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Something In The Water - Part 6

©2004 by Helen Gibson

“…I think Kid’s back in town!” Buck’s eyes flicked across to Jimmy for his reaction. Buck saw Jimmy’s eyes darken as he turned his head looking for his old ‘friend’.

When Jimmy spotted Kid, he couldn’t help but notice he was alone. “I wonder where his wife and kids are?” Jimmy pondered aloud.

“Me too,” replied Noah. “I’m glad Lou’s back at the ranch. I don’t like Kid’s chances if she was!”

“Well if he’s here to get Lou back, he’s gonna have a hell of a fight on his hands. I’m marrying Lou tomorrow, and he’s not going to ruin it,” Jimmy roared. With that, he stood up and stormed over to where Kid sat watching his friends, hoping he was being inconspicuous, but as he saw the boys approaching, he knew he’d failed.

“Well, well, what brings you boys back to Sweetwater? It’s been too long. Please, sit down, have a drink. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do…” Kid babbled.

“What are you doing here, Kid? Where’s your wife and kids?” Jimmy asked, holding himself back from punching Kid to a pulp. He was proud of himself and knew Lou would be too, not to mention Teaspoon, Rachel and Emma if they could see him now.

“Well, Lou’s back home…”Kid lied, buit was cut off mid-sentence.

“Yeah, I know she’s at home…just where we left her with the rest of our families.” Buck emphasised, gesturing to the other boys.

“When you ran out on her, she left and came home to build a new life for herself and HER family.” Cody announced.

“She divorced you, that is after she saw you and your OTHER family, came here and is finally happy…and she’s happily living without you!” Jimmy spat.

Kid’s face dropped at the fact that they all knew about him and Lou.

“Okay, so you already knew. Well I came here hoping she might have come back here, since she wasn’t in Rock Creek. I went there first and was told you were all here…so if Lou’s here, I was hoping to talk to her, to apologise and maybe start out fresh!” Kid attempted to explain, a smile on his face.

“You wanted to explain to Lou why you left her when she was six months pregnant? Why you have another family – one since before we all left the express? And then expect Lou to take you back, just like that?” Jimmy asked sarcastically. His cool was quickly waning and his anger was almost ready to explode.

“Well, Kid, I think you’ve missed your chance. We know for a fact that she’s moved on. She’s met a great fella, she’s got a great life and is really happy.” Cody announced, quickly glancing at Jimmy.

For a few minutes, Kid looked as though he had been slapped in the face. Then he shook his head. “Maybe, but I intend on going out and talking to her anyway, right after I finish this fine meal.” Kid stated just as his meal arrived.

Kid, it’s getting late. Why don’t you leave it til tomorrow? She’ll still be there…unless you’ve gotta get back…you know, to your WIFE.” Noah growled.

“No, you’re right. It’s getting late. There’s no rush. I’ve got a few things to organise in the morning, so maybe I’ll go out after lunch. If you go out there in the morning, don’t let her know I’m coming. I’ve got a plan. Oh, and by the way, who’s the new minister in town? I’ll need to talk with him and make sure he’s free if I’m going to marry Lou tomorrow!” Kid announced, happy with himself. “Oh, and you guys are all invited to the wedding tomorrow after Lou says yes.” With that, he happily dug into his meal.

Together, the boys dragged Jimmy out of there. They knew he was about to kill Kid. He had become such an arrogant self-assured …well asshole. They were about to leave when another old friend walked through the door.

“Oh, my lord, Jessie, is that you?” Noah asked.

The boy looked up at hearing his name and recognition crossed his face.

“Noah, Buck, Ike, Cody. Hey Jimmy” Jessie squealed. “What brings you guys to town?”

“This is where we all started on the express…except Noah. We’re having a reunion of sorts.” Buck declared looking back at Kid, then to Jimmy. “So how long are you in town?”

“I’ve just arrived. It sounds like a nice town. So is Rachel, Teaspoon and Lou here?” Jessie replied, looking around the restaurant and then spotting Kid, “Why is Kid eating alone…is Lou alright?” he asked hurriedly, thinking something terrible had befallen his favourite rider and first love.

“She’s fine. She’s back at home with Teaspoon and Rachel. She and Kid are divorced. You should come out to the old waystation tomorrow afternoon for a bit of a feast we’re having.” Jimmy explained, with a smile on his face. He was starting to get extremely excited about tomorrow… about his wedding to Lou...about their future together. ‘As long as Kid doesn’t find out, it should all go smoothly!’ he thought.

“Well, we’ve gotta go. Got a big day tomorrow” Cody announced, slapping Jimmy on the back. The boys said their farewells, giving Jessie directions to the ranch, then left the restaurant and headed to the hotel.

All Jimmy wanted to do was ride back to the ranch and warn Lou that Kid was back in town. He knew she wouldn’t take it lightly. She had told him one night a few weeks back as they sat up talking, that she was scared that one day Kid would come back to take Joey away from her. That night, Jimmy promised her that he’d protect them both…she had to know he was in town tonight!

“Umm, could one of you do me a huge favour?” Jimmy asked the boys as they stood at the threshold to the hotel. “I need one of you to ride out to the ranch and tell Lou that Kid’s back in town. I can’t let her arrive tomorrow and get the shock of her life when she sees Kid.”

“I’ll go,” Buck offered. “I’ll be as quick as I can.”

“Just don’t let Kid see you, otherwise he’ll go out first thing andknow what’s happening. I don’t want him ruining tomorrow…for any of us!” Jimmy stated firmly.

At everyone’s nod of understanding, Buck headed out to the old waystation as fast as his horse could take him.

At hearing a fast approaching horse, Teaspoon, Sam and Lou quickly filed out of the house where they were enjoying a lovely nightcap. When Lou saw it was Buck, her heart dropped to her feet, thinking the worst had happened…’why else would Buck come rushing in here?’ she solemnly thought.

“Buck, what is it? What’s happened to Jimmy?” She stammered, tears pricking at her eyes.

“He’s fine, Lou, but he asked me to come warn you…”he gulped as he climbed down from his horse and walked up to Lou. “…Kid’s in town!”

Buck saw Lou’s eyes hardened just like Jimmy’s eyes did. Anger edged into her features. “Does he know about the wedding? About Jimmy and I?” she asked, traces of fear in her voice.

“No. Cody told him you’d met a great man and had moved on. And we didn’t say anything about Joey…and he hasn’t asked about her. He doesn’t even know he has a daughter. He was going to come out here tonight, but we talked him into leaving it until tomorrow. He then decided to leave it until tomorrow after lunch…oh yeah, and he wants to talk to the minister in the morning before coming out here. It appears he expects you to take him back and remarry him tomorrow afternoon. We’ve all been invited to the wedding….seems like you’re gonna be a busy woman tomorrow, Lou” he chucked.

“Yeah! Marrying Jimmy in the morning, then Kid in the afternoon…hmmm the wedding night sure will be interestin’!” Sam jested, bringing a laugh from everyone.

“Well make sure Jimmy’s at the church a bit earlier than we planned. I want to arrive on time and get the wedding over with so Kid can’t stop it. Maybe we should have a lookout… just incase.” Lou stated firmly.

“Don’t worry, Lou. None of us will let Kid ruin Jimmy’s and your big day. I promise you that!” Teaspoon insisted, with nods coming from Sam, Emma, Rachel and Buck.

“Well, I’d better get back. I’m hoping Kid doesn’t see me. Oh, yeah, Jesse’s in town as well. Jimmy invited him over tomorrow for lunch, but we didn’t mention the wedding, just incase he accidentally told Kid. Well night all. See you all at the church.” Buck smiled, tipping his hat then mounted his horse and rode quickly back to town. When he arrived, he snuck through the backdoor of the hotel and crept silently up to his room. He had made it two doors from his room when he saw Kid poke his head out of his door, then saw a scantily dressed woman come out of Kid’s room, kiss his cheek and leave. Buck had seen the woman earlier outside of the saloon when they arrived in town: she was then busy trying to attract a customer or two.

Buck quickly barged into the room to his left. The occupant looked up from the window he was looking out of, startled at the sudden intrusion.

“Buck, what are ya trying to do? You scared me half to death.” Jimmy cried. He’d taken his guns off earlier and they were hung over the end of the bed.

“Sorry, but I didn’t want Kid to see me. He was just saying goodbye to his night’s entertainment.” Buck spat.

“He what? Thank god Lou’s ma…..” Jimmy was interrupted by Buck.

“Ah, Jimmy, don’t!” Buck stated. He then mouthed ‘Kid’s at the door.’ They both looked towards the door, then Jimmy and Buck quietly and quickly moved to the door and hastily opened it.

There was Kid with his ear pressed up against the door. When the door suddenly opened, he straightened up like he’d done nothing wrong.

“Somethin’ we can help you with, Kid?” Jimmy asked.

“Ahh, Jimmy, Buck, just wondering if you were asleep yet. I was hoping you’d join me for a drink over at the saloon” Kid slurred.

“No thanks, Kid. We’re about to go to bed. Got a big day tomorrow. We’re gonna see Lou in the morning and then we’ve possibly got wedding tomorrow afternoon. So what time are you heading out tomorrow to see Lou?” Buck asked casually.

“Oh well. I’m seeing the minister around eleven – he has a wedding to perform funnily enough, then I’ll go out and see Lou. Hoping all goes well we’ll be at the church about four. I’ll let you know. Will you be here or somewhere in town? Kid replied.

“Umm, probably somewhere in town!” Buck answered.

“Okay. I’ll meet you all at the saloon at say three-thirty. That way we can all get ready to head to the church in time. Well night boys. See ya’ll tomorrow.” With that, Kid returned to his room. Buck soon followed on to his own room where he soon fell asleep.

Jimmy went back to look out the window when everyone had left him to his thoughts. After about an hour, he went over to his bed and wrapped up the final present he had for Lou. After it was wrapped, Jimmy turned out his light and tried to get some sleep…and tried…and tried. At around dawn, he finally fell asleep, only to have someone banging on his door a few short hours later.

Meanwhile at P.E.W:

Lou had her hair in rags and was just too full of feelings to sleep: feelings of excitement, fear, anxiety, worry, anger and happiness. The wedding was responsible for the excitement, happiness and some anxiety, while Kid’s reappearance was the basis for the fear, worry, anger and the rest of the anxiety. As the rooster crowed the morning in, Lou’s body finally let sleep overtake her.

She’d slept for nearly 3 hours when Emma entered her room and awoke the sleeping Lou. Emma had heard Lou throughout the night, and knew she hadn’t had much sleep, but knew that they had to be at the church on time, if not earlier.


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