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Miss A Kournikova beat Miss H Sukova 2-6 6-2 6-3

Q. What does it feel like to be in the quarter-finals of Wimbledon?
A. I feel unbelievable right now. I feel very happy, and I'm very happy with the way I played today. I mean, it's unbelievable. I'm very happy.

Q. Beating Helena, is that a sort of special thing?
A. Yes, she's a very experienced person. She's played long on the tour and she has a great game for the grass. She comes to the net all the time, and she played very well today. But, at the end, you know, I returned some serves, starting to return. She served very well today, but it's a good win for me.

Q. And you have Majoli in the next round?
A. She won?

Q. She's won, yes.
A. We've never played before, no singles, no doubles, so that's going to be a new match, an interesting match for me, a new match.

Q. It seems as if in every match it takes you a while to get used to your opponent here. Is that what's happening out there?
A. No, not really. It's just that, you know, I waited today six hours before I got on the court. I was supposed to play second match at 11.00, and I've been waiting since 12.00 until - you know, we didn't get another chance to practise. So I just got on the court, and I didn't feel it really well. And I had a long match before me.

Q. Have you been nervous before the match because of the waiting?
A. No, I wasn't nervous because of the waiting, or nervous at all. I just didn't get any feel of the court before, or, you know, didn't get right there.

Q. Has this given you the confidence to maybe go all the way?
A. Well, you know, I'm happy to be through this round and I'm looking forward to the next one.

Q. Are you playing the best tennis you've ever played?
A. Well, maybe not the best tennis, but I'm playing good tennis. I'm happy how I'm playing right now.

Q. Why do you think both you and Martina Hingis have had a lot of success at early ages? Do you think there are any advantages that younger players have against older players in an arena like this?
A. That's a hard question. I don't really know that. But I don't know, you know, maybe because we are, you know, fresh, we've come to the tour and, you know, have the desire maybe to play, you know.

Q. You've just played now an older player and a very young player. If you had to choose between going up against a very young player or a very old player, which would you choose?
A. Well, in both there are advantages. One has experience, which you can never get, you know, by being young, and the other one has probably freshness and the ability to, you know, not be scared, or anything, to just go out there and do your thing.

Q. When you won the match, you did a little push thing like this. Where did you get that from?
A. Nowhere, I just won a match, I was happy.

Q. This has been associated with a dance in America.
A. Dance?

Q. Yes.
A. I don't know. Good to know.

Q. It has been said that you have a propensity sometimes to get down in matches, and you had to come back in the last couple of them, and you realise that, as you advance it will be harder to come back against better players. How do you guard against that, going into the next few rounds, if you get that far?
A. Well, I'm not trying to go down on purpose and then come back, that's for sure. But, you know, it's just - it wasn't easy for me, these rounds. I played against very good players, and, I mean, tough matches, so I hope that my next match I'm not going to go like that, down in the beginning. I hope to start good, and we'll see.

Q. Do you have any information on how your success at Wimbledon is received in Moscow, in Russia?
A. No.

Q. Off the court, Anna, what have you enjoyed, the one thing you've enjoyed most about being in London?
A. Well, it's my first time, you know, that I've been walking around London, and, you know, just looking, because I've been here twice before, but I played juniors, so I didn't have much time, we came here only for one week. In the beginning of last week, I walked around and it's really a beautiful city. I mean, it's really beautiful. It's very ancient, antique.

Q. Do you have any free time for going out?
A. Going out where?

Q. At night, go out.
A. I think I'm leaving from here every day about 9.00, and I'm waking up at, you know, like 8.00. So I don't have time for that now.

Q. Do you think you've done better than you expected to do in this year's tournament?
A. Well, I didn't put any goals before me when I came here. I didn't expect I'd go win the first round, get to the third round. I didn't put any goals, just went out there and looked at all of the matches, and, you know, just took a match at a time, and I'm still doing that, really, you know, getting ready for each match as well as I can.

Q. So you're not at the stage where you're thinking sort of, "Wow, look how far I've got"?
A. Well, of course I am very happy right now, but I didn't set any goals for me.

Q. Anything special you would like to improve in your game?
A. I think I have to get experience, you know, by playing. Other than that, it really comes with years playing.