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The Mystery of Wild Bill

© 1998 by Joanne Stenseth
May not be copied without permission from the author.


It was early July in 1805 when a murder people called Wild Bill escaped from Oklahoma State Jail. He was reported to be last seen in Texas, but no one was sure exactly where in Texas. He was on the loose and everyone was getting very nervous, women waited anxiously for their husbands to get home from hunting or cutting wood. They didn't know when he was going to strike again, or if he was
going to even strike again.

A wise man named George Jones herd about Bill escaping, but he didn't worry about it. He had an idea of what Bill was going to do next. He knew that Bill last killed a woman named Mary An Clarence and she was one of Bill's lovers, so would he be on a killing spree killing his ex-lovers? That night when he was working at the Saloon he remembered his brother, Johnny talking about him catching his wife making love to Bill.

The next morning he headed over to Jonny's house to talk to him about it. "I don't want to talk about it George!" Jonny said,"But Jonny I need to know I could find out what Wild Bill plans to do next."George said. Jonny says"GET OUT NOW!"

George shamelessly leaves thinking that Wild Bill could be anywhere and that he shouldn't be wasting time, he decides to go to the police.

George went to the police, but it didn't help them. "We might be able to use that information," one police man said. George thinks that the police don't mean business, so he decides to put matters in his own hands. He gets in contact with every woman that was related to Mary An and warns them of Wild Bill. Now he knows he has done all that he can do. He stops searching for Wild Bill and thinks it's best to forget about it.

Now Bill is in San Francisco continuing his murdering spree. Bill is being very cautious about his murders he is now wanted throughout the entire country. Bill has killed about two dozen women and he is still killing. A young and attractive woman named Elizabeth Clarence was near the area where Wild Bill was. Her cousin was Mary An Clarence and she was very afraid of Wild Bill, but she is prepared.

One day Wild Bill went to town in disguise and he notices Elizabeth. He is now after her, he wants her and she doesn't even know it. He found out the perfect plan to get to her he will go to the Saloon and pay her to help him get directions some where and will then buy her a drink and get her drunk, then he would make love to her and kill her. The plan worked perfectly until he tried to get her drunk, she then knew that it was Bill. She didn't panic, she did what he had planned for her, but she did it to him. She didn't exactly kill him, she just got him dead drunk.

The next morning she turned him in and got rewarded $1,000,000. She gave George half of it for warning her.