispered. She quickly ran to her horse and jumped on him. "Please God!" She kicked the horse into a gallop.

As she galloped towards town she noticed a group of people surrounding someone. She jumped down and shouldered her way though the crowd. She stopped. Noah laid on the ground covered with blood. She hit her knees. "Noah!" she picked up his head and cradled him closely to her. "Nooooooo!!!" she screamed. Jimmy touched her shoulder. She looked up at him, "Jimmy, he promised he’d never leave." Jimmy's eyes suddenly filled with tears. "Noah, don't go!" She hugged him closely.

Noah's funeral was filled with his new friends. Cassie stood near the back. She held a note in her hands. Noah had written to her a few months before his death.

I love you and will never leave
through the wind and rain.
I’ll be here for you always
If I leave before you remember
I hope you remember I am here.

Cassie had been told time heals all wounds but, wounds never heal time.