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© 1998 By Vera Burnett-Powell


As the war heated up in 1863, Kid and I left Kansas went and back east to Virginia. I shared a house near Mechanicsville , VA with Sarah Dunnston. Our son Jamie was born May 1, 1863 six weeks after we arrived in Virginia. Kid came to us whenever he could get leave. Kid needed to fight for his home, Virginia, and Lou and Jamie had to be near him.

Kid was involved in many campaigns. He was involved in three legendary battles. He fought with Colonel Hodges and the 14th at Gettysburg in, July of 1863. He was in the Wilderness Campaign, in May of 1864 with the 12th under Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Massie . He was involved in the Appomattox Campaign on April 2, 1865 in Dinwiddie. He came back from Gettysburg and the Wilderness Campaign with serious injuries. He nearly lost an arm and a leg. He came home because he didn't trust field doctors or rations. Lou was surprised when Kid said he preferred her cooking. It was improving, but, she was no Rachel or Emma in the kitchen. Lou did have a bit of ability as a nurse. Some she learned from Sarah, Rachel and from Buck. He had a bit of knowledge of Kiowa medicine and sometimes it worked.

Each time he came to visit his family on leave Kid seemed more tired and beaten. Kid said Jamie and Lou were his safe harbors in a sea of trouble. He seemed to realize the south was fighting a battle it would lose. Upon his return from Dinwiddie on May 1, 1865, he was extremely depressed. His only joy seemed to be his arrival home in time for Jamie's birthday. "It is over for the South,' Kid said, "Virginia isn't home anymore. Much of the Southern way of life is dead and the North is gonna be ruthless. Things are going to get much worse, before it gets better. I can't stay here any longer, so, it's time to go home to Sweetwater. Start packing while I go to wire Rachel in Denver and ask her to contact Teaspoon."


In June of 1865 Lou and Kid left Virginia for Kansas. They arrived in September of 1865 after several stops and lay overs along the way. Kid and Lou sure surprised Teaspoon, when they stepped off the train with Jamie. Give me my grandson he said. "What's his name?"

"James, replied Kid , but we call him Jamie."

"Let' s head to the Crestview Hotel, I got you three a room there until you find somewhere more permanent. I also arranged for Katie and Lightening to be boarded temporarily at the blacksmith's stable."

Kid said "Lou, I wired ahead to ask about the land and make sure we had somewhere to stay. You need a bed, not a bunk or bedroll and you know it," said Kid

in a no nonsense tone. "Can't let anything happen to you and Jamie."

As they entered the lobby Teaspoon said "Look at you, Louise. Ain't she pretty as a picture, Kid?' he smiled.

"Seems like she's changed a bit to me" commented a slightly scruffy man next to Teaspoon.

"Cody!!" warned Teaspoon, "Don't upset Louise." Cody gave Teaspoon a funny look.

"You mean the army hasn't had to kill you yet?" said Lou as she hugged Cody. '

"Nah," he responded. "I think I'm leaving the army. I'm not too keen on their Indian policy." As he spoke he gave Lou a bear hug and Buck a pointed look over Lou' s shoulder.

"And how about me? said two familiar voices in unison from behind Lou and Cody .

"Jimmy and Buck!" cried Lou. "Just look at you two! My, you have changed since I last saw you. How did you know we...?"

"Ask Teaspoon. We wouldn't dare miss this home coming," Buck chuckled. "We haven't changed that much but you sure have. You're more beautiful than ever."

"Why Buck Cross are you flirting with an old, married lady?"

"Lord you haven't changed that much," laughed Jimmy as he hugged Lou.

Lou whispered "Thank you Jimmy for sending him home to me. He told me what happened she said with tears in her eyes."

"You are welcome," responded Jimmy. "I may not always understand you two, but I never stopped loving you. Kid, I can see you have your hands full," Jimmy said.

"My hands are definitely full with these two, replied Kid with a smile. Teaspoon is holding our son James, but we call him Jamie."

"And what' s your family's last name," inquired Cody.

"Well," responded Kid sheepishly, "We stayed in St. Joe just long enough to officially change this family's last name to McCloud".

"If that isn't just like you," replied Teaspoon. "Pick a name close to Lou' s heart.

"It was my Momma' s maiden name, replied Lou. She grinned at Kid, " I'm happy toknow he chose it and it will carry on with our sons."

"Well," responded a gentle female voice. "I see this reunion is in full swing."

"Rachel, cried Lou as they hugged . It's wonderful to see you. I missed you so much.' Louise.

"You've grown so much," said Rachel with a tear in her eye. "You've blossomed into a real beauty." Louise blushed as she hugged Rachel.

"Thanks,"she said. "I'll tell you all about it"

Kid said "Rachel! I'm glad to see you," and gave her a squeeze as he whispered "Please help me get Lou to take care of herself. We'll explain later."

When the group gathered for dinner, Teaspoon raised the subject of land with Kid. "That land you asked about is available. Buck and I took a ride out to look at it. Brought back plenty of fond memories. It' s yours for the right price and I even found a couple of investors."

"Investors said Kid. I'm not at all sure about that. Don' t want someone else telling me what to do with my property."

"Maybe I should say partners," replied Teaspoon.

"That's even worse", replied Kid. "Aren' t too many people I want to be saddled with."

"Well, I think you can work with these partners. I'm talking about me and Buck, replied Teaspoon." Kid merely grinned " Really, sign us up."

"Hey! You didn't ask me," complained Lou. "I thought this marriage was a partnership. Besides it' s my money too."

Kid shot Lou a very aggravated look and said "Now listen, Lou, this is not the time or place for this."

"Uh oh, here comes a storm," said Jimmy.

"Just like the old days," said Cody "I'm telling you, they really ought to sell tickets. Kid and Lou are quite a show when they argue."

"We're in a public place," said Buck. "Go easy everyone."

"Oh, put away that look and quit fussing, Kid. I'm teasing," said Lou, as she gripped his hand tightly . "I wouldn't pass up a chance at our dream."

That night the Riders' reunion continued. Lou and Rachel talked in the McCloud's room long into the evening after Jamie was tucked in.

"Rachel, I know Kid is worried about me," said Lou. "And in a way I don't blame him. I miscarried our second baby six weeks ago and he feels responsible. He says we should have waited until the baby's birth to leave Virginia. But I didn't know I was expecting before we left and neither of us could stand to watch as Virginia was decimated. It was draining Kid's spirit. We had to leave Virginia."

"Rachel, they have destroyed the South," said Lou, with a tear in her eye. "I wonder if anyone knew what they were doing when they started this war. There was so much suffering and death and starvation was close at hand. We were luckier than most because we didn't go hungry or freeze in the winter. One woman I knew killed herself and her child rather than watch her little one starve. We did as much as we could for others and shared all that we had. But, we just couldn't do it alone. It was not enough."

"Oh' Louise, no wonder you have grown up so much. You have seen things some people will never see. The news traveled here but not in detail like that. You have to let some of that go and take care of yourself. If you don't, it will eat you alive. I'll be

here a week or two and I'll be glad to help with my grandson. I'll help you get the old house in some order. I'll even cook if I have to."

Lou smiled. "Kid said my cooking is improving. At least it beat war rations." Rachel just laughed.

Meanwhile, the men settled in Teaspoon's office for a long talk. "All of you have grown up and become fine men from what I see and hear. I have done my best to keep up with you all."

"You never went to Texas?" asked Jimmy.

"No," responded Teaspoon. "I was needed here and I lost heart as I heard the News from the north, east, and south. It's like God answered my prayers, by bringing us all together again. I'm not necessarily one known to pray a lot, but, so many times I asked him to spare my family, all of you."

" You know, Teaspoon, you and Mr. Johnson were right," said Jimmy." You could feel the hate and it consumed a nation. There have been so many atrocities committed in the name of keeping the country unified, that it tore the country apart."

Kid said, "He's right," as he gave Jimmy a pointed look. "I watched so many men and boys die and say I hate you to someone they never took the time to know or understand. They wanted to die for the cause. I ask what cause? The causes destroyed this nation and nearly took some of us with it."

Teaspoon replied "I asked God to keep you all safe and prayed you wouldn't meet each other on opposite sides in this war."

"We did, Teaspoon," said four voices at once.

"What!" thundered Teaspoon.

Cody gave Buck a pointed look as he started to speak. "Buck and I met each other on opposite sides about two months ago. We were taking a camp of Indians up north mixed with Kiowa, Ute and Navajo. The camp was filled with families. As we rode in one end of the camp, three braves were leaving from the opposite end with a group of women and children. The Captain ordered me to follow them, because he didn't want to leave a single person standing."

"I quickly caught up with them and two of the braves circled me with tomahawks, so I aimed my rifle. Buck roared for all of us to stop. He recognized me and informed the other braves I would not harm anyone or bring the Army there. Buck saved my life again and I couldn't betray him. I went back and told the Captain that I lost the women and children. He was skeptical, but he didn't feel like looking for them."

Buck completed the story. "By the time we returned to the camp again most of the tents and lodges were burnt shells. Many of the women and children were hysterical. They lost husbands, brothers, fathers and sons. I lost a brother . Red Bear died and left behind his wife and daughter."

Cody said "I'm so sorry Buck, I know you loved your brother."

"Yes I did. I never got the chance before to say it. Thanks Cody, you also saved my life and that of my niece and sister in-law. However, my sister in-law isn't doing well without Red Bear. I guess some things don't change."

Cody indicated, "That incident has caused me to think of doing other things. I'll probably scout some for the army, but, I want no part of the Indian War."

"That's quite an encounter," replied Kid.

"Did you and Jimmy meet too?" inquired Teaspoon.

"We did, replied Kid, "during my last campaign in Dinwiddie. I probably wouldn't be here if it were not for Jimmy." Kid drifted thousands of miles away to Virginia as he spoke. "It was a vicious battle with many confederate losses. I had become a captain because I had experience and most others with it were gone by that time, After the battle, five of my men and I were captured and dragged to the Union camp. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice, a captain Hickok. A private was asking what to do with the captain with the funny name he accidentally captured... '


"I escaped and kept my word," finished Kid. "Thank you Jimmy. I owe you my life."

"For once I'm glad I was there Kid. Glad I could help you stay alive. The war was foul from start to finish. Knowing I helped made some of the rest of the mess bearable. It really was too much death and suffering. You can repay me by telling me. that I will always be welcome in your home."

"This time I know I speak for Lou too," said Kid. "You are always welcome in my house. You are all family and if Lou and I have a home so do all of you. I guarantee you that won't change as long as we live." The others responded with joyful smiles.

"Teaspoon said "You are the strongest and bravest young men I have seen in many a day."

"Hope we can live up to that" said Cody.

Along with Teaspoon and Buck the McClouds purchased the old Pony Express Station in Sweetwater and became co-owners of a horse ranch and ranch. The ranch was named for McCloud, Cross and Hunter . Jimmy and Cody remained a month to help make repairs and make the house and bunkhouse habitable. Buck lived in a small cabin on the ranch and Teaspoon was there as often as he was at the Sheriff's office.

They also hired a foreman Jose Rodriguez and his family: his wife Maria , a midwife and nurse; his daughter Rosa and; his son Miguel, a rancher. In February of 1866, Lou's brother and sister, Jeremiah and Theresa came to join the family. The days were long and nights short as they worked to repair the ranch and purchase stock. Kid and Buck often worked odd jobs and acted as deputies and occasionally as bounty hunters.

Jeremiah began to court Rosa and they fell deeply in love. Theresa grew close to Buck, although he was reluctant to declare his love for her. As Lou used to do, she occasionally traveled with him dressed as a boy so as not to attract attention. She often visited his niece Lily with him at the reservation. She was one of the few people who knew that Ike McSwain had fathered a son before his death and Noah Dixon had fathered a son prior to his death. She often visited those children with Buck.

By April of 1866 Kid and Lou were expectant parents again. Lou learned she was expecting twins. After returning from the doctor Lou asked Theresa to babysit for the evening.

"Sure, Buck and I aren't leaving until tomorrow."

"You two are growing very close," Lou noted.

"We are," said Theresa. "I love him, and I think he knows it. I also think he loves me. He is just afraid he will complicate my life and I will grow to resent him. The problem is, I don't know how to live without him. For me no other man seems to measure up to Buck Cross"

"I am familiar with your feelings, because that's exactly how I feel about Kid. Just don't give up Theresa."

"I won't, Lou. You raised me better than that. Oh, what did the doctor say to you?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow. We plan to stay in town tonight, but we'll be back first thing in the morning. I've got to find Kid to tell him our plans."

"You haven't told Kid yet?" Theresa just laughed, as Lou headed to the barns.

Lou found Kid in the corral training a horse. "Kid, get cleaned up. We have dinner reservations and we are staying in town tonight."

"Lou," replied Kid, "you will be the death of me yet. You change plans so often. Well, at least this will be fun. OK," replied Kid, "How much time do I have?"

"You haveabout an hour. Our reservation is in about an hour and a half." Kid and Lou made it to the restaurant in town and enjoyed a candlelight dinner. Over dinner Lou took his hand and told Kid they we going to be parents again in late December. She said "We may be having twins this time."

They stopped by the Sheriff's office to tell Teaspoon . Lou said "You're gonna

be a Grandpa again soon." He just grinned from ear to ear.

In September of 1866, the Codys arrived to visit and spent Thanksgiving with their family. On a Sunday evening just before dinner, Paul called out "Riders coming!". Teaspoon and Jimmy rode into the yard with the Codys as Lou and Kid stepped out on the porch. "Look who I found in town," said Teaspoon. "Figured I better bring them home before the got in trouble."

Lou said, "I just put dinner on the table. Just let me add three plates."

"I'll put them on, Lou," responded Buck. "You just sit down."

"Thank you," replied Lou. Cody, don't you want to introduce us to your friend?"

Cody said "Um, she is more than a friend. Louisa and I got married in March and we'll be parents soon." Lou and Louisa immediately became friends.

"Lou, looks like you gained a bit of weight to me," replied Cody.

"Cody! Are you calling me fat? ' Louisa nudged him under the table. "Be nice Billy" said Louisa.

"We will be parents again by first of the year," said Lou giving her mid-section a slight pat. "Twins are due in about a couple of months. So our family is going to become five."

"You've got to be kidding! Our kids are due at the same time," stated Cody.

"What?" chimed Buck and Jimmy as they entered the house.

"Oh boy!" interjected Jimmy. "I know the world is not ready for this. A Cody and two McClouds are due at the same time."

"This world will never be the same," added Buck.

"Aw, come on you know you want to be Uncle Jimmy and Uncle Buck again."

"Yeah right," they said in unison.

"We will be lucky to survive this," replied Jeremiah.

They received telegrams from Rachel and Emma and Sam all promising to try to come for New Year's. The Codys decided to stay until January 2 as their baby was due in mid January. Their home was four hours away by train.

On November 2, Miguel called out "Riders coming pretty fast!" Kid and Buck ran from the barns as Louisa and Lou stepped on the front porch. A wagon pulled to an abrupt stop in the yard and Jimmy and Cody pulled up beside.

"Teaspoon's hurt," said Jimmy. "He was shot in the leg and shoulder by the Pike Gang. He broke his leg and hip in a fall from his horse.

"Why in the world isn't he in town in bed?"

Dr. Hunter jumped down from the wagon. "The stubborn old goat insisted on coming home. Said he might die somewhere else."

"That's true," said Teaspoon. "Besides, I will heal better around my grandson."

"Bring him in and put him in his room," said Lou. "Honestly you men will be the death of me yet. I'm certain the rest of you are going to go chasing the Pike gang. Well, all you be careful and come back in one piece, especially you and Cody, Kid.'

"You mean Kid has your permission to go?" said Cody.

"Why Billy, you didn't ask me to go. Maybe I need you here," stated Louisa.

"Don't start 'Isa," said Cody. "This is not a scouting assignment, so I shouldn't be gone very long."

"You always say that and the you are gone months on end," replied Louisa.

"Isa, Buck, Jeremiah, Miguel and Kid have a ranch to run. They can' t stay away that long."

"OK," said Louisa reluctantly."

"Louisa,we will be careful," said Buck . "We all have many reasons to come home safely." As he spoke Buck smiled at Theresa.

"We leave in an hour," said Jimmy.

The five men swiftly packed their gear and gathered food and water for the chase. Kid held Lou in his arms and reminded her, "Buck is right. You and my little ones are all the reasons I need to come home. Take care of yourself and don' t worry about me," said Kid.

Cody told Isa "I promise to come back as soon as possible. Please take care of yourself and the baby. Rest as much as you can."

Theresa located Buck and made him promise to watch the others and himself." "It wouldn' t be the same here without you' stated Theresa. Buck smiled and replied, "We must talk when I return home."

As the men left Lou, Louisa, Rosa and Theresa stood watching from the porch. They all said in unison "Ride Safely."

It took three days for Jimmy, Cody, Buck, Jeremiah, Miguel and Kid to catch the Pike brothers. They reached the Pikes 'camp around dusk. Dawson, Ethan, Ezra, Judd, and Nelson Pike did not expect to be caught at all. Jimmy and the group decided to surprise the Pikes after they turned in to bed. A violent gun battle ensued.

As the battle was occurring everyone had turned in for the night at the ranch. All of a sudden, simultaneously with the battle, Louise screamed from her bed "Kid! Roll left and shoot now."

Louisa sat up and cried out "Cody roll right and hit that guy in the tree." At the same time, Theresa screamed, "Buck no. no!" and Rosa cried out "Jeremiah!"

"What on earth?" said Teaspoon and Paul. Teaspoon eased into his wheel chair and Paul and Maria followed Rosa as she ran screaming into the main house.

"What is going on," asked Teaspoon

Finally, Lou said' I know Kid just got hurt."

"So did Cody said Isa."

"I can feel it' said Lou.

"Paul," said Teaspoon. "I already sent John for Doc Hunter; I thought Mrs. Louise was in labor. Teaspoon suddenly looked at Rosa and Theresa. "Something is wrong with them and they are miles away."

"Buck and Jeremiah are badly injured," said Lou . "They can feel it and maybe even see their injuries.

"What? inquired Teaspoon,. "This is getting scary. How can they know or see something happening miles away? "

"I have heard of this," responded Paul. "Sometimes, if a man and a woman' s spirit have a very strong connection they feel each other's pain and know when the other is in trouble. Buck taught me this."

Theresa quietly said "We have to help Buck and Jeremiah. Isa and Lou, tell the men to prop Buck in a wagon and give him some of the herbs he uses for pain. Have them cleanse the wound. Wrap the herbs in damp cheese cloth and place it close to the wound in his side."

Rosa said "Have them clean Jere' s head wound thoroughly with boiling water and wrap it with some of Buck' s herbs. Prop him up and keep them both awake. Some one must ride in the wagon with them.

Lou and Louisa closed their eyes and remained still quite a while. Finally, Lou said, 'I know Kid heard me. Hopefully he listened like he usually does.'

Louisa said "Cody heard me . Maybe he will listen to me for a change."

The doctor arrived. When they explained the events to him, he looked skeptical. "I have heard of this, but I'm not sure I believe it. At any rate I will remain here until the men return . My assistant can handle any problems in town. If the men are hurt they will need my care. And you moms need my care now. Sit and relax. Paul or Maria, please make the ladies a cup of tea ."

Meanwhile, the men had heard the women and were a little shaken. Kid said "Lou warned me to roll and shoot, otherwise I would be really hurt. She also told me to help Buck and Jeremiah and told me how.'

Cody looked mystified. "Isa told me to roll and shoot into the tree, and, I don' t think she has ever fired a gun. She also told me how to help Buck and Jeremiah."

"You two are scary," said Jimmy.

Miguel said "Mr. Buck has described this to me. He says a man and woman whose spirits are intertwined with love can sometime communicate without words. We heard the women said to do. We should follow their directions."

The men began to care for Buck and Jeremiah following Louise and Louisa' s directions. Jeremiah slowly regained consciousness murmuring "I'm not leaving you Rosa. I'm on my way home."

Buck. smiled, "Theresa I hear you. Don' t cry. I will sit up and so will Jeremiah. We' ll all be home late tomorrow."

"You heard Theresa and Rosa?" asked Jimmy. "This is too much. Get those Pikes loaded up and let's go home."

Late the next evening the group drew near Sweetwater . Jimmy and Miguel carried the prisoners to town, while Kid and Cody returned to the ranch with the injured Jeremiah and Buck.

Paul called out "Riders coming," and all four women rushed toward the porch. Lou rushed toward Kid as Louisa rushed to the back of the wagon where Cody rode with Jeremiah and Buck.

Isa held Cody and cried. " I knew you were injured. Did you roll and shoot into the tree like I told you to?"

"I sure did honey, and it saved my life. My God, you were there," said Cody.

"Of course I was there," she said. "Our spirits are joined, as Buck would say." Cody merely smiled as he hugged her and said "Yes they are."

Lou had a similar conversation with Kid. "I knew you were hurt and in trouble. Did you do what we told you?"

"We did," responded Kid as he hugged her tight. I could feel you next to me. You never left my side.' said Lou.

Dr. Hunter looked astounded as he confirmed Buck and Jeremiah' s injuries. "I will never doubt your connections or instincts again. Those men are alive because you believed in them and in yourselves. .Mr. McCloud and Mr. Cody, let me examine and treat both of you now. The other men will heal with time. Rosa is with Jeremiah and Theresa is with Mr. Cross.

Jeremiah said "Rosa , I heard you tell me not to leave you. I wouldn't leave, I love you and that bought me home to you. Please marry me when I get well."

Rosa smiled through her tears. I love you too. You, really scared me. You better get well and make me your wife soon. It just wouldn't be the same without you."

Theresa smiled at Buck through tears. "I am happy to see you home."

"No more tears," said Buck as he caressed her cheek. "Your brother, brother in-law and I had quite a talk on the way home."

"Oh no. What have they done?" she wailed.

"Don't worry. They helped me see what I already knew. I have been having a strong internal struggle and you were at the heart of it. My heart calls you name constantly and my mind forbade me to complicate your life or bring you grief and sorrow. They helped me see we will both suffer more if I did not come to you. I love you, but I face so many complications and responsibilities."

"I don't care about responsibility and problems. I love you and will gladly face them with you." cried Theresa.

"Please, marry me when I am better," said Buck

"Oh, yes" cried Theresa, throwing her arms around Buck .

"Just what is this? Why are you in bed with Buck?" asked Kid as he entered the room with Lou.

"Don't start fussing Kid," said Theresa "I'm just hugging my fiancé."

"Wonderful,' said Kid and Lou together. "It's about time,' said Kid.

"Really, said Lou. "I thought we were going to have to have a shot gun wedding."

"Please let me get well first!" said Buck.

The group was together for Thanksgiving . Rachel and her husband Carl Rogers joined them. When she heard the story of the Pikes Rachel made eye contact with Teaspoon. "This group's exploits have not changed and to think they added Jeremiah and Miguel. Well, some things, some people just don' t change, but, it wouldn't be much fun if they did.'

The Friday after Thanksgiving Rosa and Jeremiah were married. The next day Buck and Theresa exchanged vows. Theresa glowed and whispered to Buck, "I have never been happier."

Eric and Mary Lou McCloud and ‘_Cody were born in Sweetwater at the ranch on December 17, 1865. Lou went into labor while Kid was getting supplies from Soda Flats. Jeremiah, Rosa and Theresa were in town shopping. Buck and Maria stayed with Lou while Teaspoon went for the doctor.

"Stay with her," Teaspoon told Buck.

"What!" cried Buck. "You have got to be kidding!"

"No. I' ve gotta stand in for the Kid."

"Oh gee, thanks," muttered Buck.

"Buck! screamed Lou as a contraction hit, "I want Kid."

"He' ll be here real soon," said Buck. I'll stay with you till he gets back."

"Then make yourself useful," said Maria.

"Anything," replied Buck, "if it means I can leave this room."

"Get some clean sheets, hot water and two leather buggy straps. Clean the straps," ordered Lou . "Don't you dare bring them in my house dirty. And, hurry up and get back in here," directed Lou.

"Kid better hurry up and get back here," grumbled Buck, and Teaspoon too for that matter. "I'd rather muck the stalls and scrub the barn" grumbled Buck.

"You'll survive," replied Maria.

"That' s what you think," groused Buck.

Meanwhile, Teaspoon was riding at breakneck speed to meet Kid on the road home from Soda Flats. Kid was driving a buckboard loaded with supplies. He had taken Cody and Louisa to the train depot. They had planned to head home, but the train was delayed and the Codys would have to wait a week.

About twenty five miles from Sweetwater, Cody shouted "Kid, there' s a rider coming mighty fast."

"What the heck is going on?" asked Kid. "That's Katie and Teaspoon is riding her."

Teaspoon pulled up breathless, and said," Kid, sorry about this, but Louise went into labor. Son, she needs you home pronto. Buck and Maria are there and Doc Snyder was on the way, but they won't be able to keep her calm long. She'll raise the roof off the ranch."

Cody said, "Are we talking about the unflappable Louise McCloud?"

"Hush Cody, said Louisa as she nudged him in the ribs. "Having babies is scary and we're next." Kid merely switched places with Teaspoon and turned Katy around. By the time Teaspoon climbed aboard the wagon, Kid was riding hard toward the ranch.

"Ride safe," said Cody and Teaspoon.

Louisa smiled. "Lou said everyone around the express station used to say that. It' s kind of comforting."

"Old habits die hard," responded Teaspoon with a smile. "Cody, for once you did something right. You married a wonderful Lady."

"You'll get no argument from me. Let's get to the ranch. This ought to be fun," said Cody.

"I don't think so," cried Louisa. "Cody, I think I'm in labor."

"Not now Isa, you can' t be serious."

"I can' t help it; this baby is coming! Get us to the ranch."

Kid was back at the ranch within two hours and he ran in the house straight toward the bedroom. He could hear Buck calmly telling Lou over her cries ,"I know it hurts but focus and breathe deeply, Lou."

As the contraction ceased Lou sobbed, "I want Kid!"

"I'm here sweetheart," said Kid. "Breathe deeply like Buck said."

Buck smiled and gave Kid's shoulder a nudge. "Good luck man."

Kid replied, "Hold on man,."

"I'll walk out with you . I can't stay in here," said Buck as he headed for the door .

"Don't you dare leave this room, Kid," shrieked Lou as she hurled a vase at him.

He ducked as he caught the vase and said "Now, settle down sweetheart."

"Don't you leave," she screamed as she opened the night stand drawer and drew out a pistol.

"Now Mrs. McCloud, what do you plan to do with that?" asked the doctor.

"Shoot him if he touches that door knob'," shouted Lou.

"Now, Mrs. Louise you don' t want to..." said Maria. '

"I will shouted Lou.

"Enough!" roared Kid. "I'll stay here but you give me that gun before you hurt yourself and the baby."

Lou cried as a contraction hit and the gun discharged. Kid and Buck both ducked and dropped to the floor. Buck rolled over and patted Kid's shoulder,. "Have patience brother," he said. "This is hard for both of you. Let me see if I can help."

"Lou said Buck firmly, "Stop it before someone gets hurt. That shot was too close for comfort. Now I'm coming over there to get that gun. "

Lou handed Buck the gun. He instantly left the room with it. Kid stepped behind Lou to support her shoulders. She instantly grabbed his hand and yanked as a contraction hit. "Breathe deeply , you're doing just fine replied Kid.'

"You know, Mr. Kid you should be downstairs," said Maria.

"Oh, no." replied Kid, "I don't have a death wish. Lou will never forgive me if I leave this room. I have to live with her after you all leave and she is a crack shot. I know it's unorthodox but we have to do this our way. I've come this far and I guess I have to see it to the end."

Several hours later with Jeremiah, Rosa Buck and Theresa sat in the kitchen . Lou's cries could be heard downstairs.. Teaspoon tore into the yard with Cody and Louisa. Cody! Screamed Louisa as a pain hit. Put her in the guest room said Teaspoon. I' ll let the

doctor know he is needed downstairs said Theresa.

"My goodness, they must be exhausted," said Buck, as Lou screamed again. "She has been in labor most of the day and half the night."

At that moment Louisa also screamed. "Get the doctor," shouted Cody.

"Oh no! Here comes a show," said Teaspoon.

Just then Jimmy walked in. "What? No greeting? What's up around here? Suddenly I had an overwhelming need to pay a visit."

"Well," said Teaspoon, "Three babies are making an appearance."

"You have got to be kidding!" said Jimmy. Just then they heard a thump from the guest room.

"Not another 'incident,'" said Buck.

"What incident?" asked Teaspoon.

"I'll tell you later," said Buck. "Louisa? Cody? Are you OK?" asked Buck as he tentatively opened the door.

"Isa, give me that knife and let my sleeve go," fumed Cody.

"No you might leave the room."

"I will leave if you don't!" shouted Cody.

"Mr and Mrs. Cody," began Dr. Hunter. "This is not good for the mother or the baby."

"I don't care," said Isa. "He' s not leaving me this time. I'm not letting him out of my sight."

"Not again," said Buck. "Louisa, give me the knife. I know you don't want him

to leave, but he'll be no good if he is hurt."

"Ah!!" screamed Louisa as she threw the knife and it stuck in the door.

"That's it" shouted Cody. "Isa , I'll stay. Just relax," said Cody as he put his arms around her. He handed Buck the knives. "Get these out of here now, please."

"Gladly," said Buck. "I'm going back to the kitchen."

Teaspoon entered the kitchen and looked at the gun and knives lying on the kitchen table oddly. "Um, Buck, you expecting robbers or thieves?"

"Not exactly, I took the gun from Lou after she shot at us. Actually she waved it during a contraction and it went off."

Teaspoon said, "I know I shouldn't ask, but, why?"

"Because Kid was going to leave the room. And Louisa threw knives, when Cody tried to leave the room."

"You mean they're holding the men hostage?" asked Jeremiah.

"Not exactly," said Buck blandly. "Kid just figured he was safest in there. He has to live with Lou and she is a crack shot you know. It turns out Louisa is an expert knife thrower and Cody values his skin." By that time Teaspoon was doubled over laughing until tears ran down his face.

"Cody should have sold tickets this time," howled Jimmy. By then, Buck had joined Teaspoon and Jimmy in the laughter.

"You should have seen the look on poor Kid's face," cried Buck. "It was classic! Kid and Lou. Cody and Louisa were no better. They are a mess too."

Shortly Kid and Cody emerged to announce "We are fathers." Kid held Eric and Mary Lou for everyone to see and said "Louise is tired but she is all right."

"So is Louisa," said Cody. "And this is..." said Cody."

Eric McCloud was born at 11:45 and Mary Louise was born five minutes later. Cody was born at 11:55 p.m.

The next generation had begun and would continue in the style of their parents. They would be strong and brave young men and women. They would tell the stories of the Young Riders and their exploits as they blazed their own amazing paths through life.