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Meet The Cast
Blue's Clue's

This is Steve. Blue's friend. He is the star of the show besides Blue. He always wears green. I like Steve because that is my Daddy's name.

This is Steve and Blue's House. I wish I could live there. I think it would be so much fun.

This is Magenta. She is Blue's friend too. She looks a lot like Blue doesn't she. I like her a lot. She isn't on the show that much but when she is I get so excited when Magenta comes over.

Mailbox yes that is my name. I am in the show every week. I come and bring Steve and Blue mail. Sometimes I delvier a clue.

We are the Felt Friends. We live in a frame on the wall in Steve and Blue's house. We make lots of neat stuff with them. They are silly and make me giggle.. hee hee hee.

Shovel and Pail are our names. Playing with Blue is our game. We live outside in the garden and are always curious to find and examine new and different things! Do you know which episode is our favorite? Yes you got it! When we got to play Jack-n-Jill.

We are Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper. We are always in the kitchen. The show we like the best is making race cars with food. Below is our baby Paprika. Isn't she adorable?

I am Tickety Clock. I help Steve and Blue tell time.

I am Slippery Soap. I live in the bathroom on the sink. I like making bubbles for Blue and Steve.

Shhh... I am Snail and you can find me three times in every episode but shhhh it's supposed to be a secret! You'll have to look hard to find me!

This is our thinking chair. And once we find our 3 Clue's we get to sit in this chair to figure out what I want to do.

My Blue's Clue's Page
My Blue's Clue Game
Hall of Fame