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The sound of children's laughter echoes off of the cavern walls.
Faded scribbles and drawings adorn the stones, as if children played here long ago.
A secret hiding place perhaps, that little ones used to escape
the overbearing presence of adults.
Skeletal remains of toys long forgotten lay partially buried in the dirt floor.

The following story is dedicated to kids of all ages.
We, as parents, should especially take note!

The inspiration of this story is Troy,
who was hit by a car on July 21,1996,
while riding his bike home at approximatley 8:30 p.m.
We got a phone-call that NO parent should have to receive!!
We have a picture of Troy looking at his helmet, as printed in the newspaper on July 23,1996,
while he was in the hospital.
Click here to see his picture.
Now on with the story

ONCE UPON A TIME.......ya right, here we go again!!

Heehee ok.... Once upon a time, when witches could fly the kids were upset that they weren't allowed to use the brooms.

So of course, being as smart as they were, the kids investigated and constructed their own means of transportation.
What they constructed at the time was the best and it was "boss".

(Oh, heehee, I was just told that the expression is "it's the bomb")

Really?? Huh - go figure!
All the kids in the world soon learned to ride and love the new invention. They were free at last and could go anywhere they wanted at the speed of well, really fast anyway.
This new invention was, of course, a bit scarey to both adults and animals alike.

Soon enough all the adults and even the animals were learning to ride and enjoy the bicycle.
Time passed, as it always does, and accidents began to happen.
Some were just little bang-ups, others were major.
The adults had to do something to save people from being in accidents,
so they invented hand-signals.

Everyone all over the world had to learn the hand-signals by heart.
Yup, kids, adults and even the animals had to learn them.
Well, heehee, I don't think the animals learned them.
You ever see a cat use hand-signals to cross the street??

Things went well for many, many years - at least that's what we've been told.
No one ever heard much about bike accidents anymore,
until people were getting killed on their bicycles.
Broken bones could heal but what about the head injuries?
So, of course, the adults came up with another invention called the helmet.
these things are gross and they mess up my hair-do!
Helmets save lives - so wear one ALWAYS!
besides they don't look that bad.

Start a trend: be cool - wear a helmet!
and remember your hand-signals.



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