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Krista's last page

I thought I would leave you with a really big picture of myself just to remind you (if you really needed reminding) of just how beautiful I am, hope you like it!

Well thats all from Kristucitis I'm afraid, this webdesign is hard work I'm off for some milk 'n' cookies but I hope you enjoyed visiting my world and I really hope that you will come back again soon and see how my site progresses, but for now from me its time for telly bye byes!
Krista xx


"Quite the most delicious thing I've ever tasted"
-Egon Ronays good food guide.

"This is pure NATO propoganda!"
-Slobodan Milosovic.

"I have no knowledge of any of this."
-Dir Gen of the CIA.

"She seems like a nice girl."
-Monica Lewinsky.

"Yet another example of evil western Imperialism!"
-Saddam Hussein.

"she's not a friend of Monicas is she?"
-Pres Bill Clinton.

"No I won't give her a Knighthood!"
-HM Queen Elizabeth II.

"I am perfectly happy this site poses no threat to the peace and stability of the United States."
-Madeline Albright.

"Eh ho!"
-The Teletubbies.

"This is better than basketball!"
-Michael Jordan.

"Does anybody own the movie rights?"
-George Lucas.

"Quite the most astounding site we've ever seen!"
-The Angelfire team.

"I don't care what it takes I've got to have her on my show."
-Larry King.

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A dreamer lives for eternity.

This site was designed and constructed by miss Krista Elizabeth Shepherd (age 6) and any claims by her father Mr Nicholas Anthony Shepherd to have helped in any whatsoever are entirely false....
Inspirational poems curtesy of Susan Polis Schultz from the book 'Don't ever give up your dreams.'

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